Partecipa all’ultimo dibattito online del Mese del mercato unico sul commercio elettronico: in chat il Presidente Barroso
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Data documento: 11-10-2013
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Join the final Single Market Month on-line debate on e-commerce and chat with President Barroso
Partecipa all’ultimo dibattito online del Mese del mercato unico sul commercio elettronico: in chat il Presidente Barroso
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Monday 14 October will mark the opening of the fourth and final round of live, interactive online debates – this time on e-commerce - between citizens, businesses, organisations, and policy makers in the framework of Single Market Month.
Lunedì 14 ottobre prenderà il via il quarto e ultimo round di dibattiti online, interattivi e in tempo reale – questa volta sul tema del commercio elettronico – a cui parteciperanno cittadini, imprese, organizzazioni e responsabili politici nell’ambito del Mese del mercato unico.
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This is an opportunity for citizens and stakeholders to make proposals for the future of the EU, and to debate these proposals online, in real time, with other citizens, stakeholders, officials and leaders, and experts from all over Europe.
I cittadini e le parti interessate hanno l’opportunità di presentare proposte per il futuro dell’Unione e di discuterle in diretta online con altri cittadini, parti interessate, funzionari, dirigenti ed esperti di tutta l’Europa.
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The Commission is again taking to the web in order to involve citizens and civil society groups in its policy agenda.
La Commissione sarà nuovamente sul web per far partecipare alla sua agenda politica i cittadini e le organizzazioni della società civile.
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The online forum offers stakeholders a unique and immediate line of communication to Brussels policymakers.
Il forum online mette a disposizione dei soggetti interessati una linea diretta di comunicazione con i decisori politici di Bruxelles.
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Throughout Single Market Month, the forum has been hosting successive debates on four themes: Jobs, Social Rights, Banks, and e-Commerce, in all 24 EU languages.
Nell’ambito del Mese del mercato unico, il forum affronta in successione quattro temi: occupazione, diritti sociali, banche e commercio elettronico. I dibattiti si svolgono in tutte le 24 lingue dell’Unione europea.
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Commissioner for Internal Market and Services Michel Barnier said:
Michel Barnier, Commissario responsabile per il Mercato interno e i servizi, ha dichiarato:
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"Buying, selling and communicating on-line brings many opportunities to businesses and consumers. However, many obstacles remain:
“La possibilità di acquistare, vendere e comunicare online rappresenta una grande opportunità per le imprese e i consumatori, ma restano ancora molti ostacoli:
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it can be tricky for online sellers to know their duties in terms of VAT and data protection, for example. Meanwhile, online shoppers all too often find that they are redirected to the website of their country of origin where they do not have access to the same offers, or that their foreign bank card is refused at the point of payment.
per esempio, per chi vende online può essere complicato conoscere gli obblighi in materia di IVA o di protezione dei dati, mentre chi acquista online troppo spesso viene reindirizzato verso il sito web del proprio paese di origine che però non dà accesso alle stesse offerte o non accetta la carta di credito estera al momento del pagamento.
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I invite everybody to highlight such obstacles and put forward their suggestions for improvements in the coming days.
Invito tutti a segnalare questi ostacoli nei prossimi giorni e a presentare suggerimenti per migliorare il commercio elettronico.
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I firmly believe that ideas from the ground are a source of inspiration for us here in Brussels when it comes to identifying remaining barriers in the Single Market and where the EU has to act to make their lives easier."
Sono fermamente convinto che le idee provenienti dal basso sono fonte di ispirazione per noi, qui a Bruxelles, quando dobbiamo individuare le barriere che ancora restano nel mercato unico e agire per facilitare la vita dei cittadini.”
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The debates will run from Monday to Wednesday (14-16 October) on more than 100 policy proposals on e-commerce from 24 countries already submitted by "netizens", ranging from a proposal to allow unrestricted access to music, books and movies online across the entire European Union, to an initiative that would create a quick-reaction mechanism for cases of manufacturers, suppliers or distributors not fulfilling their obligations of delivery of goods across borders in the EU.
Il dibattito si svolgerà da lunedì 14 a mercoledì 16 ottobre e riguarderà più di 100 proposte politiche sul commercio elettronico provenienti da 24 paesi, già presentate dai cittadini-internauti: dalla proposta di poter accedere senza restrizioni alla musica, ai libri e ai film online in tutta l’Unione europea, all’iniziativa di creare un meccanismo di reazione rapida nel caso in cui un fabbricante, un venditore o un distributore non rispetti gli obblighi relativi alla consegna di beni in un altro paese dell’UE.
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In addition, 26 live chat sessions in 14 different languages will take place online, with speakers from civil society as well as the EU institutions.
Saranno inoltre organizzate 26 sessioni di chat dal vivo, in 14 lingue diverse, con rappresentanti della società civile e delle istituzioni dell’UE.
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Commission President José Manuel Barroso will hold the concluding live chat of Single Market Month on 16 October.
Il Presidente della Commissione José Manuel Barroso parteciperà il 16 ottobre alla chat dal vivo che chiude il Mese del mercato unico.
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When the four weeks of debate on the four policy areas have concluded, a televised debate gathering the threads from all these discussions will take place on 23 October, broadcast on Euronews.
Alla fine delle quattro settimane di dibattiti sulle quattro politiche, il 23 ottobre sarà trasmesso su Euronews un dibattito televisivo che trarrà le fila di tutte le discussioni.
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Five participants from the preceding four weeks of debate will be invited to this final debate with Commissioner Barnier where they will present their ideas to change Europe.
Cinque partecipanti ai dibattiti delle quattro precedenti settimane saranno invitati a questo confronto finale con il Commissario Barnier, durante il quale potranno presentare le loro idee per cambiare l’Europa.
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Single Market Month is taking place online on the over the course of 4 successive weeks, with a different policy theme explored each week:
Il mese del mercato unico si svolge online sul sito per quattro settimane consecutive, in ognuna delle quali si affronta un tema diverso:
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- 23-25 September, on jobs: How to find work, set up a business, or get qualifications recognised in Europe?
- dal 23 al 25 settembre, l’occupazione: come trovare lavoro, come avviare un’impresa o ottenere il riconoscimento del proprio titolo di studio in Europa?
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- 30 September-2 October, on social rights: What social protection rights exist in the EU Single Market, in terms of pensions, healthcare, public services…?
- dal 30 settembre al 2 ottobre, i diritti sociali: quali sono i diritti di previdenza sociale nel mercato unico dell’UE (pensioni, assistenza sanitaria, servizi pubblici)?
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- 7-9 October, on banks: What more could be done to protect deposits, prevent another financial crisis, and make sure that banks invest in the real economy to foster growth?
- dal 7 al 9 ottobre, le banche: cosa si potrebbe fare ancora per proteggere i risparmi, prevenire un’altra crisi finanziaria e spingere le banche a investire nell’economia reale per stimolare la crescita?
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- 14-16 October, on e-commerce: How easy is it to sell products online, or buy them and get them delivered across borders as a customer?
- dal 14 al 16 ottobre, il commercio elettronico:vendere o comprare prodotti online e farseli consegnare in un altro paese è facile?
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How protected are the data people share on social networking sites?
In che misura sono protetti i dati che le persone si scambiano sui siti delle reti sociali?
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Single Market Month provides a unique opportunity for Europe's "netizens" to comment on, challenge, and refine new policy ideas put forward online from the ground.
Il mese del mercato unico offre ai cittadini-internauti un’opportunità unica di commentare, criticare e migliorare le idee nuove presentate online da chi ha un’esperienza diretta “sul campo”.
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It offers participants a number of ways to interact with policy makers.They can:
I partecipanti potranno interagire con i decisori politici in vari modi, ad esempio:
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- vote and comment on the policy submissions of individuals, organisations and businesses,
- potranno votare e commentare le strategie presentate da individui, organizzazioni e imprese;
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- question and debate with Commissioners, MEPs, EU experts and national personalities through live video chats; around 80 of these live chat sessions are scheduled during the month of debates,
- potranno porre domande e discutere con Commissari, eurodeputati, esperti dell’UE e personalità nazionali chattando in diretta video (sono previste 80 chat dal vivo durante tutto il mese);
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- Five participants will be invited to a final debate with Commissioner Michel Barnier on Euronews on 23 October at the European Parliament in Strasburg.
- cinque partecipanti saranno invitati a un dibattito televisivo finale con il Commissario Michel Barnier che sarà trasmesso su Euronews il 23 ottobre dal Parlamento europeo a Strasburgo.
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Ideas can still be submitted as of now on the online platform.
Sulla piattaforma online si possono inviare idee a partire da ora:
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Nearly 750 ideas submitted by stakeholders and individuals are published on the website www.yourideasforeurope.eu .
le parti interessate e singoli cittadini hanno già fatto pervenire quasi 750 idee, pubblicate sul sito www.yourideasforeurope.eu.
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These ideas were opened for debate on 23 September for the ideas on jobs, on 30 September for the ideas on social rights, and on 7 October for the ideas on banks, and will open on 14 October for the ideas on e-commerce.
Il primo dibattito sulle idee in tema di occupazione si è aperto il 23 settembre, il 30 settembre è iniziato quello sui diritti sociali, il 7 ottobre quello sulle banche e il 14 ottobre sarà la volta di quello sul commercio elettronico.
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Independent moderators will summarise the results of these debates – the ideas that participants think can change Europe. They will also be written into a final report that will be published and may feed into the EU’s work of tomorrow.
I risultati delle discussioni, cioè le idee che secondo i partecipanti possono cambiare l’Europa, saranno riassunti da moderatori indipendenti e inseriti in una relazione finale che sarà pubblicata e potrà ispirare il futuro lavoro dell’UE.
Join the final Single Market Month on-line debate on e-commerce and chat
with President Barroso
Monday 14 October will mark the opening of the fourth and final round
of live, interactive online debates – this time on e-commerce - between
citizens, businesses, organisations, and policy makers in the framework of
Single Market Month.
This is an opportunity for citizens and stakeholders to make proposals
for the future of the EU, and to debate these proposals online, in real time,
with other citizens, stakeholders, officials and leaders, and experts from all
over Europe.
The Commission is again taking to the web in order to involve citizens
and civil society groups in its policy agenda.
The online forum offers stakeholders a unique and immediate line of
communication to Brussels policymakers.
Throughout Single Market Month, the forum has been hosting successive
debates on four themes: Jobs, Social Rights, Banks, and e-Commerce, in all 24 EU
Commissioner for Internal Market and Services Michel Barnier said:
"Buying, selling and communicating on-line brings many opportunities to
businesses and consumers. However, many obstacles remain:
it can be tricky for online sellers to know their duties in terms of
VAT and data protection, for example. Meanwhile, online shoppers all too often
find that they are redirected to the website of their country of origin where
they do not have access to the same offers, or that their foreign bank card is
refused at the point of payment.
I invite everybody to highlight such obstacles and put forward their
suggestions for improvements in the coming days.
I firmly believe that ideas from the ground are a source of inspiration
for us here in Brussels when it comes to identifying remaining barriers in the
Single Market and where the EU has to act to make their lives easier."
The debates will run from Monday to Wednesday (14-16 October) on more
than 100 policy proposals on e-commerce from 24 countries already submitted by
"netizens", ranging from a proposal to allow unrestricted access to music, books
and movies online across the entire European Union, to an initiative that would
create a quick-reaction mechanism for cases of manufacturers, suppliers or
distributors not fulfilling their obligations of delivery of goods across
borders in the EU.
In addition, 26 live chat sessions in 14 different languages will take place
online, with speakers from civil society as well as the EU institutions.
Commission President José Manuel Barroso will hold the concluding live
chat of Single Market Month on 16 October.
When the four weeks of debate on the four policy areas have concluded,
a televised debate gathering the threads from all these discussions will take
place on 23 October, broadcast on Euronews.
Five participants from the preceding four weeks of debate will be
invited to this final debate with Commissioner Barnier where they will present
their ideas to change Europe.
Single Market Month is taking place online on the over the course of 4
successive weeks, with a different policy theme explored each week:
- 23-25 September, on jobs: How to find work, set up a business, or get
qualifications recognised in Europe?
- 30 September-2 October, on social rights: What social protection
rights exist in the EU Single Market, in terms of pensions, healthcare, public
- 7-9 October, on banks: What more could be done to protect deposits,
prevent another financial crisis, and make sure that banks invest in the real
economy to foster growth?
- 14-16 October, on e-commerce: How easy is it to sell products online,
or buy them and get them delivered across borders as a customer?
How protected are the data people share on social networking sites?
Single Market Month provides a unique opportunity for Europe's
"netizens" to comment on, challenge, and refine new policy ideas put forward
online from the ground.
It offers participants a number of ways to interact with policy
makers.They can:
- vote and comment on the policy submissions of individuals,
organisations and businesses,
- question and debate with Commissioners, MEPs, EU experts and national
personalities through live video chats; around 80 of these live chat sessions
are scheduled during the month of debates,
- Five participants will be invited to a final debate with Commissioner
Michel Barnier on Euronews on 23 October at the European Parliament in
Ideas can still be submitted as of now on the online platform.
Nearly 750 ideas submitted by stakeholders and individuals are
published on the website
These ideas were opened for debate on 23 September for the ideas on
jobs, on 30 September for the ideas on social rights, and on 7 October for the
ideas on banks, and will open on 14 October for the ideas on e-commerce.
Independent moderators will summarise the results of these debates –
the ideas that participants think can change Europe. They will also be written
into a final report that will be published and may feed into the EU’s work of
tomorrow. |