La Corte conferma l’ordinanza del Tribunale che aveva dichiarato irricevibile il ricorso per l’annullamento del regolamento sul commercio dei prodotti derivati dalla foca
Inglese tratto da:
Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 03-10-2013
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The Court confirms the order of the General Court on the inadmissibility of the action for annulment of the regulation on trade in seal products
La Corte conferma l’ordinanza del Tribunale che aveva dichiarato irricevibile il ricorso per l’annullamento del regolamento sul commercio dei prodotti derivati dalla foca
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The less stringent admissibility rules introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon cannot be applied to legislative acts
Le disposizioni sulla ricevibilità introdotte dal Trattato di Lisbona, meno restrittive, non sono applicabili agli atti legislativi
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The regulation on trade in seal products (‘the basic regulation’) permits, as a general rule, the placing of such products on the European market only where they result from hunts traditionally conducted by Inuit and other indigenous communities and contribute to their subsistence.
Il regolamento sul commercio dei prodotti derivati dalla foca («regolamento di base») autorizza, in via generale, l’immissione sul mercato dell’Unione di tali prodotti solo quando essi provengano da forme di caccia tradizionalmente praticate dalle comunità Inuit e da altre comunità indigene a fini di sussistenza.
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Taking the view that that rule adversely affects their economic interests, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, an association representing the interests of Canadian Inuits, and a number of other parties (seal product manufacturers and traders of various nationalities) applied to the General Court for the annulment of the basic regulation.
Ritenendo che tale norma arrechi pregiudizio ai propri interessi economici, la Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, un’associazione rappresentativa degli interessi degli Inuit canadesi, nonché taluni altri soggetti (produttori e commercianti, di varie nazionalità, di prodotti derivati dalla foca) hanno chiesto al Tribunale di annullare il regolamento di base.
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By its order of 6 September 2011, the General Court dismissed the action as being inadmissible.
Con ordinanza del 6 settembre 2011, il Tribunale ha respinto detto ricorso in quanto irricevibile.
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The General Court held that the basic regulation was a legislative act which could be challenged by natural and legal persons only on the twofold condition that the act should be of direct and individual concern to them.
Il Tribunale ha constatato che il regolamento di base costituiva un atto legislativo, impugnabile dalle persone fisiche o giuridiche soltanto alla duplice condizione che le riguardasse direttamente e individualmente.
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In this case, those conditions of admissibility were not satisfied.
Orbene, nel caso di specie, tali requisiti di ricevibilità non risultavano soddisfatti.
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In that context, the General Court stated that the new rule introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon (which came into force on 1 December 2009) which enables those persons to challenge certain acts of general application, even when such acts are not of individual concern, applied only to regulatory acts and not to legislative acts.
Al riguardo, il Tribunale ha precisato che la nuova regola introdotta dal Trattato di Lisbona (entrato in vigore il 1° dicembre 2009), che consente a tali soggetti di impugnare alcuni atti di portata generale anche quando non li riguardano individualmente, è applicabile solo agli atti regolamentari e non agli atti legislativi.
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Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and other parties concerned brought an appeal against the order of the General Court.
La Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami e altri interessati hanno impugnato l’ordinanza.
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Since the General Court’s order and the appeal relate only to the admissibility of the action brought by those parties, the Court of Justice has also been called upon in this case to rule on that issue.
Dato che tanto l’ordinanza quanto l’impugnazione vertono unicamente sulla ricevibilità del ricorso di tali soggetti, a sua volta anche la Corte di giustizia è chiamata, nella presente causa, a pronunciarsi sulla medesima questione.
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In its judgment delivered today, the Court finds, first, that, as a general rule, just as before the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, a natural or legal person may institute proceedings against any European Union act which produces binding legal effects where that act is addressed to that person or is of direct and individual concern to him.
Nell’odierna sentenza, la Corte rileva anzitutto che, in via generale, come già avveniva prima dell’entrata in vigore del Trattato di Lisbona, le persone fisiche o giuridiche possono proporre ricorso contro qualsiasi atto dell’Unione produttivo di effetti giuridici obbligatori del quale siano destinatarie o che le riguardi direttamente e individualmente.
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In that regard, the Court states that those acts may be individual acts, such as a decision addressed to a person, or acts of general application, which include both legislative acts, such as the basic regulation, and regulatory acts.
A tal riguardo, la Corte sottolinea che può trattarsi di atti individuali (quale una decisione indirizzata a una persona)oppure di atti di portata generale, che includono sia gli atti legislativi (quale il regolamento di base) sia gli atti regolamentari.
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In that context, the Court recalls that, since the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, some acts of general application may be challenged before the Courts of the European Union by natural and legal persons without their being obliged to satisfy the condition of individual concern.
In tale contesto, la Corte rammenta che, a partire dall’entrata in vigore del Trattato di Lisbona, taluni atti di portata generale possono essere impugnati dalle suddette persone dinanzi ai giudici dell’Unione senza che queste debbano soddisfare il requisito dell’incidenza individuale.
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However, the Treaty states unequivocally that those less stringent admissibility rules apply only to a more restricted category of those acts, namely the category of regulatory acts.
Tuttavia, il Trattato precisa inequivocabilmente che tali regole di ricevibilità meno restrittive si applicano soltanto a una categoria più ristretta dei suddetti atti, segnatamente a quella degli atti regolamentari.
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Accordingly, as the General Court correctly stated, legislative acts, which, although they may also be of general application, are not covered by the concept of regulatory acts, continue therefore to be subject to more stringent admissibility rules.
Di conseguenza, come giustamente dichiarato dal Tribunale, gli atti legislativi, che, sebbene abbiano anch’essi portata generale, non sono inclusi tra gli atti regolamentari, continuano ad essere soggetti a regole di ricevibilità più restrittive.
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Next, the Court states that the admissibility rules relating to actions brought against legislative acts, and in particular the content of the condition of individual concern, were not altered by the Treaty of Lisbon.
La Corte precisa poi che le regole di ricevibilità relative ai ricorsi proposti contro gli atti legislativi, ed in particolare il tenore del requisito dell’incidenza individuale, non sono state modificate dal Trattato di Lisbona.
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In that context, the General Court correctly ruled that the appellants involved did not satisfy, at the least, one of the two conditions of admissibility applicable to them, namely that of individual concern.
Pertanto, il Tribunale ha correttamente dichiarato che i ricorrenti non soddisfacevano quanto meno uno dei due requisiti di ricevibilità ad essi applicabili, in particolare quello dell’incidenza individuale.
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Since the prohibition on the placing of seal products on the market laid down in the basic regulation is worded in general terms, it applies indiscriminately to any trader falling within its scope, and is not directed specifically at the appellants.
Infatti, il divieto di immissione sul mercato di prodotti derivati dalla foca stabilito nel regolamento di base, essendo formulato in termini generali, si applica indistintamente a qualunque operatore economico che rientri nell’ambito di applicazione di quest’ultimo, senza essere specificamente rivolto ai ricorrenti.
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Last, the Court holds that the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union does not require that an individual should have an unconditional entitlement to bring an action for annulment of European Union legislative acts directly before the Courts of the European Union.
Infine, la Corte dichiara che la Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione europea non esige che un singolo possa proporre in modo incondizionato un ricorso di annullamento contro gli atti legislativi dell’Unione direttamente dinanzi al giudice dell’Unione.
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In that context, the Court states that judicial review of compliance with the European Union legal order is ensured by the Court of Justice and the courts and tribunals of the Member States.
In tale contesto, la Corte ricorda che il controllo giurisdizionale del rispetto dell’ordinamento giuridico dell’Unione è assicurato dalla Corte e dagli organi giurisdizionali degli Stati membri.
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Where responsibility for the implementation of those acts lies with the European Union institutions, an individual is entitled, under certain conditions, to bring a direct action before the Courts of the European Union against the implementing measures and to plead, in support of that action, the illegality of the general act at issue
Qualora l’attuazione dei suddetti atti competa alle istituzioni dell’Unione, il singolo può proporre, a certe condizioni, un ricorso diretto dinanzi ai giudici dell’Unione contro le misure di attuazione e far valere a sostegno del suo ricorso l’illegittimità dell’atto generale.
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Where that implementation is a matter for the Member States, the invalidity of the European Union act at issue may be pleaded before the national courts and tribunals and they may refer the matter to the Court of Justice and request a preliminary ruling.
Laddove detta attuazione spetti agli Stati membri, il singolo può far valere l’invalidità dell’atto dell’Unione dinanzi ai giudici nazionali e sollecitare questi ultimi a interpellare la Corte al riguardo, proponendo una questione pregiudiziale.
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In that respect, the Court states that, in proceedings before the national courts, individual parties have the right to challenge before the courts the legality of any decision or other national measure relative to the application to them of a European Union act of general application, by pleading the invalidity of that act.
A tal proposito, la Corte sottolinea che, nell’ambito di un procedimento nazionale, i singoli hanno il diritto di contestare in sede giudiziale la legittimità di qualsiasi decisione o di qualsiasi altro provvedimento nazionale relativo all’applicazione nei loro confronti di un atto dell’Unione di portata generale, eccependo l’invalidità di quest’ultimo.
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It is therefore for the Member States to establish a system of legal remedies and procedures which ensure respect for the fundamental right to effective judicial protection.
Spetta quindi agli Stati membri prevedere un sistema di rimedi giurisdizionali e di procedimenti inteso a garantire il rispetto del diritto fondamentale ad una tutela giurisdizionale effettiva.
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However, the Treaties did not intend to create new remedies before the national courts to ensure the observance of European Union law other than those already laid down by national law.
Tuttavia, i trattati non hanno inteso creare mezzi di ricorso esperibili dinanzi ai giudici nazionali al fine di salvaguardare il diritto dell’Unione che siano diversi da quelli già contemplati dal diritto nazionale.
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The position would be otherwise only if the structure of the domestic legal system concerned were such that there was no remedy making it possible, even indirectly, to ensure respect for the rights which individuals derive from European Union law, or again if the sole means of access to a court was available to parties who were compelled to act unlawfully.
La situazione sarebbe diversa soltanto se nell’ordinamento giuridico nazionale in questione, considerato nel suo complesso, non esistesse alcun rimedio giurisdizionale che permetta, anche solo in via incidentale, di garantire il rispetto dei diritti spettanti ai singoli in forza del diritto dell’Unione, o, ancora, se per il singolo l’unico modo per poter adire un giudice fosse quello di commettere violazioni del diritto.
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In those circumstances, the Court dismisses the appeal in its entirety.
Di conseguenza, la Corte respinge integralmente l’impugnazione.
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An appeal, on a point or points of law only, may be brought before the Court of Justice against a judgment or order of the General Court.
Avverso le sentenze o ordinanze del Tribunale può essere presentata impugnazione alla Corte di giustizia, limitatamente alle questioni di diritto.
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In principle, the appeal does not have suspensive effect.
In linea di principio, l'impugnazione non ha effetti sospensivi.
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If the appeal is admissible and well founded, the Court of Justice sets aside the judgment of the General Court.
Se essa è ricevibile e fondata, la Corte annulla la decisione del Tribunale.
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Where the state of the proceedings so permits, the Court of Justice may itself give final judgment in the case.
Nel caso in cui la causa sia matura per essere decisa, la Corte stessa può pronunciarsi definitivamente sulla controversia;
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Otherwise, it refers the case back to the General Court, which is bound by the decision given by the Court of Justice on the appeal.
in caso contrario, rinvia la causa al Tribunale, vincolato dalla decisione emanata dalla Corte in sede di impugnazione.
The Court confirms the order of the General Court on the inadmissibility
of the action for annulment of the regulation on trade in seal products
The less stringent admissibility rules introduced by the Treaty of
Lisbon cannot be applied to legislative acts
The regulation on trade in seal products (‘the basic regulation’)
permits, as a general rule, the placing of such products on the European market
only where they result from hunts traditionally conducted by Inuit and other
indigenous communities and contribute to their subsistence.
Taking the view that that rule adversely affects their economic
interests, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, an association representing the interests of
Canadian Inuits, and a number of other parties (seal product manufacturers and
traders of various nationalities) applied to the General Court for the annulment
of the basic regulation.
By its order of 6 September 2011, the General Court dismissed the
action as being inadmissible.
The General Court held that the basic regulation was a legislative act
which could be challenged by natural and legal persons only on the twofold
condition that the act should be of direct and individual concern to them.
In this case, those conditions of admissibility were not satisfied.
In that context, the General Court stated that the new rule introduced
by the Treaty of Lisbon (which came into force on 1 December 2009) which enables
those persons to challenge certain acts of general application, even when such
acts are not of individual concern, applied only to regulatory acts and not to
legislative acts.
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and other parties concerned brought an appeal
against the order of the General Court.
Since the General Court’s order and the appeal relate only to the
admissibility of the action brought by those parties, the Court of Justice has
also been called upon in this case to rule on that issue.
In its judgment delivered today, the Court finds, first, that, as a
general rule, just as before the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, a
natural or legal person may institute proceedings against any European Union act
which produces binding legal effects where that act is addressed to that person
or is of direct and individual concern to him.
In that regard, the Court states that those acts may be individual
acts, such as a decision addressed to a person, or acts of general application,
which include both legislative acts, such as the basic regulation, and
regulatory acts.
In that context, the Court recalls that, since the entry into force of
the Treaty of Lisbon, some acts of general application may be challenged before
the Courts of the European Union by natural and legal persons without their
being obliged to satisfy the condition of individual concern.
However, the Treaty states unequivocally that those less stringent
admissibility rules apply only to a more restricted category of those acts,
namely the category of regulatory acts.
Accordingly, as the General Court correctly stated, legislative acts,
which, although they may also be of general application, are not covered by the
concept of regulatory acts, continue therefore to be subject to more stringent
admissibility rules.
Next, the Court states that the admissibility rules relating to actions
brought against legislative acts, and in particular the content of the condition
of individual concern, were not altered by the Treaty of Lisbon.
In that context, the General Court correctly ruled that the appellants
involved did not satisfy, at the least, one of the two conditions of
admissibility applicable to them, namely that of individual concern.
Since the prohibition on the placing of seal products on the market
laid down in the basic regulation is worded in general terms, it applies
indiscriminately to any trader falling within its scope, and is not directed
specifically at the appellants.
Last, the Court holds that the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the
European Union does not require that an individual should have an unconditional
entitlement to bring an action for annulment of European Union legislative acts
directly before the Courts of the European Union.
In that context, the Court states that judicial review of compliance
with the European Union legal order is ensured by the Court of Justice and the
courts and tribunals of the Member States.
Where responsibility for the implementation of those acts lies with the
European Union institutions, an individual is entitled, under certain
conditions, to bring a direct action before the Courts of the European Union
against the implementing measures and to plead, in support of that action, the
illegality of the general act at issue
Where that implementation is a matter for the Member States, the
invalidity of the European Union act at issue may be pleaded before the national
courts and tribunals and they may refer the matter to the Court of Justice and
request a preliminary ruling.
In that respect, the Court states that, in proceedings before the
national courts, individual parties have the right to challenge before the
courts the legality of any decision or other national measure relative to the
application to them of a European Union act of general application, by pleading
the invalidity of that act.
It is therefore for the Member States to establish a system of legal
remedies and procedures which ensure respect for the fundamental right to
effective judicial protection.
However, the Treaties did not intend to create new remedies before the
national courts to ensure the observance of European Union law other than those
already laid down by national law.
The position would be otherwise only if the structure of the domestic
legal system concerned were such that there was no remedy making it possible,
even indirectly, to ensure respect for the rights which individuals derive from
European Union law, or again if the sole means of access to a court was
available to parties who were compelled to act unlawfully.
In those circumstances, the Court dismisses the appeal in its entirety.
An appeal, on a point or points of law only, may be brought before the
Court of Justice against a judgment or order of the General Court.
In principle, the appeal does not have suspensive effect.
If the appeal is admissible and well founded, the Court of Justice sets
aside the judgment of the General Court.
Where the state of the proceedings so permits, the Court of Justice may
itself give final judgment in the case.
Otherwise, it refers the case back to the General Court, which is bound
by the decision given by the Court of Justice on the appeal.