OPEN DAYS: le regioni e le città europee in cammino verso il 2020 investono nella crescita
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Data documento: 04-10-2013
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OPEN DAYS: Europe’s Regions and Cities Taking Off for 2020 and investing in growth
OPEN DAYS: le regioni e le città europee in cammino verso il 2020 investono nella crescita
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More than 5,500 regional and urban representatives from across Europe will be sharing views and approaches on how the next generation of investments under EU regional policy can get Europe back on the path to growth, creating jobs and boosting competitiveness.
Oltre 5 500 rappresentanti di regioni e città di tutta Europa si scambieranno opinioni e condivideranno strategie nel quadro della politica regionale dell'UE, affinché la prossima generazione di investimenti a suo titolo possa riportare l'Europa sulla via della crescita, creare occupazione e aumentare la competitività.
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The 11th annual ‘OPEN DAYS – European week of regions and cities’ will be held from 7-10 October in Brussels.
L'undicesima edizione degli "OPEN DAYS - la settimana europea delle regioni e delle città" si terrà dal 7 al 10 ottobre a Bruxelles.
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The four-day event which is the largest of its kind, will bring together policymakers, politicians and experts to debate the key issues facing EU Regional Policy today.
In questi quattro giorni decisori, politici ed esperti dibatteranno i principali problemi correnti della politica regionale dell'UE nel quadro del più ampio evento di questo tipo.
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It comes as fundamental reforms to the policy are finalised and planning for the 2014-20 programmes reach a critical phase.
Questo dibattito avrà luogo in un momento topico, sono infatti pronte riforme fondamentali della politica regionale e la pianificazione per il periodo 2014-2020 è in una fase decisiva.
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Hosted by Johannes Hahn EU Commissioner for Regional Policy and Ramón Luis Valcárcel, President of Committee of the Regions, the event will be opened by José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission.
L'evento, ospitato da Johannes Hahn, commissario per la politica regionale, e da Ramón Luis Valcárcel, presidente del Comitato delle regioni, sarà inaugurato da José Manuel Barroso, presidente della Commissione europea.
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The opening session will include a panel debate on the central role of EU Regional Policy in propelling Europe's recovery and growth.
La sessione di apertura includerà una tavola rotonda sul ruolo centrale della politica regionale dell'UE per stimolare la ripresa e la crescita dell'Europa.
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Speaking ahead of the event, Commissioner Hahn commented:
Il commissario Hahn in un intervento precedente l'evento ha dichiarato:
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"This year’s OPEN DAYS is the launching pad for how we invest and plan our funds over the next seven years.
"Gli OPEN DAYS di quest’anno sono la base su cui si fonderanno le modalità di investimento e pianificazione dei fondi nei prossimi sette anni.
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OPEN DAYS 2013 comes at a decisive moment for EU Regional Policy.
Gli OPEN DAYS 2013 coincidono con un momento decisivo per la politica regionale dell'UE.
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Negotiations on the reform of the Policy are at a final phase, while regions are working very closely with Commission services to prepare the ground and present their strategies for the next generation of programmes.
I negoziati sulla riforma di questa politica sono nella fase finale e le regioni stanno lavorando a stretto contatto con i servizi della Commissione per preparare il terreno e presentare le loro strategie per la prossima generazione di programmi.
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Our new, reformed Policy offers the regions a real opportunity to invest in future growth and prosperity. This is about targeting investment priorities but at the same time building on the individual strengths of our cities and regions.
La nuova politica rivista offre alle regioni una reale opportunità di investire per la crescita e la prosperità future, concentrandosi sulle priorità di investimento, ma al tempo stesso sfruttando i singoli punti di forza delle nostre città e regioni.
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I look forward to our discussion on how Regional Policy can help transform our cities and regions, making them more competitive, generating growth and creating jobs."
Sono impaziente di prendere parte al dibattito sul modo in cui la politica regionale può contribuire a trasformare le nostre città e regioni, rendendole più competitive, favorendo la crescita e creando occupazione."
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Committee of the Regions President Valcárcel added:
Il presidente del Comitato delle regioni Valcárcel ha aggiunto:
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"A reformed cohesion policy is taking off and is called to provide as soon as possible effective tools to support recovery and boost employment.
"È al varo una politica di coesione riveduta, chiamata a fornire quanto prima strumenti efficaci per sostenere la ripresa e promuovere l'occupazione.
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Regions and local authorities are undertaking a race against the time to ensure that 2014-2020 investment plans will start being implemented over the coming year.
Le regioni e le autorità locali sono impegnate in una corsa contro il tempo per garantire che l'attuazione dei piani di investimento 2014-2020 inizi l'anno prossimo.
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The Committee of the Regions is fully committed to help regions in winning this race while granting the highest quality of projects and strategies.
Il Comitato delle regioni fornisce pieno sostegno alle regioni per aiutarle a vincere questa corsa, assicurando nel contempo la massima qualità dei progetti e delle strategie.
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In this perspective, 2013 OPEN DAYS will be a crucial opportunity for regional policy key players to familiarise with the new tools and rules, as well as to share the best ideas to deliver growth in our regions."
In questa prospettiva, gli OPEN DAYS 2013 offriranno ai protagonisti della politica regionale un'opportunità unica per familiarizzarsi con i nuovi strumenti e le nuove norme e per condividere le idee migliori per favorire la crescita delle nostre regioni."
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OPEN DAYS goes under the slogan 'Europe's regions and cities taking off for 2020' this year, with 100 workshops focusing on the following themes:
Il motto degli OPEN DAYS di quest'anno è "Le regioni e le città europee in cammino verso il 2020" e in 100 diversi workshop saranno trattati i seguenti temi:
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- Managing change 2014-2020: innovative approaches to fulfilling future investment priorities, (e.g. integrated territorial investment, the joint action plans, governance issues, financial instruments, etc.).
- Gestire il cambiamento 2014-2020: approcci innovativi per realizzare le priorità d'investimento future (ad esempio: investimenti territoriali integrati, piani d'azione comuni, questioni relative alla governance, strumenti finanziari, ecc.).
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- Synergies and cooperation: between different EU, national and regional policies and combining different sources of funding.
- Sinergie e cooperazione:tra le diverse politiche dell'UE, nazionali e regionali e combinando varie fonti di finanziamento.
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Various approaches to cooperation will be examined, such as macro-regional strategies, or between national, regional and city administrations and expert institutions.
Si esamineranno diversi approcci alla cooperazione, quali le strategie macroregionali o tra le amministrazioni nazionali, regionali e cittadine e le istituzioni specializzate.
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- Challenges and solutions: The common challenges facing Europe’s regional and urban areas are assessed with practical solutions proposed, e.g.:SMEs' access to credit and to the global markets, youth unemployment, demographic challenges, waste, water and natural risks management, congestion, pollution or high energy consumption.
- Sfide e soluzioni:si esamineranno le sfide comuni alle zone regionali e urbane d'Europa e si proporranno soluzioni pratiche, ad esempio: l’accesso delle PMI al credito e ai mercati globali, la disoccupazione giovanile, le sfide demografiche, la gestione dei rifiuti, dell'acqua e dei rischi naturali, la congestione, l'inquinamento o l'elevato consumo di energia.
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Highlights of the programme
Eventi salienti in programma
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President Valcárcel and Commissioner Hahn will host a press roundtable on October 7th at 13:30 in the Committee of the Regions.
Il 7 ottobre alle 13.30 presso il Comitato delle regioni il presidente Valcárcel e il commissario Hahn ospiteranno una tavola rotonda aperta ai giornalisti.
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19 finalists competing in four categories for the 2014 RegioStars Awards are showcased during a full day workshop in the Charlemagne building, Brussels.
In un workshop di un'intera giornata presso l'edificio Charlemagne a Bruxelles saranno presentati 19 finalisti di quattro categorie dei premi RegioStars 2014.
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Presentation of ‘Quality of life in European Cities’ - Key findings of Survey of 41,000 citizens from 79 cities give views on urban life:
Presentazione di "La qualità della vita nelle città europee" — La vita nelle città attraverso i risultati principali dell'indagine condotta tra 41 000 cittadini di 79 città:
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Tuesday 8th October, 16:30 – 17:15 in the Berlaymont, Schuman room. ‘100 EUrban solutions’ outdoor exhibition inaugurated by Commissioner Hahn and Rudi Vervoort, Minister-President of the Brussels-Capital Region at 17:30 on Tuesday 8th at Place Jean Rey, Brussels and several networking events taking place in the evening of 8 October in other 12 venues across the exhibition route.
martedì 8 ottobre dalle 16.30 alle 17.15 nella sala Schuman dell'edificio Berlaymont. Martedì 8 alle 17.30 a Bruxelles, nella piazza Jean Rey, il commissario Hahn e Rudi Vervoort, Ministro-presidente della regione Bruxelles-Capitale inaugureranno la mostra all'aperto"100 EUrban solutions" e la sera saranno organizzati vari eventi per favorire la creazione di reti in 12 sedi lungo il percorso della mostra.
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The winners of the 2014 “Europe in my region" photo competition, from Greece, Hungary and Malta will be presented with their prizes by Commissioner Hahn on Wednesday 9th at 11:15 in the Charlemagne building.
Mercoledì 9 alle 11.15 nell'edificio Charlemagne il commissario Hahn presenterà i vincitori, provenienti dalla Grecia, dall'Ungheria e da Malta, del concorso fotografico "L'Europa nella mia regione " 2014 e i rispettivi premi.
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New at OPEN DAYS this year is a Master Class for 77 selected PhD students and early career researchers in the field of regional and urban policy.
Una novità degli OPEN DAYS di quest'anno è una Master Class per 77 selezionati studenti di dottorato e ricercatori a inizio carriera nel campo della politica regionale e urbana.
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Alongside the Brussels seminars, over 300 events under banner ‘Europe in my region/ city’ are being held until December 2013.
Oltre ai seminari che si terranno a Bruxelles, fino a dicembre 2013 saranno organizzati più di 300 eventi nel quadro dell'iniziativa "L'Europa nella mia regione/città".
OPEN DAYS: Europe’s Regions and Cities Taking Off for 2020 and investing in
More than 5,500 regional and urban representatives from across Europe will be
sharing views and approaches on how the next generation of investments under EU
regional policy can get Europe back on the path to growth, creating jobs and
boosting competitiveness.
The 11th annual ‘OPEN DAYS – European week of regions and cities’ will be held
from 7-10 October in Brussels.
The four-day event which is the largest of its kind, will bring together
policymakers, politicians and experts to debate the key issues facing EU
Regional Policy today.
It comes as fundamental reforms to the policy are finalised and planning for the
2014-20 programmes reach a critical phase.
Hosted by Johannes Hahn EU Commissioner for Regional Policy and Ramón Luis
Valcárcel, President of Committee of the Regions, the event will be opened by
José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission.
The opening session will include a panel debate on the central role of EU
Regional Policy in propelling Europe's recovery and growth.
Speaking ahead of the event, Commissioner Hahn commented:
"This year’s OPEN DAYS is the launching pad for how we invest and plan our funds
over the next seven years.
OPEN DAYS 2013 comes at a decisive moment for EU Regional Policy.
Negotiations on the reform of the Policy are at a final phase, while regions are
working very closely with Commission services to prepare the ground and present
their strategies for the next generation of programmes.
Our new, reformed Policy offers the regions a real opportunity to invest in
future growth and prosperity. This is about targeting investment priorities but
at the same time building on the individual strengths of our cities and regions.
I look forward to our discussion on how Regional Policy can help transform our
cities and regions, making them more competitive, generating growth and creating
Committee of the Regions
President Valcárcel added:
"A reformed cohesion policy is taking off and is called to provide as soon as
possible effective tools to support recovery and boost employment.
Regions and local authorities are undertaking a race against the time to ensure
that 2014-2020 investment plans will start being implemented over the coming
The Committee of the Regions is fully committed to help regions in winning this
race while granting the highest quality of projects and strategies.
In this perspective, 2013 OPEN DAYS will be a crucial opportunity for regional
policy key players to familiarise with the new tools and rules, as well as to
share the best ideas to deliver growth in our regions."
OPEN DAYS goes under the slogan 'Europe's regions and cities taking off for
2020' this year, with 100 workshops focusing on the following themes:
- Managing change 2014-2020: innovative approaches to fulfilling future
investment priorities, (e.g. integrated territorial investment, the joint action
plans, governance issues, financial instruments, etc.)
- Synergies and cooperation: between different EU, national and regional
policies and combining different sources of funding.
Various approaches to cooperation will be examined, such as macro-regional
strategies, or between national, regional and city administrations and expert
- Challenges and solutions: The common challenges facing Europe’s regional and
urban areas are assessed with practical solutions proposed, e.g.:SMEs' access to
credit and to the global markets, youth unemployment, demographic challenges,
waste, water and natural risks management, congestion, pollution or high energy
Highlights of the programme
President Valcárcel and
Commissioner Hahn will host a press roundtable on
October 7th at 13:30 in the Committee of the Regions.
19 finalists competing in four categories for the 2014 RegioStars Awards are
showcased during a full day workshop in the Charlemagne building, Brussels.
Presentation of ‘Quality of life in European Cities’ - Key findings of Survey of
41,000 citizens from 79 cities give views on urban life:
Tuesday 8th October, 16:30 – 17:15 in the Berlaymont, Schuman room. ‘100 EUrban
solutions’ outdoor exhibition inaugurated by Commissioner Hahn and Rudi
Vervoort, Minister-President of the Brussels-Capital Region at 17:30 on Tuesday
8th at Place Jean Rey, Brussels and several networking events taking place in
the evening of 8 October in other 12 venues across the exhibition route.
The winners of the 2014 “Europe in my region" photo competition, from Greece,
Hungary and Malta will be presented with their prizes by Commissioner Hahn on
Wednesday 9th at 11:15 in the Charlemagne building.
New at OPEN DAYS this year is a Master Class for 77 selected PhD students and
early career researchers in the field of regional and urban policy.
Alongside the Brussels seminars, over 300 events under banner ‘Europe in my
region/ city’ are being held until December 2013.