BEI, Banca Popolare di Vicenza e SACE:100 milioni di euro per la crescita e lo sviluppo delle imprese
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Data documento: 02-10-2013
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EIB, Banca Popolare di Vicenza and SACE: €100 million for enterprise growth and development
BEI, Banca Popolare di Vicenza e SACE:100 milioni di euro per la crescita e lo sviluppo delle imprese
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The European Investment Bank (EIB), Banca Popolare di Vicenza and SACE have together arranged a €100 million credit line designed to foster the international competitiveness of SMEs and mid-caps in the industry, agriculture, tourism and service sectors.
La Banca Europea per gli Investimenti (BEI), la Banca Popolare di Vicenza e SACE hanno finalizzato una linea di credito da 100 milioni di euro destinata a sostenere la competitività internazionale delle Pmi e delle imprese medio-grandi attive nei settori dell’industria, dell’agricoltura, del turismo e dei servizi.
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This is the first instalment of an EIB loan of up €200 million to Banca Popolare di Vicenza carrying SACE’s guarantee, which can now be onlent to small businesses to finance growth projects in external markets.
La linea di credito rappresenta la prima tranche del plafond globale di 200 milioni di euro messo a disposizione da BEI alla Banca Popolare di Vicenza che, grazie alla garanzia di SACE, potrà ora essere erogata alle imprese per finanziare progetti di crescita sui mercati esteri.
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At least 70% of the funding will serve to finance investment by SMEs (firms with up to 250 employees) in tangible and intangible assets as well as the working capital requirements relating to their normal productive activity.
I finanziamenti saranno destinati, per almeno il 70%, a sostenere programmi di investimento di Pmi (aziende fino a 250 dipendenti) in beni materiali e immateriali oltre che per necessità di capitale circolante legato alla normale attività produttiva.
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The remainder will go to projects carried out by mid-caps (firms with between 250 and 3 000 employees).
Per la parte restante, i fondi saranno dedicati a progetti realizzati o da realizzare da parte delle società di media dimensione (Mid-Cap tra 250 e 3.000 dipendenti).
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The agreement testifies to the effective synergies between the three institutions in support of the real economy, reinforcing their long-standing cooperation:
L’accordo conferma l’efficacia delle sinergie attivate tra le tre istituzioni a sostegno dell’economia reale, consolidando una collaborazione ormai pluriennale:
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Banca Popolare di Vicenza has signed four previous loan contracts with the EIB and has an agreement with SACE in the pipeline for financing the globalisation activities of small businesses.
la Banca Popolare di Vicenza ha infatti siglato in precedenza quattro accordi con BEI e ha in essere una convenzione con SACE per il finanziamento delle attività di internazionalizzazione delle Pmi.
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“With this operation, the EIB is meeting the twofold objective of developing its cooperation with Banca Popolare di Vicenza, which is always very attentive to the needs of the local business community and uses EIB funds effectively, while at the same time strengthening its ties SACE.
“Con questa operazione, la BEI coglie il duplice obiettivo di sviluppare la collaborazione con la Banca Popolare di Vicenza, sempre molto attenta e vicina all’economia locale ed efficace nell’utilizzo dei fondi BEI, e rafforzare nel contempo il legame con SACE.
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This will create synergies between local institutions and economic actors to the benefit of small firms – the undisputed drivers of growth and employment in the region’’, said Romualdo Massa Bernucci, Director of the EIB’s Adriatic Sea Department.
Il risultato è la creazione di sinergie fra istituzioni ed attori del territorio a favore delle PMI, veri motori per la crescita e l’occupazione nella Regione’’, ha commentato Romualdo Massa Bernucci, Direttore per l’Italia e i Balcani della BEI.
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Banca Popolare di Vicenza’s Managing Director, Samuele Sorato, commented:
Il Direttore Generale della Banca Popolare di Vicenza, Samuele Sorato, ha così commentato:
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“This new agreement with the EIB and SACE will add to the already substantial support that we provide for the growth of small and medium-sized firms – undoubtedly our country’s most important productive resource.
“Questo nuovo accordo con BEI e SACE si va ad aggiungere all’ importante supporto che già destiniamo alla crescita delle piccole e medie imprese, la risorsa produttiva indubbiamente più importante per il nostro Paese.
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In 2012 our bank assisted the real economy with some €3 billion worth of new disbursements, three quarters of which went to small businesses”.
Nel 2012 la nostra Banca ha sostenuto l’economia reale con circa 3 miliardi di euro di nuove erogazioni, di questi il 75% è stato destinato alle PMI”.
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“Relaunching the real economy, which has become the country’s number one priority, inevitably begins with strengthening our businesses’ investment capacity” said Alessandra Ricci, Director of SACE’s Corporate and Investment Finance Division.
“Il rilancio dell’economia reale, divenuto una priorità assoluta per il Paese, passa necessariamente attraverso il rafforzamento della capacità di investimento delle nostre imprese – commenta Alessandra Ricci, Direttore Corporate and Investment Finance di SACE.
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“With this agreement we are combining SACE’s risk assumption expertise with Banca Popolare di Vicenza’s distributive capacity, so facilitating firms’ access to the substantial funding made available by the EIB.”
Con questo accordo uniamo l’expertise di SACE nell’assunzione dei rischi alla capacità distributiva della Banca Popolare di Vicenza, facilitando l’accesso delle imprese alle importanti risorse finanziarie messe a disposizione da BEI.”
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Note al redattore
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The European Investment Bank supports the strategic and policy objectives of the European Union by granting long-term loans for economically viable investment projects.
La Banca Europea per gli Investimenti sostiene gli obiettivi politici e strategici dell'Unione europea accordando prestiti a lungo termine a favore di progetti economicamente validi.
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The EIB’s shareholders are the 28 EU Member States.
Gli azionisti della BEI sono i 28 Stati membri dell'UE:
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Italy is one of the four leading shareholders, along with the United Kingdom, Germany and France.
l'Italia è uno dei quattro principali, insieme a Regno Unito, Germania e Francia.
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With over €46 billion worth of assets, around 5 500 employees and 690 sales points (subsidiaries, financial businesses and private outlets), Gruppo Banca Popolare di Vicenza is Italy’s ninth biggest banking group.
Con oltre 46 miliardi di euro di attivo, circa 5.500 dipendenti e 690 punti vendita (tra filiali, negozi finanziari e punti private), il Gruppo Banca Popolare di Vicenza rappresenta la nona realtà bancaria italiana.
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Founded in Vicenza in 1866 as the first people’s bank in the Veneto Region, the institution is strongly rooted in north east Italy but also has a substantial presence in central Italy and, along with Banca Nuova, Sicily and Calabria.
Fondato a Vicenza nel 1866 come prima banca popolare del Veneto, l'Istituto è fortemente radicato nel Nord Est e ha una rilevante presenza anche nel Centro Italia e, con Banca Nuova, nelle regioni Sicilia e Calabria.
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SACE provides export credit services, credit insurance, overseas investment protection, financial and other guarantees and factoring.
SACE offre servizi di export credit, assicurazione del credito, protezione degli investimenti all’estero, garanzie finanziarie, cauzioni e factoring.
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With €70 billion worth of operations insured in 189 countries, the SACE Group underpins the competitiveness of firms in Italy and abroad, ensuring more stable cash flows and transforming companies’ insolvency risks into development opportunities.
Con € 70 miliardi di operazioni assicurate in 189 paesi, il Gruppo SACE sostiene la competitività delle imprese in Italia e all’estero, garantendo flussi di cassa più stabili e trasformando i rischi di insolvenza delle imprese in opportunità di sviluppo.
EIB, Banca Popolare di Vicenza and SACE: €100 million for enterprise
growth and development
The European Investment Bank (EIB), Banca Popolare di Vicenza and SACE
have together arranged a €100 million credit line designed to foster the
international competitiveness of SMEs and mid-caps in the industry, agriculture,
tourism and service sectors.
This is the first instalment of an EIB loan of up €200 million to Banca
Popolare di Vicenza carrying SACE’s guarantee, which can now be onlent to small
businesses to finance growth projects in external markets.
At least 70% of the funding will serve to finance investment by SMEs
(firms with up to 250 employees) in tangible and intangible assets as well as
the working capital requirements relating to their normal productive activity.
The remainder will go to projects carried out by mid-caps (firms with
between 250 and 3 000 employees).
The agreement testifies to the effective synergies between the three
institutions in support of the real economy, reinforcing their long-standing
Banca Popolare di Vicenza has signed four previous loan contracts with
the EIB and has an agreement with SACE in the pipeline for financing the
globalisation activities of small businesses.
“With this operation, the EIB is meeting the twofold objective of
developing its cooperation with Banca Popolare di Vicenza, which is always very
attentive to the needs of the local business community and uses EIB funds
effectively, while at the same time strengthening its ties SACE.
This will create synergies between local institutions and economic
actors to the benefit of small firms – the undisputed drivers of growth and
employment in the region’’, said Romualdo Massa Bernucci, Director of the EIB’s
Adriatic Sea Department.
Banca Popolare di Vicenza’s Managing Director, Samuele Sorato,
“This new agreement with the EIB and SACE will add to the already
substantial support that we provide for the growth of small and medium-sized
firms – undoubtedly our country’s most important productive resource.
In 2012 our bank assisted the real economy with some €3 billion worth
of new disbursements, three quarters of which went to small businesses”.
“Relaunching the real economy, which has become the country’s number
one priority, inevitably begins with strengthening our businesses’ investment
capacity” said Alessandra Ricci, Director of SACE’s Corporate and Investment
Finance Division.
“With this agreement we are combining SACE’s risk assumption expertise
with Banca Popolare di Vicenza’s distributive capacity, so facilitating firms’
access to the substantial funding made available by the EIB.”
The European Investment Bank supports the strategic and policy
objectives of the European Union by granting long-term loans for economically
viable investment projects.
The EIB’s shareholders are the 28 EU Member States.
Italy is one of the four leading shareholders, along with the United
Kingdom, Germany and France.
With over €46 billion worth of assets, around 5 500 employees and 690
sales points (subsidiaries, financial businesses and private outlets), Gruppo
Banca Popolare di Vicenza is Italy’s ninth biggest banking group.
Founded in Vicenza in 1866 as the first people’s bank in the Veneto
Region, the institution is strongly rooted in north east Italy but also has a
substantial presence in central Italy and, along with Banca Nuova, Sicily and
SACE provides export credit services, credit insurance, overseas
investment protection, financial and other guarantees and factoring.
With €70 billion worth of operations insured in 189 countries, the SACE
Group underpins the competitiveness of firms in Italy and abroad, ensuring more
stable cash flows and transforming companies’ insolvency risks into development