Agenda digitale: 9 miliardi di euro in più l'anno con più donne in carriera
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Data documento: 03-10-2013
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Digital Agenda: Bringing more women into EU digital sector would bring €9 billion annual GDP boost, EU study shows
Agenda digitale: 9 miliardi di euro in più l'anno con più donne in carriera
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Getting more girls interested in a digital career and getting more women into digital jobs would benefit the digital industry, women themselves and Europe's economy.
Una maggiore presenza femminile nei percorsi di studio e nelle professioni legate al digitale sarebbe benefica per il comparto, per le stesse donne e per l'economia europea.
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This is the key finding of the European Commission survey on women active in the ICT sector, published today.
È quanto emerge da uno studio della Commissione europea sulle donne nel settore delle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione (TIC), pubblicato oggi.
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According to the study, there are now too few women working in the ICT sector:
Secondo lo studio il settore digitale impiega attualmente troppe poche donne:
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- Of 1,000 women with a Bachelors or other first degree, only 29 hold a degree in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) (as compared to 95 men), and only 4 in 1000 women will eventually work in the ICT sector.
- appena 29 laureate su 1 000 conseguono un diploma universitario di primo livello nelle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione (contro 95 uomini su 1 000) e solo 4 su 1 000 lavorano effettivamente nel comparto;
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- Women leave the sector mid-career to a greater extent than men and they are under-represented in managerial and decision-making positions (even more than in other sectors).
- rispetto agli uomini, le donne tendono a abbandonare il settore a metà carriera e sono sottorappresentate nelle posizioni manageriali e di responsabilità (anche più che in altri settori);
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- Only 19.2% of ICT-sector workers have female bosses, compared to 45.2% of non-ICT workers.
- solo il 19,2% degli addetti del settore delle TIC ha un capo donna, contro il 45,2% in altri settori.
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But if the trend were reversed and women held digital jobs as frequently as men, the European GDP could be boosted annually by around € 9 billion (1.3 times Malta's GDP), according to the study.
Lo studio suggerisce tuttavia che, con un'inversione di tendenza e una percentuale femminile nel comparto digitale pari a quella maschile, il PIL europeo registrerebbe un incremento di circa 9 miliardi di euro l'anno (1,3 volte il PIL di Malta).
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The ICT sector would benefit since organisations which are more inclusive of women in management achieve a 35% higher Return on Equity and 34% better total return to shareholders than other comparable organisations.
Questo perché le aziende con più donne ai posti di comando sono più redditizie del 35% e assicurano ai propri azionisti il 34% in più di utili rispetto a imprese omologhe.
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The study also suggests that women who work in the ICT sector earn almost 9% more than women in other parts of the economy, and also have greater higher flexibility in arranging their working schedules and are less susceptible to unemployment (by 2015, there will be 900,000 unfilled ICT positions in the EU).
Lo studio evidenzia inoltre che, rispetto alle colleghe in altri comparti economici, le addette del settore digitale guadagnano quasi il 9% in più, possono organizzare l'orario di lavoro in modo molto più flessibile e sono meno esposte al rischio di disoccupazione (entro il 2015 si prevedono nell'UE 900 000 posti vacanti nel comparto TIC).
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European Commission Vice-President for the Digital Agenda Neelie Kroes said:
Neelie Kroes, vicepresidente della Commissione e Commissaria europea responsabile per l'agenda digitale, ha dichiarato:
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"We now know, beyond doubt, that more women in a business mean a healthier business.
"Ormai non ci sono dubbi: più donne in azienda vuol dire aziende più prospere.
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It is high time the IT sector realised this and allowed women a chance to help the sector and Europe's economy benefit from their enormous potential".
È davvero il momento che il settore delle tecnologie dell'informazione se ne renda conto e lasci spazio alle donne per permettere all'economia europea di beneficiare delle loro immense potenzialità".
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The study also suggests four priority areas where action should be taken:
Lo studio indica anche quattro linee di intervento:
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- Building a renewed image of the sector among women and society, with actions such as disseminating most appealing ICT topics for young women (exciting, diverse, profitable etc.);
- rendere il settore più attraente agli occhi delle donne e dell'intera società, evidenziandone gli aspetti più appassionanti (stimolante, poco monotono, utile ecc.);
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- Empowering women in the sector, e.g. promoting, together with industry, harmonised European educational curricula to foster clear and straightforward ICT careers paths;
- dare più spazio alle donne, ad esempio promuovendo, in collaborazione con il mondo delle imprese, programmi educativi, armonizzati a livello europeo, in grado di incentivare percorsi professionali chiari e lineari nel settore delle TIC;
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- Increasing the number of women entrepreneurs in ICTs, e.g. improving access to seed and venture capital programs for women entrepreneurs;
- favorire l'imprenditoria femminile nel comparto digitale, ad esempio agevolando l'accesso al capitale di avviamento e di rischio;
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- Improving working conditions in the sector, e.g. by highlighting the improved performance of businesses employing women.
- migliorare le condizioni di lavoro nel settore, ad esempio mettendo in risalto le migliori prestazioni ottenute dalle imprese che assumono le donne.
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Some of the study's key findings:
Tra i principali risultati dello studio:
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- On women leaving the sector too early: while 20% of women aged 30 with ICT-related degrees work in the sector, only 9% of women above 45 years of age do so;
- abbandono prematuro del settore: il settore digitale impiega il 20% di professioniste trentenni con titolo di studio nelle TIC, percentuale che scende al 9% per le donne oltre i 45 anni;
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- On women being underrepresented in managerial and decision-making positions: 19.2% of ICT-sector workers have female bosses, compared to 45.2% of non-ICT workers;
- sottorappresentazione femminile nelle posizioni manageriali e di responsabilità: il 19,2% degli addetti del settore ha un capo donna, contro il 45,2% in altri settori;
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- On the number of female entrepreneurs in ICTs being too low compared to non-ICT sectors:
- bassissima percentuale di imprenditrici nel settore digitale:
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women make up 31.3% of self-employed Europeans and only 19.2% of ICT entrepreneurs.
in Europa le donne rappresentano il 31,3% dei lavoratori autonomi e appena il 19,2% delle imprenditrici del comparto digitale.
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The study also points to the factors that prevent women from fully participating in the sector:
Lo studio evidenzia anche i fattori che impediscono alle donne di essere le vere protagoniste del digitale:
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(a) cultural traditions and stereotypes about women's role
a) tradizioni culturali e stereotipi sul ruolo delle donne;
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(b) internal barriers and socio-psychological factors, such as lack of self-confidence, lack of bargaining skills, risk-aversion and negative attitudes towards competition and
b) barriere interne e fattori socio-psicologici (scarsa fiducia in sé stesse, scarse capacità negoziali, avversione al rischio e atteggiamento negativo verso la competizione);
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(c) external barriers, such as a strongly male-dominated environment, difficulties in balancing personal and professional life and lack of role models in the sector.
c) barriere esterne: un ambiente a forte predominanza maschile, difficoltà di conciliare vita privata e vita lavorativa e mancanza di modelli di riferimento nel settore.
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The study showcases a variety of profiles of women working in the area of digital technology: from a videogames developer and a digital communications specialist to an ICT policy-maker.
Lo studio presenta alcune professioniste del settore - una sviluppatrice di videogiochi, una professionista della comunicazione digitale, un'esperta di politiche legate alle TIC
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Profiling of digital role models for girls and giving visibility to women in the sector is the key way to attracting many more girls to consider a career in the ICT sector, the report concludes.
E conclude che, per attrarre più studentesse verso la carriera digitale, è fondamentale mettere in evidenza i modelli femminili e dare visibilità alle donne attive nel comparto.
Digital Agenda: Bringing more women into EU digital sector would bring €9
billion annual GDP boost, EU study shows
Getting more girls interested in a digital career and getting more
women into digital jobs would benefit the digital industry, women themselves and
Europe's economy.
This is the key finding of the European Commission survey on women
active in the ICT sector, published today.
According to the study, there are now too few women working in the ICT
- Of 1,000 women with a Bachelors or other first degree, only 29 hold a
degree in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) (as compared to 95
men), and only 4 in 1000 women will eventually work in the ICT sector.
- Women leave the sector mid-career to a greater extent than men and
they are under-represented in managerial and decision-making positions (even
more than in other sectors).
- Only 19.2% of ICT-sector workers have female bosses, compared to
45.2% of non-ICT workers.
But if the trend were reversed and women held digital jobs as
frequently as men, the European GDP could be boosted annually by around € 9
billion (1.3 times Malta's GDP), according to the study.
The ICT sector would benefit since organisations which are more
inclusive of women in management achieve a 35% higher Return on Equity and 34%
better total return to shareholders than other comparable organisations.
The study also suggests that women who work in the ICT sector earn
almost 9% more than women in other parts of the economy, and also have greater
higher flexibility in arranging their working schedules and are less susceptible
to unemployment (by 2015, there will be 900,000 unfilled ICT positions in the
European Commission Vice-President for the Digital Agenda Neelie Kroes
"We now know, beyond doubt, that more women in a business mean a
healthier business.
It is high time the IT sector realised this and allowed women a chance
to help the sector and Europe's economy benefit from their enormous potential".
The study also suggests four priority areas where action should be
- Building a renewed image of the sector among women and society, with
actions such as disseminating most appealing ICT topics for young women
(exciting, diverse, profitable etc.);
- Empowering women in the sector, e.g. promoting, together with
industry, harmonised European educational curricula to foster clear and
straightforward ICT careers paths;
- Increasing the number of women entrepreneurs in ICTs, e.g. improving
access to seed and venture capital programs for women entrepreneurs;
- Improving working conditions in the sector, e.g. by highlighting the
improved performance of businesses employing women.
Some of the study's key findings:
- On women leaving the sector too early: while 20% of women aged 30
with ICT-related degrees work in the sector, only 9% of women above 45 years of
age do so;
- On women being underrepresented in managerial and decision-making
positions: 19.2% of ICT-sector workers have female bosses, compared to 45.2% of
non-ICT workers;
- On the number of female entrepreneurs in ICTs being too low compared
to non-ICT sectors:
women make up 31.3% of self-employed Europeans and only 19.2% of ICT
The study also points to the factors that prevent women from fully
participating in the sector:
(a) cultural traditions and stereotypes about women's role
(b) internal barriers and socio-psychological factors, such as lack of
self-confidence, lack of bargaining skills, risk-aversion and negative attitudes
towards competition and
(c) external barriers, such as a strongly male-dominated environment,
difficulties in balancing personal and professional life and lack of role models
in the sector.
The study showcases a variety of profiles of women working in the area
of digital technology: from a videogames developer and a digital communications
specialist to an ICT policy-maker.
Profiling of digital role models for girls and giving visibility to
women in the sector is the key way to attracting many more girls to consider a
career in the ICT sector, the report concludes.