Forum europeo dello sport: un vincitore di oro olimpico porta alla ribalta la questione della "duplice carriera"
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Data documento: 30-09-2013
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EU Sport Forum: Olympic gold medallist puts spotlight on 'dual careers'
Forum europeo dello sport: un vincitore di oro olimpico porta alla ribalta la questione della "duplice carriera"
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It's easy to imagine that success in sport is a ticket to mega-earnings and a lifetime of luxury.
Di solito si pensa che il successo nello sport sia un trampolino di lancio verso guadagni da favola e una vita di lussi.
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It might be for an elite few, but for most sportspeople the reality is very different.
Forse ciò è vero per pochi eletti, ma per la maggior parte degli sportivi professionisti la realtà è ben diversa.
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When their sports career is over, they need to find a 'normal' job.
Quando la loro carriera sportiva giunge al termine sono costretti a trovarsi un lavoro "normale".
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For some that's not easy because they put all their energies into sport and dropped the education baton.
Per alcuni di loro non è facile, dato che hanno trascurato l'istruzione per dedicare tutte le loro energie allo sport.
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'Dual careers' for sportspeople, which aim to combine sports training with education, will be one of the main themes addressed at the 2013 EU Sport Forum, which takes place in Vilnius on 30 September-1 October.
La "duplice carriera" per gli sportivi che intendono conciliare l'allenamento sportivo con l'istruzione sarà una delle principali tematiche che verranno affrontate in occasione del Forum europeo dello sport 2013, che si terrà a Vilnius dal 30 settembre al 1° ottobre.
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Basketball legend and Olympic gold-medallist Šarūnas
Marčiulioniss will join Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner responsible for sport, in a high-level panel debate on dual careers on the second day of the Forum.
Il secondo giorno di svolgimento del Forum Šarūnas Marčiulioniss, medaglia d'oro alle Olimpiadi e figura leggendaria della pallacanestro, affiancherà Androulla Vassiliou, Commissaria responsabile per lo Sport, nel dibattito ad alto livello sulla duplice carriera.
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Other issues under discussion will include Erasmus+, the new EU programme for education, training, youth and sport, football transfer fees, and the Commission's new 'HEPA' initiative aimed at getting people to exercise more and enjoy the benefits of health-enhancing physical activity.
Tra le altre questioni che verranno trattate figurano Erasmus+, il nuovo programma dell'UE per l'Istruzione, la formazione, la gioventù e lo sport, le indennità di trasferimento dei calciatori e la nuova iniziativa della Commissione denominata "HEPA", intesa ad incentivare le persone a praticare più esercizio fisico ed a giovarsi dei benefici per la salute derivanti dall'attività fisica.
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For the first time, the Forum will feature a Twitter 'wall' (hashtag:
#EUsportforum), which will allow Forum participants and
sports fans to provide instant feedback and comments.
Per la prima volta nell'ambito del Forum sarà previsto un Twitter wall (hashtag:#EUsportforum) che consentirà ai partecipanti e agli appassionati di sport di dare un feedback immediato e di esprimere le proprie osservazioni.
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The Forum coincides with an Informal Meeting of Sport Ministers, which Commissioner Vassiliou will also attend.
Il Forum coincide con una riunione informale dei ministri dello sport, a cui prenderà parte anche la Commissaria Vassiliou.
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The main focus of the Informal is the planning and legacy of major sport events and the contribution of sport to the economy.
La riunione informale sarà incentrata sulla programmazione e sull'impatto dei grandi eventi sportivi nonché sul contributo dello sport all'economia.
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Commissioner Vassiliou commented:
La Commissaria Vassiliou ha dichiarato:
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"I am very pleased that the EU Sport Forum will raise awareness of the importance of 'dual careers' for sports-people.
"Il Forum europeo dello sport consentirà di sensibilizzare l'opinione pubblica sull'importanza della "duplice carriera" per gli sportivi professionisti e questo è per me un motivo di grande soddisfazione.
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For every sporting 'god' like Cristiano Ronaldo, Rafael Nadal or Usain Bolt, there are thousands of athletes who face a tough time in adjusting after their sport career is over unless they have also trained for life off the field.
Per ogni idolo dello sport Come Cristiano Ronaldo, Rafael Nadal o Usain Bolt ci sono migliaia di atleti che vivono momenti difficili quando sono costretti a "riciclarsi" al termine della loro vita sportiva, a meno che non si siano allenati anche per affrontare una vita al di fuori dello sport.
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I am also looking forward to highlighting our new Erasmus+ programme, which will include a dedicated budget for grassroots sport for the first time, as well as providing funding for transnational campaigns aimed at combating sport-related violence, intolerance and gender inequality."
Sono inoltre lieta di poter presentare i punti forti del nostro nuovo programma Erasmus+, in cui per la prima volta figurerà un bilancio dedicato allo sport di base e che erogherà finanziamenti a campagne transnazionali finalizzate alla lotta contro la violenza, l'intolleranza e la disuguaglianza di genere nello sport."
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It is envisaged that Erasmus+ will allocate more than €33 million a year for grassroots sport between 2014 and 2020. It will support transnational projects aimed at boosting the exchange of know-how and good practices, special non-commercial European sport events and a strengthened evidence-base for sport policy-making.
Si prevede che Erasmus+ stanzierà oltre 33 milioni di euro all'anno per lo sport di base nel periodo 2014-2020, sostenendo così progetti transnazionali volti ad incentivare lo scambio di know-how e di buone pratiche, particolari eventi sportivi non commerciali a livello europeo ed una più solida base di conoscenze per la definizione delle politiche sportive.
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The main beneficiaries will be public bodies and civil society organisations active in grassroots sport.
Ne beneficeranno soprattutto gli enti pubblici e le organizzazioni della società civile attive nel campo dello sport di base.
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Since 2007, the Commission has provided more than €22 million in support of sport projects.
Dal 2007 la Commissione ha elargito oltre 22 milioni di euro a sostegno di progetti sportivi.
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Next steps
Prossime tappe
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The Council and the European Parliament are expected to adopt Erasmus+ in the coming weeks.
Si prevede che il programma Erasmus+ sia adottato dal Consiglio e dal Parlamento europeo nelle prossime settimane.
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The Recommendation on Health-Enhancing Physical Activity proposed by the Commission could be adopted by the Council before the end of the year.
La raccomandazione sull'attività fisica salutare proposta dalla Commissione potrebbe essere adottata dal Consiglio entro la fine dell'anno.
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Representatives of Europe's sport movement and Member States meet at the EU Sport Forum. The Forum, which is held annually, is an opportunity for the Commission to inform sport stakeholders about its policy initiatives and to listen to their views.
Al Forum europeo dello sport, che si svolge ogni anno e a cui prendono parte i rappresentanti del movimento sportivo europeo e degli Stati membri, fornisce alla Commissione l'opportunità di informare le parti interessate nel settore dello sport circa le sue iniziative politiche e di ascoltarne le opinioni.
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It brings together 250 delegates, including leading representatives from the international and European Olympic Committees, European federations, sport for all organisations, and organisations of leagues, clubs and athletes.
Il Forum riunisce 250 delegati, compresi rappresentanti di spicco del Comitato olimpico internazionale e dei Comitati olimpici europei, di federazioni europee, organizzazioni dello sport per tutti, di leghe, club e atleti.
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The Sport Forum also showcases EU-funded projects implemented during the past two years, aimed at supporting the fight against violence and intolerance in sport, social inclusion of immigrants, the promotion of good governance in sport, the fight against match-fixing, the promotion of physical activity supporting active ageing, awareness-raising about effective ways of promoting sport at municipal level and trans-frontier joint grassroots sport competitions in neighbouring regions and Member States.
Il Forum sarà anche una vetrina per i progetti finanziati dall'UE e attuati nel corso degli ultimi due anni, che mirano a sostenere la lotta contro la violenza e l'intolleranza nello sport, l'inclusione sociale degli immigrati, la promozione della buona governance nello sport, la lotta al fenomeno delle partite truccate, la promozione dell'attività fisica quale supporto all'invecchiamento attivo, la sensibilizzazione sulle modalità efficaci per incentivare l'attività sportiva a livello locale e le competizioni transfrontaliere di sport di base in regioni e Stati membri limitrofi.
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Sport is an essential part of the lives of millions of European citizens.
Lo sport costituisce una parte essenziale della vita di milioni di cittadini europei.
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With the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty in December 2009, the EU acquired a competence in the field of sport.
Con l'entrata in vigore del trattato di Lisbona nel dicembre del 2009 l'UE ha acquisito una competenza specifica in materia di sport.
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Article 165 TFEU states that the EU should support, coordinate and supplement sport policy actions by EU Member States.
L'articolo 165 TFUE sancisce che l'UE sostiene, coordina ed integra le azioni intraprese dagli Stati membri nel settore dello sport.
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It also calls on the EU to contribute to the promotion of European sporting issues, while taking account of the specific nature of sport, its structures based on voluntary activity and its social and educational function, and to develop the European dimension in sport.
Invita inoltre l'UE a contribuire alla promozione dei profili europei dello sport, tenendo conto delle sue specificità, delle sue strutture fondate sul volontariato e della sua funzione sociale ed educativa nonché a sviluppare la dimensione europea dello sport.
EU Sport Forum: Olympic gold medallist puts spotlight on 'dual careers'
It's easy to imagine that success in sport is a ticket to mega-earnings
and a lifetime of luxury.
It might be for an elite few, but for most sportspeople the reality is
very different.
When their sports career is over, they need to find a 'normal' job.
For some that's not easy because they put all their energies into sport
and dropped the education baton.
'Dual careers' for sportspeople, which aim to combine sports training
with education, will be one of the main themes addressed at the 2013 EU Sport
Forum, which takes place in Vilnius on 30 September-1 October.
Basketball legend and Olympic gold-medallist Šarūnas Marčiulioniss will
join Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner responsible for sport, in a
high-level panel debate on dual careers on the second day of the Forum.
Other issues under discussion will include Erasmus+, the new EU
programme for education, training, youth and sport, football transfer fees, and
the Commission's new 'HEPA' initiative aimed at getting people to exercise more
and enjoy the benefits of health-enhancing physical activity.
For the first time, the Forum will feature a Twitter 'wall' (hashtag:
#EUsportforum), which will allow Forum participants and sports fans to provide
instant feedback and comments.
The Forum coincides with an Informal Meeting of Sport Ministers, which
Commissioner Vassiliou will also attend.
The main focus of the Informal is the planning and legacy of major
sport events and the contribution of sport to the economy.
Commissioner Vassiliou commented:
"I am very pleased that the EU Sport Forum will raise awareness of the
importance of 'dual careers' for sports-people.
For every sporting 'god' like Cristiano Ronaldo, Rafael Nadal or Usain
Bolt, there are thousands of athletes who face a tough time in adjusting after
their sport career is over unless they have also trained for life off the field.
I am also looking forward to highlighting our new Erasmus+ programme,
which will include a dedicated budget for grassroots sport for the first time,
as well as providing funding for transnational campaigns aimed at combating
sport-related violence, intolerance and gender inequality."
It is envisaged that Erasmus+ will allocate more than €33 million a
year for grassroots sport between 2014 and 2020. It will support transnational
projects aimed at boosting the exchange of know-how and good practices, special
non-commercial European sport events and a strengthened evidence-base for sport
The main beneficiaries will be public bodies and civil society
organisations active in grassroots sport.
Since 2007, the Commission has provided more than €22 million in support of
sport projects.
Next steps
The Council and the European Parliament are expected to adopt Erasmus+
in the coming weeks.
The Recommendation on Health-Enhancing Physical Activity proposed by
the Commission could be adopted by the Council before the end of the year.
Representatives of Europe's sport movement and Member States meet at
the EU Sport Forum. The Forum, which is held annually, is an opportunity for the
Commission to inform sport stakeholders about its policy initiatives and to
listen to their views.
It brings together 250 delegates, including leading representatives
from the international and European Olympic Committees, European federations,
sport for all organisations, and organisations of leagues, clubs and athletes.
The Sport Forum also showcases EU-funded projects implemented during
the past two years, aimed at supporting the fight against violence and
intolerance in sport, social inclusion of immigrants, the promotion of good
governance in sport, the fight against match-fixing, the promotion of physical
activity supporting active ageing, awareness-raising about effective ways of
promoting sport at municipal level and trans-frontier joint grassroots sport
competitions in neighbouring regions and Member States.
Sport is an essential part of the lives of millions of European
With the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty in December 2009, the EU
acquired a competence in the field of sport.
Article 165 TFEU states that the EU should support, coordinate and
supplement sport policy actions by EU Member States.
It also calls on the EU to contribute to the promotion of European
sporting issues, while taking account of the specific nature of sport, its
structures based on voluntary activity and its social and educational function,
and to develop the European dimension in sport. |