La forte stagione turistica in Europa dà un impulso all'economia e all'occupazione in stato di necessità
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Data documento: 27-09-2013
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Strong tourism season gives Europe an economic boost and much needed jobs
La forte stagione turistica in Europa dà un impulso all'economia e all'occupazione in stato di necessità
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Despite the economic crisis, Europe remains one of the favourite destinations.
Nonostante la crisi economica, l'Europa rimane una delle destinazioni preferite.
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International tourist arrivals in Europe grew by 5 % during the first half of 2013, with best results recorded in Central and Eastern Europe (+ 9 %) and Southern and Mediterranean Europe (+ 6 %).
Il flusso di turisti internazionali in Europa è aumentato del 5% nel primo semestre del 2013, con i migliori risultati registrati nell'Europa centrale e orientale (+9%), seguita dall'Europa meridionale e mediterranea (+6%).
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During the first six months of the year, Spain was still the most popular destination, followed by Italy, France, Austria, Germany, Greece and the UK, but eastern countries such as Lithuania, Slovakia and Latvia also recorded substantial growth.
La Spagna resta la destinazione preferita, seguita da Italia, Francia, Austria, Germania, Grecia e Regno Unito, ma anche i paesi orientali, come Lituania, Slovacchia e Lettonia, hanno registrato una congrua crescita.
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Additionally, tens of thousands of jobs are currently available in the tourism sector across Europe, which could provide some relief to the more than 26 million Europeans currently out of work.
Decine di migliaia di posti di lavoro sono inoltre attualmente disponibili nel settore del turismo in Europa, una potenziale fonte di sollievo per gli oltre 26 milioni di europei senza lavoro.
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Jobs in the tourism sector are especially attractive for the young workforce, which faces a 23.5 % unemployment rate (reaching a stunning 50 % unemployment rate in some areas).
L'occupazione nel settore del turismo è particolarmente attraente per i giovani lavoratori, colpiti da un tasso di disoccupazione del 23,5% (che in alcune zone raggiunge l'esorbitante percentuale del 50%).
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Although jobs exist in the tourism sector, often it is difficult to match potential employers with qualified workers across Europe.
Sebbene esistano posti di lavoro nel settore del turismo, l'incontro tra potenziali datori di lavoro e lavoratori qualificati in tutta Europa si rivela spesso difficile.
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In order to foster employment and mobility in the tourism sector, the European Commission has put in place EURES , the first pan-European job portal which currently has many openings in the tourism sector.
Per promuovere l'occupazione e la mobilità nel settore del turismo, la Commissione europea ha introdotto EURES , il primo portale del lavoro paneuropeo, che offre attualmente diverse posizioni professionali nel settore del turismo.
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The portal will soon allow searching for more tourism-specific skills.
Il portale consentirà presto di effettuare una ricerca più specifica nell'ambito delle competenze del settore del turismo.
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European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, said:
Antonio Tajani, Vicepresidente della Commissione europea e Commissario responsabile per l'Industria e l'imprenditoria, ha affermato:
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“Today we celebrate the World Tourism Day.
"Oggi festeggiamo la Giornata mondiale del turismo.
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On that occasion, I am very pleased to have good figures to report for the first part of this year's tourism season – especially because they come at the time when most EU Member countries struggle with high unemployment and economic difficulties.
In questa occasione, sono molto lieto di poter comunicare cifre positive per la prima parte della stagione turistica di quest'anno — specialmente perché arrivano in un momento in cui la maggior parte dei paesi membri dell'UE fa fronte a un alto tasso di disoccupazione e a difficoltà economiche.
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Tourism has always been very high on my agenda, as it employs nearly 20 million people and has links to other key sectors, such as culture, food, fashion, construction and transport.
Il turismo è sempre stato una delle priorità del mio programma, in quanto dà lavoro a quasi 20 milioni di persone ed è collegato ad altri settori chiave, quali la cultura, il settore alimentare, la moda, l'edilizia e i trasporti.
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We should continue to find ways to make Europe's tourism sector flourish.
Dobbiamo continuare a cercare modi per far prosperare il settore turistico in Europa.
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Our visa simplification initiative, which aims to attract more tourist from the emerging economies, is a good example of how we can work together to remove policy and administrative barriers to boost economic growth."
La nostra iniziativa di semplificazione del rilascio dei visti, volta ad attirare più turisti provenienti dalle economie emergenti, è un buon esempio di iniziativa congiunta finalizzata ad eliminare le barriere politiche e amministrative per stimolare la crescita economica."
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More on the results of the 2013 tourism season
Ulteriori informazioni sui dati relativi alla stagione turistica 2013
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Video message of Vice President Tajani on the importance of Eures for tourism
Video messaggio del Vice Presidente Antonio Tajani sull’importanza di EURESs per il turismo
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Star performers across all regions of Europe
I migliori risultati in tutta Europa
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Among the Mediterranean countries, Spain led the way in 2013:
Tra i paesi mediterranei, è la Spagna ad aver conquistato il primo posto nel 2013:
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it had 34 million tourists between January and July, and a 4 % rise in international arrivals compared to last year.
34 milioni di turisti tra gennaio e luglio e un aumento dei visitatori internazionali del 4% rispetto all'anno scorso.
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Tourism in Greece has grown by 9.2%, hosting around 7 million tourists in seven months.
Il turismo in Grecia è aumentato del 9,2%, con circa 7 milioni di turisti in sette mesi.
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Malta (+10 %) and Portugal (+8 %) also reported healthy growth.
Anche Malta (+10 %) e il Portogallo (+8 %) hanno registrato una crescita vigorosa.
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In Northern Europe results were also good but more modest (+3 %), except for the United Kingdom, which recorded a 4 % increase in arrivals following last year’s 2012 London Summer Olympics.
Nell'Europa settentrionale i risultati sono stati buoni ma più modesti (+3%), tranne per il Regno Unito, che ha registrato un incremento del 4% in seguito alle Olimpiadi estive di Londra del 2012.
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France benefited from an increase in international visitors during the summer season, which compensated for a decrease in the number of local tourists.
La Francia ha visto un aumento dei visitatori internazionali durante la stagione estiva, che ha compensato il calo dei turisti locali.
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Star performers in Central and Eastern Europe were Slovakia (+19 %), Latvia (+11 %) and Lithuania (+9 %).
I migliori successi nell'Europa centrale e orientale si sono registrati in Slovacchia (+19%), Lettonia (+11%) e Lituania (+9%).
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Promising results also come from the new EU Member State: Croatia.
Risultati promettenti vengono anche dal nuovo Stato membro dell'UE: la Croatia.
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The country has recorded a 5.4 % increase in arrivals and a 3.3% increase in nights spent compared to 2012 figures.
Il paese ha registrato un aumento delle visite pari al 5,4% e un aumento dei pernottamenti del 3,3% rispetto al 2012.
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In the month of August only, registered arrivals in Croatia exceeded last year's figures by 10 %.
Nel solo mese di agosto, gli arrivi registrati in Croazia hanno superato del 10% i dati dell'anno precedente.
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Less satisfactory figures come from Cyprus, where arrivals of tourists decreased by 5.8% for the period January-July 2013.
Meno soddisfacenti i dati emersi da Cipro, dove il flusso turistico è diminuito del 5,8% nell periodo gennaio — luglio 2013.
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These new UNWTO World Tourism Barometer figures, along with the data from National Tourism and Statistic Offices, confirm the results of the Flash Eurobarometer survey Attitudes of Europeans towards Tourism (IP/13/200) and go along with the results of the winter and spring seasons which showed positive tourism trends earlier in the year.
Questi nuovi dati dell'UNWTO World Tourism Barometer, assieme a quelli provenienti dagli uffici di turismo e dagli uffici statistici nazionali, confermano i risultati evidenziati dall'indagine Flash Eurobarometro intitolata Atteggiamento degli europei nei confronti del turismo (IP/13/200) e riflettono i dati della stagione invernale e primaverile, indicanti una tendenza positiva già dall'inizio dell'anno.
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European airports also record increased traffic
Maggiore traffico aereo anche negli aeroporti europei
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Key indicators from the aviation industry also confirm the successful trend:
Gli indicatori chiave dell'industria aeronautica confermano questa tendenza positiva:
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travel on European routes grew at a slightly faster rate in 2013 compared to the previous year.
i viaggi lungo le rotte europee sono cresciuti a un tasso leggermente maggiore nel 2013 rispetto all'anno precedente.
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For example, nearly 2 million foreign visitors flew to Greece's main airport during the summer season, a boost for the Mediterranean country which relies on tourism to help pull itself out of an economic crisis.
Ad esempio, quasi due milioni di visitatori stranieri sono atterrati nell'aeroporto principale della Grecia durante l'estate, un grande impulso per il paese mediterraneo, che fa leva anche sul turismo per risollevarsi dalla crisi economica.
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Malta also recorded the airport’s best month ever:
Malta ha registrato il mese migliore in assoluto per il suo aeroporto:
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only in August 500.000 passengers passed through the International airport of the island.
soltanto in agosto 500.000 passeggeri hanno transitato attraverso l'aeroporto internazionale dell'isola.
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The future: simplifying visas to attract even more tourists
Il futuro: semplificare il rilascio dei visti per attirare un numero ancora maggiore di turisti
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Seeking to further develop Europe's tourism potential, the European Commission is preparing a review of the Visa Code before the end of this year.
Nell'intento di sviluppare ulteriormente il potenziale turistico dell'Europa, la Commissione europea sta preparando una revisione del codice dei visti entro della fine di quest'anno.
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Its aim is to simplify and improve the visa procedures, in particular for tourists coming from emerging economies such as China and Russia, while ensuring an adequate level of security in the EU.
Il suo obiettivo è semplificare e migliorare le procedure di rilascio dei visti, in particolare per i turisti provenienti dalle economie emergenti come la Cina e la Russia, garantendo al tempo stesso adeguati livelli di sicurezza nell'UE.
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In the last four years, the number of Russian and Chinese visitors to the EU has doubled and flows from India are also increasing rapidly.
Negli ultimi quattro anni, il numero di visitatori russi e cinesi nell'UE è raddoppiato e anche i flussi dall'India stanno aumentando rapidamente.
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Yet many potential travellers from countries outside of the EU face visa hurdles when they decide to vacation in Europe.
Molti potenziali viaggiatori provenienti da paesi al di fuori dell'UE si imbattono tuttavia in ostacoli per ottenere un visto quando decidono di passare le vacanze in Europa.
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The new initiative aims to eliminate the cumbersome visa processing and attract even more foreign tourists to Europe's mountains, cities and coastlines.
La nuova iniziativa mira ad eliminare la gravosa procedura di rilascio dei visti e ad attirare un numero ancora maggiore di turisti stranieri verso le montagne, le città e i litorali europei.
Strong tourism season gives Europe an economic boost and much needed jobs
Despite the economic crisis, Europe remains one of the favourite
International tourist arrivals in Europe grew by 5 % during the first
half of 2013, with best results recorded in Central and Eastern Europe (+ 9 %)
and Southern and Mediterranean Europe (+ 6 %).
During the first six months of the year, Spain was still the most
popular destination, followed by Italy, France, Austria, Germany, Greece and the
UK, but eastern countries such as Lithuania, Slovakia and Latvia also recorded
substantial growth.
Additionally, tens of thousands of jobs are currently available in the
tourism sector across Europe, which could provide some relief to the more than
26 million Europeans currently out of work.
Jobs in the tourism sector are especially attractive for the young
workforce, which faces a 23.5 % unemployment rate (reaching a stunning 50 %
unemployment rate in some areas).
Although jobs exist in the tourism sector, often it is difficult to
match potential employers with qualified workers across Europe.
In order to foster employment and mobility in the tourism sector, the
European Commission has put in place EURES <https://ec.europa.eu/eures/>, the
first pan-European job portal which currently has many openings in the tourism
The portal will soon allow searching for more tourism-specific skills.
European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for
Industry and Entrepreneurship, said:
“Today we celebrate the World Tourism Day.
On that occasion, I am very pleased to have good figures to report for the first
part of this year's tourism season – especially because they come at the time
when most EU Member countries struggle with high unemployment and economic
Tourism has always been very high on my agenda, as it employs nearly 20 million
people and has links to other key sectors, such as culture, food, fashion,
construction and transport.
We should continue to find ways to make Europe's tourism sector flourish.
Our visa simplification initiative, which aims to attract more tourist from the
emerging economies, is a good example of how we can work together to remove
policy and administrative barriers to boost economic growth."
More on the results of the 2013 tourism season
Video message of Vice President Tajani on the importance of Eures for
Star performers across all regions of Europe
Among the Mediterranean countries, Spain led the way in 2013:
it had 34 million tourists between January and July, and a 4 % rise in
international arrivals compared to last year.
Tourism in Greece has grown by 9.2%, hosting around 7 million tourists
in seven months.
Malta (+10 %) and Portugal (+8 %) also reported healthy
In Northern Europe results were also good but more modest (+3 %), except for
the United Kingdom, which recorded a 4 % increase in arrivals following last
year’s 2012 London Summer Olympics.
France benefited from an increase in international visitors during the
summer season, which compensated for a decrease in the number of local tourists.
Star performers in Central and Eastern Europe were Slovakia (+19 %),
Latvia (+11 %) and Lithuania (+9 %).
Promising results also come from the new EU Member State: Croatia.
The country has recorded a 5.4 % increase in arrivals and a 3.3%
increase in nights spent compared to 2012 figures.
In the month of August only, registered arrivals in Croatia exceeded
last year's figures by 10 %.
Less satisfactory figures come from Cyprus, where arrivals of tourists
decreased by 5.8% for the period January-July 2013.
These new UNWTO World Tourism Barometer figures, along with the data
from National Tourism and Statistic Offices, confirm the results of the Flash
Eurobarometer survey Attitudes of Europeans towards Tourism (IP/13/200) and go
along with the results of the winter and spring seasons which showed positive
tourism trends earlier in the year.
European airports also record increased traffic
Key indicators from the aviation industry also confirm the successful
travel on European routes grew at a slightly faster rate in 2013 compared to the
previous year.
For example, nearly 2 million foreign visitors flew to Greece's main
airport during the summer season, a boost for the Mediterranean country which
relies on tourism to help pull itself out of an economic crisis.
Malta also recorded the airport’s best month ever:
only in August 500.000 passengers passed through the International airport of
the island.
The future: simplifying visas to attract even more tourists
Seeking to further develop Europe's tourism potential, the European
Commission is preparing a review of the Visa Code before the end of this year.
Its aim is to simplify and improve the visa procedures, in particular
for tourists coming from emerging economies such as China and Russia, while
ensuring an adequate level of security in the EU.
In the last four years, the number of Russian and Chinese visitors to
the EU has doubled and flows from India are also increasing rapidly.
Yet many potential travellers from countries outside of the EU face
visa hurdles when they decide to vacation in Europe.
The new initiative aims to eliminate the cumbersome visa processing and
attract even more foreign tourists to Europe's mountains, cities and coastlines. |