Trasporti: la Commissione esorta l’Italia, Cipro e la Grecia ad attuare le norme UE per sbloccare la congestione dello spazio aereo europeo
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Data documento: 26-09-2013
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Transport: Commission urges Italy, Cyprus and Greece to implement EU rules to unblock congestion in Europe's airspace
Trasporti: la Commissione esorta l’Italia, Cipro e la Grecia ad attuare le norme UE per sbloccare la congestione dello spazio aereo europeo
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Today the European Commission has requested Italy, Cyprus and Greece to urgently clarify the measures taken to establish Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs), required under the Single European Sky legislation 2004, in order to reform Europe's out-of-date air traffic control system.
Oggi la Commissione europea ha chiesto all’Italia, a Cipro e alla Grecia di chiarire con urgenza le misure adottate per istituire blocchi funzionali di spazio aereo (FAB), previste dalla normativa del 2004 sul cielo unico europeo allo scopo di riformare l’obsoleto sistema europeo di controllo del traffico aereo.
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The FABs are intended to replace the current patchwork of 27 national air traffic blocks with a network of larger, regional blocks, to gain efficiency, cut costs and reduce emissions.
I blocchi funzionali di spazio aereo sono finalizzati a sostituire l’attuale congerie di 27 blocchi nazionali di traffico aereo con una rete di blocchi regionali, di dimensioni maggiori, per guadagnare in efficienza, tagliare i costi e ridurre le emissioni.
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The Commission is looking to head off a capacity crunch as the number of flights is forecast to increase by 50% over the next 10-20 years.
Obiettivo della Commissione è prevenire una crisi di capacità in quanto nei prossimi 10-20 anni si prevede un aumento del 50% del numero dei voli.
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Overall, inefficiencies in Europe's fragmented airspace bring extra costs of close to € 5 billion each year to airlines and their customers.
Nel complesso, le inefficienze nel frammentato spazio aereo europeo comportano ogni anno costi straordinari per quasi 5 miliardi di EUR a carico delle compagnie aeree e dei loro clienti.
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They add 42 kilometres to the distance of an average flight, forcing aircraft to burn more fuel, generate more emissions, pay more in costly user charges and suffer greater delays.
In media un volo percorre 42 chilometri in più del necessario, costringendo gli aeromobili a consumare più carburante, generare maggiori emissioni, pagare maggiori diritti di utilizzo, già costosi di per sé, senza parlare dell’aumento dei ritardi.
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The United States controls the same amount of airspace, with more traffic, at almost half the cost.
Gli Stati Uniti controllano uno spazio aereo della stessa estensione, avente un traffico superiore, con costi quasi dimezzati.
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Vice-President Siim Kallas said, "This legal action should send a strong political message about our determination to push through the reforms to Europe's air traffic control that are so badly needed.
Il vicepresidente Siim Kallas ha dichiarato: “La presente azione legale deve inviare un messaggio politico forte circa la nostra determinazione a proseguire le riforme estremamente necessarie nell’ambito del controllo del traffico aereo in Europa.
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Our airlines and their passengers have had to endure more than 10 years of reduced services and missed deadlines on the route to a Single European Sky.
Per oltre 10 anni, sulla strada verso il cielo unico europeo, le nostre compagnie aeree e i loro clienti hanno dovuto sopportare ritardi e servizi non all’altezza.
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We cannot afford to continue this way.
Non possiamo permetterci di continuare così.
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Europe's skies face a capacity crunch, and the reform of our aging air traffic control system is too important to passengers, airlines, and the environment to be allowed to fail."
I cieli europei affrontano una crisi di capacità e la riforma del nostro obsoleto sistema di controllo del traffico aereo è troppo importante per i passeggeri, le compagnie aeree e l’ambiente per essere lasciata fallire”.
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Member States have, since 2004, been obliged to establish FABs.
Nel 2004 è stato introdotto l’obbligo per gli Stati membri di istituire i FAB.
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Due to the slow progress, a binding deadline of 4 December 2012 was set in 2009, but implementation is still far too slow.
A causa dei lenti progressi compiuti, nel 2009 è stato fissato il termine vincolante del 4 dicembre 2012, ma l’attuazione procede ancora troppo lentamente.
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The Commission is now seeking clarification, through a letter of formal notice, of the measures Italy, Cyprus and Greece have taken to put the basic legal structures for FABs in place.
La Commissione chiede ora chiarimenti, con una lettera di costituzione in mora, sulle misure adottate dall’Italia, da Cipro e dalla Grecia per istituire le strutture giuridiche di base per la realizzazione dei FAB.
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Delays in delivering operational FABs are holding back the implementation of the EU's Single European Sky to a significant degree which in turn generates inefficiencies in the entire European air traffic management system, bringing extra costs of close to € 5 billion a year which are passed on to airlines and their customers — as well as increased journey times, delays and emissions.
I ritardi nell’istituzione dei FAB operativi impediscono in misura considerevole l’attuazione del cielo unico europeo dell’UE, causando così inefficienze in tutto il sistema europeo di gestione del traffico aereo, con costi aggiuntivi per quasi 5 miliardi di EUR all’anno che ricadono sulle compagnie aeree e i loro clienti, nonché un aumento dei tempi di percorrenza, dei ritardi e delle emissioni.
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Functional airspace blocks go to the heart of the ambitious plans to reform Europe's aging air traffic control system and create a Single European Sky.
I blocchi funzionali di spazio aereo sono all’origine del piani ambiziosi che intendono riformare l’obsoleto sistema europeo di controllo del traffico aereo e creare un cielo unico europeo.
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The Commission is requesting information, through a letter of formal notice, from Italy, Cyprus and Greece on how they have complied with key provisions of Single Sky legislation, notably Article 9a of Regulation (EC) No 550/2004 which mandated the full implementation of FABs as defined in Article 2(25) of Regulation (EC) No 549/2004 by all EU Member States by 4 December 2012 — with a regulatory obligation to enable optimum use of airspace in regard to capacity and flight efficiency, as well as an obligation to deliver optimised air navigation services across the EU.
La Commissione ha chiesto informazioni, con una lettera di costituzione in mora, all’Italia, a Cipro e alla Grecia sull’adeguamento alle disposizioni fondamentali della normativa sul cielo unico, in particolare l’articolo 9 bis del regolamento (CE) n. 550/2004 che stabiliva la piena attuazione dei FAB, a norma dell’articolo 2, paragrafo 25, del regolamento (CE) n. 549/2004 da parte di tutti gli Stati membri dell’UE entro il 4 dicembre 2012 — con l’obbligo di consentire l’uso ottimale dello spazio aereo in relazione alla capacità e all’efficienza del volo, nonché all’obbligo di fornire servizi di navigazione aerea ottimizzati in tutta l’UE.
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In order to establish a FAB, first the Member States must put in place the legal structure, through state agreements signed by their participating Member States.
Per istituire un FAB, in primo luogo gli Stati membri devono creare la struttura giuridica, attraverso accordi firmati dagli Stati membri partecipanti.
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Once the legal structure is in place, only then can the difficult operational work to gain efficiencies in terms of reducing flight delays, costs and emissions begin.
Solo una volta istituita la struttura giuridica può iniziare il difficile lavoro operativo per guadagnare in efficienza in termini di riduzione dei ritardi, dei costi e delle emissioni nel settore del trasporto aereo.
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The Commission is currently examining infringement cases against all Member States in relation to FABs, particularly where no progress towards reform is seen.
La Commissione esamina attualmente la possibilità di avviare procedimenti di infrazione nei confronti di tutti gli Stati membri, e in particolare nei casi in cui non si intravvedono progressi di riforma.
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Despite a binding deadline of December 2012 for Member States to establish FABs, none of the 9 FABs which should have been created under the SES are fully operational.
Nonostante il termine vincolante del dicembre 2012 imposto agli Stati membri per l’istituzione dei blocchi funzionali di spazio aereo, nessuno dei nove blocchi finora istituiti nell’ambito del cielo unico europeo è pienamente operativo.
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As well as pursuing infringement actions against Member States who do not meet their legal obligations under the current SES legislation, the Commission has also adopted proposals for a SES2+ package of legislative measures which will speed up the reform of Europe's air traffic management system, by strengthening the nuts and bolts of the system so it can withstand more pressure and deliver ambitious reforms.
Oltre a portare avanti le procedure di infrazione nei confronti degli Stati membri che non rispettano i loro obblighi giuridici stabiliti dalla legislazione sul cielo unico europeo, la Commissione ha adottato proposte per un secondo pacchetto di misure legislative sul cielo unico (SES2+) che consentiranno di accelerare la riforma del sistema di gestione del traffico aereo europeo, rafforzando i punti cardine del sistema, in modo che possa resistere a una maggiore pressione e a realizzare riforme ambiziose.
Transport: Commission urges Italy, Cyprus and Greece to implement EU rules
to unblock congestion in Europe's airspace
Today the European Commission has requested Italy, Cyprus and Greece to
urgently clarify the measures taken to establish Functional Airspace Blocks
(FABs), required under the Single European Sky legislation 2004, in order to
reform Europe's out-of-date air traffic control system.
The FABs are intended to replace the current patchwork of 27 national
air traffic blocks with a network of larger, regional blocks, to gain
efficiency, cut costs and reduce emissions.
The Commission is looking to head off a capacity crunch as the number
of flights is forecast to increase by 50% over the next 10-20 years.
Overall, inefficiencies in Europe's fragmented airspace bring extra
costs of close to € 5 billion each year to airlines and their customers.
They add 42 kilometres to the distance of an average flight, forcing
aircraft to burn more fuel, generate more emissions, pay more in costly user
charges and suffer greater delays.
The United States controls the same amount of airspace, with more
traffic, at almost half the cost.
Vice-President Siim Kallas said, "This legal action should send a
strong political message about our determination to push through the reforms to
Europe's air traffic control that are so badly needed.
Our airlines and their passengers have had to endure more than 10 years
of reduced services and missed deadlines on the route to a Single European Sky.
We cannot afford to continue this way.
Europe's skies face a capacity crunch, and the reform of our aging air
traffic control system is too important to passengers, airlines, and the
environment to be allowed to fail."
Member States have, since 2004, been obliged to establish FABs.
Due to the slow progress, a binding deadline of 4 December 2012 was set
in 2009, but implementation is still far too slow.
The Commission is now seeking clarification, through a letter of formal
notice, of the measures Italy, Cyprus and Greece have taken to put the basic
legal structures for FABs in place.
Delays in delivering operational FABs are holding back the
implementation of the EU's Single European Sky to a significant degree which in
turn generates inefficiencies in the entire European air traffic management
system, bringing extra costs of close to € 5 billion a year which are passed on
to airlines and their customers — as well as increased journey times, delays and
Functional airspace blocks go to the heart of the ambitious plans to
reform Europe's aging air traffic control system and create a Single European
The Commission is requesting information, through a letter of formal
notice, from Italy, Cyprus and Greece on how they have complied with key
provisions of Single Sky legislation, notably Article 9a of Regulation (EC) No
550/2004 which mandated the full implementation of FABs as defined in Article
2(25) of Regulation (EC) No 549/2004 by all EU Member States by 4 December 2012
— with a regulatory obligation to enable optimum use of airspace in regard to
capacity and flight efficiency, as well as an obligation to deliver optimised
air navigation services across the EU.
In order to establish a FAB, first the Member States must put in place
the legal structure, through state agreements signed by their participating
Member States.
Once the legal structure is in place, only then can the difficult
operational work to gain efficiencies in terms of reducing flight delays, costs
and emissions begin.
The Commission is currently examining infringement cases against all
Member States in relation to FABs, particularly where no progress towards reform
is seen.
Despite a binding deadline of December 2012 for Member States to
establish FABs, none of the 9 FABs which should have been created under the SES
are fully operational.
As well as pursuing infringement actions against Member States who do
not meet their legal obligations under the current SES legislation, the
Commission has also adopted proposals for a SES2+ package of legislative
measures which will speed up the reform of Europe's air traffic management
system, by strengthening the nuts and bolts of the system so it can withstand
more pressure and deliver ambitious reforms. |