Dall’UE 660 milioni di euro per i migliori ricercatori
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Data documento: 26-09-2013
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€660 million in EU funding to top researchers
Dall’UE 660 milioni di euro per i migliori ricercatori
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Exploring the limits of life on Mars, developing a virus that can target cancer cells, or using photonics to restore vision in patients with cataracts. Societal challenges such as ageing populations in developing countries or inequality in capitalist societies.
Esplorare i limiti della vita su Marte, creare un virus che consenta di colpire le cellule tumorali, utilizzare la fotonica per ridare la vista a chi è affetto da cataratta, studiare sfide sociali come l’invecchiamento demografico nei paesi in via di sviluppo o le ineguaglianze nelle società capitalistiche:
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These are just some of the issues being tackled by the 284 scientists who are set to receive €660 million in the latest funding round from the European Research Council (ERC).
sono solo alcune delle tematiche studiate dai 284 scienziati che otterranno 660 milioni di euro nel quadro dell’ultima tornata di stanziamenti del Consiglio europeo della ricerca (CER).
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In its sixth and last Advanced Grant competition under the EU's Seventh Research Framework Programme (FP7), the ERC will provide individual grants of up to €3.5 million.
Nel sesto e ultimo bando per l’assegnazione di sovvenzioni a ricercatori esperti previsto dal Settimo programma quadro di ricerca e innovazione (7º PQ), il CER verserà singole sovvenzioni fino a 3,5 milioni di euro.
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The funding, some of the most prestigious in the world for frontier science, will enable well-established senior researchers to pursue their 'blue-sky' research.
Il finanziamento, tra i più importanti riconoscimenti mondiali della cosiddetta scienza di frontiera, consentirà ai senior researcher di proseguire le attività di ricerca di base (blue-sky research).
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The next Advanced Grants call will be the first under Horizon 2020, the new EU research and innovation programme.
Il prossimo bando riservato ai ricercatori esperti sarà il primo nell’ambito di Orizzonte 2020, il nuovo programma UE di ricerca e innovazione.
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European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn said:
La Commissaria europea responsabile per la Ricerca, l’innovazione e la scienza Máire Geoghegan-Quinn ha dichiarato:
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"The ERC funds researchers who are at the top of their game, and we need this talent in Europe.
“Il CER finanzia ricercatori di punta e l’Europa ha bisogno del loro talento.
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Their creativity and hard work creates knowledge that is valuable in itself, but that often also has a positive impact on our society and economy.
La loro creatività e la loro dedizione creano conoscenze che, oltre al valore intrinseco, in molti casi hanno effetti positivi anche sull’economia e la società.
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That is why the ERC budget will receive a major funding boost under Horizon 2020."
Ed è per questo motivo che il budget del CER aumenterà sostanzialmente nell’ambito di Orizzonte 2020.”
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In this call, the successful candidates are of 27 different nationalities, with British, German, French, Dutch and Italian researchers being the most numerous.
I candidati selezionati nel quadro del bando provengono da 27 paesi e sono principalmente di origine britannica, tedesca, francese, olandese e italiana.
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Grantees are based in some 150 institutions across 18 different European Research Area (ERA) countries.
I beneficiari fanno capo a 150 istituti in 18 paesi dello Spazio europeo della ricerca (SER).
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For this particular competition, just over 2,400 applications were submitted to the ERC, which is a slight increase (4.5%) from last year.
Per questa particolare selezione sono pervenute oltre 2 400 domande, un numero in lieve aumento (+4,5%) rispetto all’anno scorso.
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Thanks to the ERC grants, the selected scientists in this call will be able to build their own research teams, engaging an estimated 1,200 postdocs and PhD students as ERC team members.
Grazie alle sovvenzioni del CER i ricercatori selezionati nel quadro dell’attuale bando potranno formare la propria équipe di ricerca CER, coinvolgendo circa 1 200 dottorandi e post-dottorandi.
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Advanced Grants are awarded to well-established top researchers of any nationality or age, scientifically independent and with a recent research track-record, as well as a profile which identifies them as leaders in their respective field(s)
Le sovvenzioni sono assegnate a ricercatori di alto livello, di diverse nazionalità ed età. Si tratta di ricercatori leader nei rispettivi settori, scientificamente indipendenti e con esperienza recente e comprovata in ambito scientifico.
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The ERC also funds young, early-career top researchers (ERC Starting Grants) and already independent excellent scientists (ERC Consolidator Grants).
Il CER finanzia anche giovani promesse della ricerca ai loro esordi (ERC Starting Grants) e gli scienziati d’eccellenza indipendenti (ERC Consolidator Grants).
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Read more about the project examples.
Per saperne di più sui singoli esempi di progetto.
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ERC grants target top researchers of any nationality who are based in, or willing to move to, the European Research Area (ERA) (the EU Member States plus countries associated to the EU research programmes).
Le sovvenzioni del CER sono destinate a ricercatori di punta di diverse nazionalità stabiliti o disposti a trasferirsi nel SER (ossia lo Spazio europeo della ricerca, costituito dagli Stati membri dell’UE e da paesi che aderiscono ai programmi di ricerca dell’Unione).
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As the largest EU Member-States, the UK, Germany and France host the highest absolute number of selected researchers in this call.
Date le loro dimensioni, il Regno Unito, la Germania e la Francia sono i paesi che vantano in assoluto il numero più alto di ricercatori selezionati nel bando.
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In relation to population size, the Netherlands, UK, Finland and Denmark (of the EU countries), and Switzerland and Israel (of the countries associated with the EU research programme), host the greatest number of successful candidates in this call.
In rapporto alla popolazione, Paesi Bassi, Regno Unito, Finlandia e Danimarca (Stati membri dell’UE) e Svizzera e Israele (paesi associati al programma quadro di ricerca dell’UE), sono i paesi con il maggior numero di candidati vincitori.
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The overall success rate for this call lies at nearly 12%.
Il tasso di successo globale per il bando in questione è pari a quasi il 12%.
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The share of selected women in this round of grants is just over 13%, reflecting the continuing underrepresentation of women in senior research positions.
La quota di donne in questa tornata di finanziamenti supera di poco il 13%: un’immagine fedele della sottorappresentazione cronica delle donne ai vertici della ricerca.
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The average age of the researchers to be funded is 53 years old.
L’età media dei ricercatori che beneficeranno delle sovvenzioni è 53 anni.
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In this call, 45% of successful proposals were in the 'Physical Science and Engineering' domain, 36% in 'Life Sciences', and 18% in 'Social Sciences and Humanities'.
In questo bando, il 45% delle proposte finanziate rientra nel settore delle scienze fisiche e ingegneristiche, il 36% nelle scienze della vita e il 18% nelle scienze sociali e umane.
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The grantees were selected through peer review evaluation by 25 panels composed of renowned scientists from around the world.
I beneficiari sono stati selezionati mediante una valutazione inter pares effettuata da 25 commissioni composte da scienziati di fama mondiale.
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For further information, see statistics.
Per ulteriori informazioni si rimanda ai dati statistici.
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Set up in 2007 by the EU, the European Research Council is the first pan-European funding organisation for excellence in frontier research.
Istituito nel 2007 dall’UE, il Consiglio europeo della ricerca è la prima organizzazione paneuropea che finanzia la ricerca di frontiera.
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The ERC, which is a pioneering component of the EU's Seventh Research Framework Programme ('Ideas' Specific Programme), has a total budget of €7.5 billion from 2007 to 2013.
Il CER, che rappresenta la componente più nuova e pionieristica del Settimo programma quadro di ricerca e innovazione (programma specifico “Idee”), dispone di una dotazione complessiva di 7,5 miliardi di euro per il quinquennio 2007-2013.
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The European Commission proposed a significant boost of the ERC budget in the new framework programme "Horizon 2020" (2014-2020).
Con il nuovo programma quadro “Orizzonte 2020” (2014-2020) la Commissione europea ha aumentato notevolmente il bilancio del CER.
€660 million in EU funding to top researchers
Exploring the limits of life on Mars, developing a virus that can
target cancer cells, or using photonics to restore vision in patients with
cataracts. Societal challenges such as ageing populations in developing
countries or inequality in capitalist societies.
These are just some of the issues being tackled by the 284 scientists
who are set to receive €660 million in the latest funding round from the
European Research Council (ERC).
In its sixth and last Advanced Grant competition under the EU's Seventh
Research Framework Programme (FP7), the ERC will provide individual grants of up
to €3.5 million.
The funding, some of the most prestigious in the world for frontier
science, will enable well-established senior researchers to pursue their
'blue-sky' research.
The next Advanced Grants call will be the first under Horizon 2020, the
new EU research and innovation programme.
European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, Máire
Geoghegan-Quinn said:
"The ERC funds researchers who are at the top of their game, and we
need this talent in Europe.
Their creativity and hard work creates knowledge that is valuable in itself, but
that often also has a positive impact on our society and economy.
That is why the ERC budget will receive a major funding boost under Horizon
In this call, the successful candidates are of 27 different
nationalities, with British, German, French, Dutch and Italian researchers being
the most numerous.
Grantees are based in some 150 institutions across 18 different
European Research Area (ERA) countries.
For this particular competition, just over 2,400 applications were
submitted to the ERC, which is a slight increase (4.5%) from last year.
Thanks to the ERC grants, the selected scientists in this call will be
able to build their own research teams, engaging an estimated 1,200 postdocs and
PhD students as ERC team members.
Advanced Grants are awarded to well-established top researchers of any
nationality or age, scientifically independent and with a recent research
track-record, as well as a profile which identifies them as leaders in their
respective field(s)
The ERC also funds young, early-career top researchers (ERC Starting
Grants) and already independent excellent scientists (ERC Consolidator Grants).
Read more about the project examples.
ERC grants target top researchers of any nationality who are based in,
or willing to move to, the European Research Area (ERA) (the EU Member States
plus countries associated to the EU research programmes).
As the largest EU Member-States, the UK, Germany and France host the
highest absolute number of selected researchers in this call.
In relation to population size, the Netherlands, UK, Finland and
Denmark (of the EU countries), and Switzerland and Israel (of the countries
associated with the EU research programme), host the greatest number of
successful candidates in this call.
The overall success rate for this call lies at nearly 12%.
The share of selected women in this round of grants is just over 13%,
reflecting the continuing underrepresentation of women in senior research
The average age of the researchers to be funded is 53 years old.
In this call, 45% of successful proposals were in the 'Physical Science
and Engineering' domain, 36% in 'Life Sciences', and 18% in 'Social Sciences and
The grantees were selected through peer review evaluation by 25 panels
composed of renowned scientists from around the world.
For further information, see statistics.
Set up in 2007 by the EU, the European Research Council is the first
pan-European funding organisation for excellence in frontier research.
The ERC, which is a pioneering component of the EU's Seventh Research
Framework Programme ('Ideas' Specific Programme), has a total budget of €7.5
billion from 2007 to 2013.
The European Commission proposed a significant boost of the ERC budget
in the new framework programme "Horizon 2020" (2014-2020). |