Proclamati alla Fiera del Libro di Göteborg i vincitori del premio dell'Unione europea per la letteratura 2013
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Data documento: 26-09-2013
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Winners of 2013 European Union Prize for Literature announced at Göteborg Book Fair
Proclamati alla Fiera del Libro di Göteborg i vincitori del premio dell'Unione europea per la letteratura 2013
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The winners of the 2013 European Union Prize for Literature, recognising the best emerging authors in Europe, were announced today at the opening of the Göteborg Book Fair in Sweden by Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
I vincitori del premio dell’Unione europea per la letteratura 2013, che offre un riconoscimento ai migliori autori emergenti in Europa, sono stati proclamati oggi nel corso dell'inaugurazione della fiera del libro di Göteborg in Svezia da Androulla Vassiliou, commissaria europea responsabile per l’Istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù.
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This year’s winners are:
I vincitori di quest’anno sono:
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Isabelle Wéry (Belgium), Faruk
Šehić (Bosnia Herzegovina), Emilios Solomou (Cyprus), Kristian Bang Foss (Denmark), Meelis Friedenthal (Estonia), Lidija Dimkovska (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), Katri Lipson (Finland), Marica
Bodrožić (Germany), Tullio Forgiarini (Luxembourg), Ioana Pârvulescu (Romania), Gabriela Babnik (Slovenia) and Cristian Crusat (Spain).
Isabelle Wéry (Belgio), Faruk
Šehić (Bosnia-Erzegovina), Emilios Solomou (Cipro), Kristian Bang Foss (Danimarca), Meelis Friedenthal (Estonia), Lidija Dimkovska (ex Repubblica jugoslava di Macedonia), Katri Lipson (Finlandia), Marica
Bodrožić (Germany), Tullio Forgiarini (Lussemburgo), Ioana Pârvulescu (Romania), Gabriela Babnik (Slovenia) e Cristian Crusat (Spagna).
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See below for more details of the winning authors and their books.
Per maggiori dettagli sugli autori e sui libri vincitori si prega di consultare l'allegato.
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"My warmest congratulations go to all of this year's winners.
"Le mie più vive congratulazioni a tutti i vincitori di quest'anno.
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The European Union Prize for Literature draws international attention to fantastic new or emerging authors, who might otherwise not gain the recognition they deserve outside their home country.
Il premio dell'Unione europea per la letteratura richiama l’attenzione internazionale su eccellenti autori nuovi od emergenti, che diversamente potrebbero non ottenere il riconoscimento che meritano al di fuori del loro paese di origine.
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As well as helping these writers to reach new audiences, our aim is to introduce readers to great new European literature and offer them more choice.
Oltre ad aiutare questi scrittori a raggiungere un pubblico più vasto, il nostro obiettivo è avvicinare i lettori ad una nuova letteratura europea di qualità e offrire loro una scelta più ampia.
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This can also contribute, in the long term, to creating a genuine European readership, with nearly half a billion potential readers.
Questa iniziativa può anche contribuire a creare un vero e proprio pubblico europeo con quasi mezzo miliardo di potenziali lettori.
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Our new Creative Europe funding programme will enable us to provide greater support towards the cost of book translations and enhance cultural diversity," said Commissioner Vassiliou.
Il nostro nuovo programma di finanziamento per il progetto "Europa creativa" ci consentirà di fornire maggiore sostegno per le spese di traduzione dei libri e sviluppare la diversità culturale", ha affermato la commissaria Vassiliou.
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Each winner receives € 5.000.
Ciascun vincitore riceve 5 000 EUR.
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More importantly, their publishers are encouraged to apply for EU funding to have the winning books translated into other European languages.
Ma ancora più importante è che i loro editori sono incoraggiati a richiedere un finanziamento UE per far tradurre i libri vincitori in altre lingue europee.
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The European Union Prize for Literature (EUPL) is open to 37 countries which are part of the current EU Culture Programme (28 EU Member States as well as Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iceland, Liechtenstein, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Turkey).
Il premio dell'Unione europea per la letteratura (EUPL) è aperto ai 37 paesi che partecipano al programma Cultura dell'UE (28 Stati membri dell'UE nonché Albania, Bosnia-Erzegovina, Islanda, Liechtenstein, ex Repubblica jugoslava di Macedonia, Montenegro, Norvegia, Serbia e Turchia).
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Each year, national juries in a third of the countries nominate the winning authors, so that all are represented over a three-year period.
Ogni anno le giurie nazionali di un terzo dei paesi nominano gli autori vincitori, in modo che tutti i paesi siano rappresentati nell'arco di un triennio.
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This year's winners will be presented with their awards at a ceremony in Brussels on 26 November, in the presence of Commissioner Vassiliou and leading representatives of the worlds of literature, culture and politics.
La cerimonia di premiazione dei vincitori di quest'anno si svolgerà a Bruxelles il 26 novembre, in presenza della commissaria Vassiliou e di personaggi di spicco del mondo letterario, culturale e politico.
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The EUPL is organised by the European Commission with the European and International Booksellers' Federation (EIBF), the European Writers' Council (EWC) and the Federation of European Publishers (FEP). John Mc Namee, President of the EIBF, said:
Il premio EUPL è organizzato dalla Commissione europea in collaborazione con la Federazione europea ed internazionale dei librai (EIBF), con il Consiglio degli scrittori europei (EWC) e con la Federazione degli editori europei (FEP). John Mc Namee, Presidente della EIBF, ha dichiarato:
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“Once again, I am thrilled to discover new talents and I wish to express my warmest congratulations to all of this year's winners.
"Desidero esprimere le mie più vive congratulazioni a tutti i vincitori di quest'anno: scoprire nuovi talenti è ogni volta una grande emozione.
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Booksellers are delighted that the EUPL Prize helps literature cross borders and are looking forward to offering readers more choice, more books, more European literature.”
I librai sono molto lieti di constatare che il premio EUPL aiuta la letteratura a superare i confini nazionali, e non vedono l'ora di presentare ai lettori una scelta più ampia ed una maggiore offerta di libri e di letteratura europea."
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Pirjo Hiidenmaa, President of the EWC, said:
Pirjo Hiidenmaa, presidente dell'EWC, ha dichiarato:
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"Europe needs stories and storytellers, and there is an endless demand for books on eternal topics.
"L’Europa ha bisogno di storie e di narratori, la domanda di libri su argomenti di costante attualità è incessante."
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Writers bring vital sparks to minds and languages, and only change keeps cultures alive;
Gli scrittori apportano scintille vitali alle menti ed alle lingue;
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therefore, it is always a joy to celebrate new literary voices assuring us that culture keeps growing and changing."
poiché solo il cambiamento mantiene vive le culture, per questo motivo celebriamo sempre con gioia la nascita di nuove voci letterarie, capaci di rassicurarci che la cultura continua a crescere ed a evolversi.
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"I am very pleased that our organisation takes such an active part in the European Union Prize for Literature.
«Mi compiaccio che la nostra organizzazione assuma un ruolo così attivo nell'organizzazione del premio dell'Unione europea per la letteratura.
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Thanks to this Prize, we discover new worlds, new cultures, through the work of the talented winning authors.
Grazie a questo premio e attraverso il lavoro dei talentosi vincitori scopriamo nuovi mondi e nuove culture.
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I hope that the 2013 winners will get as many translations as they deserve - it is a fantastic way to celebrate the diversity of Europe, a value we should cherish in those times of crisis," added Piotr Marciszuk, President of FEP.
Mi auguro che le opere dei vincitori del 2013 ottengano tutte le traduzioni che meritano - questo è il miglior modo per celebrare la diversità dell'Europa, un valore che deve starci a cuore in quest'epoca di crisi," ha aggiunto Piotr Marciszuk, presidente del FEP.
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Romania will receive a special focus at this year's Göteborg Book Fair.
Sarà riservata alla Romania un'attenzione speciale durante l'edizione 2013 della fiera del libro Göteborg.
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Commissioner Vassiliou participated in the opening ceremony this morning with
Mircea Cărtărescu, the acclaimed Romanian poet, novelist and essayist.
La commissaria Vassiliou ha partecipato alla cerimonia di inaugurazione questa mattina con
Mircea Cărtărescu, l'acclamato poeta, scrittore e saggista rumeno.
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Europe Loves Reading
L'Europa ama la lettura
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After a press conference (12.15), Commissioner Vassiliou will also take part in an event linked to her 'Europe Loves Reading' literacy campaign.
Al termine di una conferenza stampa (12.15), la commissaria Vassiliou parteciperà inoltre a un evento connesso alla campagna di alfabetizzazione "L'Europa ama la lettura".
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She will meet young pupils from the international school in Göteborg (Internationella Engelska Skolan) who will read from their favourite books.
Incontrerà alcuni giovani alunni della scuola internazionale di Göteborg (Internationella Engelska Skolan), che leggeranno brani dei loro libri preferiti.
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One in five 15 year olds in the European Union, as well as many adults, cannot read properly.
Un quindicenne su cinque nell'Unione europea è incapace di leggere correttamente, come pure molti adulti.
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The campaign aims to raise awareness of Europe's literacy crisis and to promote reading for pleasure.
La campagna mira a sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica sul problema dell'alfabetizzazione in Europa ed a promuovere il piacere della lettura.
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Commissioner Vassiliou regularly attends reading sessions involving children, adolescents and adults.
La commissaria Vassiliou partecipa regolarmente ad incontri di lettura che coinvolgono bambini, adolescenti ed adulti.
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The events with children often have a multilingual dimension to encourage them to read aloud in different languages and to highlight the importance of linguistic diversity.
Questi eventi assumono spesso una dimensione multilingue ed incoraggiano i bambini a leggere ad alta voce in lingue diverse evidenziando così l’importanza della diversità linguistica.
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The European Commission invests €3 million a year on literary translation and more than €2.4 million on cooperation projects involving the book sector.
La Commissione europea investe ogni anno 3 milioni di euro in traduzioni letterarie e più di 2,4 milioni di euro in progetti di cooperazione che coinvolgono il settore dell'editoria.
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The industry contributes €23 billion to the EU's GDP and employs 135 000 people full time.
Il contributo di questa industria al PIL dell'UE è di 23 miliardi di euro; i lavoratori impiegati a tempo pieno sono 135 000.
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Books are the second most exported cultural goods in the EU, after works of art and antiques.
I libri sono il secondo bene culturale più esportato nell'UE, dopo le opere d'arte e gli oggetti di antiquariato.
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Since the European Prize for Literature was launched in 2009, the EU Culture Programme has provided funding for the translation of books by 43 EUPL winners, in 20 different languages, covering a total of 149 translations.
Dalla prima edizione del premio europeo per la letteratura tenutasi nel 2009, il programma Cultura dell’UE ha finanziato la traduzione in 20 lingue diverse di libri scritti da 43 vincitori del premio EUPL, per un totale di 149 traduzioni.
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The winners also benefit from extra visibility at Europe's major book fairs, including Frankfurt, London, Göteborg and the Passaporta Festival in Brussels.
Le fiere del libro più importanti in Europa, come quelle di Francoforte, Londra, Göteborg ed il festival Passaporta di Bruxelles, offrono particolare visibilità ai vincitori.
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Book publishing is a significant part of the cultural and creative sectors, which account for up to 4.5% of EU GDP and more than 8 million jobs.
L'editoria costituisce una parte significativa dei settori culturali e creativi, che rappresentano fino al 4,5% del PIL dell'UE e danno lavoro a 8 milioni di persone.
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Although these sectors have proved relatively resilient in the crisis, they also face considerable challenges stemming from the digital shift, globalisation and market fragmentation along cultural and linguistic lines.
Questi settori, che hanno mostrato una relativa resistenza alla crisi, sono chiamati anche a far fronte ai grandi cambiamenti connessi al passaggio al digitale, alla globalizzazione e alla frammentazione linguistica e culturale dei mercati.
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In January 2014, the Commission will launch the new Creative Europe programme, which aims to strengthen the competitiveness of the cultural and creative sectors, and to promote cultural diversity.
Nel gennaio 2014 la Commissione intende avviare il nuovo programma Europa creativa, che mira a rafforzare la competitività dei settori culturali e creativi ed a promuovere la diversità culturale.
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It is envisaged that the new programme will have a total budget of €1.3 billion in 2014-2020, which represents a 9% increase compared with current funding levels.
Si prevede che il nuovo programma disporrà di un bilancio totale di 1,3 miliardi di euro per il periodo 2014-2020, con un aumento del 9 % rispetto ai livelli di finanziamento attuali.
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The programme will provide funding for the translation of more than 4 500 books; it will also enable 300 000 artists, cultural professionals and their works to operate across borders and gain international experience.
Il programma finanzierà la traduzione di oltre 4 500 libri, oltre a consentire a 300 000 artisti e professionisti della cultura ed alle loro opere di raggiungere altri paesi e di acquisire esperienza internazionale.
Winners of 2013 European Union Prize for Literature announced at Göteborg
Book Fair
The winners of the 2013 European Union Prize for Literature,
recognising the best emerging authors in Europe, were announced today at the
opening of the Göteborg Book Fair in Sweden by Androulla Vassiliou, European
Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
This year’s winners are:
Isabelle Wéry (Belgium), Faruk Šehić (Bosnia
Herzegovina), Emilios Solomou (Cyprus), Kristian Bang Foss (Denmark), Meelis
Friedenthal (Estonia), Lidija Dimkovska (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia),
Katri Lipson (Finland), Marica Bodrožić
(Germany), Tullio Forgiarini (Luxembourg), Ioana Pârvulescu (Romania), Gabriela
Babnik (Slovenia) and Cristian Crusat (Spain).
See below for more details of the winning authors and their books.
"My warmest congratulations go to all of this year's winners.
The European Union Prize for Literature draws international attention
to fantastic new or emerging authors, who might otherwise not gain the
recognition they deserve outside their home country.
As well as helping these writers to reach new audiences, our aim is to
introduce readers to great new European literature and offer them more choice.
This can also contribute, in the long term, to creating a genuine
European readership, with nearly half a billion potential readers.
Our new Creative Europe funding programme will enable us to provide
greater support towards the cost of book translations and enhance cultural
diversity," said Commissioner Vassiliou.
Each winner receives € 5.000.
More importantly, their publishers are encouraged to apply for EU
funding to have the winning books translated into other European languages.
The European Union Prize for Literature (EUPL) is open to 37 countries
which are part of the current EU Culture Programme (28 EU Member States as well
as Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iceland, Liechtenstein, the Former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Turkey).
Each year, national juries in a third of the countries nominate the
winning authors, so that all are represented over a three-year period.
This year's winners will be presented with their awards at a ceremony
in Brussels on 26 November, in the presence of Commissioner Vassiliou and
leading representatives of the worlds of literature, culture and politics.
The EUPL is organised by the European Commission with the European and
International Booksellers' Federation (EIBF), the European Writers' Council
(EWC) and the Federation of European Publishers (FEP). John Mc Namee,
President of the EIBF, said:
“Once again, I am thrilled to discover new talents and I wish to express my
warmest congratulations to all of this year's winners.
Booksellers are delighted that the EUPL Prize helps literature cross borders and
are looking forward to offering readers more choice, more books, more European
Pirjo Hiidenmaa, President of the EWC, said:
"Europe needs stories and storytellers, and there is an endless demand for books
on eternal topics.
Writers bring vital sparks to minds and languages, and only change keeps
cultures alive;
therefore, it is always a joy to celebrate new literary voices assuring us that
culture keeps growing and changing."
"I am very pleased that our organisation takes such an active part in
the European Union Prize for Literature.
Thanks to this Prize, we discover new worlds, new cultures, through the work of
the talented winning authors.
I hope that the 2013 winners will get as many translations as they deserve - it
is a fantastic way to celebrate the diversity of Europe, a value we should
cherish in those times of crisis," added Piotr Marciszuk, President of FEP.
Romania will receive a special focus at this year's Göteborg Book Fair.
Commissioner Vassiliou participated in the opening ceremony this
morning with Mircea Cărtărescu, the acclaimed
Romanian poet, novelist and essayist.
Europe Loves Reading
After a press conference (12.15), Commissioner Vassiliou will also take
part in an event linked to her 'Europe Loves Reading' literacy campaign.
She will meet young pupils from the international school in Göteborg
(Internationella Engelska Skolan) who will read from their favourite books.
ne in five 15 year olds in the European Union, as well as many adults,
cannot read properly.
The campaign aims to raise awareness of Europe's literacy crisis and to
promote reading for pleasure.
Commissioner Vassiliou regularly attends reading sessions involving
children, adolescents and adults.
The events with children often have a multilingual dimension to
encourage them to read aloud in different languages and to highlight the
importance of linguistic diversity.
The European Commission invests €3 million a year on literary
translation and more than €2.4 million on cooperation projects involving the
book sector.
The industry contributes €23 billion to the EU's GDP and employs 135
000 people full time.
Books are the second most exported cultural goods in the EU, after
works of art and antiques.
Since the European Prize for Literature was launched in 2009, the EU
Culture Programme has provided funding for the translation of books by 43 EUPL
winners, in 20 different languages, covering a total of 149 translations.
The winners also benefit from extra visibility at Europe's major book
fairs, including Frankfurt, London, Göteborg and the Passaporta Festival in
Book publishing is a significant part of the cultural and creative
sectors, which account for up to 4.5% of EU GDP and more than 8 million jobs.
Although these sectors have proved relatively resilient in the crisis,
they also face considerable challenges stemming from the digital shift,
globalisation and market fragmentation along cultural and linguistic lines.
In January 2014, the Commission will launch the new Creative Europe
programme, which aims to strengthen the competitiveness of the cultural and
creative sectors, and to promote cultural diversity.
It is envisaged that the new programme will have a total budget of €1.3
billion in 2014-2020, which represents a 9% increase compared with current
funding levels.
The programme will provide funding for the translation of more than 4
500 books; it will also enable 300 000 artists, cultural professionals and their
works to operate across borders and gain international experience. |