La Commissione lancia il piano d'azione "Opening up Education" per incentivare l'innovazione e le competenze digitali nelle scuole e nelle università
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Data documento: 25-09-2013
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Commission launches 'Opening up Education' to boost innovation and digital skills in schools and universities
La Commissione lancia il piano d'azione "Opening up Education" per incentivare l'innovazione e le competenze digitali nelle scuole e nelle università
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More than 60% of nine year olds in the EU are in schools which are still not digitally equipped.
Nell'UE oltre il 60% dei bambini di nove anni frequenta istituti scolastici non ancora dotati di tecnologia digitale.
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The European Commission today unveils 'Opening up Education', an action plan to tackle this and other digital problems which are hampering schools and universities from delivering high quality education and the digital skills which 90% of jobs will require by 2020.
Oggi la Commissione europea presenta il piano d'azione "Opening up Education", elaborato per affrontare questo ed altri problemi di carattere digitale che impediscono a scuole ed università di fornire un'istruzione di elevata qualità e di trasmettere le competenze digitali che entro il 2020 saranno richieste dal 90% dei posti di lavoro.
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To help kick-off the initiative, the Commission today launches a new website, Open Education Europa, which will allow students, practitioners and educational institutions to share free-to-use open educational resources.
Per contribuire all'avvio dell'iniziativa la Commissione lancia oggi un nuovo sito web, Open Education Europa, che consentirà agli studenti, agli operatori del settore e agli istituti di istruzione di condividere risorse educative aperte e liberamente utilizzabili.
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Between 50% and 80% of students in EU countries never use digital textbooks, exercise software, broadcasts/podcasts, simulations or learning games.
Una quota pari al 50-80% degli studenti nei paesi UE non utilizza mai libri di testo digitali, software di esercizi, sistemi broadcast/podcast, simulazioni o giochi didattici.
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Most teachers at primary and secondary level do not consider themselves as 'digitally confident' or able to teach digital skills effectively, and 70% would like more training in using ICTs.
La maggior parte degli insegnanti nelle scuole primarie e secondarie non si sente sicura delle proprie competenze digitali né in grado di insegnarle in modo efficace e il 70% di essi auspica una formazione potenziata nell'uso delle TIC.
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Pupils in Latvia, Lithuania and the Czech Republic are the most likely to have internet access at school (more than 90%), twice as much as in Greece and Croatia (around 45%).
In Lettonia, Lituania e Repubblica ceca gli scolari hanno la maggiore probabilità (oltre il 90%) di disporre di un accesso ad Internet a scuola, il doppio rispetto a Grecia e Croazia (45% circa).
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Higher education also faces a digital challenge: with the number of EU students set to rise significantly in the next decade, universities need to adapt traditional teaching methods and offer a mix of face-to-face and online learning possibilities, such as MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), which allow individuals to access education anywhere, anytime and through any device.
L'istruzione superiore deve inoltre far fronte ad una sfida digitale: dato che il numero di studenti dell'UE è destinato a crescere in misura considerevole nel prossimo decennio, le università devono necessariamente adeguare a tale situazione i metodi d'insegnamento tradizionali, offrendo una combinazione di corsi face to face ed opportunità di formazione online quali i MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses - corsi online aperti e di massa), che consentano l'accesso all'istruzione in qualsiasi luogo, in qualsiasi momento e mediante qualsiasi dispositivo.
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But many universities are not ready for this change.
Ma molte università non sono pronte per un tale cambiamento.
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A joint initiative led by Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, and Neelie Kroes, Commission Vice-President, responsible for the Digital Agenda, Opening up Education focuses on three main areas:
Concepito quale iniziativa congiunta patrocinata da Androulla Vassiliou, commissaria per l'Istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù e da Neelie Kroes, vicepresidente della Commissione, responsabile per l'Agenda digitale, il piano d'azione "Opening up Education" è incentrato su tre aree principali:
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- Creating opportunities for organisations, teachers and learners to innovate;
- creare opportunità di innovazione per le organizzazioni, i docenti e i discenti;
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- Increased use of Open Educational Resources (OER), ensuring that educational materials produced with public funding are available to all;
- favorire il ricorso alle risorse educative aperte (REA/OER), garantendo che il materiale didattico realizzato con finanziamenti pubblici sia accessibile a tutti;
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- Better ICT infrastructure and connectivity in schools.
- migliorare le infrastrutture TIC e la connettività nelle scuole.
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"The education landscape is changing dramatically, from school to university and beyond:
"Il contesto dell'istruzione sta mutando radicalmente, dalla scuola all'università e oltre:
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open technology-based education will soon be a 'must have', not just a 'good-to-have', for all ages.
a breve un'istruzione basata sulla tecnologia aperta sarà "necessaria" e non solo "auspicabile", e questo vale per tutte le fasce d'età.
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We need to do more to ensure that young people especially are equipped with the digital skills they need for their future.
Dobbiamo fare di più per garantire che in particolare i giovani siano dotati delle competenze digitali necessarie per il loro futuro.
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It's not enough to understand how to use an app or program;
Non è sufficiente capire come utilizzare un'applicazione o programma;
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we need youngsters who can create their own programs.
abbiamo bisogno di giovani che siano in grado di creare i propri programmi.
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Opening up Education is about opening minds to new learning methods so that our people are more employable, creative, innovative and entrepreneurial," said Commissioner Vassiliou.
Opening up Education mira ad aprire le menti a nuove metodologie di apprendimento per far sì che le persone abbiano maggiori possibilità di trovare un impiego, siano più creative, orientate all'innovazione e sviluppino maggiori capacità imprenditoriali," ha affermato la commissaria Vassiliou.
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Vice-President Kroes added:
La vicepresidente Kroes ha aggiunto:
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"My dream is to have every classroom digital by 2020.
"Il mio sogno è avere solo aule digitali entro il 2020.
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Education must be connected to real life; it cannot be a parallel universe.
L'istruzione deve rimanere in contatto con la realtà, non può costituire un universo parallelo.
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Young people want to use digital technology in every aspect of life.
I giovani vogliono utilizzare le tecnologie digitali in ogni aspetto della propria vita.
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They need digital skills to get jobs.
Necessitano di competenze digitali per ottenere posti di lavoro.
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All of our schools and universities, not just some of them, must reflect that reality."
Tutte le nostre scuole e università, non solo alcune di esse, devono rispecchiare questa realtà."
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Initiatives linked to Opening up Education will be funded with support from Erasmus+, the new EU programme for education, training, youth and sport, and Horizon 2020, the new research and innovation programme, as well as the EU structural funds.
Le iniziative connesse al piano d'azione "Aprire i sistemi di istruzione" verranno finanziate grazie al sostegno di Erasmus+, il nuovo programma dell'UE per l'istruzione, la formazione, la gioventù e lo sport, e Horizon 2020, il nuovo programma quadro di ricerca e innovazione, nonché con i fondi strutturali dell'UE.
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For example, Erasmus+ will offer funding to education providers to ensure business models are adapted to technological change and to support teachers’ development through open online courses.
Il programma Erasmus+ offrirà ad esempio finanziamenti agli erogatori di istruzione per garantire che i modelli imprenditoriali vengano adattati ai cambiamenti tecnologici e per sostenere lo sviluppo della formazione dei docenti mediante corsi online aperti.
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All educational materials supported by Erasmus+ will be freely available to the public under open licences.
Tuttii materiali didattici aquistati con il sostegno di Erasmus+ saranno liberamente disponibili al pubblico grazie a licenze aperte.
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We are living in connected societies, where more and more people of all ages use digital technologies in their everyday lives.
Viviamo in una società interconnessa, in cui sempre più persone di tutte le fasce d'età si avvalgono di tecnologie digitali nella loro vita quotidiana.
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However, when many children go to school, they enter a system that doesn't reflect this everyday reality.
Molti bambini, tuttavia, quando iniziano a frequentare la scuola entrano in un sistema che non riflette tale realtà.
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The online world is changing how education is resourced, delivered and enjoyed.
L'universo online sta cambiando le modalità secondo le quali l'istruzione viene trasmessa e fruita e la relativa dotazione di risorse.
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Over the next 10 years, the e-Learning market is projected by some to grow fifteen-fold, accounting for 30% of the whole education market.
Si prevede che nel corso dei prossimi dieci anni il mercato dell'e-learning aumenterà di quindici volte, rappresentando così il 30% dell'intero mercato dell'istruzione.
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The benefits of these developments should be available to all Europeans.
I vantaggi di questi sviluppi dovrebbero essere messi a disposizione di tutti i cittadini europei.
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This transformation should be shaped by educators and policy-makers, rather than something that simply happens to them.
Occorre che gli educatori e i responsabili politici plasmino questa trasformazione piuttosto che subirla passivamente.
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A recent survey of the use of ICT in schools found that only one-in-four 9 year olds study at a 'highly digitally-equipped school' – with recent equipment, fast broadband (10mbps plus) and high 'connectivity' (website, email for students and teachers, local area network, virtual learning environment).
Da un recente sondaggio sull'impiego delle TCI nelle scuole è emerso che solo un bambino di 9 anni su quattro frequenta un "istituto scolastico altamente digitalizzato" – vale a dire dotato di attrezzature moderne, banda larga veloce (10mbps e oltre) ed elevata "connettività" (sito web, posta elettronica per insegnanti e scolari, LAN, ambiente di apprendimento virtuale).
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Only half of 16 year olds are in such 'highly digitally-equipped schools' and 20% of secondary students have never or almost never used a computer in their school lessons.
Soltanto la metà dei giovani di 16 anni frequenta tali "istituti scolastici altamente digitalizzati" e il 20% degli studenti della scuola secondaria non ha mai o quasi mai utilizzato un PC durante le lezioni.
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The impact of Opening up Education will be boosted by recommendations due to be published next summer by the high level group for the modernisation of higher education.
Gli effetti del piano d'azione "Opening up Education" verranno amplificati dalle raccomandazioni che saranno pubblicate l'estate prossima dal gruppo di alto livello sulla modernizzazione dell'istruzione superiore.
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The group, launched by Commissioner Vassiliou and chaired by Ireland’s former President, Mary McAleese, is currently assessing how higher education can make best use of new modes of teaching and learning.
Il gruppo, istituito dalla commissaria Vassiliou e presieduto dall'ex presidente dell'Irlanda, Mary McAleese, sta attualmente valutando come l'istruzione superiore possa ottimizzare l'impiego delle nuove modalità di insegnamento ed apprendimento.
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This initiative also ties in with the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs, a multi-stakeholder platform tackling the lack of ICT skills and up to 900,000 unfilled ICT-related vacancies.
Tale iniziativa si inquadra perfettamente nell'ambito della Grande coalizione per l'occupazione nel settore digitale, una piattaforma multilaterale volta a fronteggiare la carenza di competenze TIC e a coprire i 900 000 posti vacanti nel settore delle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione (TIC).
Commission launches 'Opening up Education' to boost innovation and digital
skills in schools and universities
More than 60% of nine year olds in the EU are in schools which are
still not digitally equipped.
The European Commission today unveils 'Opening up Education', an action
plan to tackle this and other digital problems which are hampering schools and
universities from delivering high quality education and the digital skills which
90% of jobs will require by 2020.
To help kick-off the initiative, the Commission today launches a new
website, Open Education Europa, which will allow students, practitioners and
educational institutions to share free-to-use open educational resources.
Between 50% and 80% of students in EU countries never use digital
textbooks, exercise software, broadcasts/podcasts, simulations or learning
Most teachers at primary and secondary level do not consider themselves
as 'digitally confident' or able to teach digital skills effectively, and 70%
would like more training in using ICTs.
Pupils in Latvia, Lithuania and the Czech Republic are the most likely
to have internet access at school (more than 90%), twice as much as in Greece
and Croatia (around 45%).
Higher education also faces a digital challenge: with the number of EU
students set to rise significantly in the next decade, universities need to
adapt traditional teaching methods and offer a mix of face-to-face and online
learning possibilities, such as MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), which allow
individuals to access education anywhere, anytime and through any device.
But many universities are not ready for this change.
A joint initiative led by Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for
Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, and Neelie Kroes, Commission
Vice-President, responsible for the Digital Agenda, Opening up Education focuses
on three main areas:
- Creating opportunities for organisations, teachers and learners to
- Increased use of Open Educational Resources (OER), ensuring that
educational materials produced with public funding are available to all;
- Better ICT infrastructure and connectivity in schools.
"The education landscape is changing dramatically, from school to
university and beyond:
open technology-based education will soon be a 'must have', not just a
'good-to-have', for all ages.
We need to do more to ensure that young people especially are equipped with the
digital skills they need for their future.
It's not enough to understand how to use an app or program;
we need youngsters who can create their own programs.
Opening up Education is about opening minds to new learning methods so that our
people are more employable, creative, innovative and entrepreneurial," said
Commissioner Vassiliou.
Vice-President Kroes added:
"My dream is to have every classroom digital by 2020.
Education must be connected to real life; it cannot be a parallel universe.
Young people want to use digital technology in every aspect of life.
They need digital skills to get jobs.
All of our schools and universities, not just some of them, must reflect that
Initiatives linked to Opening up Education will be funded with support
from Erasmus+, the new EU programme for education, training, youth and sport,
and Horizon 2020, the new research and innovation programme, as well as the EU
structural funds.
For example, Erasmus+ will offer funding to education providers to
ensure business models are adapted to technological change and to support
teachers’ development through open online courses.
All educational materials supported by Erasmus+ will be freely
available to the public under open licences.
We are living in connected societies, where more and more people of all
ages use digital technologies in their everyday lives.
However, when many children go to school, they enter a system that
doesn't reflect this everyday reality.
The online world is changing how education is resourced, delivered and
Over the next 10 years, the e-Learning market is projected by some to
grow fifteen-fold, accounting for 30% of the whole education market.
The benefits of these developments should be available to all
This transformation should be shaped by educators and policy-makers,
rather than something that simply happens to them.
A recent survey of the use of ICT in schools found that only
one-in-four 9 year olds study at a 'highly digitally-equipped school' – with
recent equipment, fast broadband (10mbps plus) and high 'connectivity' (website,
email for students and teachers, local area network, virtual learning
Only half of 16 year olds are in such 'highly digitally-equipped
schools' and 20% of secondary students have never or almost never used a
computer in their school lessons.
The impact of Opening up Education will be boosted by recommendations
due to be published next summer by the high level group for the modernisation of
higher education.
The group, launched by Commissioner Vassiliou and chaired by Ireland’s
former President, Mary McAleese, is currently assessing how higher education can
make best use of new modes of teaching and learning.
This initiative also ties in with the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs,
a multi-stakeholder platform tackling the lack of ICT skills and up to 900,000
unfilled ICT-related vacancies.