I cittadini turchi non hanno il diritto di entrare senza visto nel territorio di uno Stato membro dell’UE per fruirvi di servizi
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Data documento: 24-09-2013
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Turkish nationals do not have the right to enter the territory of an EU Member State without a visa in order to obtain services
I cittadini turchi non hanno il diritto di entrare senza visto nel territorio di uno Stato membro dell’UE per fruirvi di servizi
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The Additional Protocol to the EEC-Turkey Association Agreement does not preclude the introduction, after its entry into force, of a visa requirement where the purpose of the visit is to obtain services
Il Protocollo addizionale dell’Accordo di associazione CEE-Turchia non osta all’introduzione, dopo la sua entrata in vigore, di un obbligo di visto per quanto riguarda la fruizione di servizi
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In 1963, Turkey and the European Economic Community, together with its Member States, concluded an association agreement, the aim of which was to promote the continuous and balanced strengthening of trade and economic relations between the contracting parties, with a view to improving the standard of living of the Turkish people and facilitating the accession of Turkey to the Community.
Nel 1963, la Turchia e la Comunità economica europea nonché i suoi Stati membri hanno concluso un Accordo di associazione, il cui fine era di promuovere il rafforzamento continuo ed equilibrato delle relazioni commerciali ed economiche tra le parti contraenti, allo scopo di migliorare il tenore di vita del popolo turco e di facilitare successivamente l’adesione della Turchia alla Comunità.
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The agreement provides, inter alia, that the contracting parties are to be guided by the provisions of the EEC Treaty concerning freedom to provide services between Member States for the purpose of abolishing all restrictions on such freedom between the contracting parties.
Esso prevede, in particolare, che le parti contraenti si ispireranno alle disposizioni del Trattato CEE relative alla libera prestazione dei servizi tra gli Stati membri al fine di eliminare tra loro qualsiasi restrizione a tale principio.
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The Additional Protocol to that agreement, signed in 1970, contains a ‘standstill’ clause, which prohibits the contacting parties from introducing new restrictions on freedom to provide services with effect from the date of its entry into force.
Il Protocollo addizionale di tale Accordo, firmato nel 1970, contiene una clausola di «standstill», che vieta alle parti contraenti di introdurre nuove restrizioni alla libera prestazione dei servizi, a partire dalla sua entrata in vigore.
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Ms Demirkan, a Turkish national whose application for a visa to visit her stepfather who lives in Germany was refused by the German authorities, has invoked that ‘standstill’ clause before the German courts.
La sig.ra Demirkan, una cittadina turca cui le autorità tedesche hanno negato un visto per far visita al patrigno residente in Germania, invoca la clausola di «standstill» dinanzi ai giudici tedeschi.
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According to Ms Demirkan, the clause precludes the introduction of new restrictions, such as a visa requirement, not only as regards persons seeking to carry out the provision of services (‘active’ freedom to provide services) but also those who seek to obtain services (‘passive’ freedom of provision of services).
A suo avviso, tale clausola vieta l’introduzione di nuove restrizioni, come un obbligo di visto, non soltanto nei confronti di coloro che cercano di effettuare una prestazione di servizi (libera prestazione dei servizi cosiddetta «attiva»), bensì anche nei confronti di coloro che cercano di fruire di una prestazione di servizi (libera prestazione dei servizi cosiddetta «passiva»).
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Ms Demirkan maintains that, as a visit to a family member in Germany will necessarily entail the possibility of obtaining services there, she must be regarded as a potential recipient of services.
La sig.ra Demirkan sostiene che, poiché una visita ad un familiare in Germania implica la possibilità di ottenere ivi dei servizi, essa deve essere considerata una potenziale fruitrice di servizi.
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Moreover, Turkish nationals intending to visit a family member in Germany were not required under German law to obtain a visa at the date of entry into force of the Additional Protocol as regards that Member State, that is, in 1973.
Per giunta, alla data di entrata in vigore del Protocollo addizionale nei confronti della Germania, nel 1973, il diritto tedesco non richiedeva alcun visto per i cittadini turchi che intendevano effettuare una visita a carattere familiare in Germania.
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Therefore, the effect of the ‘standstill’ clause is that the general visa requirement subsequently introduced by Germany for Turkish nationals in 1980 cannot be applied to her.
La clausola di «standstill» produrrebbe dunque l’effetto che l’obbligo generale di visto, introdotto successivamente dalla Germania per i cittadini turchi nel 1980, non potrebbe trovare applicazione nei suoi confronti.
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The Oberverwaltungsgericht Berlin-Brandenburg (Higher Administrative Court, Berlin-Brandenburg), before which the case was brought on appeal, asks the Court of Justice to clarify the scope of the ‘standstill’ clause.
L’Oberverwaltungsgericht Berlin-Brandenburg (Corte amministrativa d’appello di Berlino-Brandeburgo, Germania), investito di tale controversia in secondo grado, chiede alla Corte di giustizia di precisare la portata della clausola di «standstill».
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By its judgment today, the Court finds that the notion of ‘freedom to provide services’ referred to in the ‘standstill’ clause of the Additional Protocol does not encompass passive freedom of provision of services, namely the freedom for Turkish nationals who are the recipients of services to visit a Member State in order to obtain services.
Con la sua sentenza odierna, la Corte constata che la nozione di «libera prestazione dei servizi» contenuta nella clausola di «standstill» del Protocollo addizionale non include la libera prestazione dei servizi passiva, ossia la libertà per i cittadini turchi, destinatari di servizi, di recarsi in uno Stato membro per fruire ivi di una prestazione di servizi.
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The Court points out that the freedom to provide services conferred by the EU Treaties on Member State nationals, and thus on EU citizens, encompasses not only active freedom to provide services but also – as the Court accepted in its judgment in Luisi and Carbone in 1984 – as the necessary corollary, passive freedom of provision of services.
La Corte ricorda che la libera prestazione dei servizi garantita dai Trattati dell’Unione ai cittadini degli Stati membri – e dunque ai cittadini dell’Unione – include non soltanto la libera prestazione dei servizi attiva, ma anche, come da essa riconosciuto nella sentenza Luisi e Carbone del 1984, quale complemento necessario, la libera prestazione dei servizi passiva.
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Accordingly, EU citizens who visit another Member State where they intend or are likely to receive services, such as tourists or patients, enjoy the protection of passive freedom of provision of services.
Così, i cittadini dell’Unione che si rechino in un altro Stato membro al fine di ricevervi servizi o avendo la facoltà di riceverne, quali i turisti o i pazienti, godono della tutela della libera prestazione dei servizi passiva.
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That protection is based on the objective of establishing an internal market, conceived as an area without internal borders, by removing all obstacles to the establishment of such a market.
Tale tutela si basa sull’obiettivo consistente nella realizzazione di un mercato interno, concepito come spazio senza frontiere interne, eliminando tutti gli ostacoli che si frappongono alla realizzazione di un siffatto mercato.
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On account of fundamental differences of both purpose and context between the EU Treaties on the one hand and the Association Agreement and its Additional Protocol on the other, the interpretation of the notion of freedom to provide services advocated by the Court in 1984 for the EU Treaties as encompassing passive freedom of provision of services cannot be extended to the ‘standstill’ clause of the Additional Protocol.
Orbene, a causa delle differenze fondamentali esistenti tra i Trattati dell’Unione, da un lato, e l’Accordo di associazione nonché il suo Protocollo addizionale, dall’altro, per quanto riguarda tanto la loro finalità quanto il loro contesto, l’interpretazione della nozione di libera prestazione dei servizi riconosciuta dalla Corte nel 1984 per i Trattati dell’Unione come includente la libera prestazione dei servizi passiva non può essere estesa alla clausola di «standstill» del Protocollo addizionale.
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Unlike the EU Treaties, the EEC-Turkey Association has a purely economic purpose, the Association Agreement and its Additional Protocol being intended essentially to promote the economic development of Turkey.
Infatti, a differenza dei Trattati dell’Unione, l’associazione CEE-Turchia persegue una finalità esclusivamente economica, poiché l’Accordo di associazione e il suo Protocollo addizionale mirano essenzialmente a favorire lo sviluppo economico della Turchia.
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The development of economic freedoms for the purpose of bringing about freedom of movement for persons of a general nature which may be compared to that afforded to EU citizens under the EU Treaties is not the object of the Association Agreement.
Lo sviluppo delle libertà economiche per consentire una libera circolazione delle persone di ordine generale, che sia paragonabile a quella applicabile, secondo i Trattati dell’Unione, ai cittadini dell’Unione, non forma oggetto dell’Accordo di associazione.
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The Court also points out that the Association Council, which, in accordance with the Additional Protocol, is required to determine the timetable and rules for the progressive abolition of restrictions on freedom of establishment, has not, to date, adopted any measure which would suggest that substantive progress has been achieved towards the realisation of such freedom.
Oltre a ciò, la Corte rileva che il Consiglio di associazione, il quale, secondo il Protocollo addizionale, è chiamato a stabilire il ritmo e le modalità per la progressiva soppressione delle restrizioni alla libera prestazione dei servizi, sinora non ha adottato alcuna misura che consenta di constatare un sostanziale avanzamento per la realizzazione di tale libertà.
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Moreover, there is nothing to indicate that the contracting parties to the Association Agreement and the Additional Protocol envisaged, when signing those documents – that is, 21 and 14 years before the judgment in Luisi and Carbone, respectively – freedom of provision of services as including passive freedom of provision of services
Per giunta, nessun elemento indica che le parti contraenti dell’Accordo di associazione e del Protocollo addizionale abbiano, al momento della firma di tali atti, ossia rispettivamente 21 e 14 anni prima della sentenza Luisi e Carbone, concepito la libera prestazione dei servizi come comprendente la libera prestazione dei servizi passiva.
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A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law or the validity of a European Union act.
Il rinvio pregiudiziale consente ai giudici degli Stati membri, nell'ambito di una controversia della quale sono investiti, di interpellare la Corte in merito all’interpretazione del diritto dell’Unione o alla validità di un atto dell’Unione.
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The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
La Corte non risolve la controversia nazionale.
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It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.
Spetta al giudice nazionale risolvere la causa conformemente alla decisione della Corte.Tale decisione vincola egualmente gli altri giudici nazionali ai quali venga sottoposto un problema simile.
Turkish nationals do not have the right to enter the territory of an EU
Member State without a visa in order to obtain services
The Additional Protocol to the EEC-Turkey Association Agreement does
not preclude the introduction, after its entry into force, of a visa requirement
where the purpose of the visit is to obtain services
In 1963, Turkey and the European Economic Community, together with its
Member States, concluded an association agreement, the aim of which was to
promote the continuous and balanced strengthening of trade and economic
relations between the contracting parties, with a view to improving the standard
of living of the Turkish people and facilitating the accession of Turkey to the
The agreement provides, inter alia, that the contracting parties are to
be guided by the provisions of the EEC Treaty concerning freedom to provide
services between Member States for the purpose of abolishing all restrictions on
such freedom between the contracting parties.
The Additional Protocol to that agreement, signed in 1970, contains a
‘standstill’ clause, which prohibits the contacting parties from introducing new
restrictions on freedom to provide services with effect from the date of its
entry into force.
Ms Demirkan, a Turkish national whose application for a visa to visit
her stepfather who lives in Germany was refused by the German authorities, has
invoked that ‘standstill’ clause before the German courts.
According to Ms Demirkan, the clause precludes the introduction of new
restrictions, such as a visa requirement, not only as regards persons seeking to
carry out the provision of services (‘active’ freedom to provide services) but
also those who seek to obtain services (‘passive’ freedom of provision of
Ms Demirkan maintains that, as a visit to a family member in Germany
will necessarily entail the possibility of obtaining services there, she must be
regarded as a potential recipient of services.
Moreover, Turkish nationals intending to visit a family member in
Germany were not required under German law to obtain a visa at the date of entry
into force of the Additional Protocol as regards that Member State, that is, in
Therefore, the effect of the ‘standstill’ clause is that the general
visa requirement subsequently introduced by Germany for Turkish nationals in
1980 cannot be applied to her.
The Oberverwaltungsgericht Berlin-Brandenburg (Higher Administrative
Court, Berlin-Brandenburg)before which the case was brought on appeal, asks the
Court of Justice to clarify the scope of the ‘standstill’ clause.
By its judgment today, the Court finds that the notion of ‘freedom to
provide services’ referred to in the ‘standstill’ clause of the Additional
Protocol does not encompass passive freedom of provision of services, namely the
freedom for Turkish nationals who are the recipients of services to visit a
Member State in order to obtain services.
The Court points out that the freedom to provide services conferred by
the EU Treaties on Member State nationals, and thus on EU citizens, encompasses
not only active freedom to provide services but also – as the Court accepted in
its judgment in Luisi and Carbone in 1984 – as the necessary corollary, passive
freedom of provision of services.
Accordingly, EU citizens who visit another Member State where they
intend or are likely to receive services, such as tourists or patients, enjoy
the protection of passive freedom of provision of services.
That protection is based on the objective of establishing an internal
market, conceived as an area without internal borders, by removing all obstacles
to the establishment of such a market.
On account of fundamental differences of both purpose and context
between the EU Treaties on the one hand and the Association Agreement and its
Additional Protocol on the other, the interpretation of the notion of freedom to
provide services advocated by the Court in 1984 for the EU Treaties as
encompassing passive freedom of provision of services cannot be extended to the
‘standstill’ clause of the Additional Protocol.
Unlike the EU Treaties, the EEC-Turkey Association has a purely
economic purpose, the Association Agreement and its Additional Protocol being
intended essentially to promote the economic development of Turkey.
The development of economic freedoms for the purpose of bringing about
freedom of movement for persons of a general nature which may be compared to
that afforded to EU citizens under the EU Treaties is not the object of the
Association Agreement.
The Court also points out that the Association Council, which, in
accordance with the Additional Protocol, is required to determine the timetable
and rules for the progressive abolition of restrictions on freedom of
establishment, has not, to date, adopted any measure which would suggest that
substantive progress has been achieved towards the realisation of such freedom.
Moreover, there is nothing to indicate that the contracting parties to
the Association Agreement and the Additional Protocol envisaged, when signing
those documents – that is, 21 and 14 years before the judgment in Luisi and
Carbone, respectively – freedom of provision of services as including passive
freedom of provision of services
A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of
the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer
questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law
or the validity of a European Union act.
The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in
accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other
national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.