INVITO - CONFERENZA STAMPA - Il sostegno dell’UE alla governance nella Repubblica democratica del Congo (RDC)
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Data documento: 24-09-2013
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INVITATION - PRESS BRIEFING - EU support for governance in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
INVITO - CONFERENZA STAMPA - Il sostegno dell’UE alla governance nella Repubblica democratica del Congo (RDC)
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Good governance is a fundamental European value and a key component of the EU’s development cooperation with third countries.
La buona governance è un valore europeo fondamentale nonché una componente essenziale della cooperazione allo sviluppo fornita dall'UE ai paesi terzi.
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Since resuming structural cooperation with the DRC, the EU has provided about € 1.9 billion of assistance between 2003 and 2011, making it one of the country’s most important development partners.
Dopo la ripresa della cooperazione strutturale con la RDC, l'UE ha concesso aiuti per circa 1,9 miliardi di euro tra il 2003 e il 2011, attestandosi tra i più importanti partner di sviluppo del paese.
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The European Court of Auditors (ECA) assessed whether EU support for governance relevant to needs and achieving its planned results and does the Commission take sufficient account of the DRC’s fragile context in the design of EU programmes?
La Corte dei conti europea ha valutato se il sostegno dell’UE alla governance risponda ai bisogni e consegua i risultati attesi e se la Commissione tenga sufficientemente conto del fragile contesto della RDC nel progettare i programmi dell’UE.
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The audit covered EU support for the electoral process, security sector reform (justice and police), PFM reform and decentralisation over the period 2003 to 2011.
L’audit ha riguardato il sostegno dell’UE al processo elettorale, alla riforma del settore della sicurezza (giustizia e polizia), alla riforma e al decentramento della gestione delle finanze pubbliche per il periodo 2003 - 2011.
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The main conclusions and recommendations of the report will be presented to the press by Mr Hans Gustav Wessberg (SE), Member of the Court.
Le principali conclusioni e raccomandazioni della relazione saranno presentate alla stampa da Hans Gustav Wessberg (SE), Membro della Corte.
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DATE AND TIME Tuesday, 01 October 2013 at 10:30
DATA E ORA Martedì, 1° ottobre 2013, alle 10:30
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VENUE The RESIDENCE PALACE - International Press Centre
SEDE RESIDENCE PALACE - International Press Centre
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155, rue de la Loi, 1040 Brussels – Belgium
155, rue de la Loi, 1040 Bruxelles – Belgio
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A PRESS KIT, consisting of the Special Report and a press release, will be made available for the press briefing.
Per la conferenza stampa, verrà fornita un’apposita CARTELLA STAMPA contenente la relazione speciale ed il relativo comunicato stampa.
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The Special Report will be published on the Court's website, www.eca.europa.eu, in 23 official languages (as the language versions become available after translation).
La relazione speciale sarà pubblicata sul sito Internet della Corte www.eca.europa.eu, in 23 lingue ufficiali (man mano che le versioni linguistiche saranno disponibili dopo la traduzione).
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INTERPRETATION will be available in French and English.
Sarà disponibile un servizio di INTERPRETAZIONE in francese e inglese.
INVITATION - PRESS BRIEFING - EU support for governance in the Democratic
Republic of the Congo (DRC)
Good governance is a fundamental European value and a key component of
the EU’s development cooperation with third countries.
Since resuming structural cooperation with the DRC, the EU has provided
about € 1.9 billion of assistance between 2003 and 2011, making it one of the
country’s most important development partners.
The European Court of Auditors (ECA) assessed whether EU support for
governance relevant to needs and achieving its planned results and does the
Commission take sufficient account of the DRC’s fragile context in the design of
EU programmes?
The audit covered EU support for the electoral process, security sector
reform (justice and police), PFM reform and decentralisation over the period
2003 to 2011.
The main conclusions and recommendations of the report will be
presented to the press by Mr Hans Gustav Wessberg (SE), Member of the Court.
DATE AND TIME Tuesday, 01 October 2013 at 10:30
VENUE The RESIDENCE PALACE - International Press Centre
155, rue de la Loi, 1040 Brussels – Belgium
A PRESS KIT, consisting of the Special Report and a press release, will
be made available for the press briefing.
The Special Report will be published on the Court's website,
www.eca.europa.eu, in 23 official languages (as the language versions become
available after translation).
INTERPRETATION will be available in French and English. |