La Commissione presenta una nuova strategia dell'UE per le foreste, basata su un nuovo e più ampio approccio al settore forestale
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Data documento: 20-09-2013
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Commission presents new EU forest strategy based on new, broader, approach to forest
La Commissione presenta una nuova strategia dell'UE per le foreste, basata su un nuovo e più ampio approccio al settore forestale
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A new Forest Strategy responding to the new challenges facing forests and the forest sector has been published by the European Commission today.
La Commissione europea pubblica oggi una nuova strategia forestale che risponde alle nuove sfide cui sono confrontate le foreste e il settore forestale.
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Covering 40% of the EU area, forests are a key resource for improving the quality of life and creating jobs, in particular in rural areas, the Strategy states, while also protecting ecosystems and providing ecological benefits for everyone.
Le foreste, che occupano il 40% della superficie dell'UE, rappresentano una risorsa essenziale per una migliore qualità di vita e per la crescita dell'occupazione, in particolare nelle zone rurali – come afferma la strategia –, recando al contempo un contributo alla tutela degli ecosistemi e benefici ecologici per tutti.
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EU Commissioner for Agriculture & Rural Development Dacian Cioloş said today:
Dacian Cioloş, commissario europeo per l'agricoltura e lo sviluppo rurale, ha dichiarato oggi:
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"Forests are key ecosystems, as well as a source of wealth and jobs in rural areas, if they are managed in a proper way.
"Le foreste costituiscono ecosistemi fondamentali, oltre ad essere una fonte di ricchezza e di occupazione nelle aree rurali, se sono gestite come si deve.
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Sustainable forest management, ensuring the protection of forests, is a key pillar of rural development and it is one of the principles of the new Forest Strategy".
La gestione sostenibile delle foreste, tale da garantire la loro protezione, rappresenta uno dei principali pilastri dello sviluppo rurale nonché uno dei principi fondatori della nuova strategia forestale".
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Following a new approach, the Strategy "goes out of the forest", addressing aspects of the "value chain" (i.e. the way forest resources are used to generate goods and services), which strongly influence forest management.
Basata su nuovo approccio, la strategia "esce dalla foresta" per affrontare gli aspetti della "catena di valore" (ossia l'utilizzo delle risorse forestali ai fini della produzione di beni e servizi), che incidono in misura determinante sulla gestione delle foreste.
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The Strategy highlights that forests are not only important for rural development, but also for the environment and biodiversity, for forest-based industries, bioenergy, and in the fight against climate change.
La strategia evidenzia l'importanza delle foreste non solo per lo sviluppo rurale, ma anche per l'ambiente e la biodiversità, per le industrie forestali, la bioenergia e la lotta contro i cambiamenti climatici.
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Stressing the need to adopt a holistic approach, it also emphasizes that the impacts of other policies on forests and developments taking place beyond forest boundaries should be taken into account. It also underlines that linked EU policies should be fully taken into account in national forest policies.
Dopo aver sottolineato la necessità di adottare un approccio olistico, essa raccomanda anche di tener conto dell'impatto di altre politiche sulle foreste e degli sviluppi che si verificano al di fuori dell'area forestale vera e propria, esortando inoltre gli Stati membri a integrare pienamente le pertinenti politiche europee nelle loro strategie forestali nazionali.
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Finally, the Strategy also calls for a Forest Information System to be set up and for Europe-wide harmonised information on forests to be collected.
Infine, la strategia auspica l'istituzione di un sistema di informazione forestale e la raccolta di dati armonizzati a livello europeo sulle foreste.
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The current EU Forestry Strategy dates back to 1998.
L'attuale strategia forestale dell'UE risale al 1998.
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Based on cooperation between EU and Member States (subsidiarity and shared responsibility), it established a framework for forest-related actions supporting sustainable forest management.
Basata sulla cooperazione tra l'UE e gli Stati membri (sussidiarietà e corresponsabilità), essa ha stabilito un quadro per azioni mirate alle foreste, a sostegno di una gestione forestale sostenibile.
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However, a new framework is now needed in order to respond to the increasing demands put on forests and to significant societal and political changes that have affected forests over the last 15 years.
Oggi, tuttavia, si rende necessario un nuovo quadro capace di rispondere alle crescenti esigenze nei confronti delle foreste e ai notevoli mutamenti societali e politici che hanno interessato le foreste negli ultimi 15 anni.
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The new Strategy, submitted to the European Parliament and the Council, was developed by the Commission in close cooperation with Member States and stakeholders over the past two years.
La nuova strategia, presentata al Parlamento europeo e al Consiglio, è stata elaborata dalla Commissione in stretta collaborazione con gli Stati membri e le parti interessate nel corso degli ultimi due anni.
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The Strategy brings together various aspects of several complementary policy areas, among which rural development, enterprise, environment, bioenergy, climate change, research and development.
Essa raggruppa vari aspetti di più ambiti politici complementari, tra cui sviluppo rurale, imprese, ambiente, bioenergia, cambiamenti climatici, ricerca e sviluppo.
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In a related initiative, today the Commission also issued a Blueprint detailing the remedial activities that could be undertaken to help EU's forest-based industries overcome their current challenges.
Contemporaneamente, con un'iniziativa collegata, la Commissione ha pubblicato anche un piano di attività volte ad aiutare le industrie del sistema legno a superare le attuali difficoltà cui devono far fronte.
Commission presents new EU forest strategy based on new, broader, approach
to forest
A new Forest Strategy responding to the new challenges facing forests
and the forest sector has been published by the European Commission today.
Covering 40% of the EU area, forests are a key resource for improving
the quality of life and creating jobs, in particular in rural areas, the
Strategy states, while also protecting ecosystems and providing ecological
benefits for everyone.
EU Commissioner for Agriculture & Rural Development Dacian Cioloş said
"Forests are key ecosystems, as well as a source of wealth and jobs in
rural areas, if they are managed in a proper way.
Sustainable forest management, ensuring the protection of forests, is a
key pillar of rural development and it is one of the principles of the new
Forest Strategy".
Following a new approach, the Strategy "goes out of the forest",
addressing aspects of the "value chain" (i.e. the way forest resources are used
to generate goods and services), which strongly influence forest management.
The Strategy highlights that forests are not only important for rural
development, but also for the environment and biodiversity, for forest-based
industries, bioenergy, and in the fight against climate change.
Stressing the need to adopt a holistic approach, it also emphasizes
that the impacts of other policies on forests and developments taking place
beyond forest boundaries should be taken into account. It also underlines that
linked EU policies should be fully taken into account in national forest
Finally, the Strategy also calls for a Forest Information System to be
set up and for Europe-wide harmonised information on forests to be collected.
The current EU Forestry Strategy dates back to 1998.
Based on cooperation between EU and Member States (subsidiarity and
shared responsibility), it established a framework for forest-related actions
supporting sustainable forest management.
However, a new framework is now needed in order to respond to the
increasing demands put on forests and to significant societal and political
changes that have affected forests over the last 15 years.
The new Strategy, submitted to the European Parliament and the Council,
was developed by the Commission in close cooperation with Member States and
stakeholders over the past two years.
The Strategy brings together various aspects of several complementary
policy areas, among which rural development, enterprise, environment, bioenergy,
climate change, research and development.
In a related initiative, today the Commission also issued a Blueprint
detailing the remedial activities that could be undertaken to help EU's
forest-based industries overcome their current challenges. |