Una città come piace a te: soluzioni sostenibili per le città europee
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Data documento: 20-09-2013
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A city we like: sustainable solutions for European cities
Una città come piace a te: soluzioni sostenibili per le città europee
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On 19 and 20 September, the A world you like campaign is taking city planning specialists from all across the EU to the Danish capital Copenhagen to show sustainable solutions in practice.
Il 19 e 20 settembre, nell’ambito della campagna Un mondo come piace a te, si recheranno a Copenaghen specialisti di urbanistica provenienti da tutta l’Unione europea per mostrare concretamente soluzioni sostenibili.
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Participating city planners come from Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, and the UK.
Parteciperanno all’iniziativa esperti di Bulgaria, Danimarca, Estonia, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Lituania, Polonia e Regno Unito.
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In cooperation with the Danish Architecture Centre and campaign partner the Confederation of Danish Industry (DI Energy), the study visit "a city we like" will take participants to a string of low-carbon realisations:
In cooperazione con il Centro danese di architettura e della Confederazione dell’industria danese (DI Energy), partner dell’iniziativa, è stata organizzata la visita di studio “Una città come piace a te” nel corso della quale i partecipanti potranno vedere una serie di opere a basso impatto di emissioni di CO2:
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from an innovative waste incineration plant to a sustainable theatre; from low-energy housing and business headquarters to a district cooling central.
da un inceneritore di rifiuti innovativo a un teatro sostenibile, da abitazioni a basso consumo energetico a edifici commerciali e una centrale di raffreddamento urbano.
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Connie Hedegaard, European Commissioner for Climate Action, said:
Connie Hedegaard, commissaria europea dell’Azione per il clima, ha dichiarato:
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"As European population increasingly settles in cities, we need integrated solutions that ensure inhabitants a good quality of life and reduce CO2 emissions, air pollution, congestion, etc.
“Visto che la popolazione europea tende a stabilirsi sempre più nelle città, ci occorrono soluzioni integrate che garantiscano ai cittadini una buona qualità di vita e riducano le emissioni di biossido di carbonio, l’inquinamento atmosferico, il traffico ecc.
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Many of the solutions already exist, and Copenhagen really has a lot to show that I hope can inspire others.
Svariate soluzioni esistono già e mi auguro che la città di Copenaghen, che ha molto da dire su questo argomento, possa essere una fonte di ispirazione per le altre città.
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The A world you like campaign brings city planners from Europe together to share good practices so that we can bring these to scale."
La campagna Un mondo come piace a te riunisce gli specialisti europei di urbanistica e permette loro di scambiare buone pratiche e di estenderle su più ampia scala”.
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The study visit has invited chief planners and technical directors from chosen European cities as well as decision makers and practitioners from the private sector.
Alla visita di studio sono stati invitati i più importanti pianificatori urbani e direttori tecnici di alcune città europee nonché responsabili politici e professionisti del settore privato.
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Last year, Copenhagen won the 2014 European Green Capital Award of the European Commission.
L’anno scorso Copenaghen si è aggiudicata il premio “Capitale verde europea” 2014.
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And with a plan to become carbon neutral by 2025, the city is a frontrunner where it comes to sustainable solutions.
La città, con il suo progetto per diventare neutrale sul piano delle emissioni di carbonio (“a 0 emissioni”) entro il 2025, è all’avanguardia per quanto riguarda le soluzioni sostenibili.
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The city we like study visit will amongst other things visit the following sites:
Nel corso della visita di studio “Una città come piace a te” si visiteranno, tra l’altro, i seguenti siti:
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- Amager Resource Centre (ARC), a waste incineration plant that supplies the city with electricity and district heat while also offering a ski slope on the roof
- il centro di risorse (Amager Resource Centre, ARC), un impianto di incinerazione dei rifiuti che rifornisce la città di elettricità e riscaldamento oltre ad avere una pista di sci sul tetto;
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- Playhouse of the Royal Theatre, with an innovative energy saving system and elevation to meet sea level rise
- un teatro (il Teatro reale), dotato di un sistema innovativo di risparmio energetico e di un sistema di elevazione per far fronte al rialzo del livello del mare;
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- The award-winning 8 house, combining business and housing in one big sustainable complex
- un grande complesso ecosostenibile di 8 case a destinazione mista (abitazioni e uffici) che si è aggiudicato il premio;
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- The Vildrose project, offering affordable sustainable housing
- il progetto Vildrose che offre abitazioni sostenibili a prezzi accessibili;
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- The energy-neutral business headquarters of Ramboll
- gli edifici commerciali “a 0 emissioni” di Ramboll.
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Read more at the site indicated below.
Per ulteriori informazioni si consulti il sito indicato sotto.
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About the World you like campaign:
La campagna Una città come piace a te
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The city we like study visit is part of the pan-European communication campaign A world you like. With a climate you like about practical solutions to climate change.
La visita di studio Una città come piace a te rientra nell’ambito della campagna di comunicazione paneuropea Un mondo come piace a te con il clima che vuoi che si propone di trovare soluzioni pratiche per fronteggiare il cambiamento climatico.
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Launched in October 2012, the campaign has attracted 190 partner organisations from across the EU, and more than 40,000 followers on its Facebook site and other social media channels.
La campagna, avviata nell’ottobre 2012, ha coinvolto 190 organizzazioni partner in tutta la UE e oltre 40 000 seguaci sulla sua pagina Facebook e su altre reti sociali.
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The campaign has organised events in nine countries so far and was broadly covered in European media.
Nel suo ambito sono stati organizzati eventi in nove paesi che sono stati ampiamente pubblicizzati dai media.
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With the aim of sharing good practices in order to scale up climate action in Europe, the campaign features success stories from 27 member states and received a further 269 submissions in the World You Like Challenge.
Al fine di scambiare buone pratiche e di intensificare l’azione per il clima in Europa, la campagna presenta i progetti meglio riusciti di 27 Stati membri e ha ricevuto altre 269 proposte nell’ambito di Un mondo come piace a te.
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The winners of the World You Like Challenge for the best climate solutions in Europe will be announced in October and November 2013.
I vincitori dell’iniziativa Un mondo come piace a te per le migliori soluzioni per il clima in Europa saranno proclamati nell’ottobre e nel novembre 2013.
http://world-you-like.europa.eu/en/events/a-city-we-like/ |
A city we like: sustainable solutions for European cities
On 19 and 20 September, the A world you like campaign is taking city
planning specialists from all across the EU to the Danish capital Copenhagen to
show sustainable solutions in practice.
Participating city planners come from Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, and the UK.
In cooperation with the Danish Architecture Centre and campaign partner
the Confederation of Danish Industry (DI Energy), the study visit "a city we
like" will take participants to a string of low-carbon realisations:
from an innovative waste incineration plant to a sustainable theatre;
from low-energy housing and business headquarters to a district cooling central.
Connie Hedegaard, European Commissioner for Climate Action, said:
"As European population increasingly settles in cities, we need integrated
solutions that ensure inhabitants a good quality of life and reduce CO2
emissions, air pollution, congestion, etc.
Many of the solutions already exist, and Copenhagen really has a lot to show
that I hope can inspire others.
The A world you like campaign brings city planners from Europe together to share
good practices so that we can bring these to scale."
The study visit has invited chief planners and technical directors from
chosen European cities as well as decision makers and practitioners from the
private sector.
Last year, Copenhagen won the 2014 European Green Capital Award of the European
And with a plan to become carbon neutral by 2025, the city is a
frontrunner where it comes to sustainable solutions.
The city we like study visit will amongst other things visit the
following sites:
- Amager Resource Centre (ARC), a waste incineration plant that
supplies the city with electricity and district heat while also offering a ski
slope on the roof
- Playhouse of the Royal Theatre, with an innovative energy saving
system and elevation to meet sea level rise
- The award-winning 8 house, combining business and housing in one big
sustainable complex
- The Vildrose project, offering affordable sustainable housing
- The energy-neutral business headquarters of Ramboll
Read more at the site indicated below.
About the World you like campaign:
The city we like study visit is part of the pan-European communication
campaign A world you like. With a climate you like about practical solutions to
climate change.
Launched in October 2012, the campaign has attracted 190 partner
organisations from across the EU, and more than 40,000 followers on its Facebook
site and other social media channels.
The campaign has organised events in nine countries so far and was
broadly covered in European media.
With the aim of sharing good practices in order to scale up climate
action in Europe, the campaign features success stories from 27 member states
and received a further 269 submissions in the World You Like Challenge.
The winners of the World You Like Challenge for the best climate
solutions in Europe will be announced in October and November 2013.