Ambiente: Settimana della mobilità per trasporti urbani alternativi e una migliore qualità dell’aria
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Data documento: 16-09-2013
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Environment: Mobility Week envisages cleaner air through alternative urban transport
Ambiente: Settimana della mobilità per trasporti urbani alternativi e una migliore qualità dell’aria
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Over 2000 European towns and cities are expected to participate in the 12th edition of European Mobility Week, which begins today.
Inizia oggi la dodicesima edizione della Settimana europea della mobilità, alla quale si prevede prenderanno parte oltre 2 000 città in Europa.
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This year the week runs until 22 September under the slogan ‘Clean air – It’s your move!’.
Quest’anno lo slogan dell’iniziativa, che si concluderà il 22 settembre, è “Aria pulita: a te la prima mossa!”.
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The campaign raises awareness about the impact of transport on local air quality, and encourages citizens to improve their health and wellbeing by changing their day-to-day mobility behaviour.
La campagna intende sensibilizzare i cittadini circa l’impatto dei trasporti sulla qualità dell’aria a livello locale, incoraggiandoli a migliorare sicurezza e benessere personali cambiando i loro comportamenti quotidiani per gli spostamenti in città.
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Janez Potočnik, European Commissioner for the Environment, said:
Janez Potočnik, Commissario europeo per l’Ambiente, ha dichiarato:
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”This year we focus on the impact of our daily choices on air and our health.
“Quest’anno ci concentriamo sull’impatto che le nostre scelte quotidiane hanno sull’aria e sulla nostra salute.
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Cities have a great role to play when it comes to improving options for transport. By raising awareness and offering greener alternatives, cities can become more attractive places for people to live.
Le città svolgono un ruolo di primo piano quando si tratta di migliorare le scelte in materia di trasporti e possono diventare luoghi dove è più piacevole vivere grazie a una maggiore sensibilizzazione e all’offerta di alternative più verdi.
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When it comes to clean air, it’s your move!”
Se parliamo di aria pulita, sta al cittadino fare la prima mossa!”
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Siim Kallas, European Commissioner for Transport and Mobility, said:
Siim Kallas, Commissario europeo per i Trasporti e la mobilità, ha dichiarato:
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"This year's European Mobility Week and the accompanying Do the Right Mix campaign remind us that we all have a part to play in fighting urban air pollution.
“Quest’anno, la Settimana europea della mobilità e la campagna di sensibilizzazione che la accompagna - Scegli la combinazione giusta (Do the right mix) - ci ricordano che tutti noi abbiamo un ruolo da svolgere nella lotta contro l’inquinamento atmosferico urbano.
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Changing habits, for example by commuting by bicycle rather than taking the car, or opting for public transport, can enhance our quality of life."
Cambiare abitudini, ad esempio spostandosi in bicicletta anziché in automobile oppure optando per i trasporti pubblici, può migliorare la nostra qualità di vita.”
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The 2013 edition takes place at a time when EU policy makers are reviewing air policy with a view to launching a revised strategy later on in the year.
L’edizione 2013 ha luogo in un momento in cui i responsabili politici dell’UE stanno riesaminando la politica sulla qualità dell’aria al fine di lanciare una strategia riveduta, prima della fine dell’anno.
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Poor air quality continues to have a major impact on the health of European citizens, leading to respiratory and cardiac complications, premature deaths and shorter life expectancy.
La cattiva qualità dell’aria continua ad avere un forte impatto sulla salute dei cittadini europei e porta a complicanze a livello cardiaco e respiratorio, decessi prematuri e una speranza di vita più breve.
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Air pollution also affects the environment, resulting in acidification, biodiversity loss, ozone depletion and climate change.
L’inquinamento atmosferico incide anche sull’ambiente, traducendosi in processi di acidificazione, perdita di biodiversità, impoverimento dell’ozono e cambiamenti climatici.
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Urban traffic is a growing source of air pollution – especially when it comes to particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide.
Il traffico urbano rappresenta una fonte crescente di inquinamento atmosferico, in particolare per quanto riguarda i particolati e il biossido di azoto.
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Local authorities often have the responsibility to develop urban transport strategies that meet mobility demand, protect the environment, improve air quality and make the city a better place to live.
Spesso le autorità locali hanno il compito di sviluppare strategie di trasporto urbano che soddisfino la domanda di mobilità e contemporaneamente proteggano l’ambiente, migliorino la qualità dell’aria e rendano le città luoghi più sicuri in cui vivere.
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With the slogan “Clean air – It’s your move!” – European Mobility Week is underlining that we all have a part to play, and that even small changes, such as providing more options for people to take public transport, share journeys, commute by bicycle rather than taking the car, or simply walk, can enhance the quality of life in European town and cities.
Con lo slogan “Aria pulita: a te la prima mossa!” la Settimana europea della mobilità vuole sottolineare che tutti noi abbiamo un ruolo da svolgere e che la qualità della vita nelle città europee può migliorare anche grazie a piccoli cambiamenti: una maggiore offerta di mezzi pubblici per i cittadini, car-sharing, recarsi al lavoro in bicicletta invece che in auto o, perché no, scegliere di camminare.
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European Mobility Week is an annual campaign on sustainable urban mobility, organised with the support of the European Commission.
La Settimana europea della mobilità è un’iniziativa annuale organizzata con il sostegno della Commissione europea e dedicata alla mobilità urbana sostenibile.
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The campaign, which runs from 16-22 September every year, aims to encourage European local authorities to introduce and promote sustainable transport measures, and to invite citizens to try out alternatives to the private car.
Si svolge dal 16 al 22 settembre e intende incoraggiare le autorità locali europee a introdurre e promuovere un trasporto sostenibile, invitando contemporaneamente i cittadini a sperimentare soluzioni alternative all’auto privata.
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The European Mobility Week journey started in 1998 with the French ‘In Town Without My Car!’ day.
L’origine della Settimana europea della mobilità risale al 1998 e all’iniziativa francese “In città senza l’automobile!” che si svolgeva nello spazio di una sola giornata.
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This initiative still runs in September each year to encourage towns and cities to close streets to motorised vehicles for a day.
Questa iniziativa si tiene ancora con cadenza annuale, nel mese di settembre, e incoraggia città e centri urbani a chiudere le loro strade ai veicoli a motore per un giorno.
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This allows citizens to see a different side to their towns and cities, encouraging the use of sustainable modes of transport and raising awareness of the environmental impacts of citizens’ modal choice.
In questo modo gli abitanti possono vedere la propria città sotto un’altra luce, vengono incoraggiati a utilizzare modalità di trasporto sostenibili e sono maggiormente consapevoli dell’impatto ambientale delle loro scelte in materia.
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The success of this French initiative led to the launch of European Mobility Week in 2002.
Il successo dell’iniziativa francese ha portato alla nascita della Settimana europea della mobilità, nel 2002.
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Since then, the impact of European Mobility Week has grown across Europe and around the world.
Da allora l’impatto della settimana dedicata alla mobilità è cresciuto, sia in Europa che nel resto del mondo.
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In 2012, 2158 cities representing 147.6 million citizens registered for the campaign.
Nel 2012, 2 158 città si sono registrate per prendere parte all’iniziativa, rappresentando ben 147,6 milioni di cittadini.
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A total of 7717 permanent measures have been implemented, mainly focusing on infrastructure for cycling and walking, traffic calming, improving transport accessibility and raising awareness about sustainable travel behaviour.
Sono state messe in campo un totale di 7 717 misure permanenti, incentrate principalmente sulla creazione di infrastrutture per gli spostamenti in bicicletta e a piedi e destinate ad alleviare il traffico, migliorare l’accessibilità ai trasporti e sensibilizzando i cittadini a comportarsi in sintonia con il tema dalla mobilità sostenibile.
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European local authorities have been invited to sign up to the European Mobility Week Charter and publish their programmes onTowns and cities planning a full week of events from 16-22 September, introducing permanent measures and setting up a car-free day can also apply for the European Mobility Week Award and join the ranks of previous award winners Zagreb (Croatia), Bologna (Italy), Gävle (Sweden) and Budapest (Hungary).
Le autorità locali europee sono state invitate a firmare la Carta europea della Settimana della mobilità e a pubblicare i loro programmi sul sitoLe città e i centri urbani che hanno programmato un’intera settimana di eventi, dal 16 al 22 settembre, mettendo in opera misure permanenti e organizzando una giornata senza automobili, possono anche candidarsi al premio della Settimana europea della mobilità e sperare di vincerlo come hanno già fatto Zagabria (Croazia), Bologna (Italia), Gävle (Svezia) e Budapest (Ungheria).
Environment: Mobility Week envisages cleaner air through alternative urban
Over 2000 European towns and cities are expected to participate in the
12th edition of European Mobility Week, which begins today.
This year the week runs until 22 September under the slogan ‘Clean air
– It’s your move!’.
The campaign raises awareness about the impact of transport on local
air quality, and encourages citizens to improve their health and wellbeing by
changing their day-to-day mobility behaviour.
Janez Potočnik, European Commissioner for the Environment, said:
”This year we focus on the impact of our daily choices on air and our
Cities have a great role to play when it comes to improving options for
transport. By raising awareness and offering greener alternatives, cities can
become more attractive places for people to live.
When it comes to clean air, it’s your move!”
Siim Kallas, European Commissioner for Transport and Mobility, said:
"This year's European Mobility Week and the accompanying Do the Right Mix
campaign remind us that we all have a part to play in fighting urban air
Changing habits, for example by commuting by bicycle rather than taking the car,
or opting for public transport, can enhance our quality of life."
The 2013 edition takes place at a time when EU policy makers are
reviewing air policy with a view to launching a revised strategy later on in the
Poor air quality continues to have a major impact on the health of
European citizens, leading to respiratory and cardiac complications, premature
deaths and shorter life expectancy.
Air pollution also affects the environment, resulting in acidification,
biodiversity loss, ozone depletion and climate change.
Urban traffic is a growing source of air pollution – especially when it
comes to particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide.
Local authorities often have the responsibility to develop urban
transport strategies that meet mobility demand, protect the environment, improve
air quality and make the city a better place to live.
With the slogan “Clean air – It’s your move!” – European Mobility Week
is underlining that we all have a part to play, and that even small changes,
such as providing more options for people to take public transport, share
journeys, commute by bicycle rather than taking the car, or simply walk, can
enhance the quality of life in European town and cities.
European Mobility Week is an annual campaign on sustainable urban
mobility, organised with the support of the European Commission.
The campaign, which runs from 16-22 September every year, aims to
encourage European local authorities to introduce and promote sustainable
transport measures, and to invite citizens to try out alternatives to the
private car.
The European Mobility Week journey started in 1998 with the French ‘In
Town Without My Car!’ day.
This initiative still runs in September each year to encourage towns
and cities to close streets to motorised vehicles for a day.
This allows citizens to see a different side to their towns and cities,
encouraging the use of sustainable modes of transport and raising awareness of
the environmental impacts of citizens’ modal choice.
The success of this French initiative led to the launch of European
Mobility Week in 2002.
Since then, the impact of European Mobility Week has grown across
Europe and around the world.
In 2012, 2158 cities representing 147.6 million citizens registered for
the campaign.
A total of 7717 permanent measures have been implemented, mainly focusing on
infrastructure for cycling and walking, traffic calming, improving transport
accessibility and raising awareness about sustainable travel behaviour.
European local authorities have been invited to sign up to the European
Mobility Week Charter and publish their programmes onTowns and cities planning a
full week of events from 16-22 September, introducing permanent measures and
setting up a car-free day can also apply for the European Mobility Week Award
and join the ranks of previous award winners Zagreb (Croatia), Bologna (Italy),
Gävle (Sweden) and Budapest (Hungary).