Il futuro dell'Europa: la Vicepresidente Viviane Reding incontra i cittadini a Namur
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Data documento: 12-09-2013
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Future of Europe: Vice-President Viviane Reding to debate with citizens in Namur
Il futuro dell'Europa: la Vicepresidente Viviane Reding incontra i cittadini a Namur
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Just two days after President José Manuel Barroso's State of the Union address, the debate on the future of Europe is coming to Namur.
A soli due giorni dal discorso sullo stato dell'Unione pronunciato dal presidente José Manuel Barroso, il dibattito sul futuro dell'Europa arriva a Namur.
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On 13 September, Vice-President Viviane Reding and Minister-President of Wallonia and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, Rudy Demotte, will discuss Europe's way out of the economic crisis, citizens' rights and Europe's future with over 350 citizens, many of them young people.
Il 13 settembre la vicepresidente Viviane Reding e il presidente della regione Vallonia e della Federazione Vallonia-Bruxelles, Rudy Demotte, discuteranno con oltre 350 cittadini, molti dei quali giovani, di come l'Europa può uscire dalla crisi economica, di diritti dei cittadini e del futuro dell'Europa.
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"In a little over 8 months, Belgians and citizens across Europe will be taking to the polls to vote on Europe's future in the May 2014 European Parliament elections," said Vice-President Viviane Reding.
"Tra poco più di 8 mesi, in occasione delle elezioni del Parlamento europeo nel maggio 2014, i cittadini belgi ed europei saranno chiamati alle urne per scegliere il futuro dell'Europa", ha dichiarato la vicepresidente Viviane Reding.
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"I believe this is a unique opportunity for citizens to make their voice heard and thereby develop and strengthen a true parliamentary system in our Union.
"Ritengo si tratti di un'occasione unica, che consente ai cittadini di far sentire la propria voce, sviluppando e rafforzando così un reale sistema parlamentare nell'Unione.
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I am looking forward to hearing the fresh ideas of the young people gathered in Namur, their views on Europe and what it should be.
Non vedo l'ora di ascoltare le nuove idee dei giovani riuniti a Namur, i loro pareri sull'Europa e su come essa dovrebbe diventare.
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It will be particularly interesting to talk to these young people who will be voting for the first time in their lives".
Sarà particolarmente interessante parlare con i giovani che voteranno per la prima volta nella loro vita".
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The Citizens' Dialogue in Namur follows debates in Ghent (12/04), Eupen (23/04), Brussels (04/05), Antwerp (08/05) and Genk (28/06).
Il dialogo con i cittadini di Namur è l'ultimo in ordine di tempo dopo i dibattiti di Gand (12/04), Eupen (23/04)Bruxelles (04/05), Anversa (08/05) e Genk (28/06).
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Together, Vice-President Viviane Reding and Minister-President Demotte will talk about the future of Europe with citizens and local high school students soon to be of voting age.
Insieme, la vicepresidente Reding e il presidente Demotte discuteranno del futuro dell'Europa con i cittadini e gli studenti delle scuole superiori locali che presto avranno l'età per votare.
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There will be a focus on issues of particular interest to today's young generation.
Si porrà l'accento su questioni di particolare interesse per la giovane generazione attuale.
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"This is a very positive initiative, since young people will have the opportunity to ask their questions, set out their vision for Europe's future and communicate what they expect in the short and medium term.
"Si tratta di un'iniziativa estremamente positiva, perché i giovani avranno l'opportunità di porre le proprie domande, di esprimere la propria visione del futuro dell'Europa e di comunicare le proprie aspettative nel breve e medio periodo.
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It will help citizens understand their rights and show the important role Europe plays in their daily lives.
L'occasione aiuterà i cittadini a essere consapevoli dei propri diritti e a dimostrare l'importante ruolo dell'Europa nelle loro vite quotidiane.
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During this exchange of views, it will be particularly interesting to compare different visions of society across cultures and generations," noted Rudy Demotte, Minister-President of Wallonia and of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels.
Durante questo scambio di opinioni, sarà particolarmente interessante confrontare le diverse visioni della società tra le varie culture e generazioni", ha osservato Rudy Demotte, ministro della regione Vallonia e della Federazione Vallonia-Bruxelles.
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The debate will take place in the context of the "Fêtes de Wallonie /Colloque Jeunes" on Friday 13 September between 14:30 and 15:45 at the cinema-complex Acinapolis de Namur (Jambes).
Il dibattito si svolgerà nell'ambito delle "Fêtes de Wallonie /Colloque Jeunes" venerdì 13 settembre dalle 14.30 alle 15.45 presso il cinema Acinapolis di Namur (Jambes).
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The event can be followed live via webstream.
L'evento sarà trasmesso in diretta webstream.
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European citizens who are not able to attend the event in person can ask their questions via Twitter by using the hash tag #EUDeb8.
I cittadini europei che non possono assistere all'evento di persona possono inviare le proprie domande attraverso Twitter utilizzando l'hashtag #EUDeb8.
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In the days leading up to the Dialogue, questions can also be asked via Facebook and via the site of the youth conference.
Nei giorni precedenti al dibattito le domande potranno essere inviate anche attraverso Facebook e il sito della conferenza giovanile.
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What are the Citizens' Dialogues about?
Dialoghi con i cittadini:cosa sono?
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In January, the European Commission kicked off the European Year of Citizens (IP/13/2), a year dedicated to citizens and their rights.
Lo scorso gennaio la Commissione ha lanciato l'Anno europeo dei cittadini (IP/13/2), un anno dedicato ai cittadini dell'Unione e ai loro diritti.
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Throughout this year and next, members of the European Commission, together with national and local politicians and members of the European Parliament, is holding debates with citizens about their expectations for the future in Citizens' Dialogues all over the EU.
Quest'anno e l'anno prossimo, membri della Commissione europea, politici nazionali e locali e membri del Parlamento europeo organizzeranno in tutta l'Unione dialoghi con i cittadini per conoscere le loro aspettative per il futuro.
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Vice-President Reding has already held debates in Cádiz (Spain), in Graz (Austria), in Berlin (Germany), in Dublin (Ireland), in Coimbra (Portugal), in Thessaloniki (Greece), in Brussels (Belgium) and in Esch-sur-Alzette (Luxembourg), Warsaw (Poland), Heidelberg (Germany) and Sofia (Bulgaria).
La vicepresidente Reding ha già partecipato ai dibattiti di Cadice (Spagna), Graz (Austria), Berlino (Germania), Dublino (Irlanda), Coimbra (Portogallo), Salonicco (Grecia), Bruxelles (Belgio), Esch-sur-Alzette (Lussemburgo), Varsavia (Polonia), Heidelberg (Germania) e Sofia(Bulgaria).
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Many more Dialogues will take place all over the European Union throughout 2013 and in the first few months of 2014 – which will see European, national and local politicians engaging in a debate with citizens from all walks of life.
Nel corso del 2013 e nei primi mesi del 2014 saranno organizzati in tutta l'Unione molti altri dialoghi, che permetteranno ai politici europei, nazionali e locali di incontrare cittadini di ogni ceto e provenienza.
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Follow all the Dialogues here:
I dialoghi sono tutti disponibili all'indirizzo.
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A lot has been achieved in the twenty years since the introduction of EU Citizenship:
Questi vent'anni di cittadinanza UE registrano numerose realizzazioni:
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the latest EU survey shows that today 71% of Belgian citizens feel "European" (EU average 63%).
l'ultimo sondaggio condotto nell'UE indica che oggi il 71% dei cittadini belgi si sente "europeo" (media UE 63%).
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Across the EU, citizens are using their rights on a daily basis. But people are not always aware of these rights.
I cittadini dell'Unione fruiscono quotidianamente dei diritti collegati alla cittadinanza europea, anche se non sempre ne conoscono l'esistenza.
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For example around six in ten Belgians (61%) say that they would like to know more about their rights as EU citizens.
In Belgio, ad esempio, circa sei cittadini su dieci (61%) affermano che vorrebbero disporre di maggiori informazioni sui propri diritti di cittadini dell'UE.
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This is why the Commission has made 2013 the European Year of Citizens. The Citizens' Dialogues are at the heart of this year.
Per questo la Commissione ha dichiarato il 2013 Anno europeo dei cittadini e ha fatto dei dialoghi il fulcro di quest'iniziativa.
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Why is the Commission doing this now?
Perché proprio ora?
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Because Europe is at a crossroads.
Perché l'Europa è a un bivio.
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The future of Europe is the talk of the town ;
Il futuro dell'Europa è il tema del momento;
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with many voices talking about moving towards political union, a Federation of Nation States or a United States of Europe.
c'è chi parla di unione politica, chi di federazione di Stati-nazione, chi di Stati Uniti d'Europa.
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The coming months and years will be decisive for the future course of the European Union.
E i prossimi mesi e anni saranno decisivi per l'assetto futuro dell'Unione.
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Further European integration must go hand in hand with strengthening the Union's democratic legitimacy.
Ma ciò che conta è che, di pari passo con l'integrazione europea, l'Unione acquisisca maggiore legittimità democratica.
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Giving citizens a direct voice in this debate is therefore more important than ever.
Ora più che mai è importante che i cittadini abbiano voce in capitolo nel dibattito.
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What will be the outcome of the Dialogues?
A cosa servono i dialoghi?
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The feedback from citizens during the Dialogues will help guide the Commission as it draws up a Communication on the future of Europe.
La voce dei cittadini permetterà alla Commissione di orientarsi nell'elaborare una comunicazione sul futuro dell'Europa.
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One of the main purposes of the Dialogues will also be to prepare the ground for the 2014 European elections.
Uno degli obiettivi principali dei dialoghi è preparare il terreno per le prossime elezioni europee del 2014.
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On 8 May 2013 the European Commission published its second EU Citizenship Report, which puts forward 12 new concrete measures to solve problems citizens still have (IP/13/410 and MEMO/13/409).
L'8 May 2013 la Commissione europea ha pubblicato la seconda Relazione dell'UE sulla cittadinanza, che propone 12 nuove misure concrete per risolvere i problemi tuttora sperimentati dai cittadini (IP/13/410 e MEMO/13/409).
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The Citizenship Report is the Commission's answer to a major online consultation held from May 2012 (IP/12/461) and the questions raised and suggestions made in Citizens' Dialogues on EU citizens' rights and their future.
La relazione è la risposta della Commissione a un'ampia consultazione online del maggio 2012 (IP/12/461) e alle domande e agli spunti emersi nel quadro dei dialoghi con i cittadini in merito ai diritti dei cittadini dell'UE e al loro futuro.
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Will there be another opportunity to debate with Commissioners in Belgium?
Vi saranno altre occasioni per incontrare i commissari in Belgio?
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Upcoming events in Belgium include an event in Brussels on 22 September, with the participation of Commissioner Dacian Ciolos;
I prossimi eventi in Belgio prevedono un evento a Bruxelles il 22 settembre, con la partecipazione del commissario Dacian Ciolos;
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in Liège on 17 October, with the participation of President José Manuel Barroso, Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs Didier Reynders and Walloon Minister of Economy and Finance Jean-Claude Marcourt;
un incontro a Liegi il 17 ottobre, con la partecipazione del presidente José Manuel Barroso, del ministro belga degli Affari esteri, Didier Reynders e del ministro vallone dell'Economia e delle finanze, Jean-Claude Marcourt;
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and, finally at BOZAR in Brussels on 5 December, with the participation of Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou, Director of BOZAR Paul Dujardin, and the President of the Europa Nostra Foundation, Placido Domingo.
e, infine, un evento al BOZAR di Bruxelles il 5 dicembre, con la partecipazione del commissario Androulla Vassiliou, del direttore del BOZAR, Paul Dujardin, e del presidente della Fondazione Europa Nostra, Placido Domingo.
Future of Europe: Vice-President Viviane Reding to debate with citizens in
Just two days after President José Manuel Barroso's State of the Union
address, the debate on the future of Europe is coming to Namur.
On 13 September, Vice-President Viviane Reding and Minister-President
of Wallonia and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, Rudy Demotte, will discuss
Europe's way out of the economic crisis, citizens' rights and Europe's future
with over 350 citizens, many of them young people.
"In a little over 8 months, Belgians and citizens across Europe will be
taking to the polls to vote on Europe's future in the May 2014 European
Parliament elections," said Vice-President Viviane Reding.
"I believe this is a unique opportunity for citizens to make their
voice heard and thereby develop and strengthen a true parliamentary system in
our Union.
I am looking forward to hearing the fresh ideas of the young people
gathered in Namur, their views on Europe and what it should be." It will be
particularly interesting to talk to these young people who will be voting for
the first time in their lives".
The Citizens' Dialogue in Namur follows debates in Ghent (12/04), Eupen
(23/04), Brussels (04/05), Antwerp (08/05) and Genk (28/06).
Together, Vice-President Viviane Reding and Minister-President Demotte
will talk about the future of Europe with citizens and local high school
students soon to be of voting age.
There will be a focus on issues of particular interest to today's young
"This is a very positive initiative, since young people will have the
opportunity to ask their questions, set out their vision for Europe's future and
communicate what they expect in the short and medium term.
It will help citizens understand their rights and show the important
role Europe plays in their daily lives.
During this exchange of views, it will be particularly interesting to
compare different visions of society across cultures and generations," noted
Rudy Demotte, Minister-President of Wallonia and of the Federation
The debate will take place in the context of the "Fêtes de Wallonie
/Colloque Jeunes" on Friday 13 September between 14:30 and 15:45 at the
cinema-complex Acinapolis de Namur (Jambes).
The event can be followed live via webstream.
European citizens who are not able to attend the event in person can
ask their questions via Twitter by using the hash tag #EUDeb8.
In the days leading up to the Dialogue, questions can also be asked via
Facebook and via the site of the youth conference.
What are the Citizens' Dialogues about?
In January, the European Commission kicked off the European Year of
Citizens (IP/13/2), a year dedicated to citizens and their rights.
Throughout this year and next, members of the European Commission,
together with national and local politicians and members of the European
Parliament, is holding debates with citizens about their expectations for the
future in Citizens' Dialogues all over the EU.
Vice-President Reding has already held debates in Cádiz (Spain), in
Graz (Austria), in Berlin (Germany), in Dublin (Ireland), in Coimbra (Portugal),
in Thessaloniki (Greece)in Brussels (Belgium) and in Esch-sur-Alzette
(Luxembourg), Warsaw (Poland), Heidelberg (Germany) and Sofia (Bulgaria).
Many more Dialogues will take place all over the European Union
throughout 2013 and in the first few months of 2014 – which will see European,
national and local politicians engaging in a debate with citizens from all walks
of life.
Follow all the Dialogues here:http://ec.europa.eu/european-debate.
A lot has been achieved in the twenty years since the introduction of EU
the latest EU survey shows that today 71% of Belgian citizens feel
"European" (EU average 63%).
Across the EU, citizens are using their rights on a daily basis. But
people are not always aware of these rights.
For example around six in ten Belgians (61%) say that they would like
to know more about their rights as EU citizens.
This is why the Commission has made 2013 the European Year of Citizens.
The Citizens' Dialogues are at the heart of this year.
Why is the Commission doing this now?
Because Europe is at a crossroads.
The future of Europe is the talk of the town;
with many voices talking about moving towards political union, a
Federation of Nation States or a United States of Europe.
The coming months and years will be decisive for the future course of
the European Union.
Further European integration must go hand in hand with strengthening
the Union's democratic legitimacy.
Giving citizens a direct voice in this debate is therefore more
important than ever.
What will be the outcome of the Dialogues?
The feedback from citizens during the Dialogues will help guide the
Commission as it draws up a Communication on the future of Europe.
One of the main purposes of the Dialogues will also be to prepare the
ground for the 2014 European elections.
On 8 May 2013 the European Commission published its second EU
Citizenship Report, which puts forward 12 new concrete measures to solve
problems citizens still have (IP/13/410 and MEMO/13/409).
The Citizenship Report is the Commission's answer to a major online
consultation held from May 2012 (IP/12/461) and the questions raised and
suggestions made in Citizens' Dialogues on EU citizens' rights and their future.
Will there be another opportunity to debate with Commissioners in
Upcoming events in Belgium include an event in Brussels on 22
September, with the participation of Commissioner Dacian Ciolos;
in Liège on 17 October, with the participation of President José Manuel
Barroso, Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs Didier Reynders and Walloon
Minister of Economy and Finance Jean-Claude Marcourt;
and, finally at BOZAR in Brussels on 5 December, with the participation
of Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou, Director of BOZAR Paul Dujardin, and the
President of the Europa Nostra Foundation, Placido Domingo.