Il commissario Vassiliou sostiene l'iniziativa della Presidenza lituana dell'UE per l'istruzione e la gioventù
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Data documento: 04-09-2013
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Vassiliou backs Lithuanian EU Presidency's push for education and youth
Il commissario Vassiliou sostiene l'iniziativa della Presidenza lituana dell'UE per l'istruzione e la gioventù
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Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, will visit Lithuania on 5-10 September to support the Lithuanian EU Presidency’s push to ensure that quality education and opportunities for young people are at the top of the political agenda.
Androulla Vassiliou, commissario europeo responsabile per l'Istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù, visiterà la Lituania il 5-10 settembre per dare il proprio sostegno all'iniziativa della Presidenza lituana dell'UE volta ad assicurare che un'istruzione di qualità e opportunità per i giovani figurino al vertice dell'agenda politica.
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During her visit, Commissioner Vassiliou will open the EU Youth Conference with Dalia Grybauskaité, President of Lithuania, and the 'European Higher Education in the World' Conference with Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevicius.
Nel corso della sua visita il commissario Vassiliou inaugurerà la conferenza dell'UE sui giovani assieme a Dalia Grybauskaité, presidentessa della Lituania, e la conferenza "L'istruzione superiore europea nel mondo" con il primo ministro Algirdas Butkevicius.
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The Commissioner will also meet Dainius Pavalkis, Minister of Education and Science, Algimanta Pabedinskiené, Minister of Social Security and Labour, and members of the Seimas (Parliament).
Il commissario incontrerà anche Dainius Pavalkis, ministro dell'Istruzione e della scienza, Algimanta Pabedinskiené, ministro della Sicurezza sociale e del lavoro nonché deputati del Seimas (Parlamento).
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“I am pleased that the Lithuanian EU Presidency is stressing the importance of education and youth for sustainable growth and jobs,” said Commissioner Vassiliou.
“Plaudo al fatto che la Presidenza lituana dell'UE ribadisca l'importanza dell'istruzione e della gioventù ai fini di una crescita e di un'occupazione sostenibili”, ha affermato il commissionario Vassiliou.
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“This is a strong signal as we prepare for the launch of the EU's new Erasmus+ programme which will enable 4 million young Europeans to study, train, teach or volunteer abroad in the next seven years.
"Si tratta di un segnale forte nel momento in cui ci prepariamo al lancio del nuovo programma unionale Erasmus+ che nei prossimi sette anni consentirà a quattro milioni di giovani europei di studiare, seguire una formazione, insegnare o fare attività di volontariato all'estero.
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I am particularly looking forward to discussing the new programme and the opportunities it will create when I meet students during my visit."
Mi interessa in particolare discutere il nuovo programma e le opportunità che esso determinerà in occasione degli incontri con gli studenti durante la mia visita."
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On 5 September, the Commissioner will take part in the Presidency conference in Vilnius on European Higher Education in the World.
Il 5 settembre il commissario presenzierà a Vilnius alla conferenza presidenziale su L'istruzione superiore europea nel mondo.
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The discussion will focus on the European Commission's new strategy on internationalisation in higher education which calls for bolder measures to strengthen cooperation and mobility across the EU’s borders to enhance the quality of higher education and contribute to job creation and innovation (see IP/13/678).
La discussione sarà imperniata sulla nuova strategia della Commissione europea volta all'internazionalizzazione nell'istruzione superiore che invoca misure più ardite per rafforzare la cooperazione e la mobilità transfrontaliera nell'UE in modo da accrescere la qualità dell'istruzione superiore e contribuire alla creazione di posti di lavoro e all'innovazione (cfr. IP/13/678).
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Commissioner Vassiliou will underline the importance of developing comprehensive national and institutional strategies that go beyond mobility and encourage new types of partnerships.
Il commissario Vassiliou ribadirà l'importanza di sviluppare strategie nazionali e istituzionali omnicomprensive che vadano al di là della mobilità e comportino nuovi tipi di partenariati.
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She will explain how the EU intends to contribute to these objectives through the new 'Erasmus+' and 'Horizon 2020' funding programmes.
Il commissario spiegherà come l'UE intende contribuire a questi obiettivi mediante i programmi di finanziamento Erasmus+ e Orizzonte 2020.
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She will also visit the Scientific and Communication Centre at Vilnius University Library on 5 September.
Il 5 settembre il commissario visiterà anche il Centro scientifico e di comunicazione presso la biblioteca universitaria di Vilnius.
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The following day (6 September), she will meet students in Kaunas, from Vytautas Magnus University and other institutions, to discuss Erasmus+, the future of Europe and the role of education and training in overcoming the current crisis.
Il giorno seguente (6 settembre) il commissario incontrerà a Kaunas gli studenti dell'università Vytautas Magnus e di altre istituzioni per discutere di Erasmus+, del futuro dell'Europa e del ruolo dell'istruzione e della formazione per il superamento della crisi attuale.
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Measures to increase the social inclusion of young people, particularly those not in employment, education or training, will be the main focus of the EU Youth Conference (9-12 September in Vilnius).
Le misure volte a migliorare l'inclusione sociale dei giovani, in particolare quelli disoccupati o non iscritti a corsi di istruzione o formazione, saranno al centro della conferenza dell'UE sulla gioventù (9- 12 settembre a Vilnius).
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Commissioner Vassiliou will stress that the issue can only be addressed effectively by coordinating all relevant policy areas, including education, employment and, health, at national and EU level.
Il commissario Vassiliou farà presente che la questione può essere affrontata efficacemente soltanto coordinando tutti i pertinenti ambiti politici, compresi quelli dell'istruzione, dell'occupazione e della sanità, a livello nazionale e unionale.
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She will also report on a review of the EU's 'structured dialogue' with young people, which allows young people to help shape EU policies which affect them.
Il commissario riferirà inoltre in merito a un riesame del "dialogo strutturato" dell'UE con i giovani, che consenta a questi di contribuire a configurare le politiche unionali che li interessano.
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Around 100 youth representatives will relay feedback following consultations in their Member States.
Circa 100 rappresentanti dei giovani forniranno un feedback in seguito alle consultazioni intrattenute nei loro Stati membri.
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The aim is to produce joint conclusions which would be adopted by EU youth ministers later this year.
L'obiettivo è pervenire a conclusioni congiunte che dovrebbero essere adottate più avanti nel corso di quest'anno dai ministri dell'UE responsabili della gioventù.
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Commissioner Vassiliou will also meet members of the Seimas and open a Conference on Educational Leadership on 9 September; this will focus on how school leaders can improve the quality and efficiency of schools and training institutions.
Il 9 settembre il commissario Vassiliou incontrerà anche i deputati del Seimas e inaugurerà una Conferenza sulla leadership dell'apprendimento (Educational leadership) imperniata sul modo in cui i direttori delle istituzioni scolastiche possono migliorare la qualità e l'efficienza delle scuole e degli istituti di formazione.
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The event builds on the Commission’s ‘Rethinking Education’ initiative, which called on Member States to strengthen support for teachers, teacher educators and school leaders to improve learning outcomes.
La conferenza prende le mosse dall'iniziativa della Commissione ‘Ripensare l'istruzione’, che invitava gli Stati membri a rafforzare il sostegno agli insegnanti, ai formatori di insegnanti e ai direttori scolastici per migliorare i risultati dell'apprendimento.
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Since 2007, Lithuania has received €76 million in EU funding from the Lifelong Learning Programme;
Dal 2007 la Lituania ha ricevuto finanziamenti unionali per un importo di 76 milioni di euro nell'ambito del programma di apprendimento permanente.
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this includes €39 million in Erasmus funding for higher education, €19 million for vocational education and training (Leonardo da Vinci), €13 million for cooperation between primary and secondary schools (Comenius), and €5 million for adult education (Grundtvig).
In tale importo rientrano 39 milioni di euro di finanziamenti Erasmus per l'istruzione superiore, 19 milioni di euro per l'istruzione e la formazione professionali (Leonardo da Vinci), 13 milioni di euro per la cooperazione tra le scuole primarie e le scuole secondarie (Comenius), e 5 milioni per l'istruzione degli adulti (Grundtvig).
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Lithuania also received €16.6 million for youth from the EU's Youth in Action programme.
La Lituania ha ricevuto inoltre dal programma dell'UE "Gioventù in azione" 16,6 milioni di euro per iniziative destinate alla gioventù.
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In 2011-2012, more than 3 500 Lithuanian students received Erasmus grants to study or undertake a work placement abroad, while nearly 2 000 foreign students came to Lithuania in return.
Nel 2011-2012 più di 3 500 studenti lituani hanno ricevuto borse Erasmus per studiare o fare un tirocinio all'estero, mentre circa 2 000 studenti stranieri si sono recati in Lituania con le stesse finalità.
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In 2012, more than 6 000 young people and youth workers from Lithuania participated in the Youth in Action programme.
Nel 2012 più di 6 000 giovani e operatori giovanili della Lituania hanno partecipato al programma "Gioventù in azione".
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Erasmus+, the EU’s new programme for education, training, youth and sport, is expected to be approved by the Parliament and the Council this autumn and will be launched in January 2014.
Erasmus+, il nuovo programma unionale per l'istruzione, la formazione, la gioventù e lo sport dovrebbe essere approvato dal Parlamento e dal Consiglio questo autunno e verrà avviato nel gennaio 2014.
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It replaces the Lifelong Learning Programme as well as the EU's international education mobility programmes.
Esso sostituisce il programma di apprendimento permanente nonché i programmi unionali per la mobilità educativa internazionale.
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Its streamlined structure will increase efficiency while reducing costs.
La sua struttura snellita lo renderà più efficiente riducendo nel contempo i costi.
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With a total budget of around €14.5 billion, it will enable 4 million people to study, train, volunteer or gain work experience abroad in 2014-2020.
Con un bilancio totale di circa 14,5 miliardi di euro esso consentirà a 4 milioni di persone di studiare, seguire una formazione, fare attività di volontariato o acquisire un'esperienza lavorativa all'estero nel periodo 2014-2020.
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Young people, who have been hit disproportionally hard by the economic crisis, will be the main beneficiaries of Erasmus+.
I giovani, che sono stati colpiti in modo particolarmente duro dalla crisi economica, saranno i principali beneficiari di Erasmus+.
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Currently, about 14 million Europeans aged 15-29 are not in employment, education and training (NEETs).
Attualmente, circa 14 milioni di europei dai 15 ai 29 anni sono disoccupati e non sono iscritti ad un ciclo di istruzione o di formazione (NEET).
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NEETs are more likely to face poverty and social exclusion, or insecure and poor future employment prospects. They are also more likely to be involved in crime, or to suffer from mental and physical health problems.
I NEET hanno maggiori probabilità di trovarsi in condizioni di povertà e di esclusione sociale o di avere in futuro prospettive occupazionali non sicure e di scarsa qualità, di finire nella delinquenza o di avere problemi di salute mentale o fisica.
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In 2011, the economic loss resulting from young people being out of work represented an estimated cost of €153 billion in Europe or 1.2% of GDP.
Nel 2011 la perdita economica derivante dalla disoccupazione giovanile rappresentava in Europa un costo stimato di 153 miliardi di euro, pari all'1,2% del PIL.
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Erasmus+ will also strengthen education and training cooperation across EU borders – and beyond.
Erasmus+ rafforzerà inoltre la cooperazione transfrontaliera nel campo dell'istruzione e della formazione, in Europa e fuori di essa.
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Cooperation and mobility opportunities with non-EU partner countries will receive €400 million per year in support.
Le opportunità di cooperazione e di mobilità con i paesi terzi partner riceveranno un sostegno di 400 milioni di euro all'anno.
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The international dimension of Erasmus+ will build on the new 'European higher education in the world' strategy, launched by the European Commission on 11 July:
La dimensione internazionale di Erasmus+ prenderà le mosse dalla nuova strategia "L'istruzione superiore europea nel mondo" avviata dalla Commissione europea l'11 luglio:
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by 2020 there will be some 7 million internationally mobile students in the world (compared with 4 million in 2010), mostly from Asia, Latin America or the Middle East.
entro il 2020 vi saranno nel mondo circa 7 milioni di studenti in mobilità internazionale (rispetto a 4 milioni nel 2010), provenienti per lo più dall'Asia, dall'America Latina o dal Medio Oriente.
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Today, Europe attracts about 45%, or 1.8 million, of the students who are mobile each year.
L'Europa attira oggi annualmente circa il 45% degli studenti mobili, vale a dire 1,8 milioni di persone.
Vassiliou backs Lithuanian EU Presidency's push for education and youth
Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture,
Multilingualism and Youth, will visit Lithuania on 5-10 September to support the
Lithuanian EU Presidency’s push to ensure that quality education and
opportunities for young people are at the top of the political agenda.
During her visit, Commissioner Vassiliou will open the EU Youth
Conference with Dalia Grybauskaité, President of Lithuania, and the 'European
Higher Education in the World' Conference with Prime Minister Algirdas
The Commissioner will also meet Dainius Pavalkis, Minister of Education
and Science, Algimanta Pabedinskiené, Minister of Social Security and Labour,
and members of the Seimas (Parliament).
“I am pleased that the Lithuanian EU Presidency is stressing the
importance of education and youth for sustainable growth and jobs,” said
Commissioner Vassiliou.
“This is a strong signal as we prepare for the launch of the EU's new
Erasmus+ programme which will enable 4 million young Europeans to study, train,
teach or volunteer abroad in the next seven years.
I am particularly looking forward to discussing the new programme and
the opportunities it will create when I meet students during my visit."
On 5 September, the Commissioner will take part in the Presidency
conference in Vilnius on European Higher Education in the World.
The discussion will focus on the European Commission's new strategy on
internationalisation in higher education which calls for bolder measures to
strengthen cooperation and mobility across the EU’s borders to enhance the
quality of higher education and contribute to job creation and innovation (see
Commissioner Vassiliou will underline the importance of developing
comprehensive national and institutional strategies that go beyond mobility and
encourage new types of partnerships.
She will explain how the EU intends to contribute to these objectives
through the new 'Erasmus+' and 'Horizon 2020' funding programmes.
She will also visit the Scientific and Communication Centre at Vilnius
University Library on 5 September.
The following day (6 September), she will meet students in Kaunas, from
Vytautas Magnus University and other institutions, to discuss Erasmus+, the
future of Europe and the role of education and training in overcoming the
current crisis.
Measures to increase the social inclusion of young people, particularly
those not in employment, education or training, will be the main focus of the EU
Youth Conference (9-12 September in Vilnius).
Commissioner Vassiliou will stress that the issue can only be addressed
effectively by coordinating all relevant policy areas, including education,
employment and, health, at national and EU level.
She will also report on a review of the EU's 'structured dialogue' with
young people, which allows young people to help shape EU policies which affect
Around 100 youth representatives will relay feedback following
consultations in their Member States.
The aim is to produce joint conclusions which would be adopted by EU
youth ministers later this year.
Commissioner Vassiliou will also meet members of the Seimas and open a
Conference on Educational Leadership on 9 September; this will focus on how
school leaders can improve the quality and efficiency of schools and training
The event builds on the Commission’s ‘Rethinking Education’ initiative,
which called on Member States to strengthen support for teachers, teacher
educators and school leaders to improve learning outcomes.
Since 2007, Lithuania has received €76 million in EU funding from the Lifelong
Learning Programme;
this includes €39 million in Erasmus funding for higher education, €19 million
for vocational education and training (Leonardo da Vinci), €13 million for
cooperation between primary and secondary schools (Comenius), and €5 million for
adult education (Grundtvig).
Lithuania also received €16.6 million for youth from the EU's Youth in
Action programme.
In 2011-2012, more than 3 500 Lithuanian students received Erasmus
grants to study or undertake a work placement abroad, while nearly 2 000 foreign
students came to Lithuania in return.
In 2012, more than 6 000 young people and youth workers from Lithuania
participated in the Youth in Action programme.
Erasmus+, the EU’s new programme for education, training, youth and
sport, is expected to be approved by the Parliament and the Council this autumn
and will be launched in January 2014.
It replaces the Lifelong Learning Programme as well as the EU's
international education mobility programmes.
Its streamlined structure will increase efficiency while reducing
With a total budget of around €14.5 billion, it will enable 4 million
people to study, train, volunteer or gain work experience abroad in 2014-2020.
Young people, who have been hit disproportionally hard by the economic
crisis, will be the main beneficiaries of Erasmus+.
Currently, about 14 million Europeans aged 15-29 are not in employment,
education and training (NEETs).
NEETs are more likely to face poverty and social exclusion, or insecure
and poor future employment prospects. They are also more likely to be involved
in crime, or to suffer from mental and physical health problems.
In 2011, the economic loss resulting from young people being out of
work represented an estimated cost of €153 billion in Europe or 1.2% of GDP.
Erasmus+ will also strengthen education and training cooperation across
EU borders – and beyond.
Cooperation and mobility opportunities with non-EU partner countries
will receive €400 million per year in support.
The international dimension of Erasmus+ will build on the new 'European
higher education in the world' strategy, launched by the European Commission on
11 July:
by 2020 there will be some 7 million internationally mobile students in
the world (compared with 4 million in 2010), mostly from Asia, Latin America or
the Middle East.
Today, Europe attracts about 45%, or 1.8 million, of the students who
are mobile each year.