L’UE al vertice del G20: intensificare gli sforzi globali per ridare fiducia sul piano globale
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Data documento: 04-09-2013
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The EU at the G20 Summit: stepping up global efforts to restore global confidence
L’UE al vertice del G20: intensificare gli sforzi globali per ridare fiducia sul piano globale
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Improving confidence in the global economy, making decisive progress on the way to sustainable and inclusive global growth, countering protectionism and stepping up the fight against tax avoidance and evasion worldwide:
Iniezione di fiducia nell’economia globale, progressi decisivi nella crescita sostenibile e inclusiva a dimensione mondiale, contrasto del protezionismo, intensificazione della lotta all’evasione e all’elusione fiscali in tutto il mondo:
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these should be amongst the main results of this G20 summit.
ecco alcuni dei principali risultati attesi dall’imminente vertice del G20.
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This is the call that European Commission President José Manuel Barroso and European Council President Herman Van Rompuy will make to fellow G20 leaders when they travel to Saint Petersburg on 5-6 September to represent the European Union at the summit.
Il Presidente della Commissione europea José Manuel Barroso e il Presidente del Consiglio europeo Herman Van Rompuy sproneranno in tal senso i loro omologhi del G20 il 5 e 6 settembre, in occasione del vertice di San Pietroburgo in cui rappresenteranno l’Unione europea.
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President Barroso said before leaving for Saint Petersburg:
In procinto di partire per San Pietroburgo il Presidente Barroso ha dichiarato:
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"The global economic situation makes one thing clear:
“Nella situazione economica globale una cosa è chiara:
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all G20 leaders need to step up their efforts for recovery, for growth and jobs, for open trade and for fairer taxation.
tutti i leader del G20 devono intensificare gli sforzi a favore della ripresa, della crescita e occupazione, del libero scambio e di una maggiore equità fiscale.
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There is no room for complacency and much remains to be done by all G20 members to restore economic confidence globally.
Non v’è spazio per l’autocompiacimento e tutti i membri del G20 hanno ancora molto da fare per reiniettare fiducia nell’economia globale.
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I will make clear that the EU has delivered on the commitments made in Los Cabos and that we will continue to deploy our comprehensive policy mix, which is starting to yield results."
Dal canto mio, sarò chiaro nell’affermare che l’UE ha rispettato gli impegni assunti a Los Cabos e che proseguirà nell’attuazione del suo insieme completo di politiche, di cui si cominciano a cogliere i frutti.”
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President Van Rompuy said:
Il Presidente Van Rompuy ha dichiarato:
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"The European Union enters this summit in a much better economic shape than a year ago in Los Cabos.
“L’Unione europea si presenta a questo vertice in una situazione economica molto migliore rispetto a quella dell’anno scorso a Los Cabos.
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Our strategy for combating the crisis is bearing fruits but we will relentlessly continue our efforts as risks and challenges remain.
La nostra strategia di lotta alla crisi sta dando frutti, ma non per questo smetteremo d’impegnarci costantemente: i rischi e le sfide permangono.
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The economic crisis has further stressed the need for all to pay their fair share of taxes.
La crisi economica ha posto in ancor maggiore evidenza la necessità che tutti paghino la loro equa parte di tasse.
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In St. Petersburg, the European Union will seek to advance in the fight against tax evasion and ensure the widest possible backing for automatic sharing of tax information."
A San Pietroburgo l’Unione europea spingerà per progredire nella lotta contro l’evasione fiscale cercando di ottenere il più ampio sostegno possibile per lo scambio automatico di informazioni fiscali.”
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G20 leaders will discuss the global economy and the need to invest in growth and job creation.
Sul tavolo dei leader del G20 ci saranno i temi dell’economia globale e della necessità di investire nella crescita e nella creazione di posti di lavoro.
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The European Union has vigorously supported placing global growth and employment at the very top of the G20 agenda.
L’Unione europea ha sostenuto con forza la necessità di porre il tema della crescita e dell’occupazione sul piano mondiale al primissimo posto dell’agenda del G20:
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Leaders should adopt an ambitious "Saint Petersburg Action Plan" with a focused package of measures that can enhance strong, balanced and sustainable growth.
il vertice dovrebbe adottare un “Piano d’azione di San Pietroburgo” ambizioso, articolato in un complesso mirato di misure in grado di dare impulso ad una crescita forte, equilibrata e sostenibile.
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All G20 members are called upon to contribute to it.
È a tal fine indispensabile il contributo di tutti i membri del G20;
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The EU's contribution is based on its own comprehensive economic policy strategy of differentiated and growth-friendly fiscal consolidation and determined action to stimulate growth and investment.
quello dell’Unione si fonda sulla strategia globale di politica economica dell’UE, ossia risanamento di bilancio differenziato e propizio alla crescita associato ad un’azione risoluta d’impulso alla crescita e agli investimenti.
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It includes initiatives such as the Compact for Growth and Jobs, the Youth Employment Initiative, the swift completion of the Banking Union, the reinforced action of the European Investment Bank and much more.
Rientrano nella strategia iniziative quali il patto per la crescita e l’occupazione, l’iniziativa a favore dell’occupazione giovanile, il completamento in tempi rapidi dell’unione bancaria, il potenziamento della Banca europea per gli investimenti e molte altre ancora.
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Improved business activity and sentiment and the latest GDP figures show that, slowly but surely, Europe is seeing a gradual and mild recovery in the second half of 2013, which is set to take root in 2014, including in the more vulnerable countries.
Sia il miglioramento dell’attività d’impresa e del clima che si respira nel mondo imprenditoriale sia gli ultimi dati sul PIL indicano che nel secondo semestre 2013 l’Europa registra, lentamente ma inequivocabilmente, una lieve ripresa graduale che si prevede si radicherà nel 2014, anche nei paesi più vulnerabili.
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On financial regulatory reform, the EU will reiterate that this remains a cornerstone of the G20 and that Europe is delivering on all fronts.
Riguardo alla riforma della regolamentazione finanziaria, l’UE ne ribadirà la centralità nei lavori del G20, confermando che l’Europa sta ottenendo su tutti i fronti i risultati attesi.
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It will call on its G20 partners to commit to the timely and effective implementation of the agreed measures to fill in the remaining blanks in financial regulation.
Esorterà i partner del G20 ad impegnarsi per attuare le misure concordate secondo i tempi previsti e in modo efficace, nella prospettiva di colmare le ultime lacune nella disciplina dei mercati finanziari.
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Regarding shadow banking and money market funds, the European
Commission presented an ambitious approach ahead of the summit (read the press
release of 4 September).
In tema di sistema bancario ombra e fondi comuni monetari la Commissione europea ha presentato un approccio ambizioso proprio prima del vertice (v. comunicato stampa del 4 settembre:
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The global paradigm change in the fight against tax avoidance and evasion is set to be taken further by G20 leaders.
Ci si attende che i leader del G20 proseguano nella via del mutamento del paradigma globale nella lotta all’evasione e all’elusione fiscali.
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The EU, with its considerable expertise and experience – for example, in creating an EU-wide system for the automatic exchange of information, or the fight against aggressive tax planning – will push for the automatic exchange of information to become the global standard. It will, notably, support any efforts that help to ensure its swift implementation.
Forte della sua grande competenza ed esperienza (nell’istituzione di un sistema di scambio automatico d’informazioni a dimensione UE, ad esempio, oppure nella lotta alla pianificazione fiscale aggressiva), l’UE spingerà affinché lo scambio automatico d’informazioni assurga a norma mondiale e appoggerà, in particolare, qualsiasi iniziativa concorra ad una sua realizzazione in tempi rapidi.
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The EU will also strongly support the OECD's action plan to fight corporate tax avoidance worldwide, which this summit is expected to endorse.
L’Unione sosterrà con forza anche il piano d’azione dell’OCSE inteso a contrastare nel mondo l’elusione fiscale ad opera delle società, di cui si prevede l’avallo in occasione del vertice del G20.
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The summit will also discuss trade matters.
Al vertice si discuterà anche di commercio.
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It is important for the EU that the G20 sends a strong message against protectionism, calling for more effective implementation of the 2010 Toronto standstill commitment and the extension of its lifespan beyond 2014.
Per l’Unione è importante che il G20 trasmetta un segnale forte contro il protezionismo esortando ad un’attuazione più efficace dell’impegno di mantenimento dello status quo assunto a Toronto nel 2010, di cui sarebbe opportuno prorogare la validità ad oltre il 2014.
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Just a few days before the summit, the European Commission pointed to the continued, albeit somewhat slower, rise of protectionist measures among G20 members and to the absence of efforts to dismantle trade-restrictive measures (read more about the Commission's report on trade-restrictive measures of 2 September).
Solo pochi giorni prima del vertice la Commissione europea ha segnalato l’aumento continuo, seppur con ritmi lievemente più lenti rispetto al passato, delle misure protezionistiche tra i membri del G20 e il fatto che non si faccia nulla per smantellare le misure commerciali restrittive (ulteriori informazioni nella relazione della Commissione sulle misure commerciali restrittive, del 2 settembre).
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Open, fair and free trade is essential to help the fragile economic recovery to gather speed and become sustainable.
Assicurare scambi aperti, equi e liberi è fondamentale per aiutare questa fragile ripresa economica ad acquisire velocità e mantenersi nel tempo.
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The G20 should also give a strong political signal to the negotiators preparing the World Trade Organisation (WTO) ministerial meeting in Bali in December so that a successful final deal can be reached with trade facilitation at its core.
Il G20 dovrebbe altresì trasmettere un segnale politico forte ai negoziatori che stanno preparando la riunione ministeriale dell’Organizzazione mondiale del commercio (OMC) che si terrà in dicembre a Bali, affinché sia possibile raggiungere in tale sede un accordo finale soddisfacente e imperniato sull’agevolazione degli scambi.
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When it comes to Regional Trade Agreements the EU is in favour of improving transparency in the WTO context and will insist that EU trade agreements with partners countries help rather than hinder the multilateral trade agenda.
Riguardo agli accordi commerciali regionali, l’UE è favorevole ad una maggiore trasparenza in ambito OMC ed insisterà affinché gli accordi commerciali che conclude con i partner non ostacolino l’agenda commerciale multilaterale, bensì la sostengano.
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Finally, G20 leaders will also discuss employment, development, anti-corruption, energy and climate matters.
I leader del G20 discuteranno infine anche di occupazione, sviluppo, contrasto della corruzione, nonché energia e clima.
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In their joint letter to the EU's 28 Heads of State and Government on 23 July 2013, Presidents Barroso and Van Rompuy set out their views on the key issues for the G20 summit.The letter can be found at the site indicated below.
Il Presidente Barroso e il Presidente Van Rompuy hanno esposto la propria posizione sui principali temi sul tavolo del vertice del G20 in una lettera comune inviata il 23 luglio 2013 ai 28 capi di Stato o di governo dell’UE, consultabile all’indirizzo sotto indicato.
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The first G20 summit of heads of state and government was held in Washington in November 2008. It was the result of a joint EU-US initiative to tackle the global financial crisis effectively.
Il primo vertice G20 dei capi di Stato e di governo si è tenuto a Washington nel novembre 2008, a coronamento dell’iniziativa congiunta UE-USA volta ad affrontare con efficacia la crisi finanziaria mondiale.
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Since then, the G20 has become the premier forum for international economic cooperation. G20 leaders have met once, or even twice, a year.
Da allora il G20 si è affermato come consesso di primo piano sulla cooperazione economica internazionale, con incontri annuali o addirittura semestrali tra i leader.
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The 2014 summit will be hosted by Australia.
Nel 2014 il vertice si svolgerà in Australia.
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The members of the G20 are the European Union together and the following 19 countries:
Sono membri del G20 l’Unione europea e i 19 paesi seguenti:
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Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, the Republic of Korea, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Arabia Saudita, Argentina, Australia, Brasile, Canada, Cina, Francia, Germania, Giappone, India, Indonesia, Italia, Messico, Regno Unito, Repubblica di Corea, Russia, Stati Uniti, Sud Africa e Turchia.
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The European Union is represented at the summit by the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, and the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy.
A livello di vertice l’Unione europea è rappresentata dal Presidente della Commissione europea José Manuel Barroso e dal Presidente del Consiglio europeo Herman Van Rompuy.
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Traditionally, guest countries may attend the summits.The Russian presidency invited the following official G20 guest countries:
In linea con la tradizione, che autorizza la presenza di paesi ospiti ai vertici, la presidenza russa del G20 ha invitato ufficialmente i paesi seguenti:
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Spain (permanent invitee), Ethiopia (the chair of the African Union in 2013), Senegal (the chair of the New Partnership for Africa's Development NEPAD in 2013), Kazakhstan (Member of the EurAsEC Customs Union and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)), Brunei (the chair of ASEAN in 2013), and Singapore (the chair of the IMF International Monetary and Financial Committee and the chair of the Global Governance Group (3G)).
Spagna (ospite fisso), Etiopia (che nel 2013 presiede l’Unione africana), Senegal (che nel 2013 presiede il Nuovo partenariato per lo sviluppo dell’Africa - NEPAD), Kazakhstan (membro dell’unione doganale EURASEC e della Comunità di Stati indipendenti), Brunei (che nel 2013 presiede l’ASEAN) e Singapore (che presiede il Comitato monetario e finanziario internazionale dell’FMI e il Gruppo di governance mondiale (3G)).
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In addition, the following international organisations are also invited:
Sono altresì invitate le seguenti organizzazioni internazionali:
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the Financial Stability Board (FSB), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Organization of Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD), the United Nations (UN), the World Bank (WB), and the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Consiglio per la stabilità finanziaria (FSB)Organizzazione internazionale del lavoro (OIL), Fondo monetario internazionale (FMI), Organizzazione per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo economici (OCSE), Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite (ONU), Banca mondiale (BM) e Organizzazione mondiale del commercio (OMC).
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As in the past, several side events, such as the B20, L20, C20 and Y20 are organised in the context of the summit, targeting different stakeholders from business, trade unions, civil society and youth.
Come in passato, a margine del vertice sono organizzati alcuni eventi correlati (quali B20, L20, C20 e Y20) che coinvolgono vari portatori d’interesse del mondo dell’impresa, del sindacato, della società civile e dei giovani.
http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-13-717_it.htm |
The EU at the G20 Summit: stepping up global efforts to restore global
Improving confidence in the global economy, making decisive progress on
the way to sustainable and inclusive global growth, countering protectionism and
stepping up the fight against tax avoidance and evasion worldwide:
these should be amongst the main results of this G20 summit.
This is the call that European Commission President José Manuel Barroso
and European Council President Herman Van Rompuy will make to fellow G20 leaders
when they travel to Saint Petersburg on 5-6 September to represent the European
Union at the summit.
President Barroso said before leaving for Saint Petersburg:
"The global economic situation makes one thing clear:
all G20 leaders need to step up their efforts for recovery, for growth and jobs,
for open trade and for fairer taxation.
There is no room for complacency and much remains to be done by all G20 members
to restore economic confidence globally.
I will make clear that the EU has delivered on the commitments made in Los Cabos
and that we will continue to deploy our comprehensive policy mix, which is
starting to yield results."
President Van Rompuy said:
"The European Union enters this summit in a much better economic shape than a
year ago in Los Cabos.
Our strategy for combating the crisis is bearing fruits but we will relentlessly
continue our efforts as risks and challenges remain.
The economic crisis has further stressed the need for all to pay their fair
share of taxes.
In St. Petersburg, the European Union will seek to advance in the fight against
tax evasion and ensure the widest possible backing for automatic sharing of tax
G20 leaders will discuss the global economy and the need to invest in
growth and job creation.
The European Union has vigorously supported placing global growth and
employment at the very top of the G20 agenda.
Leaders should adopt an ambitious "Saint Petersburg Action Plan" with a
focused package of measures that can enhance strong, balanced and sustainable
All G20 members are called upon to contribute to it.
The EU's contribution is based on its own comprehensive economic policy
strategy of differentiated and growth-friendly fiscal consolidation and
determined action to stimulate growth and investment.
It includes initiatives such as the Compact for Growth and Jobs, the
Youth Employment Initiative, the swift completion of the Banking Union, the
reinforced action of the European Investment Bank and much more.
Improved business activity and sentiment and the latest GDP figures
show that, slowly but surely, Europe is seeing a gradual and mild recovery in
the second half of 2013, which is set to take root in 2014, including in the
more vulnerable countries.
On financial regulatory reform, the EU will reiterate that this remains
a cornerstone of the G20 and that Europe is delivering on all fronts.
It will call on its G20 partners to commit to the timely and effective
implementation of the agreed measures to fill in the remaining blanks in
financial regulation.
Regarding shadow banking and money market funds, the European
Commission presented an ambitious approach ahead of the summit (read the press
release of 4 September). The global paradigm change in the fight against tax
avoidance and evasion is set to be taken further by G20 leaders.
The EU, with its considerable expertise and experience – for example,
in creating an EU-wide system for the automatic exchange of information, or the
fight against aggressive tax planning – will push for the automatic exchange of
information to become the global standard. It will, notably, support any efforts
that help to ensure its swift implementation.
The EU will also strongly support the OECD's action plan to fight
corporate tax avoidance worldwide, which this summit is expected to endorse.
The summit will also discuss trade matters.
It is important for the EU that the G20 sends a strong message against
protectionism, calling for more effective implementation of the 2010 Toronto
standstill commitment and the extension of its lifespan beyond 2014.
Just a few days before the summit, the European Commission pointed to
the continued, albeit somewhat slower, rise of protectionist measures among G20
members and to the absence of efforts to dismantle trade-restrictive measures
(read more about the Commission's report on trade-restrictive measures of 2
Open, fair and free trade is essential to help the fragile economic
recovery to gather speed and become sustainable.
The G20 should also give a strong political signal to the negotiators
preparing the World Trade Organisation (WTO) ministerial meeting in Bali in
December so that a successful final deal can be reached with trade facilitation
at its core.
When it comes to Regional Trade Agreements the EU is in favour of
improving transparency in the WTO context and will insist that EU trade
agreements with partners countries help rather than hinder the multilateral
trade agenda.
Finally, G20 leaders will also discuss employment, development,
anti-corruption, energy and climate matters.
In their joint letter to the EU's 28 Heads of State and Government on
23 July 2013, Presidents Barroso and Van Rompuy set out their views on the key
issues for the G20 summit.The letter can be found at the site indicated below.
The first G20 summit of heads of state and government was held in
Washington in November 2008. It was the result of a joint EU-US initiative to
tackle the global financial crisis effectively.
Since then, the G20 has become the premier forum for international
economic cooperation. G20 leaders have met once, or even twice, a year.
The 2014 summit will be hosted by Australia.
The members of the G20 are the European Union together and the
following 19 countries:
Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy,
India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, the Republic of Korea, Russia, Saudi Arabia,
South Africa, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States.
The European Union is represented at the summit by the President of the
European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, and the President of the European
Council, Herman Van Rompuy.
Traditionally, guest countries may attend the summits.The Russian
presidency invited the following official G20 guest countries:
Spain (permanent invitee), Ethiopia (the chair of the African Union in 2013),
Senegal (the chair of the New Partnership for Africa's Development NEPAD in
2013), Kazakhstan (Member of the EurAsEC Customs Union and the Commonwealth of
Independent States (CIS)) Brunei (the chair of ASEAN in 2013), and Singapore
(the chair of the IMF International Monetary and Financial Committee and the
chair of the Global Governance Group (3G)).
In addition, the following international organisations are also invited:
the Financial Stability Board (FSB), the International Labour
Organization (ILO), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Organization of
Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD), the United Nations (UN), the World
Bank (WB), and the World Trade Organization (WTO).
As in the past, several side events, such as the B20, L20, C20 and Y20
are organised in the context of the summit, targeting different stakeholders
from business, trade unions, civil society and youth. |