Giornate europee del Patrimonio: 50 paesi aprono gratuitamente l'accesso a siti storici
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Data documento: 29-08-2013
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European Heritage Days: 50 countries offer free access to historic sites
Giornate europee del Patrimonio: 50 paesi aprono gratuitamente l'accesso a siti storici
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Millions of people will enjoy free access to thousands of rarely opened historic and cultural sites in 50 countries throughout September as part of the annual European Heritage Days, a joint initiative of the European Commission and Council of Europe.
Durante tutto settembre milioni di persone potranno accedere in 50 paesi a migliaia di siti storici e culturali raramente visitabili in occasione della ricorrenza annuale delle Giornate europee del Patrimonio, un'iniziativa congiunta della Commissione europea e del Consiglio d'Europa.
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The 2013 European Heritage Days are officially launched tomorrow (30 August) in Yerevan, Armenia, which currently holds the Chairmanship of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers.
Le Giornate europee del Patrimonio 2013 sono inaugurate ufficialmente domani (30 agosto) a Jerevan, Armenia, paese che attualmente assicura la Presidenza del Comitato dei ministri del Consiglio d'Europa.
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A new interactive website will also be launched on the same day: it will provide details of the sites which are open to the public, as well as information about special events taking place in each country to tie in with the Heritage Days.
Lo stesso giorno sarà inaugurato un nuovo sito web interattivo che fornirà informazioni sui siti aperti al pubblico e sulle manifestazioni che si svolgeranno in ogni paese in relazione alle Giornate del Patrimonio.
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As usual, this year's European Heritage Days is brimming with a rich and varied range of fascinating sites and events which bring history alive.
Come al solito, anche quest'anno le Giornate europee del Patrimonio presentano un'ampia gamma di siti ed eventi interessanti che fanno rivivere la storia.
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In Northern Ireland, for instance, visitors will be invited to imagine going into battle during the Middle Ages as they “feel the heft of a sword and the weight of chain mail and the clang of a helmet visor”.
Nell'Irlanda del Nord, ad esempio, i visitatori saranno invitati ad immaginare di trovarsi su un campo di battaglia nel Medioevo e di “sentire il peso di una spada, l'ingombro di una cotta di maglia e il clangore della visiera di un elmo”.
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'Power and Glory' is the theme in the Netherlands, where visitors will be able to experience 400 years of history.
Nei Paesi Bassi la tematica è "Potere e gloria" e consentirà ai visitatori di fare l'esperienza di 400 anni di storia.
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Sweden’s 'Meeting Places' will offer an emotional journey to places of encounter and departure over the centuries, while Switzerland will light up the heritage landscape through the theme of fire, light and energy.
In Svezia l'iniziativa "Luoghi di incontro" consentirà di fare un viaggio con la fantasia in luoghi in cui nei secoli sono avvenuti incontri e partenze, mentre la Svizzera illuminerà i paesaggi del patrimonio attraverso le tematiche del fuoco, della luce e dell'energia.
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Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, said:
Androulla Vassiliou, commissario europeo responsabile per l'Istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù, ha affermato:
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"The European Heritage Days is a fantastic initiative, which can be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds.
"Le Giornate europee del Patrimonio rappresentano un'iniziativa fantastica di cui possono fruire persone di ogni età e provenienti da ogni contesto.
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This year we expect more than 20 million adults and children to take advantage of this special opportunity to visit sites which are normally closed to the public.
Quest'anno prevediamo che più di 20 milioni di adulti e bambini si avvarranno di questa opportunità unica di visitare siti normalmente chiusi al pubblico.
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This is a great way to ensure that our shared European heritage is treasured and protected for future generations, while also benefitting local communities through increased tourism."
Si tratta di un'occasione eccellente per assicurare che il nostro patrimonio europeo comune sia adeguatamente custodito e protetto per le generazioni future, con una ricaduta anche per le collettività locali grazie all'intensificarsi del turismo."
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Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, added:
Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Segretario generale aggiunto del Consiglio d'Europa, ha ribadito:
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"The success of the European Heritage Days comes from being driven at local level by municipal and regional communities.
"Il successo delle Giornate europee del Patrimonio deriva dal fatto che queste sono promosse a livello locale dalle collettività comunali e regionali.
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Every year, communities across Europe become part of a 'cultural family' celebrating our immensely rich cultural heritage."
Annualmente, le collettività di tutta Europa entrano a far parte di una "famiglia culturale" che celebra il nostro ricchissimo retaggio culturale."
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Background on the European Heritage Days
Contesto delle Giornate europee del Patrimonio
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Launched in 1985, the European Heritage Days have been organised since 1999 as a joint initiative of the European Commission and the Council of Europe.
Inaugurate nel 1985, le Giornate europee del Patrimonio sono organizzate dal 1999 quale iniziativa congiunta della Commissione e del Consiglio d'Europa.
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The 50 signatory countries to the European Cultural Convention take part in the European Heritage Days.
Alle Giornate europee del Patrimonio partecipano i 50 paesi firmatari della Convenzione culturale europea.
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The cultural events organised during the month-long celebration showcase local skills and traditions, architecture and art, as well as seeking to promote mutual understanding among European citizens.
Gli eventi culturali organizzati nel corso di questa celebrazione che si estende lungo un intero mese danno rilievo alle tradizioni e all'artigianato locali, all'architettura e all'arte, oltre a promuovere la conoscenza reciproca tra i cittadini europei.
European Heritage Days: 50 countries offer free access to historic sites
Millions of people will enjoy free access to thousands of rarely opened
historic and cultural sites in 50 countries throughout September as part of the
annual European Heritage Days, a joint initiative of the European Commission and
Council of Europe.
The 2013 European Heritage Days are officially launched tomorrow (30
August) in Yerevan, Armenia, which currently holds the Chairmanship of the
Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers.
A new interactive website will also be launched on the same day: it
will provide details of the sites which are open to the public, as well as
information about special events taking place in each country to tie in with the
Heritage Days.
As usual, this year's European Heritage Days is brimming with a rich
and varied range of fascinating sites and events which bring history alive.
In Northern Ireland, for instance, visitors will be invited to imagine
going into battle during the Middle Ages as they “feel the heft of a sword and
the weight of chain mail and the clang of a helmet visor”.
'Power and Glory' is the theme in the Netherlands, where visitors will
be able to experience 400 years of history.
Sweden’s 'Meeting Places' will offer an emotional journey to places of
encounter and departure over the centuries, while Switzerland will light up the
heritage landscape through the theme of fire, light and energy.
Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture,
Multilingualism and Youth, said:
"The European Heritage Days is a fantastic initiative, which can be
enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds.
This year we expect more than 20 million adults and children to take
advantage of this special opportunity to visit sites which are normally closed
to the public.
This is a great way to ensure that our shared European heritage is
treasured and protected for future generations, while also benefitting local
communities through increased tourism."
Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of
Europe, added:
"The success of the European Heritage Days comes from being driven at
local level by municipal and regional communities.
Every year, communities across Europe become part of a 'cultural
family' celebrating our immensely rich cultural heritage."
Background on the European Heritage Days
Launched in 1985, the European Heritage Days have been organised since
1999 as a joint initiative of the European Commission and the Council of Europe.
The 50 signatory countries to the European Cultural Convention take
part in the European Heritage Days.
The cultural events organised during the month-long celebration
showcase local skills and traditions, architecture and art, as well as seeking
to promote mutual understanding among European citizens.