La Commissione annuncia un contributo di 13,7 milioni di EUR per promuovere i servizi pubblici digitali transfrontalieri
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Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 14-08-2013
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Commission announces €13.7 million boost to cross-border digital public services
La Commissione annuncia un contributo di 13,7 milioni di EUR per promuovere i servizi pubblici digitali transfrontalieri
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Following the successful collaboration between EU Member States, industry, national administrations, academia, the private sector and local communities on a series of projects to make living, working, travelling, studying and doing business across borders easier, the European Commission is making a €13.7 million investment to further develop cross-border digital public services.
A seguito dell'efficace collaborazione tra Stati membri dell'UE, industria, amministrazioni nazionali, università, settore privato e comunità locali su una serie di progetti intesi a rendere più facile vivere, lavorare, viaggiare, studiare e svolgere un'attività in paesi diversi, la Commissione europea investe 13,7 milioni di EUR per rafforzare ulteriormente i servizi pubblici digitali transfrontalieri.
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The new "e-SENS" project (Electronic Simple European Networked Services) will help develop digital public services which make it easier for companies to do business in their own Member State and elsewhere in the EU -including setting up a company, fulfilling legal requirements and taking part in public tenders.
Il nuovo progetto "e-SENS" (Electronic Simple European Networked Services) contribuirà a sviluppare servizi pubblici digitali che agevoleranno le imprese nel loro Stato membro e negli altri Stati dell'UE, rendendo in particolare più facile costituire un'impresa, rispettare gli obblighi giuridici e partecipare agli appalti pubblici.
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It will also link up national digital services for citizens who visit a different Member State on holiday, or for work or study.
Il progetto inoltre metterà in rete i servizi digitali nazionali per aiutare i cittadini che trascorrono le vacanze, lavorano o studiano in un altro Stato membro.
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Neelie Kroes, Vice President of the European Commission said:
Neelie Kroes, Vicepresidente della Commissione europea, ha dichiarato:
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"Enabling the many digital public services which we have across Europe to work together in a secure and efficient way is a win-win for everyone:
"Fare in modo che i numerosi servizi pubblici digitali esistenti in Europa funzionino in sintonia in modo sicuro ed efficiente è un risultato favorevole per tutti:
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governments can make the best of their on-line strategies;
i governi possono trarre il massimo vantaggio dalle loro strategie on line;
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businesses can cut the costs of doing business in the single market;
le imprese possono ridurre i costi delle loro attività nel mercato unico;
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and citizens have less bureaucracy to deal with as they move around Europe."
e i cittadini che si spostano in Europa devono far fronte a meno burocrazia.".
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Here are examples of how e-SENS can help Europeans make the most of the single market:
Ecco alcuni esempi di come il progetto e-SENS può aiutare gli europei a trarre il massimo beneficio dal mercato unico:
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- Anja has a travel agency in Lithuania, specialising in trips to Portugal. She wants to start an agency in Portugal to organize trips to the Baltics.
- Anja è titolare di un'agenzia di viaggi in Lituania specializzata in viaggi in Portogallo e vuole avviare un'agenzia in Portogallo specializzata in viaggi nei paesi baltici.
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Through the fully online SPOCS point of single contact, she can find out about the conditions she needs to fulfil and get help completing the registration procedures online.
Tramite il punto unico di contatto on line SPOCS può informarsi sulle condizioni che deve rispettare e ottenere aiuto per effettuare on line le procedure di registrazione;
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- Anja is also about to marry her fiancé. The wedding will take place at his hometown in Spain.
- Anja sta per sposarsi e il matrimonio si svolgerà nella città natale del suo futuro marito, in Spagna.
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Anja will be able to register their marriage online at home in Lithuania with her eID thanks to the STORK module.
Grazie al modulo STORK, Anja potrà registrare il matrimonio on line in Lituania utilizzando la sua identificazione elettronica;
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- Karel lost his luggage while flying from Brussels to Athens.
- durante il volo da Bruxelles ad Atene il bagaglio di Karel viene perso.
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He was not satisfied with the compensation which the airline offered him under EU Passengers Rights. e-CODEX means he can start a small claims procedure online wherever he is in Europe.
Non soddisfatto del risarcimento offertogli dalla compagna aerea in conformità dei diritti dei passeggeri dell'UE, grazie a e-CODEX può avviare un procedimento on line per le controversie di modesta entità ovunque si trovi in Europa;
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- Sabrina is visiting her cousins in Denmark and realises she has ran out of diabetes medication.
- Sabrina è in visita dai cugini in Danimarca quando si accorge di aver finito i medicinali per il diabete.
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Thankfully, she can still get medications from the pharmacy while abroad, using the epSOS ePrescription system.
Per fortuna può ottenere i medicinali dalla farmacia anche mentre è all'estero utilizzando il sistema di prescrizione elettronica epSOS.
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The efficiency of cross-border digital public services will further improve when relying on a backbone of EU wide high-speed broadband.
L'efficienza dei servizi pubblici digitali transfrontalieri migliorerà ulteriormente quando ci si potrà avvalere di una struttura di banda larga ad alta velocità in tutta l'UE.
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Measures to promote investment in high-speed networks are one element of the Commission's upcoming package to build a connected continent.
Le misure intese a promuovere gli investimenti nelle reti ad alta velocità rappresentano un elemento del pacchetto che la Commissione presenterà prossimamente per costruire un continente connesso.
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Since 2008, large-scale pilots (LSPs) for cross-border digital public services were developed by the European Commission in cooperation with EU Member States, industry, national administrations, academia, the private sector and local communities to develop and test seamless cross-border digital services.
Dal 2008 la Commissione europea, in collaborazione con Stati membri dell'UE, industria, amministrazioni nazionali, università, settore privato e comunità locali, mette a punto progetti pilota su larga scala di servizi pubblici digitali transfrontalieri allo scopo di sviluppare e testare servizi digitali transfrontalieri senza soluzione di continuità.
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As part of e-SENS, over 100 partners from 20 countries from Portugal to Turkey are developing and implementing building blocks based on open standards and specifications in interoperable eIDs, eSignature, eDelivery and eDocuments which innovators from the public and private sector can use to create new digital public services, helping to "build, connect, and grow" Europe.
Nell'ambito del progetto e-SENS oltre 100 partner di 20 paesi, dal Portogallo alla Turchia, stanno elaborando e realizzando moduli, basati su norme e specifiche aperte, per sistemi interoperabili nel campo dell'identificazione elettronica, della firma elettronica, del rilascio elettronico e dei documenti elettronici che innovatori del settore pubblico e privato possono utilizzare per creare nuovi servizi pubblici digitali, contribuendo a "costruire, collegare e far crescere" l'Europa.
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The specific projects are:
Nello specifico, i progetti sono:
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Securely linking electronic identities - the STORK 2.0 project contributes to the realisation of a single European electronic identification and authentication area.
identità elettroniche sicure e interconnesse: il progetto STORK 2.0 contribuisce alla realizzazione di uno spazio europeo unico di identificazione e autenticazione elettroniche.
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It establishes interoperability at national and EU level for eIDs for both legal & physical persons (video).
Stabilisce l'interoperabilità a livello nazionale e dell'UE dell'identificazione elettronica (eID) per le persone fisiche e giuridiche (video);
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Making justice faster – the e-CODEX project improves the cross-border access of citizens and businesses to legal services in Europe as well as the interoperability between legal authorities within the EU (video).
rendere la giustizia più rapida: il progetto e-CODEX migliora l'accesso transfrontaliero dei cittadini e delle imprese ai servizi giuridici in Europa e l'interoperabilità tra le autorità giudiziarie nell'UE (video);
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- Making healthcare better - the epSOS project designs, builds and evaluates a service infrastructure that allows for cross-border interoperability between electronic health record systems(video) |
- migliorare l'assistenza sanitaria: il progetto epSOS mette a punto, realizza e valuta un'infrastruttura di servizi che consente l'interoperabilità transfrontaliera dei servizi di cartella clinica elettronica (video);
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- Making procurement better – the results of the PEPPOL project on eProcurement (transferred to the non-profit association "OpenPEPPOL") help European businesses to deal easily and electronically with European public authorities in their procurement processes (video ).
- migliorare gli appalti: i risultati del progetto PEPPOL sugli appalti elettronici (trasferito all'associazione senza scopo di lucro "OpenPEPPOL") aiutano le imprese europee che partecipano ad appalti pubblici a comunicare con le autorità pubbliche europee con più facilità e per via elettronica (video);
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- Making business easier – the results of the SPOCS project enable businesses to establish themselves abroad.
- agevolare le attività economiche: i risultati del progetto SPOCS consentono alle imprese di stabilirsi all'estero.
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The Starter-Kit provides them with seamless cross-border electronic alternatives to long administrative procedures, which businesses usually have to encounter when trying to expand into other countries (video).
Lo Starter-Kit offre loro alternative elettroniche, transfrontaliere e senza soluzione di continuità, alle lunghe procedure amministrative cui sono solitamente confrontate le imprese che cercano di espandersi in altri paesi (video).
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e-SENS builds on these results, and will act as a bridge between the pilot and operational phases when cross-border digital public services will become fully available.
Basandosi su questi risultati, il progetto e-SENS fungerà da ponte tra la fase pilota e quella operativa una volta che i servizi pubblici digitali transfrontalieri saranno pienamente disponibili.
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The project involves partners from 20 countries:
Partecipano al progetto partner di 20 paesi diversi:
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Austria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Turkey.
Austria, Danimarca, Estonia, Francia, Germania, Grecia, Irlanda, Italia, Lussemburgo, Norvegia, Paesi Bassi, Polonia, Portogallo, Repubblica ceca, Romania, Slovacchia, Slovenia, Spagna, Svezia e Turchia.
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The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and OpenPEPPOL contribute significantly to the project.
L'Istituto europeo delle norme di telecomunicazione (ETSI) e OpenPEPPOL contribuiscono in misura significativa al progetto;
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e-SENS kicked off on 1st April 2013 and the signature of the Grant Agreement with the European Commission means the project can now officially launch.
e-SENS è stato lanciato il 1° aprile 2013 e con la firma dell'accordo di sovvenzione con la Commissione europea il progetto può ora essere avviato ufficialmente.
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The Commission is providing € 13.7 million to support e-SENS over three years (50% of the €27.4 million budget), from its Information and Communication Technology Policy Support Programme (ICT-PSP).
La Commissione contribuisce al progetto per un triennio con 13,7 milioni di EUR (50% della dotazione di 27,4 milioni di EUR), provenienti dal Programma di sostegno alla politica in materia di tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione (ICT-PSP).
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e-SENS will also look at how to ensure the long-term sustainability of the e-SENS building blocks and other cross border digital public services, based on the results of a recently published study.
Un altro obiettivo del progetto sarà assicurare la sostenibilità a lungo termine dei moduli e-SENS e di altri servizi pubblici digitali transfrontalieri sulla base dei risultati di uno studio recentemente pubblicato.
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As of 2014, EU support could come from the Digital Service Infrastructures part of the Connecting Europe Facility which has allocated up to one billion euros over seven years to support platforms providing seamless digital public services in Europe.
A partire dal 2014 il contributo dell'UE potrebbe provenire dalle parte "Infrastrutture di servizi digitali" del Meccanismo per collegare l'Europa, che ha stanziato fino a un miliardo di euro nell'arco di sette anni per sostenere le piattaforme che forniscono servizi pubblici digitali senza soluzione di continuità in Europa.
Commission announces €13.7 million boost to cross-border digital public
Following the successful collaboration between EU Member States,
industry, national administrations, academia, the private sector and local
communities on a series of projects to make living, working, travelling,
studying and doing business across borders easier, the European Commission is
making a €13.7 million investment to further develop cross-border digital public
The new "e-SENS" project (Electronic Simple European Networked
Services) will help develop digital public services which make it easier for
companies to do business in their own Member State and elsewhere in the EU
-including setting up a company, fulfilling legal requirements and taking part
in public tenders.
It will also link up national digital services for citizens who visit a
different Member State on holiday, or for work or study.
Neelie Kroes, Vice President of the European Commission said:
"Enabling the many digital public services which we have across Europe
to work together in a secure and efficient way is a win-win for everyone:
governments can make the best of their on-line strategies;
businesses can cut the costs of doing business in the single market;
and citizens have less bureaucracy to deal with as they move around Europe."
Here are examples of how e-SENS can help Europeans make the most of the
single market:
- Anja has a travel agency in Lithuania, specialising in trips to
Portugal. She wants to start an agency in Portugal to organize trips to the
Through the fully online SPOCS point of single contact, she can find out about
the conditions she needs to fulfil and get help completing the registration
procedures online.
- Anja is also about to marry her fiancé. The wedding will take place at his
hometown in Spain.
Anja will be able to register their marriage online at home in Lithuania with
her eID thanks to the STORK module.
- Karel lost his luggage while flying from Brussels to Athens.
He was not satisfied with the compensation which the airline offered him under
EU Passengers Rights. e-CODEX means he can start a small claims procedure online
wherever he is in Europe.
- Sabrina is visiting her cousins in Denmark and realises she has ran
out of diabetes medication.
Thankfully, she can still get medications from the pharmacy while abroad, using
the epSOS ePrescription system.
The efficiency of cross-border digital public services will further
improve when relying on a backbone of EU wide high-speed broadband.
Measures to promote investment in high-speed networks are one element
of the Commission's upcoming package to build a connected continent.
Since 2008, large-scale pilots (LSPs) for cross-border digital public
services were developed by the European Commission in cooperation with EU Member
States, industry, national administrations, academia, the private sector and
local communities to develop and test seamless cross-border digital services.
As part of e-SENS, over 100 partners from 20 countries from Portugal to
Turkey are developing and implementing building blocks based on open standards
and specifications in interoperable eIDs, eSignature, eDelivery and eDocuments
which innovators from the public and private sector can use to create new
digital public services, helping to "build, connect, and grow" Europe.
The specific projects are:
Securely linking electronic identities - the STORK 2.0 project
contributes to the realisation of a single European electronic identification
and authentication area.
It establishes interoperability at national and EU level for eIDs for
both legal & physical persons (video ).
Making justice faster – the e-CODEX project improves the cross-border
access of citizens and businesses to legal services in Europe as well as the
interoperability between legal authorities within the EU (video).
- Making healthcare better - the epSOS project designs, builds and
evaluates a service infrastructure that allows for cross-border interoperability
between electronic health record systems (video).
- Making procurement better – the results of the PEPPOL project on
eProcurement (transferred to the non-profit association "OpenPEPPOL") help
European businesses to deal easily and electronically with European public
authorities in their procurement processes (video).
- Making business easier – the results of the SPOCS project enable
businesses to establish themselves abroad.
The Starter-Kit provides them with seamless cross-border electronic
alternatives to long administrative procedures, which businesses usually have to
encounter when trying to expand into other countries (video).
e-SENS builds on these results, and will act as a bridge between the
pilot and operational phases when cross-border digital public services will
become fully available.
The project involves partners from 20 countries:
Austria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland,
Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Turkey.
The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and
OpenPEPPOL contribute significantly to the project.
e-SENS kicked off on 1st April 2013 and the signature of the Grant
Agreement with the European Commission means the project can now officially
The Commission is providing € 13.7 million to support e-SENS over three
years (50% of the €27.4 million budget), from its Information and Communication
Technology Policy Support Programme (ICT-PSP).
e-SENS will also look at how to ensure the long-term sustainability of
the e-SENS building blocks and other cross border digital public services, based
on the results of a recently published study ).
As of 2014, EU support could come from the Digital Service
Infrastructures part of the Connecting Europe Facility which has allocated up to
one billion euros over seven years to support platforms providing seamless
digital public services in Europe. |