Gli europei vogliono sempre più banda larga mobile, ma si preoccupano per i costi
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Data documento: 13-08-2013
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Europeans seek ever more mobile bandwidth, but they worry about cost
Gli europei vogliono sempre più banda larga mobile, ma si preoccupano per i costi
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Europeans are increasingly eager for new technologies as shown by the latest EU-wide survey.
Gli europei mostrano sempre maggiore interesse verso le nuove
tecnologie, come rivela l'ultimo sondaggio condotto su scala UE. |
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While Europeans are open to the opportunities offered by new tools & services, as illustrated by the figures for new internet subscriptions and use of the internet for making voice calls, they still think twice before picking up the phone or going online because of the cost of these services.
Ma, anche se sono aperti alle opportunità offerte da nuovi strumenti e servizi, come evidenziano le cifre sui nuovi abbonamenti internet e sull'uso della rete per effettuare chiamate vocali, continuano a pensarci due volte prima di prendere in mano il telefono o di andare online, a causa dei costi di tali servizi.
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Mobile phones are now everywhere, but only half are "smart".
I telefoni cellulari sono ormai dappertutto, ma soltanto la metà sono "smart".
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Subscriptions for phones that include internet access range from 55% in Sweden, Denmark, the UK, Finland, France & the Netherlands to below 35% in Belgium, Greece, Hungary, Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria & Portugal.
Gli abbonamenti per i cellulari che comprendono l'accesso a internet vanno dal 55% in Svezia, Danimarca, Regno Unito, Finlandia, Francia e Paesi Bassi a meno del 35% in Belgio, Grecia, Ungheria, Cipro, Romania, Bulgaria e Portogallo.
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This lower penetration of smart phones is a feature in many countries where mobile Internet access subscribers limit time spent online because they are concerned about the charges - Hungary (35%), Portugal (58%), Greece (53%), Cyprus (52%), Belgium, (47%) & Romania (45%).
Questa più bassa penetrazione degli smartphone caratterizza molti paesi in cui chi ha un abbonamento internet mobile limita il tempo trascorso online perché ne teme i costi: Ungheria (35%)Portogallo (58%), Grecia (53%), Cipro (52%), Belgio (47%) e Romania (45%).
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Worries about the cost are currently leading more than half of EU citizens to limit calls from their mobile to national (55%) and international numbers (54%).
Attualmente tale preoccupazione porta più della metà dei cittadini UE a limitare le chiamate effettuate col cellulare verso i numeri nazionali (55%) e internazionali (54%).
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More than 70% limit their national calls in Greece (81%), Portugal (79%), Ireland (72%) and Romania (71%).
Oltre il 70% limita le chiamate nazionali in Grecia (81%), Portogallo (79%), Irlanda (72%) e Romania (71%).
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Broadband access at home is the reality for 3/4 of households:
L'accesso alla banda larga a casa è una realtà per tre famiglie su quattro:
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72.5% of EU households now have a broadband connection, up from 67.3% in 2011 (Source: Eurostat).
il 72,5% delle famiglie dell'UE dispone oggi di una connessione a banda larga, in crescita rispetto al 67,3% del 2001 (fonte: Eurostat).
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The number leapt by 20 percentage points in Romania and by 16.7 points in Slovakia, with more than 50% of households now having a broadband connection across all member states.
Questa cifra è aumentata di 20 punti percentuali in Romania e di 16,7 in Slovacchia, portando a oltre il 50% i nuclei familiari in tutti gli Stati membri che oggi dispongono di un accesso alla banda larga.
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And the division between phone & Internet is blurring fast:
Anche i confini tra telefono e internet stanno diventando sempre più labili:
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34% use the internet to make voice calls (Voice over Internet Protocol or "VOIP"), up 7 points in 2012.
il 34% utilizza internet per effettuare chiamate vocali (attraverso il protocollo "VoIP", dall'inglese Voice over Internet Protocol), con un aumento del 7% nel 2012.
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28% uses the internet to talk to users on the same VOIP network for free, and 4% use VOIP to make cheaper international calls.
Il 28% utilizza internet per parlare gratuitamente con altri utenti sulla stessa rete VoIP e il 4% per effettuare chiamate internazionali a un costo più conveniente.
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Web-based calls are extremely popular in Bulgaria (57%), Cyprus (55%), Estonia (54%), Lithuania & Latvia (51%)VOIP is less used in Portugal (18%), Italy, (26%), Spain (28%) & Greece (29%), but becoming more popular, with use growing by an average of 7 points since 2011.
Le chiamate via internet sono molto diffuse in Bulgaria (57%), a Cipro (55%)in Estonia (54%) e in Lituania e Lettonia (51%), mentre lo sono meno in Portogallo (18%), Italia (26%), Spagna (28%) e Grecia (29%), dove comunque stanno diventando sempre più popolari, con una crescita media di 7 punti dal 2011.
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The increase in VOIP use seems to track the growth in broadband: |
L'aumento delle chiamate VoIP sembra andare di pari passo con la diffusione della banda larga:
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for example, in Cyprus, there were 11% more connected households in 2012 and VOIP use grew by 16 points.
ad esempio, a Cipro nel 2012 si è connesso l'11% in più delle famiglie e l'uso del VoIP è cresciuto di 16 punti.
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"Ensuring consumers' expectations can be met at an affordable price is one of the aims of the Connected Continent package, which will be presented by the Commission in September," said Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission for the Digital Agenda.
"Garantire che le aspettative dei consumatori possano essere soddisfatte a prezzi accessibili è uno degli obiettivi del pacchetto 'continente connesso', che la Commissione presenterà a settembre", ha dichiarato Neelie Kroes, Vicepresidente della Commissione europea responsabile per l'Agenda digitale.
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Results of this survey were previewed earlier in July (see IP/13/660) in particular highlighting the fact that Internet speed is emerging as a top issue for internet users.
Un'anteprima dei risultati di questo sondaggio è stata presentata a luglio (IP/13/660) e ha messo in evidenza in particolare che la velocità di connessione sta diventando una questione prioritaria per gli utenti di internet:
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45% of European internet users would be willing to upgrade or change their internet packages for higher speed.
il 45% degli internauti europei si dice disposto a potenziare o cambiare il pacchetto internet per ottenere maggiore velocità.
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The E-Communications Household Survey has been conducted annually since 2006. The survey aims to support policy development in the field of E-communications through the regular gathering of facts and trends about the attitude of households and individuals towards the provision of the main electronic communications services.
Il sondaggio sulle comunicazioni elettroniche nelle famiglie viene effettuato ogni anno dal 2006, con lo scopo di sostenere lo sviluppo delle politiche nel campo delle comunicazioni elettroniche attraverso la rilevazione periodica di dati e tendenze sui comportamenti delle famiglie e dei singoli nei confronti dei principali servizi offerti in questo settore.
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The fieldwork for this survey was completed in March 2013.
La rilevazione dei dati sul campo si è conclusa a marzo 2013.
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26,786 respondents from different representative social and demographic groups of the EU population were interviewed face-to-face at home.
26 786 persone di diverse fasce sociali e demografiche della popolazione dell'UE sono state intervistate individualmente presso le loro abitazioni.
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Because the fieldwork took place before the official date of Croatia's accession to the European Union on 1 July 2013, results are presented for the EU 27 and Croatia, and EU averages refer to EU 27 only.
Poiché il lavoro di raccolta dei dati è avvenuto prima del 1º luglio 2013, data ufficiale di adesione della Croazia all'Unione europea, i risultati sono presentati per l'UE a 27 Stati membri e per la Croazia mentre le medie dell'UE si riferiscono solo all'UE a 27.
Europeans seek ever more mobile bandwidth, but they worry about cost
Europeans are increasingly eager for new technologies as shown by the
latest EU-wide survey.
While Europeans are open to the opportunities offered by new tools &
services, as illustrated by the figures for new internet subscriptions and use
of the internet for making voice calls, they still think twice before picking up
the phone or going online because of the cost of these services.
Mobile phones are now everywhere, but only half are "smart".
Subscriptions for phones that include internet access range from 55% in
Sweden, Denmark, the UK, Finland, France & the Netherlands to below 35% in
Belgium, Greece, Hungary, Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria & Portugal.
This lower penetration of smart phones is a feature in many countries
where mobile Internet access subscribers limit time spent online because they
are concerned about the charges - Hungary (35%), Portugal (58%), Greece (53%),
Cyprus (52%), Belgium, (47%) & Romania (45%).
Worries about the cost are currently leading more than half of EU
citizens to limit calls from their mobile to national (55%) and international
numbers (54%).
More than 70% limit their national calls in Greece (81%), Portugal
(79%), Ireland (72%) and Romania (71%).
Broadband access at home is the reality for 3/4 of households:
72.5% of EU households now have a broadband connection, up from 67.3%
in 2011 (Source: Eurostat).
The number leapt by 20 percentage points in Romania and by 16.7 points
in Slovakia, with more than 50% of households now having a broadband connection
across all member states.
And the division between phone & Internet is blurring fast:
34% use the internet to make voice calls (Voice over Internet Protocol
or "VOIP"), up 7 points in 2012.
28% uses the internet to talk to users on the same VOIP network for
free, and 4% use VOIP to make cheaper international calls.
Web-based calls are extremely popular in Bulgaria (57%), Cyprus (55%),
Estonia (54%), Lithuania & Latvia (51%). VOIP is less used in Portugal (18%),
Italy, (26%), Spain (28%) & Greece (29%), but becoming more popular, with use
growing by an average of 7 points since 2011.
The increase in VOIP use seems to track the growth in broadband:
for example, in Cyprus, there were 11% more connected households in 2012 and
VOIP use grew by 16 points.
"Ensuring consumers' expectations can be met at an affordable price is
one of the aims of the Connected Continent package, which will be presented by
the Commission in September," said Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European
Commission for the Digital Agenda.
Results of this survey were previewed earlier in July (see IP/13/660)
in particular highlighting the fact that Internet speed is emerging as a top
issue for internet users.
45% of European internet users would be willing to upgrade or change
their internet packages for higher speed.
The E-Communications Household Survey has been conducted annually since
2006. The survey aims to support policy development in the field of
E-communications through the regular gathering of facts and trends about the
attitude of households and individuals towards the provision of the main
electronic communications services.
The fieldwork for this survey was completed in March 2013.
26,786 respondents from different representative social and demographic
groups of the EU population were interviewed face-to-face at home.
Because the fieldwork took place before the official date of Croatia's
accession to the European Union on 1 July 2013, results are presented for the EU
27 and Croatia, and EU averages refer to EU 27 only.