Dichiarazione dell'Alta rappresentante, Catherine Ashton, a nome dell'Unione europea in occasione della Giornata internazionale dei popoli indigeni del mondo
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Data documento: 09-08-2013
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Declaration by the High Representative, Catherine Ashton, on behalf of the European Union on the occasion of the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples
Dichiarazione dell'Alta rappresentante, Catherine Ashton, a nome dell'Unione europea in occasione della Giornata internazionale dei popoli indigeni del mondo
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“Today, as we celebrate the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, we reaffirm the EU's support to them across the globe. We join them in celebrating their rich cultural heritage, and pay tribute to the enormous contribution their traditions and knowledge have made to the world's cultural heritage.
"Oggi, in occasione della Giornata internazionale dei popoli indigeni del mondo, l'UE ribadisce il proprio sostegno a tutte le popolazioni indigene del pianeta, di cui celebra il ricco patrimonio culturale rendendo omaggio all'enorme contributo delle loro tradizioni e delle loro conoscenze all'eredità culturale mondiale.
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The EU has always been a staunch supporter of the 2007 United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.The Declaration is a key tool for promoting human rights, but the challenge remains in putting it into practice.
L'UE sostiene da sempre e con convinzione la Dichiarazione delle Nazioni Unite sui diritti dei popoli indigeni (2007), uno strumento fondamentale per la promozione dei diritti umani, ma il cammino verso la loro piena affermazione è ancora lungo.
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Regrettably, discrimination against and unequal treatment of indigenous peoples continues around the world.
Ovunque nel mondo le popolazioni indigene continuano a essere discriminate e a subire disparità di trattamento.
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The EU pays tribute to defenders of indigenous peoples' rights, who in many countries are exposed to particular risks and acute repression, as shown by numerous international reports, including reports by the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders.
L'UE rende omaggio oggi ai difensori dei diritti dei popoli indigeni, persone che in molti paesi sfidano i rischi e subiscono feroci repressioni, come denunciano numerose relazioni internazionali, tra cui quelle del relatore speciale delle Nazioni Unite sui difensori dei diritti umani.
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The EU seeks to integrate human rights into all aspects of its external policies. The EU raises the rights of indigenous peoples wherever relevant in its political dialogues with third countries and regional organisations, and at multilateral forums such as the United Nations.
L'UE è impegnata a integrare i diritti umani in tutti gli aspetti delle proprie politiche esterne, diritti che promuove nel dialogo politico con i paesi terzi e le organizzazioni regionali e nei consessi multilaterali, come le Nazioni Unite.
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It also gives financial support to civil society projects, to indigenous peoples' delegates at UN bodies and relevant activities of the ILO.
L'Unione offre inoltre sostegno finanziario a progetti della società civile, ai delegati delle popolazioni indigene presso gli organismi dell'ONU e alle attività pertinenti dell'Organizzazione internazionale del lavoro (OIL).
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This year, the EU has launched a call for proposals under the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) with the aim of promoting rights of indigenous peoples.
Quest'anno ha lanciato un invito a presentare proposte per promuovere i diritti dei popoli indigeni che saranno finanziate dallo strumento europeo per la democrazia e i diritti umani (EIDHR).
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It is also committed to review and further develop its policy in the run-up to the 2014 World Conference on Indigenous Peoples."
L'Unione è inoltre impegnata a rivedere e sviluppare ulteriormente le proprie strategie in vista della Conferenza mondiale sui popoli indigeni del 2014."
Declaration by the High Representative, Catherine Ashton, on behalf of the
European Union on the occasion of the International Day of the World's
Indigenous Peoples
“Today, as we celebrate the International Day of the World's Indigenous
Peoples, we reaffirm the EU's support to them across the globe. We join them in
celebrating their rich cultural heritage, and pay tribute to the enormous
contribution their traditions and knowledge have made to the world's cultural
The EU has always been a staunch supporter of the 2007 United Nations
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.The Declaration is a key tool
for promoting human rights, but the challenge remains in putting it into
Regrettably, discrimination against and unequal treatment of indigenous
peoples continues around the world.
The EU pays tribute to defenders of indigenous peoples' rights, who in
many countries are exposed to particular risks and acute repression, as shown by
numerous international reports, including reports by the UN Special Rapporteur
on Human Rights Defenders.
The EU seeks to integrate human rights into all aspects of its external
policies. The EU raises the rights of indigenous peoples wherever relevant in
its political dialogues with third countries and regional organisations, and at
multilateral forums such as the United Nations.
It also gives financial support to civil society projects, to
indigenous peoples' delegates at UN bodies and relevant activities of the ILO.
This year, the EU has launched a call for proposals under the European
Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) with the aim of promoting
rights of indigenous peoples.
It is also committed to review and further develop its policy in the
run-up to the 2014 World Conference on Indigenous Peoples." |