Scelti i finalisti dei premi RegioStars 2014, riconoscimento
attribuito ai migliori progetti della politica regionale dell'UE
Inglese tratto da:http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-13-762_en.htm
Italiano tratto da:http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-13-762_it.htm
Data documento: 06-08-2013
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selected to honour the best in EU Regional Policy : RegioStars Awards 2014
Scelti i finalisti dei premi
RegioStars 2014, riconoscimento attribuito ai migliori progetti della politica
regionale dell'UE
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The finalists for the RegioStars 2014 awards which honour
Europe's most inspirational and innovative regional projects were published
today in Brussels.
Sono stati pubblicati oggi a Bruxelles i nomi dei finalisti
dell'edizione 2014 dei premi RegioStars, riconoscimento attribuito ai progetti
regionali più stimolanti e innovativi.
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The RegioStars Awards Jury singled out 19 finalists from 80
projects supported by EU Regional Funds on the basis of four key criteria:
La giuria dei premi RegioStars ha selezionato, tra 80 progetti
finanziati dai fondi regionali dell'UE, 19 finalisti sulla base di quattro
criteri fondamentali:
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innovation, impact, sustainability and partnership.
innovazione, impatto, sostenibilità e partenariato.
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Commenting on the selection, European Commissioner for Regional
Policy Johannes Hahn said:
In merito alla selezione, il Commissario europeo per la politica
regionale Johannes Hahn ha dichiarato:
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"The 19 projects chosen by the jury show Regional Policy in
"I 19 progetti scelti dalla giuria mostrano in concreto la
politica regionale.
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They highlight the excellent work being done on the ground and demonstrate the kind of inventive and dynamic approach from regions around Europe to using our funds with the aim of triggering growth and creating jobs.
Illustrano l'eccellente lavoro realizzato sul campo e dimostrano l'inventiva e il dinamismo con cui le regioni europee utilizzano i nostri fondi per stimolare la crescita e creare posti di lavoro.
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This is what the EU2020 Growth Agenda is really about:
È questo il senso reale dell'agenda per la crescita di Europa 2020:
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finding new solutions to address our common challenges like youth unemployment, pollution and climate change, the quality of life in our cities and a lack of opportunity for small businesses to grow and flourish.
la ricerca di soluzioni nuove per affrontare le nostre sfide comuni come la disoccupazione giovanile, l’inquinamento e i cambiamenti climatici, la qualità della vita nelle città europee e la mancanza di opportunità di crescita e di prosperità per le piccole imprese.
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I am deeply impressed by the quality of the finalists this year.They are a source of inspiration to others across Europe.
Sono davvero colpito dalla qualità dei finalisti di quest'anno, che sono una fonte di ispirazione per altri in Europa.
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After all it is the projects themselves on which the success of Regional Policy and its investments for economic development ultimately depends."
In fondo il successo della politica regionale e dei suoi investimenti a favore dello sviluppo economico dipende proprio dai progetti."
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The finalists come from regions and cities in 17 Member States:
I finalisti provengono da regioni e città di 17 Stati membri:
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Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.
Belgio, Danimarca, Francia, Germania, Grecia, Irlanda, Italia, Lussemburgo, Paesi Bassi, Polonia, Portogallo, Repubblica Ceca, Romania, Spagna, Svezia, Regno Unito e Ungheria.
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They will be showcasing their projects before the awards jury, chaired by former Committee of the Regions President Luc Van den Brande, on October 8 during the 11th annual European Week of Regions and Cities – OPEN DAYS 2013.
Illustreranno i loro progetti alla giuria, presieduta dall'ex presidente del comitato delle regioni Luc Van den Brande, l'8 ottobre prossimo in occasione dell'undicesima settimana europea delle regioni e delle città, gli OPEN DAYS 2013.
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The winners will be chosen at the Award Ceremony presented by Commissioner Hahn in Brussels on March 31 2014.
I vincitori saranno annunciati il 31 marzo 2014 a Bruxelles, nella cerimonia di premiazione presentata dal Commissario Hahn.
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The award categories which reflect the priorities of the Europe2020 Growth Agenda are:
Le categorie dei premi che riflettono le priorità dell'agenda per la crescita di Europa 2020 sono:
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- Smart Growth – SME Innovation: supporting the competitiveness and growth of small and medium sized business
- Crescita intelligente – Innovazione delle PMI: sostegno alla competitività e alla crescita delle piccole e medie imprese
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- Sustainable Growth - Green growth and jobs through bio-economysustainable investments in the bio-economy sector
- Crescita sostenibile – Crescita verde e posti di lavoro grazie alla bioeconomiainvestimenti sostenibili nel settore della bioeconomia
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- Inclusive Growth - Creating jobs for the younger generation: helping to fight youth unemployment
- Crescita inclusiva – Creazione di posti di lavoro per le giovani generazioni:un contributo alla lotta contro la disoccupazione giovanile
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- CityStar - Investment projects in sustainable urban public transport: supporting the development of strategies address transport issues in our cities
- CityStar – Progetti d’investimento nei trasporti pubblici urbani sostenibili: sostegno allo sviluppo di strategie per affrontare i problemi dei trasporti nelle città europee.
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The previous RegioStars Awards for 2013 honoured flagship projects in Porto (Portugal), the North West of England (the United Kingdom), Warmi?sko-Mazurskie (Poland), Berlin (Germany) and Lithuania.
I vincitori dell'edizione 2013 dei premi RegioStars sono stati i progetti faro di Porto (Portogallo), dell'Inghilterra nord-occidentale (Regno Unito), della Varmia-Masuria (Polonia), di Berlino (Germania) e della Lituania.
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The categories focused on research and development, resource efficiency in SMEs, social innovation, sustainable urban development and the use of videos to promote EU regional policy.
Le categorie dei premi hanno riguardato in particolare:la ricerca e lo sviluppo, l'efficienza delle risorse nelle PMI, l'innovazione sociale, lo sviluppo urbano sostenibile e l'uso dei video per promuovere la politica regionale dell'UE.
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The aim of the RegioStars Awards is to recognize good practice in regional development and to highlight original and inspiring projects which could prove a model for other regions.
L’obiettivo dei premi RegioStars è attribuire un riconoscimento alle buone pratiche nel campo dello sviluppo regionale e dare visibilità a progetti originali e stimolanti in grado di costituire un modello per altre regioni.
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The annual RegioStars Awards are open to all EU regions to submit projects which have received investment through EU Regional policy since 1st January 2000.
Ai premi RegioStars possono concorrere ogni anno tutte le regioni dell'UE i cui progetti abbiano, a decorrere dal 1° gennaio 2000, usufruito di un sostegno agli investimenti attraverso la politica regionale dell'UE.
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Since its creation in 2008, the greatest numbers of applications have been received from Austria, Belgium, the Baltic countries and Wales in the UK.
Fin dalla sua istituzione nel 2008 il maggior numero di candidature è stato presentato dall'Austria, dal Belgio, dai Paesi baltici e dal Galles (Regno Unito).
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OPEN DAYS 2013 from 7 to 10 October 2013 in Brussels, will provide the opportunity for the finalists to exhibit and explain their projects.
Gli OPEN DAYS 2013, in programma a Bruxelles dal 7 al 10 ottobre 2013, offriranno ai finalisti l'occasione di illustrare e spiegare i loro progetti.
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The OPEN DAYS event brings together hundreds of political representatives, experts and practitioners to debate regional policy.
Si tratta di un evento che riunisce centinaia di rappresentanti politici, esperti e operatori chiamati a discutere il tema della politica regionale.
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This year's event comes at a crucial point as Europe's regions and cities will be finalizing their preparations for the 2014-2020 newly reformed EU Cohesion Policy.
L'edizione di quest'anno si svolge in un momento cruciale quando le regioni e le città europee staranno ultimando i preparativi per la politica di coesione dell'UE, appena riformata in vista del periodo di programmazione 2014-2020.
Finalists selected to honour the best in EU Regional Policy : RegioStars
Awards 2014
The finalists for the RegioStars 2014 awards which honour Europe's most
inspirational and innovative regional projects were published today in Brussels.
The RegioStars Awards Jury singled out 19 finalists from 80 projects
supported by EU Regional Funds on the basis of four key criteria:
innovation, impact, sustainability and partnership.
Commenting on the selection, European Commissioner for Regional Policy
Johannes Hahn said
"The 19 projects chosen by the jury show Regional Policy in action.
They highlight the excellent work being done on the ground and
demonstrate the kind of inventive and dynamic approach from regions around
Europe to using our funds with the aim of triggering growth and creating jobs.
This is what the EU2020 Growth Agenda is really about:
finding new solutions to address our common challenges like youth unemployment,
pollution and climate change, the quality of life in our cities and a lack of
opportunity for small businesses to grow and flourish.
I am deeply impressed by the quality of the finalists this year.They
are a source of inspiration to others across Europe.
After all it is the projects themselves on which the success of
Regional Policy and its investments for economic development ultimately
The finalists come from regions and cities in 17 Member States:
Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy,
Ireland, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden,
and the United Kingdom.
They will be showcasing their projects before the awards jury, chaired
by former Committee of the Regions President Luc Van den Brande, on October 8
during the 11th annual European Week of Regions and Cities – OPEN DAYS 2013.
The winners will be chosen at the Award Ceremony presented by
Commissioner Hahn in Brussels on March 31 2014.
The award categories which reflect the priorities of the Europe2020
Growth Agenda are:
- Smart Growth – SME Innovation: supporting the competitiveness and
growth of small and medium sized business
- Sustainable Growth - Green growth and jobs through
bio-economysustainable investments in the bio-economy sector
- Inclusive Growth - Creating jobs for the younger generation: helping
to fight youth unemployment
- CityStar - Investment projects in sustainable urban public transport:
supporting the development of strategies address transport issues in our cities
The previous RegioStars Awards for 2013 honoured flagship projects in
Porto (Portugal), the North West of England (the United Kingdom),
Warmi?sko-Mazurskie (Poland), Berlin (Germany) and Lithuania.
The categories focused on research and development, resource efficiency
in SMEs, social innovation, sustainable urban development and the use of videos
to promote EU regional policy.
The aim of the RegioStars Awards is to recognize good practice in
regional development and to highlight original and inspiring projects which
could prove a model for other regions.
The annual RegioStars Awards are open to all EU regions to submit
projects which have received investment through EU Regional policy since 1st
January 2000.
Since its creation in 2008, the greatest numbers of applications have
been received from Austria, Belgium, the Baltic countries and Wales in the UK.
OPEN DAYS 2013 from 7 to 10 October 2013 in Brussels, will provide the
opportunity for the finalists to exhibit and explain their projects.
The OPEN DAYS event brings together hundreds of political
representatives, experts and practitioners to debate regional policy.
This year's event comes at a crucial point as Europe's regions and
cities will be finalizing their preparations for the 2014-2020 newly reformed EU
Cohesion Policy.