La spina dorsale della scienza europea si irrobustisce: internet a 100 Gbps per i singoli ricercatori
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Data documento: 31-07-2013
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The backbone for European science gets stronger: 100Gbps internet for individual researchers
La spina dorsale della scienza europea si irrobustisce: internet a 100 Gbps per i singoli ricercatori
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GÉANT, the superfast pan-European research network that helped discover the Higgs Boson, announced today that it could reach speeds up to 2Tbps (terabits per second) thanks to a major network upgrade.
La rete di ricerca paneuropea superveloce GÉANT, che ha contribuito alla scoperta del bosone di Higgs, ha annunciato oggi che, grazie a un potenziamento imponente dell'infrastruttura, è in grado ora di raggiungere velocità fino a 2 Tbps (terabit al secondo).
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From today, capacity of up to 500Gbps is available across the core network. This means individual users across 32,000 universities, higher education institutes, research institutes, schools, libraries, museums, national archives and hospitals can transfer data at speeds of up to 100Gbps.
A partire da oggi sarà disponibile in tutta la rete centrale una capacità fino a 500 Gbps, il che significa che in 32 000 università, istituti d'istruzione superiore, istituti di ricerca, scuole, biblioteche, musei, archivi nazionali e ospedali i singoli utenti potranno trasferire dati a una velocità fino a 100 Gbps.
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Neelie Kroes, Vice President of the European Commission, says:
Neelie Kroes, Vicepresidente della Commissione europea, ha dichiarato:
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“We need high speed and high capacity to keep in the global research race.
"Se non vogliamo rimanere indietro nella corsa globale alla ricerca, dobbiamo disporre di alta velocità e di elevata capacità.
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The data side of the research equation is almost as important as the research itself today.
Nell'equazione della ricerca il fattore dati è oggi quasi altrettanto importante della ricerca in sé.
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With this upgrade, GÉANT demonstrates it is the leader of the research network pack.”
Con questo potenziamento GÉANT si dimostra leader nel mondo delle reti di ricerca."
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Speeds like this will enable faster collaboration on critical projects and meet the rapidly increasing demand for data transfer capacity.
Le velocità in questione imprimeranno un'accelerazione alla collaborazione su progetti fondamentali e permetteranno di far fronte al rapido aumento della domanda di capacità di trasferimento dati.
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The creation and sharing of research data is increasing exponentially, impacting the ICT infrastructures in particular research networks.
Si assiste ad una crescita esponenziale della creazione e condivisione di dati di ricerca, con le conseguenze che ne derivano per le infrastrutture delle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazion, in particolare le reti di ricerca:
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Major projects involving global partners generate massive amounts of data that need to be distributed, analysed, stored and accessed.
i grandi progetti che vedono il coinvolgimento di partner a livello mondiale generano volumi ingenti di dati per i quali occorre assicurare distribuzione, analisi, stoccaggio e accesso.
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With today's high speeds the GÉANT network will provide the essential capacity to support all scientific disciplines: from high-energy physics and deep space research to those addressing societal challenges like ageing populations, disease diagnosis and climate change.
Le velocità elevate di oggi permetteranno alla rete GÉANT di offrire la capacità essenziale al supporto di tutte le discipline scientifiche, dalla fisica delle particelle alla ricerca sullo spazio profondo fino alle discipline che studiano le sfide che si pongono alla società quali l'invecchiamento demografico, la diagnostica e i cambiamenti climatici.
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GÉANT's goal is to ensure 99.999 % availability through the rapid identification and resolution of network errors and powerful security features to detect and prevent malicious attacks.
L'obiettivo di GÉANT è assicurare una disponibilità del 99,999% attraverso la rapida identificazione e risoluzione di errori di rete e potenti funzioni di sicurezza per rilevare e prevenire attacchi dolosi.
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The European Commission currently provides funding for the GÉANT network of € 41.8 million.
Attualmente la Commissione europea partecipa al finanziamento della rete GÉANT con 41,8 milioni di EUR.
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GÉANT is co-funded by the European Union (EU) and Europe’s National Research and Education Networks (NRENs), GÉANT seeks to promote the free movement of scientific data and knowledge, by connecting and empowering research and education (R&E) communities within Europe and other world regions.
Cofinanziata dall'Unione europea (UE) e dalle Reti nazionali di ricerca e istruzione (NREN) europee, la rete GÉANT mira a promuovere la libera circolazione dei dati e delle conoscenze scientifiche collegando e rafforzando le comunità di ricerca e di istruzione in Europa e in altre regioni del mondo.
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2Tbps represents the maximum capacity of the system between two points of the backbone.
2 Tbps è la capacità massima del sistema tra due punti della spina dorsale.
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This new phase of the upgraded high speed network is known as GN3plus.
Questa nuova fase della rete ad alta velocità potenziata è nota come "GN3plus".
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The GÉANT network connects 38 NREN partners serving 43 countries, together reaching in excess of 50,000,000 end users from more than 10,000 universities, higher education institutes, research institutes, libraries, museums, national archives, hospitals, etc. and a further 22,000 primary and secondary schools.
La rete GÉANT collega 38 NREN partner che interessano 43 paesi, per un totale di oltre 50 000 000 utenti finali in oltre 10 000 università, istituti d'istruzione superiore, istituti di ricerca, biblioteche, musei, archivi nazionali, ospedali, ecc., cui si aggiungono 22 000 scuole primarie e secondarie.
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It is operated by DANTE (UK), which leads the project consortium of 41 partners.
Il gestore è DANTE (Regno Unito), che guida un consorzio progettuale di 41 soci.
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With nearly all scientific disciplines now depending on ever-increasing volumes of data for their research (the “data deluge”), more sustained effort is needed to maintain and secure this position for the benefit of European society as a whole.
Poiché oggi, in quasi tutte le discipline scientifiche, la ricerca dipende dalla disponibilità di volumi sempre più grandi di dati (il "diluvio dei dati"), occorre intensificare l'impegno per mantenere e difendere la posizione che occupiamo, a beneficio della società europea nel suo complesso.
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Global scientific collaborations are created around new instruments (in the field of: physics, astronomy, biology, etc.), generating huge amounts of data to be accessed and analysed, and using computing facilities that may be based in other locations.
Collaborazioni scientifiche mondiali nascono sulla base di strumenti nuovi (in fisica, astronomia, biologia, ecc.) generando volumi ingenti di dati, che implicano l'accesso e l'analisi, e appoggiandosi su risorse informatiche che possono essere ubicate altrove.
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Today’s science, research and increasingly also education take place in global virtual environments.
La scienza, la ricerca e, sempre più, anche l'istruzione di oggi s'iscrivono in ambienti virtuali globali.
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This requires GÉANT to offer to its connected communities not only extensive pan-European, but also global reach.
GÉANT deve quindi offrire alle comunità che collega un'ampia copertura non soltanto paneuropea, ma mondiale.
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GÉANT offers connectivity to 65 countries outside of Europe, reaching all continents through the TEIN (Asia Pacific and South Asia), EUMEDCONNECT (Mediterranean), RedCLARA (Latin America), CAREN (Central Asia), C@ribnet (Caribbean) and UbuntuNet (Southern and Eastern Africa) networks as well as the North American, Chinese and Japanese networks.
La rete fornisce connettività a 65 paesi extraeuropei, toccando tutti i continenti attraverso non soltanto le reti statunitense, cinese e giapponese, ma anche le reti TEIN (Asia del Pacifico e Asia meridionale), EUMEDCONNECT (Mediterraneo), RedCLARA (America latina), CAREN (Asia centrale), C@ribnet (Caraibi) e UbuntuNet (Africa meridionale e orientale).
The backbone for European science gets stronger: 100Gbps internet for
individual researchers
GÉANT, the superfast pan-European research network that helped discover
the Higgs Boson, announced today that it could reach speeds up to 2Tbps
(terabits per second) thanks to a major network upgrade.
From today, capacity of up to 500Gbps is available across the core
network. This means individual users across 32,000 universities, higher
education institutes, research institutes, schools, libraries, museums, national
archives and hospitals can transfer data at speeds of up to 100Gbps.
Neelie Kroes, Vice President of the European Commission, says:
“We need high speed and high capacity to keep in the global research
The data side of the research equation is almost as important as the
research itself today.
With this upgrade, GÉANT demonstrates it is the leader of the research
network pack.”
Speeds like this will enable faster collaboration on critical projects
and meet the rapidly increasing demand for data transfer capacity.
The creation and sharing of research data is increasing exponentially,
impacting the ICT infrastructures in particular research networks.
Major projects involving global partners generate massive amounts of
data that need to be distributed, analysed, stored and accessed.
With today's high speeds the GÉANT network will provide the essential
capacity to support all scientific disciplines: from high-energy physics and
deep space research to those addressing societal challenges like ageing
populations, disease diagnosis and climate change.
GÉANT's goal is to ensure 99.999 % availability through the rapid
identification and resolution of network errors and powerful security features
to detect and prevent malicious attacks.
The European Commission currently provides funding for the GÉANT
network of € 41.8 million.
GÉANT is co-funded by the European Union (EU) and Europe’s National
Research and Education Networks (NRENs), GÉANT seeks to promote the free
movement of scientific data and knowledge, by connecting and empowering research
and education (R&E) communities within Europe and other world regions.
2Tbps represents the maximum capacity of the system between two points
of the backbone.
This new phase of the upgraded high speed network is known as GN3plus.
The GÉANT network connects 38 NREN partners serving 43 countries,
together reaching in excess of 50,000,000 end users from more than 10,000
universities, higher education institutes, research institutes, libraries,
museums, national archives, hospitals, etc. and a further 22,000 primary and
secondary schools.
It is operated by DANTE (UK), which leads the project consortium of 41
With nearly all scientific disciplines now depending on ever-increasing volumes
of data for their research (the “data deluge”), more sustained effort is needed
to maintain and secure this position for the benefit of European society as a
Global scientific collaborations are created around new instruments (in
the field of: physics, astronomy, biology, etc.), generating huge amounts of
data to be accessed and analysed, and using computing facilities that may be
based in other locations.
Today’s science, research and increasingly also education take place in
global virtual environments.
This requires GÉANT to offer to its connected communities not only
extensive pan-European, but also global reach.
GÉANT offers connectivity to 65 countries outside of Europe, reaching
all continents through the TEIN (Asia Pacific and South Asia), EUMEDCONNECT
(Mediterranean), RedCLARA (Latin America)CAREN (Central Asia), C@ribnet
(Caribbean) and UbuntuNet (Southern and Eastern Africa) networks as well as the
North American, Chinese and Japanese networks. |