Informazione e consultazione sul lavoro: la Commissione valuta le norme dell’UE
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Data documento: 26-07-2013
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Information and consultation at work: Commission evaluates EU rules
Informazione e consultazione sul lavoro: la Commissione valuta le norme dell’UE
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The European Commission has released the results of an evaluation to identify excessive burdens, overlaps, gaps or inconsistencies which may have appeared since the adoption of three EU Directives regarding information and consultation of workers.
La Commissione europea ha pubblicato i risultati di una valutazione volta ad individuare oneri eccessivi, sovrapposizioni, lacune e incoerenze eventualmente intervenuti in seguito all'adozione di tre direttive dell’Unione in materia di informazione e di consultazione dei lavoratori.
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The policy evaluation, also known as "fitness check", focuses on the collective redundancies Directive, the transfers of undertakings Directive and on the Directive establishing a general framework relating to information and consultation of workers in the EC.
La valutazione delle politiche, anche nota come "check-up", verte sulla direttiva in materia di licenziamenti collettivi, sulla direttiva in materia di trasferimenti di imprese e sulla direttiva che stabilisce un quadro generale relativo all'informazione ed alla consultazione dei lavoratori nella CE.
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The report finds that the three EU Directives are generally relevant, effective, coherent and mutually reinforcing.The benefits they generate are likely to outweigh the costs.
Dalla relazione risulta che le tre direttive dell’Unione sono sostanzialmente pertinenti, efficaci, coerenti ed in sinergia tra di loro e che i benefici da esse prodotti sono verosimilmente preponderanti rispetto ai costi.
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Information and consultation of workers is crucial for anticipating change and managing restructuring properly, in a socially responsible way.
L'informazione e la consultazione dei lavoratori rivestono un'importanza fondamentale nell'anticipare i cambiamenti e nel gestire la ristrutturazione adeguatamente ed in modo socialmente responsabile.
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It is a fundamental social right, which contributes to easing conflicts, create a more cooperative climate at workplace level, and promote competitiveness.
Costituiscono un diritto sociale fondamentale che contribuisce a mitigare i conflitti, a creare un clima più cooperativo sul luogo di lavoro e a promuovere la competitività.
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The fitness check relies on an evidence based approach, covering legal, economic and social aspects.
Il check-up si avvale di un approccio basato su dati concreti che interessa aspetti giuridici, economici e sociali.
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EU/EEA governments and representatives of employees' and employers' organisations were closely associated to the exercise.
L'esercizio ha visto il pieno coinvolgimento dei governi dell’UE/SEE e le organizzazioni dei rappresentanti dei lavoratori e dei datori di lavoro.
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Although the evaluation finds the three Directives broadly fit for purpose, it also brings to light a number of shortcomings in their scope and application.
Sebbene in base alla valutazione le direttive risultino in generale idonee all'obiettivo perseguito, sono emerse alcune carenze relative alla loro portata ed applicazione.
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As far as the scope is concerned, a significant share of the workforce is not covered by the provisions, due to the exclusion of small businesses, of public administration and of seafarers.
Per quanto riguarda la portata, una quota significativa della forza lavoro non è contemplata nelle disposizioni delle direttive per via dell’esclusione delle piccole imprese, dell’amministrazione pubblica e dei marittimi.
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There is also room for improvement regarding the application, particularly in countries with less-developed traditions, by promoting an information and consultation culture among social partners, strengthening institutions, promoting agreements on information and consultation, disseminating good practices, raising awareness and ensuring enforcement.
Restano inoltre da compiere progressi relativamente all'applicazione, specialmente in paesi con tradizioni meno avanzate, promuovendo una cultura dell'informazione e della consultazione tra le parti sociali, consolidando le istituzioni, favorendo accordi in materia di informazione e di consultazione, diffondendo buone pratiche, incentivando attività di sensibilizzazione e garantendo l’effettiva applicazione delle norme.
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The 'fitness check' takes the form of a Staff Working Document, which sets out a number of possible responses to the shortcomings of the Directives, on the basis of good practice of meaningful social dialogue at different levels and by different actors.
Il "check-up" assume la forma di un documento di lavoro dei servizi della Commissione che individua una serie di possibili risposte per ovviare alle carenze delle direttive in base alle buone pratiche per ottenere un dialogo sociale significativo che coinvolga diversi attori a diversi livelli.
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It points to the areas which need further examination and discussion, which may lead in the future to a consolidation of the three Directives following a consultation of the European social partners.
Mette in evidenza i settori che vanno sottoposti ad ulteriore esame e discussione e che possono in futuro portare ad un consolidamento delle tre direttive previa consultazione delle parti sociali europee.
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As part of the 2010 Work Programme, the Commission has started reviewing EU legislation in selected policy fields through 'fitness checks' in order to keep current regulation 'fit for purpose'.
Nell’ambito del programma di lavoro per il 2010 la Commissione ha avviato il riesame della legislazione dell’UE in settori strategici selezionati mediante attività di "check-up" al fine di mantenere la normativa in vigore idonea agli obiettivi perseguiti.
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Pilot exercises began in 2010 in four areas:
Gli esercizi pilota sono iniziati nel 2010 ed hanno interessato quattro settori:
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employment and social policy, environment, transport and industrial policy.
occupazione e politica sociale, ambiente, trasporti e politica industriale.
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In the area of employment and social policy, a family of three Directives concerning the information and consultation of workers at national/company level were selected:
Nel settore dell’occupazione e delle politiche sociali è stato selezionato un gruppo di tre direttive in materia di informazione e consultazione dei lavoratori a livello nazionale/aziendale:
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- Directive 98/59/EC on collective redundancies;
- la direttiva 98/59/CE sui licenziamenti collettivi;
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- Directive 2001/23/EC on transfers of undertakings;
- la direttiva 2001/23/CE sui trasferimento di imprese;
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- Directive 2002/14/EC establishing a general framework relating to information and consultation of workers in the EC.
- la direttiva 2002/14/CE che istituisce un quadro generale relativo all'informazione e alla consultazione dei lavoratori nella Comunità europea.
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The three EU Directives implement the fundamental social right to information and consultation and prescribe, in a flexible way, minimum requirements allowing Member States to apply provisions which are more favourable to workers.
Queste tre direttive dell’Unione attuano il fondamentale diritto sociale all'informazione ed alla consultazione e stabiliscono in modo flessibile prescrizioni minime che consentono agli Stati membri di applicare disposizioni più favorevoli ai lavoratori.
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They can increase trust between management and labour, involve workers in decisions affecting them, protect workers, solve work problems, contribute to increased adaptability and employability, improve staff and company performance, and ensure a more level playing field among companies.
Sono inoltre in grado di promuovere la fiducia tra le parti sociali, coinvolgere i lavoratori alle decisioni che li riguardano, proteggerli, risolvere problemi di lavoro, contribuire ad aumentare l’adattabilità e l’occupabilità, migliorare il rendimento a livello di personale e di azienda e garantire una maggiore parità di condizioni tra imprese.
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The original Directives on collective redundancies and on the transfer of undertakings date back to the 1970’s.
Le direttive originarie in materia di licenziamenti collettivi e di trasferimento di imprese risalgono agli anni '70.
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Each Directive has been amended once and later consolidated.
Ciascuna è stata modificata una sola volta ed è stata successivamente consolidata.
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The third, general framework Directive is the most recent (2002) and has not undergone any changes.
La terza direttiva che istituisce un quadro generale è la più recente (2002) e non ha subito alcuna modifica.
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The evaluation shows that the Directives’ impact and effectiveness depends on the situation prevailing before transposition as well as on several other factors such as:
La valutazione evidenzia che gli effetti e l'efficacia delle direttive dipendono dalla situazione esistente prima del recepimento nonché da diversi altri fattori quali:
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the country and its industrial relations system, the size of the establishment, the culture of social dialogue, the attitudes of management and labour or employees’ support.
il paese e il suo sistema di relazioni industriali, le dimensioni dello stabilimento, la cultura del dialogo sociale, gli atteggiamenti delle parti sociali o il sostegno dei dipendenti.
Information and consultation at work: Commission evaluates EU rules
The European Commission has released the results of an evaluation to
identify excessive burdens, overlaps, gaps or inconsistencies which may have
appeared since the adoption of three EU Directives regarding information and
consultation of workers.
The policy evaluation, also known as "fitness check", focuses on the
collective redundancies Directive, the transfers of undertakings Directive and
on the Directive establishing a general framework relating to information and
consultation of workers in the EC.
The report finds that the three EU Directives are generally relevant,
effective, coherent and mutually reinforcing.The benefits they generate are
likely to outweigh the costs.
Information and consultation of workers is crucial for anticipating
change and managing restructuring properly, in a socially responsible way.
It is a fundamental social right, which contributes to easing
conflicts, create a more cooperative climate at workplace level, and promote
The fitness check relies on an evidence based approach, covering legal,
economic and social aspects.
EU/EEA governments and representatives of employees' and employers'
organisations were closely associated to the exercise.
Although the evaluation finds the three Directives broadly fit for
purpose, it also brings to light a number of shortcomings in their scope and
As far as the scope is concerned, a significant share of the workforce
is not covered by the provisions, due to the exclusion of small businesses, of
public administration and of seafarers.
There is also room for improvement regarding the application,
particularly in countries with less-developed traditions, by promoting an
information and consultation culture among social partners, strengthening
institutions, promoting agreements on information and consultation,
disseminating good practices, raising awareness and ensuring enforcement.
The 'fitness check' takes the form of a Staff Working Document, which
sets out a number of possible responses to the shortcomings of the Directives,
on the basis of good practice of meaningful social dialogue at different levels
and by different actors.
It points to the areas which need further examination and discussion,
which may lead in the future to a consolidation of the three Directives
following a consultation of the European social partners.
As part of the 2010 Work Programme, the Commission has started
reviewing EU legislation in selected policy fields through 'fitness checks' in
order to keep current regulation 'fit for purpose'.
Pilot exercises began in 2010 in four areas:
employment and social policy, environment, transport and industrial policy.
I n the area of employment and social policy, a family of three Directives
concerning the information and consultation of workers at national/company level
were selected:
- Directive 98/59/EC on collective redundancies;
- Directive 2001/23/EC on transfers of undertakings;
- Directive 2002/14/EC establishing a general framework relating to
information and consultation of workers in the EC.
The three EU Directives implement the fundamental social right to
information and consultation and prescribe, in a flexible way, minimum
requirements allowing Member States to apply provisions which are more
favourable to workers.
They can increase trust between management and labour, involve workers
in decisions affecting them, protect workers, solve work problems, contribute to
increased adaptability and employability, improve staff and company performance,
and ensure a more level playing field among companies.
The original Directives on collective redundancies and on the transfer
of undertakings date back to the 1970’s.
Each Directive has been amended once and later consolidated.
The third, general framework Directive is the most recent (2002) and
has not undergone any changes.
The evaluation shows that the Directives’ impact and effectiveness
depends on the situation prevailing before transposition as well as on several
other factors such as:
the country and its industrial relations system, the size of the
establishment, the culture of social dialogue, the attitudes of management and
labour or employees’ support.