Lotta alle frodi: la relazione annuale sottolinea l'esigenza di adottare misure incisive per tutelare il bilancio dell'Unione europea
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Data documento: 24-07-2013
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Fighting fraud: Annual report underlines need for strong measures to protect EU budget
Lotta alle frodi: la relazione annuale sottolinea l'esigenza di adottare misure incisive per tutelare il bilancio dell'Unione europea
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Fraud affecting the EU budget increased slightly in 2012 compared to 2011, according to the Commission's annual report on the "Protection of the EU's Financial Interests".
Secondo la relazione annuale della Commissione sulla "tutela degli interessi finanziari dell'Unione europea", nel 2012 le frodi ai danni del bilancio dell'UE sono lievemente aumentate rispetto al 2011.
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On the expenditure side, in total, €315 million in EU funds were affected by fraud, or 0.25% of the expenditure budget. This compares to €295 million the previous year.
Sul fronte della spesa, le frodi hanno interessato in totale 315 milioni di euro di fondi UE, pari allo 0,25% del bilancio di spesa, contro 295 milioni di euro l'anno precedente.
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The reason for this increase lies almost entirely with two cases of fraud in pre-accession funds, involving large sums.
Questo aumento è dovuto quasi esclusivamente a due casi di frode a danno dei fondi preadesione, che riguardano importi molto consistenti.
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On the revenue side of the budget, suspected or confirmed fraud amounted to €77.6 million, representing 0.42% of the total traditional own resources collected for 2012. This compares to €109 million the previous year.
Sul fronte delle entrate di bilancio, le frodi presunte o accertate sono ammontate a 77,6 milioni di euro, pari allo 0,42% delle risorse proprie tradizionali riscosse complessivamente per il 2012, contro 109 milioni di euro l'anno precedente.
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The Commission undertook a number of significant initiatives in 2012 to intensify the fight against fraud.
Nel 2012 la Commissione ha intrapreso diverse iniziative di rilievo per intensificare la lotta contro le frodi.
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In addition to the implementation of the new anti-fraud strategy (IP/13/530), there was significant legislative progress over the last year, including:
Oltre all'attuazione della nuova strategia antifrode (IP/13/530), l'anno scorso sono stati compiuti notevoli progressi, tra cui:
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- the proposal to set up a European Public Prosecutors' Office (IP/13/709).
- la proposta di creare una Procura europea (IP/13/709).
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This new institution will significantly strengthen the investigation and prosecution of criminal practices affecting the EU budget.
Questa nuova istituzione potenzierà notevolmente le indagini e le azioni penali sulle pratiche criminali a danno del bilancio dell'UE;
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- the new OLAF Regulation, which will create a stronger EU anti-fraud office (MEMO/13/651);
- il nuovo regolamento OLAF, che rafforzerà l'ufficio antifrode dell'UE (MEMO/13/651);
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- a Communication on how to further improve the governance of OLAF, building on the agreed reform of the Office and taking into account the EPPO proposal (IP/13/709)
- una comunicazione su come migliorare ulteriormente la gestione dell'OLAF, basandosi sulla riforma concordata dell'Ufficio e tenendo conto della proposta sulla Procura europea (IP/13/709);
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- the proposal on the protection of the financial interests of the EU by criminal law (IP/12/767).
- la proposta sulla tutela degli interessi finanziari dell'Unione attraverso il diritto penale (IP/12/767).
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By harmonising definitions of crimes against the budget, and introducing minimum sanctions to be applied to these crimes, this could also considerably help to protect funds and deter fraudsters across the Union;
Anche l'armonizzazione delle definizioni dei reati a danno del bilancio dell'UE e l'introduzione di sanzioni minime contro questi reati potrebbero contribuire in misura considerevole a tutelare i fondi e a scoraggiare le frodi in tutta l'Unione.
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Today's report also looks at the measures taken by Member States in 2012 to protect and defend the EU budget, and acknowledges good work in some areas.
La relazione odierna esamina inoltre le misure adottate nel 2012 dagli Stati membri per proteggere il bilancio dell'UE e prende atto dei buoni risultati ottenuti in alcuni settori.
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Nonetheless, the Commission underlines the need to further harmonise and strengthen Member States' approaches, to ensure that fraud is fought equivalently across the EU.
La Commissione sottolinea tuttavia la necessità di armonizzare e rafforzare ulteriormente le politiche degli Stati membri per garantire che le frodi siano contrastate in misura equivalente in tutta l'Unione.
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A number of recommendations are made to Member States to improve fraud prevention and detection.
Agli Stati membri sono rivolte diverse raccomandazioni per migliorare la prevenzione e l'individuazione delle frodi.
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Algirdas Šemeta, Commissioner for Taxation, Customs, Statistics, Audit and Anti-Fraud, said:
Algirdas Šemeta, commissario per la Fiscalità e l'unione doganale, le statistiche, l'audit interno e la lotta antifrode, ha dichiarato:
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“The Commission is bringing the fight against EU fraud to a new level.
"La Commissione sta innalzando il livello della lotta contro le frodi nell'Unione europea.
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Proposals we have tabled in the past year – not least that for a European Public Prosecutor's Office – can deliver a serious blow to fraudsters across Europe.
Le proposte che abbiamo presentato negli ultimi dodici mesi, e in particolare quella sulla creazione della Procura europea, possono infliggere un duro colpo agli autori di frodi in tutta Europa.
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Now Member States, too, need to show their commitment to fighting fraud to the EU budget.
Ora gli Stati membri devono dimostrare il loro impegno a combattere le frodi a danno del bilancio UE.
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I urge them to step up their game at home and support the new measures at EU level.
Li esorto a dar prova di maggior determinazione a livello interno e a sostenere le nuove misure a livello di UE.
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Every cent clawed back from fraudsters is money that can be spent for the public good."
Ogni centesimo recuperato dagli autori delle frodi può essere speso in modo vantaggioso per tutti."
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As required by Article 325 of the TFEU, the Commission produces the Annual Report on the Protection of the EU’s Financial Interests to report on measures taken to counter fraud affecting EU funds.
Conformemente all'articolo 325 del TFUE, la Commissione presenta annualmente una relazione sulla tutela degli interessi finanziari dell'UE, al fine di riferire in merito alle misure adottate per combattere le frodi che colpiscono i fondi UE.
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By detailing the level of suspected and confirmed fraud reported by the Member States across the entire EU budget (i.e.both revenue and expenditure), the report also helps to assess which areas are most at risk, to help with targeting action at both EU and national level.
La relazione, che riporta le informazioni sui casi di frode sospetta o confermata segnalati dagli Stati membri e relativi all'intero bilancio dell'UE (ovvero sia le entrate che le voci di spesa), contribuisce a determinare quali siano i settori maggiormente a rischio, per individuare azioni mirate sia a livello UE che a livello nazionale.
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In addition to data on reported fraud and irregularities, recoveries and financial corrections and reporting levels in the Member States, the Commission and Member States also choose an area for in-depth analysis each year.
Oltre ai dati su frodi e irregolarità segnalate, recuperi, correzioni finanziarie e livelli di segnalazione negli Stati membri, la Commissione e gli Stati membri procedono ogni anno a un'analisi approfondita di un settore specifico;
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This year, that area is agriculture. It notes improvements in financial control and risk management systems (e.g. legal provisions and guidelines, administrative procedures and cooperation between national authorities) in this area.
in questo caso è stata scelta l'agricoltura, dove si registrano miglioramenti nei sistemi di controllo finanziario e gestione del rischio, ad esempio per quanto riguarda le disposizioni giuridiche e gli orientamenti, le procedure amministrative e la collaborazione tra le autorità nazionali.
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However, the Member States' replies confirm a weakness already highlighted in the past, Member States need to improve the monitoring of results of administrative and criminal investigations.
Le risposte degli Stati membri confermano tuttavia quanto già rilevato in passato, cioè che gli Stati membri devono migliorare il monitoraggio dei risultati delle indagini amministrative e penali.
Fighting fraud: Annual report underlines need for strong
measures to protect EU budget
Fraud affecting the EU budget increased slightly in 2012
compared to 2011, according to the Commission's annual report on the "Protection
of the EU's Financial Interests".
On the expenditure side, in total, €315 million in EU funds
were affected by fraud, or 0.25% of the expenditure budget. This compares to
€295 million the previous year.
The reason for this increase lies almost entirely with two
cases of fraud in pre-accession funds, involving large sums.
On the revenue side of the budget, suspected or confirmed
fraud amounted to €77.6 million, representing 0.42% of the total traditional own
resources collected for 2012. This compares to €109 million the previous year.
The Commission undertook a number of significant initiatives
in 2012 to intensify the fight against fraud.
In addition to the implementation of the new anti-fraud
strategy (IP/13/530), there was significant legislative progress over the last
year, including:
- the proposal to set up a European Public Prosecutors' Office
This new institution will significantly strengthen the investigation and
prosecution of criminal practices affecting the EU budget.
- the new OLAF Regulation, which will create a stronger EU
anti-fraud office (MEMO/13/651);
- a Communication on how to further improve the governance of
OLAF, building on the agreed reform of the Office and taking into account the
EPPO proposal (IP/13/709)
- the proposal on the protection of the financial interests of
the EU by criminal law (IP/12/767).
By harmonising definitions of crimes against the budget, and
introducing minimum sanctions to be applied to these crimes, this could also
considerably help to protect funds and deter fraudsters across the Union;
Today's report also looks at the measures taken by Member
States in 2012 to protect and defend the EU budget, and acknowledges good work
in some areas.
Nonetheless, the Commission underlines the need to further
harmonise and strengthen Member States' approaches, to ensure that fraud is
fought equivalently across the EU.
A number of recommendations are made to Member States to
improve fraud prevention and detection.
Algirdas Šemeta, Commissioner for Taxation, Customs,
Statistics, Audit and Anti-Fraud, said:
“The Commission is bringing the fight against EU fraud to a
new level.
Proposals we have tabled in the past year – not least that for
a European Public Prosecutor's Office – can deliver a serious blow to fraudsters
across Europe.
Now Member States, too, need to show their commitment to
fighting fraud to the EU budget.
I urge them to step up their game at home and support the new
measures at EU level.
Every cent clawed back from fraudsters is money that can be
spent for the public good."
As required by Article 325 of the TFEU, the Commission
produces the Annual Report on the Protection of the EU’s Financial Interests to
report on measures taken to counter fraud affecting EU funds.
By detailing the level of suspected and confirmed fraud
reported by the Member States across the entire EU budget (i.e.both revenue and
expenditure), the report also helps to assess which areas are most at risk, to
help with targeting action at both EU and national level.
In addition to data on reported fraud and irregularities, recoveries and
financial corrections and reporting levels in the Member States, the Commission
and Member States also choose an area for in-depth analysis each year.
This year, that area is agriculture. It notes improvements in
financial control and risk management systems (e.g. legal provisions and
guidelines, administrative procedures and cooperation between national
authorities) in this area.
However, the Member States' replies confirm a weakness already
highlighted in the past, Member States need to improve the monitoring of results
of administrative and criminal investigations.