Eurobarometro, primavera 2013: un maggiore ottimismo
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Data documento: 23-07-2013
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Spring 2013 Eurobarometer: A greater dose of optimism
Eurobarometro, primavera 2013: un maggiore ottimismo
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According to the latest Eurobarometer survey results published today, six out of ten citizens in the EU feel 'European' and want to know more about their rights, but less than half (46%) know what these rights are.
Secondo i risultati dell’ultima indagine Eurobarometro pubblicata oggi, sei cittadini della UE su dieci si sentono 'europei' e vogliono saperne di più sui propri diritti, ma meno della metà (46%) sanno quali essi siano.
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These results come during the 2013 European Year of Citizens – a year dedicated to improving awareness about the rights of European citizens.
Si tratta di risultati presentati per il 2013, anno europeo dei cittadini — un anno dedicato a migliorare la consapevolezza dei diritti dei cittadini europei.
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Today's results also show that Europeans see their rights as EU citizens as the most positive result from the EU – almost six in ten people identify the free movement of people, goods and services as the EU's most positive result.
I risultati odierni mostrano anche che gli europei considerano i propri diritti di cittadini UE il risultato più positivo dell'appartenenza alla UE — quasi sei persone su dieci individuano nella libera circolazione delle persone, dei beni e dei servizi, il risultato più positivo della UE.
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Despite the crisis, those saying they are optimistic about the EU's future outnumber those who say they are pessimistic in 19 out of 28 countries, while pessimism about the impact of the crisis on jobs appears to be receding.
Nonostante la crisi, coloro che si dicono ottimisti riguardo al futuro della UE sono, in 19 paesi su 28, più numerosi di coloro che si dichiarano pessimisti, mentre sembra ridimensionarsi il pessimismo riguardo all’impatto della crisi sull’occupazione.
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Almost seven in ten Europeans (67%), with a majority in all Member States, say that the EU's voice counts in the world.
Quasi sette europei su dieci (67%), e sono in maggioranza in tutti gli Stati membri, sono convinti che l'Europa sia ascoltata nel mondo.
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An absolute majority (51%) of Europeans are in favour of the euro, with those living within the Euro area supporting the single currency with a two-thirds majority (62%).
La maggioranza assoluta (51%) degli europei è a favore dell’euro; coloro che vivono nella zona euro sostengono la moneta unica con una maggioranza dei due terzi (62%).
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This support is at or near its strongest (between 68% and 77%) in four out of the last five countries to join the Euro area (Estonia, Malta, Slovenia and Slovakia).
Questo favore è al suo punto più alto, o quasi, (tra il 68% e il 77%) in quattro dei cinque paesi che sono entrati per ultimi nella zona euro (Estonia, Malta, Slovenia e Slovacchia).
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The Spring 2013 Standard Eurobarometer was conducted through face-to-face interviews between 10 and 26 May 2013.
L'indagine Eurobarometro standard della primavera 2013 è stata realizzata mediante interviste individuali tra il 10 e il 26 maggio 2013.
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A total of 32,694 people were interviewed across the EU Member States and in the candidate countries.
Sono state intervistate in tutto 32 694 persone negli Stati membri della UE e nei paesi candidati.
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Further information
Ulteriori informazioni
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The First results report published today outlines Europeans’ perceptions of the current economic situation, their main concerns and trust in political institutions.
La relazione con i primi risultati pubblicata oggi illustra la percezione che gli europei hanno dell’attuale situazione economica, le loro principali preoccupazioni e la fiducia nelle istituzioni politiche.
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It also covers their opinions on the crisis, the Europe 2020 strategy and issues related to EU citizenship.
Essa riflette anche le loro opinioni sulla crisi, sulla strategia Europa 2020 e sulle questioni relative alla cittadinanza UE.
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The First results report is available at website indicated below.
La relazione con i primi risultati è disponibile all' indirizzo indicato sotto.
http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/archives/eb/eb79/eb79_en.htm |
Spring 2013 Eurobarometer: A greater dose of optimism
According to the latest Eurobarometer survey results published today,
six out of ten citizens in the EU feel 'European' and want to know more about
their rights, but less than half (46%) know what these rights are.
These results come during the 2013 European Year of Citizens – a year
dedicated to improving awareness about the rights of European citizens.
Today's results also show that Europeans see their rights as EU
citizens as the most positive result from the EU – almost six in ten people
identify the free movement of people, goods and services as the EU's most
positive result.
Despite the crisis, those saying they are optimistic about the EU's
future outnumber those who say they are pessimistic in 19 out of 28 countries,
while pessimism about the impact of the crisis on jobs appears to be receding.
Almost seven in ten Europeans (67%), with a majority in all Member
States, say that the EU's voice counts in the world.
An absolute majority (51%) of Europeans are in favour of the euro, with
those living within the Euro area supporting the single currency with a
two-thirds majority (62%).
This support is at or near its strongest (between 68% and 77%) in four
out of the last five countries to join the Euro area (Estonia, Malta, Slovenia
and Slovakia).
The Spring 2013 Standard Eurobarometer was conducted through
face-to-face interviews between 10 and 26 May 2013.
A total of 32,694 people were interviewed across the EU Member States
and in the candidate countries.
Further information
The First results report published today outlines Europeans’
perceptions of the current economic situation, their main concerns and trust in
political institutions.
It also covers their opinions on the crisis, the Europe 2020 strategy
and issues related to EU citizenship.
The First results report is available at website indicated below.