La Germania non può subordinare il beneficio di un sussidio economico per un intero corso di studi seguito in un altro Stato membro, al di là di un periodo di un anno, a un requisito unico di residenza triennale ininterrotta in Germania
Inglese tratto da:
Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 18-07-2013
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Germany cannot make the receipt of a grant for an entire course of studies in another Member State, of more than one year, subject to the sole condition of uninterrupted residence of three years in Germany.
La Germania non può subordinare il beneficio di un sussidio economico per un intero corso di studi seguito in un altro Stato membro, al di là di un periodo di un anno, a un requisito unico di residenza triennale ininterrotta in Germania
2 |
Such a condition is likely to exclude students sufficiently connected to German society by other social and economic ties
Un requisito di tal genere rischia di escludere gli studenti sufficientemente integrati nella società tedesca per effetto di altri vincoli di ordine sociale ed economico
3 |
In Germany, students may obtain a grant for their studies in another Member State for a period of one year.
In Germania gli studenti possono ottenere un sussidio economico per gli studi seguiti in un altro Stato membro per un periodo di un anno.
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In order to benefit from such a grant for more than one year, they must show that they have permanently resided in Germany for at least three years prior to commencing their studies.
Per poter beneficiare del sussidio per più di un anno devono dimostrare il possesso di stabile residenza in Germania per un periodo non inferiore a tre anni precedente l’avvio degli studi.
5 |
As two German courts have made requests for a preliminary ruling, the Court of Justice has been led to clarify whether that condition of three years uninterrupted residence is contrary to the freedom of movement for citizens of the European Union.
Alla Corte di giustizia, adita in via pregiudiziale da due giudici tedeschi, è stato chiesto di precisare se tale requisito di residenza triennale ininterrotta sia contrario alla libera circolazione dei cittadini dell’Unione europea.
6 |
The disputes before those courts concern two German students, who were refused financing for their entire course of studies abroad.
Le controversie pendenti dinanzi a detti giudici riguardano due studenti tedeschi cui è stato negato il finanziamento dell’intero iter di studi all’estero.
7 |
Ms Laurence Prinz was born in Germany and lived for several years in Tunisia with her parents, before finishing her secondary education in Germany.
La sig.ra Laurence Prinz è nata in Germania e ha vissuto vari anni in Tunisia con i genitori, prima di terminare gli studi secondari in Germania.
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She was domiciled for two years and eight months in Germany before commencing her studies at the Erasmus Rotterdam university in autumn 2009.
Prima dell’avvio degli studi presso l’università Erasmus di Rotterdam nell’autunno 2009, ha risieduto in Germania per un periodo di due anni ed otto mesi.
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Since she did not fulfill the residence condition of three years she received a grant only for the first year of her studies.
Non soddisfacendo il requisito di residenza triennale ha ottenuto il sussidio economico unicamente per il primo anno di studi.
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Mr Philipp Seeberger was also born in Germany, where he lived until 11years old before spending several years in Spain with his parents.
Il sig. Philipp Seeberger è anch’egli nato in Germania ove ha vissuto sino all’età di undici anni per poi trascorrere vari anni con i genitori in Spagna.
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He maintains that he has been back in Germany since 2006.
Sostiene di aver fatto ritorno in Germania dal 2006.
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He commenced his studies at the University of the Balearics in Palma de Mallorca in autumn 2009 and, since he was unable to demonstrate that he had resided in Germany for three years before commencing his studies, he was also refused a grant.
Ha iniziato gli studi presso l’università di Palma de Mallorca nelle isole Baleari nell’autunno del 2009 e, non essendo stato in grado di dimostrare di aver risieduto in Germania per un periodo di tre anni precedente l’avvio degli studi, il finanziamento gli è stato parimenti negato.
13 |
By its judgment today, the Court answers that European citizenship and the freedom of movement of citizens of the European Union preclude nation legislation which makes the award of an education grant for studies in another Member State for a period of more than one year subject to a single condition – such as that laid down in Germany – which requires the applicant to have had permanent residence on national territory for a period of at least three years before commencing his studies.
Con la sentenza pronunciata in data odierna la Corte risponde che la cittadinanza europea e la libera circolazione dei cittadini dell’Unione europea ostano ad una normativa nazionale che subordini la concessione di un sussidio per la formazione seguita in un altro Stato membro, per un periodo superiore ad un anno, ad un requisito unico – come quello previsto in Germania – che imponga al richiedente il possesso di stabile residenza sul territorio nazionale per un periodo minimo di tre anni precedente l’inizio degli studi.
14 |
The Court recalls that, if a Member State provides for a system of education or training grants which enables students to receive such grants if they pursue studies in another Member State, it must ensure that the detailed rules for the award of those grants do not create an unjustified restriction of the right to move and reside within the territory of the Member States.
La Corte ricorda che uno Stato membro, qualora preveda un sistema di sussidi alla formazione che consenta agli studenti di beneficiarne nel caso in cui compiano studi in un altro Stato membro, deve fare in modo che le modalità di concessione degli aiuti medesimi non creino un’ingiustificata restrizione al diritto di circolazione e di soggiorno sul territorio degli Stati membri.
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A single condition, such as that laid down in Germany, is likely to dissuade home country nationals, such as the applicants in the main proceedings from exercising their right to freedom of movement and residence in another Member State, given impact that exercising that freedom is likely to have on the right to the education or training grant.
Orbene, un requisito unico, come quello previsto in Germania, è tale da dissuadere i cittadini nazionali, quali la sig.ra Prinz e il sig. Seeberger, dall’esercizio della loro libertà di circolare e soggiornare in un altro Stato membro, in considerazione dell’incidenza che l’esercizio di tale libertà può produrre sul diritto al sussidio alla formazione.
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The German Government argued in the present case that the condition of three years’ uninterrupted residence was justified because it guarantees that an education grant for a full course of studies abroad is paid only to students able to demonstrate a sufficient degree of integration into German society.
Il governo tedesco deduceva nella specie che il requisito di residenza triennale ininterrotta risultava giustificato, in quanto consentirebbe di garantire che il sussidio alla formazione per un corso completo di studi all’estero venga erogato unicamente agli studenti che dimostrino il possesso di un sufficiente grado di integrazione nella società tedesca.
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The requirement of a minimum level of integration thus preserves the national scheme for education grants for studies abroad by protecting the State paying the grant from an unreasonable financial burden.
L’esigenza di un livello minimo di integrazione proteggerebbe in tal modo il sistema nazionale di sussidi alla formazione per studi all’estero, tutelando lo Stato prestatore da oneri economici irragionevoli.
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However, the Court considers that, while it may be legitimate for a Member State to grant assistance only to students who have demonstrated a sufficient degree of integration into German society, the condition at issue is too general and exclusive, and accordingly goes beyond what is necessary to achieve the objective pursued.
La Corte ritiene tuttavia che, sebbene sia legittimo per uno Stato membro finanziare unicamente gli studenti che abbiano dimostrato un sufficiente livello di integrazione nella società dello Stato stesso, il requisito contestato presenta carattere troppo generale ed esclusivo e, conseguentemente, va al di là di quanto necessario per il conseguimento dell’obiettivo perseguito.
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The condition in question risks excluding from funding students who, despite not having resided in Germany for an uninterrupted period of three years immediately prior to commencing their studies abroad, are nevertheless sufficiently connected to German society.
La Corte ritiene, infatti, che il requisito di cui trattasi rischi di escludere dal beneficio del sussidio in questione studenti che, pur non avendo risieduto in Germania per un periodo ininterrotto di tre anni immediatamente precedente l’avvio dei loro studi all’estero, possiedano nondimeno sufficienti collegamenti con la società tedesca.
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That may be the case where the student is a national of the Member State concerned and was educated there for a significant period or on account of other factors – such as, in particular, his family, employment, language skills or the existence of other social and economic factors.
Ciò può avvenire nel caso in cui lo studente possieda la cittadinanza dello Stato membro di cui trattasi e abbia ivi seguito gli studi scolastici per un periodo significativo, ovvero per effetto di altri fattori – quali, segnatamente, la sua famiglia, la sua occupazione, le sue capacità linguistiche ovvero l’esistenza di altri vincoli sociali o economici.
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A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law or the validity of a European Union act.
Il rinvio pregiudiziale consente ai giudici degli Stati membri, nell'ambito di una controversia della quale sono investiti, di interpellare la Corte in merito all’interpretazione del diritto dell’Unione o alla validità di un atto dell’Unione.
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The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
La Corte non risolve la controversia nazionale.
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It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.
Spetta al giudice nazionale risolvere la causa conformemente alla decisione della Corte. Tale decisione vincola egualmente gli altri giudici nazionali ai quali venga sottoposto un problema simile.
Germany cannot make the receipt of a grant for an entire course of studies
in another Member State, of more than one year, subject to the sole condition of
uninterrupted residence of three years in Germany.
Such a condition is likely to exclude students sufficiently
connected to German society by other social and economic ties
In Germany, students may obtain a grant for their studies in another
Member State for a period of one year.
In order to benefit from such a grant for more than one year, they must
show that they have permanently resided in Germany for at least three years
prior to commencing their studies.
As two German courts have made requests for a preliminary ruling, the
Court of Justice has been led to clarify whether that condition of three years
uninterrupted residence is contrary to the freedom of movement for citizens of
the European Union.
The disputes before those courts concern two German students, who were
refused financing for their entire course of studies abroad.
Ms Laurence Prinz was born in Germany and lived for several years in
Tunisia with her parents, before finishing her secondary education in Germany.
She was domiciled for two years and eight months in Germany before
commencing her studies at the Erasmus Rotterdam university in autumn 2009.
Since she did not fulfill the residence condition of three years she
received a grant only for the first year of her studies.
Mr Philipp Seeberger was also born in Germany, where he lived until
11years old before spending several years in Spain with his parents.
He maintains that he has been back in Germany since 2006.
He commenced his studies at the University of the Balearics in Palma de
Mallorca in autumn 2009 and, since he was unable to demonstrate that he had
resided in Germany for three years before commencing his studies, he was also
refused a grant.
By its judgment today, the Court answers that European citizenship and
the freedom of movement of citizens of the European Union preclude nation
legislation which makes the award of an education grant for studies in another
Member State for a period of more than one year subject to a single condition –
such as that laid down in Germany – which requires the applicant to have had
permanent residence on national territory for a period of at least three years
before commencing his studies.
The Court recalls that, if a Member State provides for a system of
education or training grants which enables students to receive such grants if
they pursue studies in another Member State, it must ensure that the detailed
rules for the award of those grants do not create an unjustified restriction of
the right to move and reside within the territory of the Member States.
A single condition, such as that laid down in Germany, is likely to
dissuade home country nationals, such as the applicants in the main proceedings
from exercising their right to freedom of movement and residence in another
Member State, given impact that exercising that freedom is likely to have on the
right to the education or training grant.
The German Government argued in the present case that the condition of
three years’ uninterrupted residence was justified because it guarantees that an
education grant for a full course of studies abroad is paid only to students
able to demonstrate a sufficient degree of integration into German society.
The requirement of a minimum level of integration thus preserves the
national scheme for education grants for studies abroad by protecting the State
paying the grant from an unreasonable financial burden.
However, the Court considers that, while it may be legitimate for a
Member State to grant assistance only to students who have demonstrated a
sufficient degree of integration into German society, the condition at issue is
too general and exclusive, and accordingly goes beyond what is necessary to
achieve the objective pursued.
The condition in question risks excluding from funding students who,
despite not having resided in Germany for an uninterrupted period of three years
immediately prior to commencing their studies abroad, are nevertheless
sufficiently connected to German society.
That may be the case where the student is a national of the Member
State concerned and was educated there for a significant period or on account of
other factors – such as, in particular, his family, employment, language skills
or the existence of other social and economic factors.
A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of
the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer
questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law
or the validity of a European Union act.
The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in
accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other
national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.