Sicurezza aerea: gli Stati membri sostengono la revisione delle norme sull'affaticamento degli equipaggi di volo
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Data documento: 12-07-2013
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Aviation safety: Member States support the revision of aircrew fatigue rules
Sicurezza aerea: gli Stati membri sostengono la revisione delle norme sull'affaticamento degli equipaggi di volo
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The Member States voted today strongly in support of a draft proposal made by the Commission aimed at revising the current EU safety rules governing the fatigue of aircrew, commonly called "flight and duty limitations and rest requirements" (or "flying time limitations"- FTL).
Gli Stati membri hanno votato oggi, sostenendo con forza il progetto di proposta della Commissione inteso a rivedere l'attuale normativa UE sulla sicurezza che disciplina l'affaticamento degli equipaggi di volo, comunemente definita "Limiti dei tempi di volo e di servizio e requisiti di riposo" (o "limitazioni dei tempi di volo").
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The revision aims at consolidating, clarifying, complementing - and making more stringent – the current rules, taking into consideration the available scientific, operational and international information.
La revisione mira a consolidare, chiarire, integrare e rendere più rigorosa la normativa vigente, tenendo conto delle informazioni scientifiche, operative e internazionali a disposizione.
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Siim Kallas, Commission Vice-President responsible for transport, said:
Siim Kallas, Vicepresidente e Commissario responsabile per i trasporti, ha dichiarato in proposito:
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"The travelling public needs reassurance that the public authorities are doing everything possible to ensure safety in the skies, including the sensitive and complicated question of aircrew fatigue.
"I cittadini che viaggiano devono essere certi che le autorità pubbliche stanno facendo tutto il possibile per garantire la sicurezza in volo, anche in relazione alla complessa questione dell'affaticamento degli equipaggi di volo.
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We are determined to see stronger, safer rules applying across Europe, whether in relation to night time flying or on rest periods.
Siamo determinati ad applicare norme più severe che garantiscano maggiore sicurezza in Europa, sia in relazione ai servizi notturni che ai periodi di riposo.
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So I am delighted at this strong support from Member States for this important proposal.This will bring about major improvements across Europe for the safety of our citizens and flight crew."
Sono perciò lieto del forte sostegno degli Stati membri a questa importante proposta, che migliorerà notevolmente in tutta Europa la sicurezza dei cittadini e del personale di bordo.".
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Member States today voted strongly in support of the Commission proposal to amend the EU rules on flight time limitation
Gli Stati membri hanno votato oggi, sostenendo con forza la proposta della Commissione intesa a modificare le norme dell'UE in materia di limitazione dei tempi di volo.
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The current FTL rules are contained in Subpart Q of Annex III to Council Regulation (EEC) No 3922/91, which applies since July 2007.
Le attuali norme sulle limitazioni dei tempi di volo sono contenute nella sottoparte Q dell'allegato III del regolamento (CEE) n.3922/91 del Consiglio, che si applica a decorrere dal luglio 2007.
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As for all aviation safety fields, Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 requires the Commission to adopt an implementing regulation to transfer the current FTL rules to the legislative and institutional framework of this Regulation, and to revise the existing rules in line with the latest scientific evidence and technical developments.
Come per tutti i settori della sicurezza aerea, il regolamento (CE) n.216/2008 prevede che la Commissione adotti un regolamento di esecuzione per il recepimento delle attuali norme sulle limitazioni dei tempi di volo nel quadro legislativo e istituzionale del presente regolamento, e che riveda le norme vigenti in linea con i più recenti dati scientifici e tecnici.
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The aim is to ensure a coherent safety regulatory system at EU level.
Lo scopo è garantire un sistema normativo in materia di sicurezza coerente a livello dell'UE.
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These objectives were well attained by the technical proposals made by EASA to the Commission in October 20121.
Questi obiettivi sono stati pienamente conseguiti dalle proposte tecniche presentate dall'AESA alla Commissione nell'ottobre 20121.
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The EASA Opinion was the result of a careful and comprehensive consultation and assessment processes, involving all stakeholders concerned.
Il parere dell'AESA è stato elaborato in seguito a procedure accurate ed esaurienti di consultazione e valutazione, che hanno coinvolto tutti i portatori d'interessi.
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A thorough assessment of the EASA Opinion and consultation of all stakeholders was conducted before the Commission felt satisfied that it had a sufficient basis for proposing the new regulation.
La Commissione ha ritenuto di disporre di una base soddisfacente per proporre un nuovo regolamento, solo in seguito a una rigorosa valutazione del parere dell'AESA e dopo aver consultato tutti i portatori d'interessi.
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It was clear from the consultation that certain issues needed to be refined, and the Commission therefore proposed amendments to address issues identified by aircrew unions, by airlines, by the European Parliament, and by Member States.
Fin dalla consultazione era chiaro che alcune questioni dovevano essere precisate e la Commissione ha pertanto proposto alcune modifiche per affrontare le questioni sollevate dai rappresentanti del personale di volo, dalle compagnie aeree, dal Parlamento europeo e dagli Stati membri.
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Improvements touched, among others, the important issues of possible derogations from the EU rules, the relationship with social legislation, airport duty, reserve, delayed reporting, in-flight rest for cabin crew, night flights and standby.
Tra le altre cose, i miglioramenti hanno interessato importanti aspetti delle eventuali deroghe alle norme UE, il rapporto con la legislazione sociale, i diritti aeroportuali, la riserva, i ritardi nelle comunicazioni, il riposo dell'equipaggio durante il volo, i servizi notturni e lo standby.
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In discussion in the EASA Committee, Member States highlighted the high quality of the proposed rules, the fair balance found and the clear safety improvements achieved.
Nella discussione in seno al comitato dell'AESA, gli Stati membri hanno sottolineato l'elevata qualità delle norme proposte, il giusto equilibrio individuato e i chiari miglioramenti ottenuti in materia di sicurezza.
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They also stressed their agreement with the Commission that there should be a continuous and ongoing assessment of the FTL regime, based on real operational data, to ensure that the system is effective and ensuring a proper level of safety protection.
Essi hanno inoltre sottolineato di essere d'accordo con la Commissione sulla necessità di una valutazione continua e costante delle norme sulle limitazioni dei tempi di volo, basate su dati operativi reali, al fine di garantire l'efficacia del sistema e assicurare un livello appropriato di protezione della sicurezza.
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During the discussions which took place today, Member States discussed several options for regulating night flight duties and standby outside the airport.
Durante le discussioni che si sono svolte oggi, gli Stati membri hanno esaminato diverse opzioni per disciplinare i servizi notturni e lo standby diverso da quello in aeroporto.
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The majority found that the proposals presented by the Commission and by EASA to regulate these areas were sufficiently protective.
La maggior parte di essi ha ritenuto che le proposte presentate dalla Commissione e dall'AESA per regolamentare dette questioni garantissero un livello adeguato di sicurezza.
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In the case of night duties, Member States welcome the Commission proposal to reduce the maximum night time duties from the current 11 hours 45 minutes to 11 hours, and supported the proposed requirement to manage actively duty rosters including night duties longer than 10 hours using fatigue management principles, which should ensure safe air operations in the most proportionate manner.
Nel caso dei servizi notturni, gli Stati membri plaudono alla proposta della Commissione di ridurre la durata massima dei servizi notturni dalle attuali 11 ore e 45 minuti a 11 ore, e approvano l'obbligo proposto di gestire attivamente i turni di servizio includendo anche i servizi notturni superiori a 10 ore e utilizzando principi per la gestione del rischio di affaticamento che dovrebbero garantire la sicurezza delle operazioni di volo nel modo più consono.
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On standby, Member States were satisfied with the reassurances from EASA which offer further protection.
Per quanto concerne lo standby, gli Stati membri erano soddisfatti delle rassicurazioni da parte dell'AESA che garantiscono un'ulteriore protezione.
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It was also made clear that the FTL safety rules are without prejudice to the applicable EU and national social legislation, including rules concerning working time, health and safety at work or the existing collective labour agreements (CLAs).
È stato inoltre chiarito che le norme di sicurezza sulle limitazioni dei tempi di volo lasciano impregiudicata la legislazione sociale vigente a livello nazionale e dell'UE, comprese le norme in materia di orario di lavoro, salute e sicurezza sul lavoro o i contratti collettivi di lavoro esistenti.
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In addition, the relation between safety and social rules is based on the principle that the most protective rule applies.
Inoltre, il rapporto tra sicurezza e norme sociali si basa sul principio secondo cui si applicano le norme più severe.
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This positive vote now triggers a 3 month scrutiny of the Regulation by the European Parliament and the Council, which should start by the end of this month.
Dopo questo voto favorevole il Parlamento europeo e il Consiglio procederanno a un esame del regolamento, che durerà tre mesi e che dovrebbe iniziare entro la fine di questo mese.
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The Commission thanked the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), the Member States and stakeholders for the work done and for the support provided to allow the modernization of this important piece of EU legislation.
La Commissione ringrazia l'Agenzia europea per la sicurezza aerea (AESA), gli Stati membri e i portatori d'interessi per il lavoro svolto e per il sostegno fornito per consentire la modernizzazione di questo importante strumento legislativo dell'Unione.
Aviation safety: Member States support the revision of aircrew fatigue
The Member States voted today strongly in support of a draft proposal
made by the Commission aimed at revising the current EU safety rules governing
the fatigue of aircrew, commonly called "flight and duty limitations and rest
requirements" (or "flying time limitations"- FTL).
The revision aims at consolidating, clarifying, complementing - and
making more stringent – the current rules, taking into consideration the
available scientific, operational and international information.
Siim Kallas, Commission Vice-President responsible for transport, said:
"The travelling public needs reassurance that the public authorities
are doing everything possible to ensure safety in the skies, including the
sensitive and complicated question of aircrew fatigue.
We are determined to see stronger, safer rules applying across Europe,
whether in relation to night time flying or on rest periods.
So I am delighted at this strong support from Member States for this
important proposal.This will bring about major improvements across Europe for
the safety of our citizens and flight crew."
Member States today voted strongly in support of the Commission
proposal to amend the EU rules on flight time limitation
The current FTL rules are contained in Subpart Q of Annex III to
Council Regulation (EEC) No 3922/91, which applies since July 2007.
As for all aviation safety fields, Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 requires
the Commission to adopt an implementing regulation to transfer the current FTL
rules to the legislative and institutional framework of this Regulation, and to
revise the existing rules in line with the latest scientific evidence and
technical developments.
The aim is to ensure a coherent safety regulatory system at EU level.
These objectives were well attained by the technical proposals made by
EASA to the Commission in October 20121.
The EASA Opinion was the result of a careful and comprehensive
consultation and assessment processes, involving all stakeholders concerned.
A thorough assessment of the EASA Opinion and consultation of all
stakeholders was conducted before the Commission felt satisfied that it had a
sufficient basis for proposing the new regulation.
It was clear from the consultation that certain issues needed to be
refined, and the Commission therefore proposed amendments to address issues
identified by aircrew unions, by airlines, by the European Parliament, and by
Member States.
Improvements touched, among others, the important issues of possible
derogations from the EU rules, the relationship with social legislation, airport
duty, reserve, delayed reporting, in-flight rest for cabin crew, night flights
and standby.
In discussion in the EASA Committee, Member States highlighted the high
quality of the proposed rules, the fair balance found and the clear safety
improvements achieved.
They also stressed their agreement with the Commission that there
should be a continuous and ongoing assessment of the FTL regime, based on real
operational data, to ensure that the system is effective and ensuring a proper
level of safety protection.
During the discussions which took place today, Member States discussed
several options for regulating night flight duties and standby outside the
The majority found that the proposals presented by the Commission and
by EASA to regulate these areas were sufficiently protective.
In the case of night duties, Member States welcome the Commission
proposal to reduce the maximum night time duties from the current 11 hours 45
minutes to 11 hours, and supported the proposed requirement to manage actively
duty rosters including night duties longer than 10 hours using fatigue
management principles, which should ensure safe air operations in the most
proportionate manner.
On standby, Member States were satisfied with the reassurances from
EASA which offer further protection.
It was also made clear that the FTL safety rules are without prejudice
to the applicable EU and national social legislation, including rules concerning
working time, health and safety at work or the existing collective labour
agreements (CLAs).
In addition, the relation between safety and social rules is based on
the principle that the most protective rule applies.
This positive vote now triggers a 3 month scrutiny of the Regulation by
the European Parliament and the Council, which should start by the end of this
The Commission thanked the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), the
Member States and stakeholders for the work done and for the support provided to
allow the modernization of this important piece of EU legislation. |