La Vicepresidente della Commissione europea Viviane Reding incontra i cittadini a Heidelberg: "All'Europa occorre più democrazia"
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Data documento: 16-07-2013
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Dialogue between EU Commissioner Viviane Reding and citizens in Heidelberg: "The EU needs more democracy"
La Vicepresidente della Commissione europea Viviane Reding incontra i cittadini a Heidelberg: "All'Europa occorre più democrazia"
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"Europe is democratic, but must become even more democratic in the future, if it is to be given new competences".
"L'Europa è democratica, ma in futuro dovrà diventarlo ancora di più per gestire nuove competenze."
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This is what the Vice-President of the European Commission, Viviane Reding, is calling for in the run-up to a discussion with citizens, which she and the Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, will hold today, 16 July, in Heidelberg.
È ciò che auspica la Vicepresidente della Commissione europea Viviane Reding prima dell'incontro con i cittadini che presiederà oggi, 16 luglio, insieme al Presidente della regione Baden-Württemberg Winfried Kretschmann.
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The discussion is one of the Citizens' Dialogues on the future of Europe that have been initiated by the Commission.
Il dibattito fa parte del dialogo con i cittadini sul futuro dell'Europa promosso dalla Commissione.
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After twenty-four dialogues in fourteen EU Member States, it is now the turn of around four hundred citizens in Heidelberg to share with the politicians their opinions, concerns, visions and questions regarding Europe's future, the consequences of the economic crisis and their rights as EU citizens.
Dopo 24 dialoghi in 14 Stati membri dell'Unione europea, martedì circa 400 persone giungeranno a Heidelberg per condividere opinioni, pareri, visioni e interrogativi circa il futuro dell'Europa, le conseguenze della crisi economica e i propri diritti di cittadini dell'UE.
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"Baden-Württemberg is aiming to foster civic participation. That is something I support. We also need more civic participation in European questions, and I would like to discuss how best to achieve this with the participants in Heidelberg," said the Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship.
"Ritengo che questo evento nel Baden-Württemberg rafforzerà la partecipazione attiva dei cittadini, che sarà necessaria anche nelle questioni europee. Intendo discutere con coloro che parteciperanno all'incontro di Heidelberg il modo migliore per realizzare questo obiettivo ", ha dichiarato la Vicepresidente della Commissione europea responsabile della giustizia, dei diritti fondamentali e della cittadinanza.
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"The Heidelberg Assembly of 1848 was a milestone on the way to the assembly in the Paulskirche in Frankfurt, and thus to the development of democracy in Germany.
"L'Assemblea di Heidelberg del 1848 è stata una tappa importante nel percorso che ha portato all'Assemblea costituente nella Paulskirche di Francoforte e quindi nello sviluppo democratico tedesco.
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We need a similar democratic impetus in today's Europe".
L'Europa necessita oggi di un analogo rinnovamento democratico".
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The Citizens' Dialogue takes place today, 16 July, from 19:00 to 21:00 in Halle02 in Heidelberg.
Il dialogo con i cittadini si svolgerà oggi, 16 luglio, dalle 19.00 alle 21.00 presso Halle02 a Heidelberg.
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It will be webstreamed live and will be moderated by Mathias Zurawski, a journalist from the south-western radio station (SWR).
Sarà trasmesso su internet in diretta Webstream e moderato dal giornalista della SWR Mathias Zurawski.
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Citizens from all over Europe can also participate in the debate via Twitter (#EUdeb8).
Tutti i cittadini europei potranno partecipare al dibattito su Twitter al seguente indirizzo hashtag #EUdeb8.
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In the run-up to the event, interested parties have been able to
obtain information and to participate via Twitter @EU_Muenchen and Facebook.
In vista della manifestazione, i cittadini interessati possono partecipare e raccogliere informazioni attraverso Twitter @EU_Muenchen e Facebook.
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General context
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What are the Citizens' Dialogues about?
Dialoghi con i cittadini: di cosa si tratta?
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In January the European Commission kicked off the European Year of Citizens (IP/13/2), a year dedicated to citizens and their rights.
A gennaio la Commissione europea ha inaugurato l’Anno europeo dei cittadini (IP/13/2), un evento dedicato ai diritti dei cittadini.
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Throughout the year, European Commissioners, MEPs and leading national politicians are taking part in a series of face-to-face debates with citizens in all twenty-eight Member States about their expectations for the future.
Per tutto l’anno i membri della Commissione, del Parlamento europeo e le principali personalità politiche degli Stati membri incontreranno i cittadini discutendo delle loro aspettative circa il futuro dell'Europa in una serie di dialoghi con i cittadini nei 28 Stati membri dell'Unione.
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The Citizens' Dialogue in Heidelberg is the third to be held in Germany, after events in Berlin (10.11.2012) and Düsseldorf (8.5.2013).
Il dialogo con i cittadini di Heidelberg è il terzo che si svolge in Germania, dopo quelli di Berlino (10.11.2012) e di Düsseldorf (8.5.2013).
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Other Citizens' Dialogues have also been held at locations including Cadiz, Coimbra, Graz, Dublin, Turin, Thessaloniki, Brussels, Esch-sur-Alzette, Warsaw and Crete.
Altri dialoghi con i cittadini si svolgeranno, tra l'altro, a Cadice, Graz, Dublino, Torino, Coimbra, Salonicco, Bruxelles, Esch-sur-Alzette, Varsavia e Creta.
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In addition, other citizens' forums were held in Tübingen, Karlsruhe, Mannheim, Erbach and Darmstadt prior to the Heidelberg Citizens' Dialogue in order to involve as many EU citizens as possible in the discussion on Europe's future.
Inoltre, nelle quattro settimane che hanno preceduto il dialogo con i cittadini di Heidelberg, si sono svolti altri incontri a Tübingen, Karlsruhe, Mannheim, Erbach e Darmstadt, per coinvolgere il maggior numero possibile di cittadini dell'Unione nel dibattito circa il futuro dell'Europa.
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You can follow all the debates at the website below indicated.
È possibile seguire i dibattiti all' indirizzo: sotto indicato.
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The Citizens' Dialogues all address people's views on the future of the EU and whether more must be done to promote EU citizens' rights, for example to freedom of movement within the EU, in everyday life.
Tutti i dialoghi con i cittadini si sono concentrati sulle aspettative circa il futuro dell'Unione europea e sull'eventuale necessità di un'azione più decisa per far valere nel quotidiano i diritti dei cittadini, ad esempio quelli relativi alla libera circolazione all'interno dell'UE.
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The results should feed into the proposals for the further development of the EU which the European Commission plans to present in 2014.
I risultati dovranno essere tenuti in considerazione nelle proposte elaborate dalla Commissione UE 2014 per l'ulteriore sviluppo dell'Unione.
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Why is the Commission holding these dialogues just now?
Perché la Commissione ha lanciato questa iniziativa proprio ora?
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Today Europe is at a crossroads.
L'Europa si trova ad una svolta.
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Everyone is talking about the future of Europe. There is often talk of a political union, a federation of national states or the United States of Europe.
Il futuro dell’Unione è un argomento ampiamente dibattuto: si parla spesso di unione politica, di federazione di Stati-nazione e di Stati Uniti d'Europa.
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The coming months and years will be decisive for the future course of the European Union.
I prossimi mesi e anni saranno decisivi per definire il volto futuro dell’Unione.
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Further European integration must go hand in hand with strengthening the Union's democratic legitimacy.
Ma ciò che conta è che, di pari passo con l’integrazione europea, l’Unione acquisisca maggiore legittimità democratica.
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Moreover, people often feel that they are not well enough informed of their rights as EU citizens.
Inoltre, spesso i cittadini non ritengono di essere sufficiente informati in merito ai propri diritti di cittadini dell'UE.
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According to the latest Eurobarometer survey 74% of the citizens questioned (63% in Germany) feel that they are 'Europeans', yet 42% (54% in Germany) do not know which rights this gives them.
Secondo l'ultima indagine Eurobarometro il 74% dei cittadini si sente europeo (in Germania il 63%), mentre il 42% (in Germania il 54%) non è a conoscenza dei diritti che questo comporta.
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The dialogues are a good opportunity to inform EU citizens of their rights and at the same time to get their feedback on the further development of the EU so as to prepare for the 2014 European Parliamentary elections.
I dialoghi rappresentano una buona opportunità per informare i cittadini dell'UE in merito ai propri diritti e al contempo raccogliere i loro pareri circa gli ulteriori sviluppi dell'Unione, in vista delle elezioni del Parlamento europeo del 2014.
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How can citizens influence EU decisions?
In che modo i cittadini possono partecipare al processo decisionale dell'UE?
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Every five years when they elect the European Parliament- the next time in May 2014.
Possono farlo ogni cinque anni in occasione delle elezioni del Parlamento europeo; le prossime si svolgeranno nel maggio 2014.
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The European Parliament subsequently elects the President of the European Commission on a proposal from the European Council.
Il Parlamento europeo, in seguito alla designazione del Consiglio europeo, elegge il Presidente della Commissione europea.
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After its approval by the European Parliament, the Commission as a whole is appointed by the European Council.
La Commissione nel suo complesso è nominata dal Consiglio europeo con l'approvazione del Parlamento europeo.
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The Commission has also recommended that the political parties nominate a candidate for the office of President of the Commission before the next European elections (IP/13/215).
Inoltre, la Commissione ha proposto ai partiti politici di indicare un candidato alla presidenza della Commissione prima delle prossime elezioni europee (IP/13/215).
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All EU citizens have the right to petition the European Parliament on matters falling within the EU's sphere of competence that affect them personally.
Ogni cittadino dell'Unione ha diritto, di presentare una petizione al Parlamento europeo in merito ai temi che rientrano nell'ambito di competenza dell'UE e che destano preoccupazioni a livello personale.
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A European Citizens' Initiative requires at least one million citizens from at least seven Member States to request that the European Commission propose a legislative act.
Con l'iniziativa dei cittadini europei almeno un milione di cittadine e cittadini di almeno sette Stati membri può invitare la Commissione europea a proporre un atto legislativo.
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The Commission regularly conducts consultations on specific matters in which all citizens can participate.
La Commissione organizza regolarmente audizioni su temi specifici a cui tutti i cittadini possono partecipare.
http://ec.europa.eu/european-debate/index_en.htm. |
Dialogue between EU Commissioner Viviane Reding and citizens in Heidelberg:
"The EU needs more democracy"
"Europe is democratic, but must become even more democratic in the
future, if it is to be given new competences".
This is what the Vice-President of the European Commission, Viviane
Reding, is calling for in the run-up to a discussion with citizens, which she
and the Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, will hold
today, 16 July, in Heidelberg.
The discussion is one of the Citizens' Dialogues on the future of
Europe that have been initiated by the Commission.
After twenty-four dialogues in fourteen EU Member States, it is now the
turn of around four hundred citizens in Heidelberg to share with the politicians
their opinions, concerns, visions and questions regarding Europe's future, the
consequences of the economic crisis and their rights as EU citizens.
"Baden-Württemberg is aiming to foster civic participation. That is
something I support. We also need more civic participation in European
questions, and I would like to discuss how best to achieve this with the
participants in Heidelberg," said the Vice-President of the European Commission
responsible for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship.
"The Heidelberg Assembly of 1848 was a milestone on the way to the
assembly in the Paulskirche in Frankfurt, and thus to the development of
democracy in Germany.
We need a similar democratic impetus in today's Europe".
The Citizens' Dialogue takes place today, 16 July, from 19:00 to 21:00
in Halle02 in Heidelberg.
It will be webstreamed live and will be moderated by Mathias Zurawski,
a journalist from the south-western radio station (SWR).
Citizens from all over Europe can also participate in the debate via
Twitter (#EUdeb8).
In the run-up to the event, interested parties have been able to obtain
information and to participate via Twitter @EU_Muenchen and Facebook
General context
What are the Citizens' Dialogues about?
In January the European Commission kicked off the European Year of
Citizens (IP/13/2), a year dedicated to citizens and their rights.
Throughout the year, European Commissioners, MEPs and leading national
politicians are taking part in a series of face-to-face debates with citizens in
all twenty-eight Member States about their expectations for the future.
The Citizens' Dialogue in Heidelberg is the third to be held in
Germany, after events in Berlin (10.11.2012) and Düsseldorf (8.5.2013).
Other Citizens' Dialogues have also been held at locations including
Cadiz, Coimbra, Graz, Dublin, Turin, Thessaloniki, Brussels, Esch-sur-Alzette,
Warsaw and Crete.
In addition, other citizens' forums were held in Tübingen, Karlsruhe,
Mannheim, Erbach and Darmstadt prior to the Heidelberg Citizens' Dialogue in
order to involve as many EU citizens as possible in the discussion on Europe's
You can follow all the debates at the website below indicated.
The Citizens' Dialogues all address people's views on the future of the
EU and whether more must be done to promote EU citizens' rights, for example to
freedom of movement within the EU, in everyday life.
The results should feed into the proposals for the further development
of the EU which the European Commission plans to present in 2014.
Why is the Commission holding these dialogues just now?
Today Europe is at a crossroads.
Everyone is talking about the future of Europe. There is often talk of
a political union, a federation of national states or the United States of
The coming months and years will be decisive for the future course of
the European Union.
Further European integration must go hand in hand with strengthening
the Union's democratic legitimacy.
Moreover, people often feel that they are not well enough informed of
their rights as EU citizens.
According to the latest Eurobarometer survey 74% of the citizens
questioned (63% in Germany) feel that they are 'Europeans', yet 42% (54% in
Germany) do not know which rights this gives them.
The dialogues are a good opportunity to inform EU citizens of their
rights and at the same time to get their feedback on the further development of
the EU so as to prepare for the 2014 European Parliamentary elections.
How can citizens influence EU decisions?
Every five years when they elect the European Parliament- the next time
in May 2014.
The European Parliament subsequently elects the President of the
European Commission on a proposal from the European Council.
After its approval by the European Parliament, the Commission as a
whole is appointed by the European Council.
The Commission has also recommended that the political parties nominate
a candidate for the office of President of the Commission before the next
European elections (IP/13/215).
All EU citizens have the right to petition the European Parliament on
matters falling within the EU's sphere of competence that affect them
A European Citizens' Initiative requires at least one million citizens
from at least seven Member States to request that the European Commission
propose a legislative act.
The Commission regularly conducts consultations on specific matters in
which all citizens can participate.