Secondo l’avvocato generale Jääskinen, il meccanismo francese di finanziamento dell’obbligo di acquisto dell’energia elettrica prodotta da impianti eolici rientra nella nozione di intervento dello Stato o mediante risorse statali
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Data documento: 11-07-2013
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According to Advocate General Jääskinen, the French system for financing the obligation to purchase the electricity generated by wind turbines falls within the concept of aid granted by the State or through State resources
Secondo l’avvocato generale Jääskinen, il meccanismo francese di finanziamento dell’obbligo di acquisto dell’energia elettrica prodotta da impianti eolici rientra nella nozione di intervento dello Stato o mediante risorse statali
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The financial burden arising from the obligation to purchase the electricity generated by wind turbines at more than the market price applies to all electricity consumers in France
Infatti, l’onere diretto a finanziare l’obbligo di acquisto dell’energia elettrica prodotta da impianti eolici ad un prezzo superiore a quello di mercato grava su tutti i consumatori di energia elettrica in Francia
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According to EU law, as interpreted by the Court of Justice, a measure will constitute ‘State aid’ if four cumulative conditions are met:
Secondo il diritto dell’Unione, come interpretato dalla Corte di giustizia, un provvedimento costituisce «aiuto di Stato» se sussistono cumulativamente quattro condizioni:
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there must be an intervention by the State or through State resources;
- si deve trattare di un intervento dello Stato o effettuato mediante risorse statali;
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the intervention must be liable to affect trade between Member States;
- tale intervento deve poter incidere sugli scambi tra gli Stati membri;
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it must confer an advantage on the recipient;
- esso deve concedere un vantaggio al suo beneficiari
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and, lastly, it must distort or threaten to distort competition.
e, infine, - deve falsare o minacciare di falsare la concorrenza.
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Regarding, in particular, the concept of an intervention by the State or through State resources, which is the only condition in respect of which the Conseil d’État (France) has requested interpretation in the present case, the case-law of the Court provides that, in order for advantages to be categorised as aid, they must, first, be granted directly or indirectly through State resources and, second, be imputable to the State.
Per quanto riguarda, in particolare, la nozione di intervento dello Stato o effettuato mediante risorse statali – unico requisito la cui interpretazione è stata chiesta dal Conseil d’État (Francia) nella presente causa – secondo la giurisprudenza della Corte, affinché dei vantaggi possano essere qualificati come aiuti, da un lato, tali vantaggi devono essere concessi direttamente o indirettamente mediante risorse statali e, dall’altro, devono essere imputabili allo Stato.
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Moreover, in view of the limited scope of the question referred, the definitive categorisation of the measure as ‘State aid’ is a matter for the national court.
Peraltro, considerata la portata limitata della questione pregiudiziale, la qualificazione definitiva della misura come «aiuto di Stato» spetterà al giudice nazionale.
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In the present case, French legislation provides that electricity producers generating electricity using wind turbines on the national territory have the benefit of an obligation to purchase the electricity generated in that way.
Nel caso di specie, la normativa francese prevede un obbligo di acquisto dell’energia elettrica di origine eolica a favore di coloro che la producono sul territorio nazionale.
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The undertakings required to purchase that electricity are the distributors operating the network to which the installation is connected, namely Electricité de France (‘EDF’) and the non-nationalised distributors; they are obliged to purchase that electricity at more than the market price.
I soggetti obbligati all’acquisto sono i distributori che gestiscono la rete alla quale è collegato l’impianto, vale a dire la Électricité de France («EDF») ed i distributori non nazionalizzati, che sono tenuti ad acquistare l’energia suddetta ad un prezzo superiore a quello di mercato.
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Consequently, that financing method gives rise to additional costs for electricity distributors.
Di conseguenza, tale modalità di finanziamento genera costi supplementari per i distributori di energia elettrica.
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Previously, the additional costs arising from that purchase obligation were offset by a public service fund for the generation of electricity, which was managed by the Caisse des dépôts et des consignations (‘CDC’) and funded by charges payable by the producers, suppliers and distributors referred to in the relevant legislation.
Precedentemente, i costi supplementari derivanti dall’obbligo di acquisto erano oggetto di una compensazione mediante un fondo di servizio pubblico di produzione di energia elettrica, gestito dalla Caisse des dépôts et des consignations (Cassa depositi e prestiti, «CDC») e alimentato dai contributi dovuti dai produttori, dai fornitori e dai distributori menzionati dalla legge.
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As the national legislation has been amended, it now provides that the additional costs arising from that purchase obligation are to be offset in full by charges payable by the end consumers of electricity in France.
In seguito a modifica, la normativa nazionale prevede ormai che i costi supplementari derivanti dall’obbligo di acquisto siano oggetto di una compensazione integrale, finanziata mediante contributi dovuti dai consumatori finali di energia elettrica stabiliti nel territorio nazionale.
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Vent de Colère! – Fédération Nationale and 11 other applicants have brought an action before the Conseil d’État, considering that the financing mechanism put in place by the amended French legislation constitutes State aid within the meaning of EU law.
L’associazione «Vent de Colère – Fédération nationale» e altri undici ricorrenti si sono rivolti al Conseil d’État, sostenendo che il meccanismo di finanziamento istituito dalla normativa francese modificata rappresenta un aiuto di Stato ai sensi del diritto dell’Unione.
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They are therefore asking the national court to annul the ministerial order of 2008 laying down the conditions for the purchase of electricity generated by wind turbines.
Essi chiedono quindi al giudice nazionale di annullare la regolamentazione ministeriale del 2008 che fissa le condizioni di acquisto dell’energia elettrica di origine eolica.
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In his opinion delivered today, Advocate General Jääskinen proposes that the Court should find that the financing mechanism put in place by the amended French legislation falls within the concept of aid granted by the State or through State resources.
Nelle sue conclusioni odierne l’avvocato generale Jääskinen propone alla Corte di dichiarare che il meccanismo di finanziamento istituito dalla normativa francese modificata rientra nella nozione di intervento dello Stato o effettuato mediante risorse statali.
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When examining the condition relating to the measure being imputable to the State, the Advocate General is of the view that, as the charge levied on end consumers was instituted by French law, the fixing of the contested charge must be considered to be the result of conduct imputable to the French State.
In merito alla condizione relativa all’imputabilità del provvedimento allo Stato, dato che il contributo prelevato presso i consumatori finali è stato istituito dalla legge francese, l’avvocato generale ritiene che la fissazione del contributo contestato debba essere considerata il risultato di un comportamento imputabile allo Stato francese.
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Next, concerning the requirement for the resources to have a State origin, the Advocate General makes reference to the fact that the concept of State aid includes all the financial resources which the State may use to support undertakings.
L’avvocato generale ricorda poi che, per quanto riguarda la condizione relativa all’origine statale delle risorse, la nozione di aiuto di Stato comprende tutti gli strumenti pecuniari che lo Stato può effettivamente utilizzare per sostenere le imprese.
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The fact that those resources constantly remain under public control, and therefore available to the national authorities, is sufficient for them to be categorised as State resources.
Il fatto che tali strumenti restino costantemente sotto il controllo pubblico, e quindi a disposizione delle competenti autorità nazionali, è sufficiente affinché essi siano qualificati come risorse statali.
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Regarding the control exercised by the State, first, the Advocate General observes that public-law bodies have played a part in the mechanism put in place by the French legislation:
Quanto al controllo esercitato dallo Stato, l’avvocato generale constata in primo luogo il ruolo svolto, nell’ambito del meccanismo stabilito dalla normativa francese, da organi rientranti nella sfera del diritto pubblico.
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the amount of the tax which every end consumer of electricity must pay in France is determined annually by a ministerial order.
Infatti, l’importo dell’imposizione cui è soggetto in Francia ciascun consumatore finale di energia elettrica viene fissato annualmente con decreto ministeriale.
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Moreover, even though in practice the legislation in question does not ensure exact equivalence between the additional costs borne by distributors and the charge used to reimburse those distributors, the law lays down the principle that the obligation to purchase electricity generated by wind turbines must be covered in full, which, according to the Advocate General, proves that the State is guaranteeing the mechanism as a whole.
Inoltre, benché la normativa non garantisca, in realtà, una perfetta equivalenza tra i costi supplementari sostenuti dai distributori e l’importo del contributo versato a questi ultimi, la legge sancisce il principio della copertura integrale dell’obbligo di acquisto dell’energia elettrica di origine eolica, il che, secondo l’avvocato generale, prova che lo Stato si fa garante del meccanismo nel suo complesso.
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Furthermore, the law establishes administrative penalty mechanisms in the event of non-payment of the charge.
Per giunta, la legge prevede meccanismi di sanzione amministrativa in caso di mancato versamento del contributo.
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It is settled case-law that funds which are financed through compulsory contributions imposed by national legislation and managed and apportioned in accordance with the provisions of that legislation must be regarded as constituting State resources, even if they are administered by institutions distinct from the public authorities.
Orbene, secondo giurisprudenza costante, i fondi alimentati mediante contributi obbligatori, imposti da una normativa nazionale, nonché gestiti e ripartiti conformemente a detta normativa, devono essere considerati risorse statali anche qualora siano amministrati da enti distinti dalla pubblica autorità.
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Second, the Advocate General points out that the resources obtained from the charges imposed on all consumers pass through a body established under public law and expressly authorised by the State, namely, the CDC.
L’avvocato generale sottolinea in secondo luogo che le risorse ottenute grazie agli oneri imposti a tutti i consumatori transitano per l’ente di diritto pubblico espressamente incaricato dallo Stato, ossia la CDC .
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Lastly, regarding the nature of the resources, the Advocate General observes that the financial burden arising from the obligation to purchase the electricity generated by wind turbines at more than the market price is borne by all consumers of electricity in France, irrespective of whether they purchase green energy or not.
Infine, per quanto riguarda la natura delle risorse, l’avvocato generale constata che l’onere diretto a finanziare l’obbligo di acquisto dell’energia elettrica di origine eolica a un prezzo superiore a quello di mercato grava su tutti i consumatori di energia elettrica in Francia, indipendentemente dal fatto che acquistino o meno energia verde.
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Thus, consumers find themselves unable to opt for or against purchasing renewable energy, contrary to the rules of the liberalised internal electricity market which aim to offer consumers a real choice at fair and competitive prices.
In tal modo, i consumatori si trovano nell’impossibilità di optare per o contro l’acquisto di energia rinnovabile, il che è in contrasto con le norme del mercato interno liberalizzato dell’energia elettrica, le quali mirano a offrire ai consumatori una vera scelta a prezzi equi e concorrenziali.
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The Advocate General’s Opinion is not binding on the Court of Justice.
Le conclusioni dell'avvocato generale non vincolano la Corte di giustizia.
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It is the role of the Advocates General to propose to the Court, in complete independence, a legal solution to the cases for which they are responsible.
Il compito dell'avvocato generale consiste nel proporre alla Corte, in piena indipendenza, una soluzione giuridica nella causa per la quale è stato designato.
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The Judges of the Court are now beginning their deliberations in this case.
I giudici della Corte cominciano adesso a deliberare in questa causa.
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Judgment will be given at a later date.
La sentenza sarà pronunciata in una data successiva.
According to Advocate General Jääskinen, the French system for financing
the obligation to purchase the electricity generated by wind turbines falls
within the concept of aid granted by the State or through State resources
The financial burden arising from the obligation to purchase the
electricity generated by wind turbines at more than the market price applies to
all electricity consumers in France
According to EU law, as interpreted by the Court of Justice, a measure
will constitute ‘State aid’ if four cumulative conditions are met:
there must be an intervention by the State or through State resources;
the intervention must be liable to affect trade between Member States;
it must confer an advantage on the recipient;
and, lastly, it must distort or threaten to distort competition.
Regarding, in particular, the concept of an intervention by the State
or through State resources, which is the only condition in respect of which the
Conseil d’État (France) has requested interpretation in the present case, the
case-law of the Court provides that, in order for advantages to be categorised
as aid, they must, first, be granted directly or indirectly through State
resources and, second, be imputable to the State.
Moreover, in view of the limited scope of the question referred, the
definitive categorisation of the measure as ‘State aid’ is a matter for the
national court.
In the present case, French legislation provides that electricity
producers generating electricity using wind turbines on the national territory
have the benefit of an obligation to purchase the electricity generated in that
The undertakings required to purchase that electricity are the
distributors operating the network to which the installation is connected,
namely Electricité de France (‘EDF’) and the non-nationalised distributors; they
are obliged to purchase that electricity at more than the market price.
Consequently, that financing method gives rise to additional costs for
electricity distributors.
Previously, the additional costs arising from that purchase obligation
were offset by a public service fund for the generation of electricity, which
was managed by the Caisse des dépôts et des consignations (‘CDC’) and funded by
charges payable by the producers, suppliers and distributors referred to in the
relevant legislation.
As the national legislation has been amended, it now provides that the
additional costs arising from that purchase obligation are to be offset in full
by charges payable by the end consumers of electricity in France.
Vent de Colère! – Fédération Nationale and 11 other applicants have
brought an action before the Conseil d’État, considering that the financing
mechanism put in place by the amended French legislation constitutes State aid
within the meaning of EU law.
They are therefore asking the national court to annul the ministerial
order of 2008 laying down the conditions for the purchase of electricity
generated by wind turbines.
In his opinion delivered today, Advocate General Jääskinen proposes
that the Court should find that the financing mechanism put in place by the
amended French legislation falls within the concept of aid granted by the State
or through State resources.
When examining the condition relating to the measure being imputable to
the State, the Advocate General is of the view that, as the charge levied on end
consumers was instituted by French law, the fixing of the contested charge must
be considered to be the result of conduct imputable to the French State.
Next, concerning the requirement for the resources to have a State
origin, the Advocate General makes reference to the fact that the concept of
State aid includes all the financial resources which the State may use to
support undertakings.
The fact that those resources constantly remain under public control,
and therefore available to the national authorities, is sufficient for them to
be categorised as State resources.
Regarding the control exercised by the State, first, the Advocate
General observes that public-law bodies have played a part in the mechanism put
in place by the French legislation:
the amount of the tax which every end consumer of electricity must pay in France
is determined annually by a ministerial order.
Moreover, even though in practice the legislation in question does not
ensure exact equivalence between the additional costs borne by distributors and
the charge used to reimburse those distributors, the law lays down the principle
that the obligation to purchase electricity generated by wind turbines must be
covered in full, which, according to the Advocate General, proves that the State
is guaranteeing the mechanism as a whole.
Furthermore, the law establishes administrative penalty mechanisms in
the event of non-payment of the charge.
It is settled case-law that funds which are financed through compulsory
contributions imposed by national legislation and managed and apportioned in
accordance with the provisions of that legislation must be regarded as
constituting State resources, even if they are administered by institutions
distinct from the public authorities.
Second, the Advocate General points out that the resources obtained
from the charges imposed on all consumers pass through a body established under
public law and expressly authorised by the State, namely, the CDC.
Lastly, regarding the nature of the resources, the Advocate General
observes that the financial burden arising from the obligation to purchase the
electricity generated by wind turbines at more than the market price is borne by
all consumers of electricity in France, irrespective of whether they purchase
green energy or not.
Thus, consumers find themselves unable to opt for or against purchasing
renewable energy, contrary to the rules of the liberalised internal electricity
market which aim to offer consumers a real choice at fair and competitive
The Advocate General’s Opinion is not binding on the Court of Justice.
It is the role of the Advocates General to propose to the Court, in
complete independence, a legal solution to the cases for which they are
The Judges of the Court are now beginning their deliberations in this
Judgment will be given at a later date. |