Due europei su cinque hanno la tessera europea di assicurazione malattia
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Data documento: 11-07-2013
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European Health Insurance Card: two out of five Europeans carry one
Due europei su cinque hanno la tessera europea di assicurazione malattia
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Latest figures show that over 190 million people hold a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), allowing them to get emergency healthcare and so enjoy worry-free holidays when travelling within the European Union, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland.
Secondo gli ultimi dati, oltre 190 milioni di persone sono in possesso di una tessera europea di assicurazione malattia (TEAM), che consente loro di ottenere assistenza sanitaria d’emergenza e quindi di godersi vacanze spensierate quando viaggiano nell’Unione europea, in Svizzera, Liechtenstein, Norvegia e Islanda.
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The number of EHIC holders has been steadily increasing, with 15 million more citizens carrying an EHIC in 2012 compared to the previous year.
Il numero di titolari di TEAM è costantemente aumentato e nel 2012 i cittadini in possesso della tessera erano 15 milioni in più rispetto all’anno precedente.
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European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion László Andor said:
Il Commissario europeo per l'Occupazione, gli affari sociali e l'inclusione, László Andor, ha dichiarato:
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"The European Health Insurance Card is a real success, with two out of five Europeans now holding a card that could save them time and money if they fall ill or get injured during a trip abroad.
"La tessera europea di assicurazione malattia è un vero successo. Attualmente due europei su cinque ne possiedono una, che può far loro risparmiare tempo e denaro se si ammalano o si feriscono durante un viaggio all’estero.
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Most of the time, the EHIC works without any problems.
Nella maggior parte dei casi, la TEAM funziona senza problemi.
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However, if a Member State fails to fulfil its obligations under EU law and refuses to recognise the card, the Commission will take action to defend the rights of European citizens".
Tuttavia, se uno Stato membro non rispetta i propri obblighi derivanti dal diritto dell’UE e rifiuta di riconoscere la tessera, la Commissione si attiva per difendere i diritti dei cittadini europei".
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The EHIC confirms that a person is entitled to receive emergency treatment in the host country's public healthcare system on the same terms and at the same cost as nationals of that country.
La TEAM conferisce al detentore il diritto di ricevere cure urgenti nel sistema sanitario nazionale del paese ospitante alle stesse condizioni e allo stesso prezzo dei cittadini di quel paese.
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The card is issued for free by the national health insurance provider in the home country. The EHIC cannot be used to cover planned treatment in another country.
E' rilasciata gratuitamente dal servizio sanitario nazionale nel paese d'origine e non può essere utilizzata per coprire cure programmate in un altro paese.
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Hospitals that provide public health services are obliged to recognise the EHIC.
Gli ospedali che offrono servizi sanitari pubblici sono obbligati a riconoscere la TEAM.
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In the vast majority of cases, patients presenting the EHIC receive the necessary healthcare and are reimbursed without any problems.
Nella grande maggioranza dei casi, i pazienti che la presentano ricevono la necessaria assistenza sanitaria e sono rimborsati senza problemi.
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In case the EHIC is not accepted, patients should contact the relevant health authority in the country they are visiting.
Qualora la TEAM non sia accettata, i pazienti devono contattare l’autorità sanitaria competente del paese in cui stanno soggiornando.
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The emergency contact numbers are easily accessible via the EHIC application for smartphones and tablets (see below).
I numeri di contatto per le emergenze sono facilmente accessibili tramite l'applicazione TEAM per smartphone e tablet (si veda oltre).
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In case of further refusal, patients should request support from their home country's health authorities.
In caso di rifiuto reiterato, i pazienti devono richiedere l'assistenza delle autorità sanitarie del proprio paese d'origine.
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If they still encounter problems, patients should contact the European Commission.
Se il problema persiste, devono contattare la Commissione europea.
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The Commission can investigate the claims and raise the issue with the authorities of the country concerned, as it recently did with Spain (IP/13/474).
La Commissione può esaminare le denunce e sollevare la questione con le autorità del paese interessato, come ha fatto di recente con la Spagna (IP/13/474).
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Infringement procedures will be opened against any Member State not applying EU law on the use of the EHIC.
Saranno avviati procedimenti di infrazione contro ogni Stato membro che non applica la normativa europea sull’uso della TEAM.
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Download the app!
Scarica l’applicazione!
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The EHIC application gives information about the card, emergency phone numbers, treatments that are covered and costs, how to claim reimbursement and who to contact in case you have lost your card.
L'applicazione TEAM dà informazioni sulla tessera, sui numeri di emergenza, sulle cure coperte e sui costi, sulle modalità per richiedere un rimborso e sulle persone da contattare in caso di smarrimento della tessera.
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The app covers 27 EU countries, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.
L'applicazione copre 27 paesi dell’UE, l'Islanda, il Liechtenstein, la Norvegia e la Svizzera.
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It is available in 24 languages, with the option to switch from one language to another.
E' disponibile in 24 lingue e consente di passare da una lingua all'altra.
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The app will soon be adapted to take into account the recent accession of Croatia to the EU.
Sarà presto adattata per tener conto della recente adesione della Croazia all’UE.
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The app does not replace the EHIC.
L’applicazione non sostituisce la tessera.
European Health Insurance Card: two out of five Europeans carry one
Latest figures show that over 190 million people hold a European Health
Insurance Card (EHIC), allowing them to get emergency healthcare and so enjoy
worry-free holidays when travelling within the European Union, Switzerland,
Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland.
The number of EHIC holders has been steadily increasing, with 15
million more citizens carrying an EHIC in 2012 compared to the previous year.
European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
László Andor said:
"The European Health Insurance Card is a real success, with two out of
five Europeans now holding a card that could save them time and money if they
fall ill or get injured during a trip abroad.
Most of the time, the EHIC works without any problems.
However, if a Member State fails to fulfil its obligations under EU law and
refuses to recognise the card, the Commission will take action to defend the
rights of European citizens".
The EHIC confirms that a person is entitled to receive emergency
treatment in the host country's public healthcare system on the same terms and
at the same cost as nationals of that country.
The card is issued for free by the national health insurance provider
in the home country. The EHIC cannot be used to cover planned treatment in
another country.
Hospitals that provide public health services are obliged to recognise
the EHIC.
In the vast majority of cases, patients presenting the EHIC receive the
necessary healthcare and are reimbursed without any problems.
In case the EHIC is not accepted, patients should contact the relevant
health authority in the country they are visiting.
The emergency contact numbers are easily accessible via the EHIC
application for smartphones and tablets (see below).
In case of further refusal, patients should request support from their
home country's health authorities.
If they still encounter problems, patients should contact the European
The Commission can investigate the claims and raise the issue with the
authorities of the country concerned, as it recently did with Spain (IP/13/474)
Infringement procedures will be opened against any Member State not applying EU
law on the use of the EHIC.
Download the app!
The EHIC application gives information about the card, emergency phone
numbers, treatments that are covered and costs, how to claim reimbursement and
who to contact in case you have lost your card.
The app covers 27 EU countries, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and
It is available in 24 languages, with the option to switch from one
language to another.
The app will soon be adapted to take into account the recent accession
of Croatia to the EU.
The app does not replace the EHIC.