100 milioni di euro per start-up e PMI del settore tecnologico: un sostegno concreto della Commissione
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Data documento: 11-07-2013
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Commission delivers €100 Millions to tech startups and SMEs - puts money where mouth is
100 milioni di euro per start-up e PMI del settore tecnologico: un sostegno concreto della Commissione
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Around 1000 start-ups and other highly innovative companies will receive grants from a new €100m funding round from the European Commission’s Future Internet Public-Private-Partnership to develop apps and other digital services, in areas such as transport, health, smart manufacturing, energy and media.
La nuova tornata di finanziamenti del partenariato pubblico-privato sull’Internet del futuro della Commissione europea prevede sovvenzioni per 100 milioni di EUR a favore di circa 1000 start-up e altre imprese altamente innovative per lo sviluppo di app e altri servizi digitali in settori quali i trasporti, la salute, la produzione intelligente, l’energia e i media.
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European Commission Vice President Neelie Kroes said:
Neelie Kroes, Vicepresidente della Commissione europea, ha dichiarato:
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“I promised action at Le Web in Paris last December and now I am delivering.
“Durante la conferenza «Le Web» a Parigi, nel dicembre scorso, ho promesso un’azione concreta che ora è in fase di attuazione.
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We need more innovation and a more digital economy in Europe and that starts with a better ecosystem for start-ups.
L’Europa ha bisogno di più innovazione e di puntare maggiormente sull’economia digitale, e ciò comincia con un migliore ecosistema per le start-up.
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We’re putting our money where our mouth is.”
Stiamo dando un sostegno concreto lì dove crediamo ce ne sia bisogno.”
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This third stage of the partnership’s funding aims to develop new Internet applications and services for a wide range of areas.
Questa terza fase del finanziamento del partenariato mira a sviluppare nuovi servizi e nuove applicazioni Internet in diversi settori.
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Funding will be channelled through 20 consortia – teams from the internet ecosystem - which includes:
I fondi verranno erogati attraverso 20 consorzi – appartenenti all’ecosistema Internet – tra cui:
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accelerators, crowd-funding platforms, venture capitalists, co-working spaces, regional funding organisations, technology companies and SME associations, technology companies.
acceleratori d’impresa, piattaforme di crowdfunding, società di capitale di rischio, spazi di co-working, organismi di finanziamento regionali, associazioni di PMI e imprese tecnologiche.
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The successful consortia will be selected according to how they plan to maximise the economic impact of their funding across the Internet eco-system.
I consorzi vincitori saranno selezionati in base alle modalità con cui intendono massimizzare l’impatto economico dei fondi nell'ecosistema Internet.
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The services and apps will be built around the technologies developed in Commission’s Future Internet Public-Private Partnership (PPP) programme.
I servizi e le applicazioni si baseranno sulle tecnologie sviluppate nell'ambito del programma di partenariato pubblico-privato (PPP) della Commissione Europea sull'Internet del futuro.
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This funding announcement is the third & final call of the Future Internet PPP, a €500 million partnership launched in 2011 to help businesses and governments capitalise on the mobile Internet and data revolution and to spur innovation and jobs in Europe's digital industries (see IP/11/525).
Questo annuncio di finanziamento rappresenta il terzo e ultimo invito a presentare proposte del PPP sull’Internet del futuro, un partenariato da 500 milioni di EUR avviato nel 2011 per aiutare imprese e governi a trarre il massimo vantaggio dall’Internet mobile e dalla rivoluzione informatica, stimolando l’innovazione e l’occupazione nel settore digitale in Europa (IP/11/525).
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The Future Internet PPP is working to make infrastructures and business processes smarter (i.e. more intelligent, more efficient, more sustainable) through tighter integration with Internet networking and computing capabilities.
Il partenariato mira a rendere più intelligenti infrastrutture e processi aziendali (il che vuol dire anche più efficienti e più sostenibili) attraverso una maggiore integrazione con la rete Internet e le capacità di calcolo.
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The PPP looks at different sectors such as transport, health, media, smart manufacturing and energy. It defines possible innovative business models for these sectors.
Si rivolge a diversi settori quali i trasporti, la salute, i media, la produzione intelligente e l'energia, e definisce possibili modelli aziendali innovativi per tali settori.
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It has developed unique European technologies and the building blocks for tools and services in areas such as cloud, smart cities, big data, and the internet of things.
Esso ha sviluppato tecnologie europee uniche e posto le basi per nuovi strumenti e servizi in settori quali il cloud computing, le città intelligenti, i megadati e l’Internet degli oggetti.
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Five large scale trials started in 2013 to validate the technologies developed in real user settings.
Nel 2013 sono stati avviati cinque test su larga scala per convalidare in contesti d’uso reali le tecnologie sviluppate.
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The sector-specific platforms developed by these trials will be made available to SMEs and web-entrepreneurs to develop services and applications.
Le piattaforme settoriali specifiche messe a punto da questi test saranno messe a disposizione di PMI e imprenditori del web per lo sviluppo di servizi e applicazioni.
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This funding also forms part of the Commission’s StartUp Europe plan for accelerating, connecting and celebrating European entrepreneurship ecosystems so that tech start-ups not only start in Europe, but stay in Europe
Il finanziamento rientra anche nell’iniziativa della Commissione StartUp Europe, volta ad accelerare, collegare e celebrare gli ecosistemi europei per l’imprenditoria, affinché le start-up tecnologiche nascano e rimangano in Europa.
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It consists of:
L’iniziativa include i seguenti elementi:
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- Leaders Club (see IP/13/262) is an independent group of founders in the field of tech entrepreneurship who act as role models for European Web entrepreneurs.
- il Leaders Club (IP/13/262) gruppo indipendente di fondatori nel campo dell’imprenditoria tecnologica che si propongono come modello per gli imprenditori del web europei;
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- Awards & competitions. Europioneers: is an initiative to celebrate Europe's finest technology entrepreneurs by rewarding two tech entrepreneurs of the year (see IP/13/359).
- premi e concorsi. Europioneers: iniziativa per celebrare gli imprenditori europei del settore delle tecnologie, con la proclamazione dei due imprenditori tecnologici dell’anno (IP/13/359).
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Tech All Stars :
Tech All Stars :
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identifies Europe's best young startup and connects them to top EU funding sources, successful entrepreneurs and other influential individuals (see MEMO/13/557).
concorso volto a individuare le migliori giovani start-up d’Europa per porle in contatto con le principali fonti di finanziamento dell’UE, imprenditori di successo ed altre personalità influenti (MEMO/13/557);
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- Networking.
- networking.
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EU Accelerators Network initiates and facilitates the creation of a European network of web business accelerators.
EU Accelerators Network avvia e facilita la creazione di una rete europea di acceleratori di imprese web;
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- Foster EU web talent Europe (through education, such as “Massive Online Open Courses”; supporting networks, programs and resources for bartering, acceleration and incubation, as well as mentoring).
- promozione dei talenti del web in Europa (attraverso la formazione, per esempio con i corsi aperti online (“Massive Online Open Courses”), il sostegno alla creazione di reti, programmi e risorse ai fini dello scambio tra imprese, la loro accelerazione e incubazione, nonché iniziative di patrocinio).
Commission delivers €100 Millions to tech startups and SMEs - puts money
where mouth is
Around 1000 start-ups and other highly innovative companies will
receive grants from a new €100m funding round from the European Commission’s
Future Internet Public-Private-Partnership to develop apps and other digital
services, in areas such as transport, health, smart manufacturing, energy and
European Commission Vice President Neelie Kroes said:
“I promised action at Le Web in Paris last December and now I am
We need more innovation and a more digital economy in Europe and that
starts with a better ecosystem for start-ups.
We’re putting our money where our mouth is.”
This third stage of the partnership’s funding aims to develop new
Internet applications and services for a wide range of areas.
Funding will be channelled through 20 consortia – teams from the
internet ecosystem - which includes:
accelerators, crowd-funding platforms, venture capitalists, co-working spaces,
regional funding organisations, technology companies and SME associations,
technology companies.
The successful consortia will be selected according to how they plan to
maximise the economic impact of their funding across the Internet eco-system.
The services and apps will be built around the technologies developed
in Commission’s Future Internet Public-Private Partnership (PPP) programme.
This funding announcement is the third & final call of the Future
Internet PPP, a €500 million partnership launched in 2011 to help businesses and
governments capitalise on the mobile Internet and data revolution and to spur
innovation and jobs in Europe's digital industries (see IP/11/525).
The Future Internet PPP is working to make infrastructures and business
processes smarter (i.e. more intelligent, more efficient, more sustainable)
through tighter integration with Internet networking and computing capabilities.
The PPP looks at different sectors such as transport, health, media,
smart manufacturing and energy. It defines possible innovative business models
for these sectors.
It has developed unique European technologies and the building blocks
for tools and services in areas such as cloud, smart cities, big data, and the
internet of things.
Five large scale trials started in 2013 to validate the technologies
developed in real user settings.
The sector-specific platforms developed by these trials will be made
available to SMEs and web-entrepreneurs to develop services and applications.
This funding also forms part of the Commission’s StartUp Europe plan
for accelerating, connecting and celebrating European entrepreneurship
ecosystems so that tech start-ups not only start in Europe, but stay in Europe
It consists of:
- Leaders Club (see IP/13/262) is an independent group of founders in the field of tech
entrepreneurship who act as role models for European Web entrepreneurs.
- Awards & competitions. Europioneers: is an initiative to
celebrate Europe's finest technology entrepreneurs by rewarding two tech
entrepreneurs of the year (see IP/13/359).
Tech All Stars
identifies Europe's best young startup and connects them to top EU funding
sources, successful entrepreneurs and other influential individuals (see
- Networking.
EU Accelerators Network initiates and facilitates the creation of a European network of web business
- Foster EU web talent Europe (through education, such as “Massive
Online Open Courses”; supporting networks, programs and resources for bartering,
acceleration and incubation, as well as mentoring).