Sicurezza aerea: la Commissione aggiorna l'elenco delle compagnie aeree soggette a divieto operativo
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Data documento: 10-07-2013
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Aviation safety: Commission updates the European safety list of banned airlines
Sicurezza aerea: la Commissione aggiorna l'elenco delle compagnie aeree soggette a divieto operativo
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The European Commission has updated today for the 21st time the European list of airlines subject to an operating ban or operational restrictions within the European Union, better known as "the EU air safety list".
La Commissione europea ha adottato oggi il 21° aggiornamento dell'elenco europeo delle compagnie aeree soggette a un divieto operativo o ad altre restrizioni operative all'interno dell'Unione europea, meglio noto come "elenco per la sicurezza aerea dell'UE".
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Following improvements in the safety situation in the Philippines, Philippine Airlines is the first airline from this country allowed back into European skies since 2010.
Dopo il miglioramento della situazione per quanto riguarda la sicurezza nelle Filippine, il vettore Philippine Airlines è la prima compagnia aerea di questo paese autorizzata nuovamente a volare nei cieli europei dal 2010.
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The same is true for the Venezuelan airline Conviasa, which was banned in 2012.
Lo stesso vale per la compagnia aerea venezuelana Conviasa, esclusa dallo spazio aereo europeo nel 2012.
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Progress was also noted in Libya but the Libyan authorities agreed that Libyan airlines would not be allowed to operate in Europe until they are fully recertified to the satisfaction of the European Union.
Anche in Libia sono stati osservati dei progressi, ciononostante le autorità di questo paese hanno accettato il mantenimento del divieto operativo in Europa per le compagnie aeree libiche fino a quando queste ultime non avranno ottenuto una completa ricertificazione in grado di soddisfare l'Unione europea.
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Siim Kallas, Commission Vice-President responsible for transport, said:
Siim Kallas, Vicepresidente e Commissario responsabile per i trasporti, ha dichiarato in proposito:
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"The EU air safety list was created for the protection of European skies and citizens, but it can also serve as a wake-up call to countries and airlines in need to get their safety house back in order.
"L'elenco per la sicurezza aerea dell'UE è stato creato per la protezione dei cieli e dei cittadini europei, ma può anche costituire un campanello d'allarme per i paesi e per le compagnie che devono riorganizzare la sicurezza della loro aviazione.
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Today we confirmed our willingness to remove countries and airlines from the list if they show real commitment and capacity to implement international safety standards in a sustainable manner.
Oggi abbiamo confermato la volontà di eliminare dall'elenco i paesi e le compagnie aeree che dimostrino un vero impegno e l'effettiva capacità di applicare in modo sostenibile le norme internazionali di sicurezza.
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Beside Philippines, Venezuela and Mauritania, good signs of progress are also coming from a number of other African countries."
Ai progressi significativi delle Filippine, del Venezuela e della Mauritania, si aggiungono anche segnali positivi da molti altri Stati africani".
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The new list replaces and updates the previous one, adopted in December 2012, and can be consulted on the Commission’s website.
Il nuovo elenco sostituisce e aggiorna il precedente, adottato nel dicembre 2012, consultabile sul sito web della Commissione.
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Taking into account the improved safety oversight provided by the competent authorities of the Philippines, and the ability of the air carrier Philippine Airlines to ensure effective compliance with relevant aviation safety regulations, and following an on-site safety assessment visit last June, it was decided to lift the ban affecting this carrier registered in the Philippines.
Alla luce dei maggiori controlli di sicurezza effettuati dalle autorità competenti delle Filippine, della capacità del vettore Philippine Airlines di garantire l'effettivo rispetto della pertinente normativa in materia di sicurezza dell'aviazione e a seguito di una visita di valutazione in materia di sicurezza effettuata in loco nel giugno scorso, si è deciso di togliere il divieto che colpiva questa compagnia registrata nelle Filippine.
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For all other carriers registered in the Philippines the ban remains.
Per tutti gli altri vettori registrati nelle Filippine il divieto resta.
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Conviasa, registered in Venezuela, was also removed from the EU air safety list, following the successful resolution of the serious safety deficiencies which led to its ban from EU skies in April 2012.
Anche Conviasa, compagnia registrata in Venezuela, è stata rimossa dall'elenco per la sicurezza aerea dell'UE, a seguito della positiva risoluzione delle gravi carenze in materia di sicurezza che hanno portato al divieto di questo vettore dai cieli dell'UE nell'aprile 2012.
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These improvements were proved during consultations with the Commission and the EU's Agency for aviation safety (EASA), and through recent audits performed by Spain and by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in Venezuela.
I miglioramenti sono stati dimostrati durante le consultazioni con la Commissione e con l'Agenzia europea per la sicurezza aerea (AESA) e i recenti audit effettuati dalla Spagna e dall'Organizzazione per l'aviazione civile internazionale (ICAO) in Venezuela.
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In December 2012 Mauritania became the first country to be fully removed from the EU air safety list, where it was added in 2010.
Nel dicembre 2012 la Mauritania è stato il primo paese a essere totalmente rimosso dall'elenco per la sicurezza aerea dell'UE, nel quale era stato inserito nel 2010.
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The improvements that led to this decision were verified during an on-site safety assessment visit conducted by the Commission in April 2013.
I miglioramenti che hanno portato a questa decisione sono stati verificati durante una visita di valutazione in materia di sicurezza effettuata in loco dalla Commissione nell'aprile 2013.
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Consultations were held with the civil aviation authorities of Libya.
Si sono tenute consultazioni con le autorità dell'aviazione civile libica:
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Progress was noted by the Committee, but the Libyan civil aviation authorities agreed to maintain the voluntary restrictions applicable to all airlines licensed in Libya.
benché il comitato abbia osservato alcuni progressi, queste ultime hanno accettato il mantenimento di restrizioni volontarie per tutti i vettori titolari di licenza in Libia.
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This voluntary restriction excludes Libyan airlines from flying into the EU until when they will be fully recertified in accordance with international safety standards.
Tali restrizioni volontarie impediscono alle compagnie libiche di volare nell'UE fino a quando non avranno ottenuto una ricertificazione completa, in grado di soddisfare le norme internazionali di sicurezza.
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The on-going implementation of these measures will remain under close monitoring by the Commission and the EU Air Safety Committee.
La Commissione e il comitato per la sicurezza aerea dell'Unione europea continueranno a sorvegliare attentamente l'attuazione di queste misure, attualmente in corso.
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The Commission also praised the good progress in Sudan as well as in Mozambique. The Commission recognised the efforts of the safety oversight authorities of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Libya, Mauritania, Mozambique, Philippines, Russia and Sudan to reform their civil aviation system and to improve safety, in order to eventually become able to guarantee the effective application of international safety standards.
La Commissione ha inoltre elogiato i progressi del Sudan e del Mozambico, riconoscendo altresì gli sforzi delle autorità di sorveglianza della sicurezza aerea delle Filippine, dell'Indonesia, del Kazakhstan, della Libia, della Mauritania, del Mozambico, della Repubblica democratica del Congo, della Russia e del Sudan, finalizzati a riformare i rispettivi sistemi di aviazione civile e a migliorarne la sicurezza, al fine di poter assicurare l'effettiva applicazione delle norme internazionali di sicurezza.
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The Commission continues to actively provide support and assistance for these reforms in cooperation with ICAO, EU Member States and EASA.
La Commissione continua a offrire attivamente sostegno e assistenza a tali riforme, in cooperazione con l'ICAO, con gli Stati membri dell'UE e con l'AESA.
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Further updates to the EU air safety list were due to the removal of some airlines that ceased to exist and the addition of new ones recently created in a number of banned countries:
Ulteriori aggiornamenti all'elenco per la sicurezza aerea dell'Unione europea sono dovuti all'eliminazione di alcune compagnie aeree che hanno cessato di esistere e all'aggiunta di quelle nate di recente in una serie di paesi soggetti a divieto operativo:
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the Democratic Republic of Congo, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Mozambique, Sudan and the Philippines.
Filippine, Indonesia, Kirghizistan, Mozambico, Repubblica democratica del Congo e Sudan.
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Finally, Annex B of the EU air safety list (which contains carriers allowed to operate in the EU but under strict limitations and conditions) was amended in order to reflect the renewal of the fleet of Air Madagascar (permitted to use an additional aircraft) and of Air Astana from Kazakhstan (the old Fokker aircraft not anymore in use were deleted from the Annex).
È stato infine modificato l'allegato B dell'elenco per la sicurezza aerea dell'UE (che indica i vettori autorizzati a operare nell'Unione ottemperando a rigide restrizioni e condizioni) al fine di rispecchiare il rinnovo della flotta di Air Madagascar (è stato autorizzato l'uso di un aeromobile supplementare) e di Air Astana del Kazakhstan (sono stati rimossi dall'allegato i vecchi aeromobili Fokker che non sono più in uso).
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Today's Commission decision was based on the unanimous opinion of the EU Air Safety Committee in which safety experts from each of the 28 Member States participate, as well as from Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, and EASA.
La decisione odierna della Commissione si basa sul parere unanime del comitato per la sicurezza aerea, composto da rappresentanti di ognuno dei 28 Stati membri dell'Unione europea, nonché di Norvegia, Islanda, Svizzera e dell'AESA.
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Background information
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The updated EU air safety list includes all airlines certified in 20 States, for a total of 278 airlines fully banned from EU skies:
L'elenco per la sicurezza aerea dell'UE aggiornato comprende tutte le compagnie certificate in 20 Stati, per un totale di 278 vettori, soggette a divieto operativo totale nei cieli dell'Unione europea:
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Afghanistan, Angola, Benin, Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Gabon (with the exception of 3 airlines which operate under restrictions and conditions), Indonesia (with the exception of 5 airlines), Kazakhstan (with the exception of one airline which operates under restrictions and conditions), Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Mozambique, Philippines (with the exception of one airline), Sierra Leone, Sao Tome and Principe, Sudan, Swaziland and Zambia.
Afghanistan, Angola, Benin, Eritrea, Filippine (con l'eccezione di un vettore), Gabon (con l'eccezione di 3 vettori soggetti a determinate restrizioni e condizioni), Gibuti, Guinea equatoriale, Indonesia (con l'eccezione di 5 vettori), Kazakhstan (con l'eccezione di un vettore soggetto a determinate restrizioni e condizioni), Kirghizistan, Liberia, Mozambico, Repubblica del Congo, Repubblica democratica del Congo, Sao Tomé e Principe, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Swaziland e Zambia.
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The list also includes 2 individual airlines:
L'elenco comprende anche 2 vettori individuali:
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Blue Wing Airlines from Surinam and Meridian Airways from Ghana, for a grand total of 280 airlines.
Blue Wing Airlines del Suriname e Meridian Airways del Ghana, per un totale complessivo di 280 compagnie aeree.
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Additionally, the list includes 10 airlines subject to operational restrictions and thus allowed to operate into the EU under strict conditions:
L'elenco comprende anche 10 compagnie aeree che sono soggette a restrizioni operative e che, pertanto, sono autorizzate a operare nell'UE ottemperando a rigide condizioni:
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Air Astana from Kazakhstan, Afrijet, Gabon Airlines, and SN2AG from Gabon, Air Koryo from the Democratic People Republic of Korea, Airlift International from Ghana, Air Service Comores from the Comores, Iran Air from Iran, TAAG Angolan Airlines from Angola and Air Madagascar from Madagasca.
Air Astana del Kazakhstan, Afrijet, Gabon Airlines e SN2AG del Gabon, Air Koryo della Repubblica democratica popolare di Corea, Airlift International del Ghana, Air Service Comores delle Comore, Iran Air dell'Iran, TAAG Angolan Airlines dell'Angola ed Air Madagascar del Madagascar.
Aviation safety: Commission updates the European safety list of banned
The European Commission has updated today for the 21st time the
European list of airlines subject to an operating ban or operational
restrictions within the European Union, better known as "the EU air safety
Following improvements in the safety situation in the Philippines,
Philippine Airlines is the first airline from this country allowed back into
European skies since 2010.
The same is true for the Venezuelan airline Conviasa, which was banned
in 2012.
Progress was also noted in Libya but the Libyan authorities agreed that
Libyan airlines would not be allowed to operate in Europe until they are fully
recertified to the satisfaction of the European Union.
Siim Kallas, Commission Vice-President responsible for transport, said:
"The EU air safety list was created for the protection of European
skies and citizens, but it can also serve as a wake-up call to countries and
airlines in need to get their safety house back in order.
Today we confirmed our willingness to remove countries and airlines from the
list if they show real commitment and capacity to implement international safety
standards in a sustainable manner.
Beside Philippines, Venezuela and Mauritania, good signs of progress are also
coming from a number of other African countries."
The new list replaces and updates the previous one, adopted in December
2012, and can be consulted on the Commission’s website.
Taking into account the improved safety oversight provided by the
competent authorities of the Philippines, and the ability of the air carrier
Philippine Airlines to ensure effective compliance with relevant aviation safety
regulations, and following an on-site safety assessment visit last June, it was
decided to lift the ban affecting this carrier registered in the Philippines.
For all other carriers registered in the Philippines the ban remains.
Conviasa, registered in Venezuela, was also removed from the EU air
safety list, following the successful resolution of the serious safety
deficiencies which led to its ban from EU skies in April 2012.
These improvements were proved during consultations with the Commission
and the EU's Agency for aviation safety (EASA), and through recent audits
performed by Spain and by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
in Venezuela.
In December 2012 Mauritania became the first country to be fully
removed from the EU air safety list, where it was added in 2010.
The improvements that led to this decision were verified during an
on-site safety assessment visit conducted by the Commission in April 2013.
Consultations were held with the civil aviation authorities of Libya.
Progress was noted by the Committee, but the Libyan civil aviation
authorities agreed to maintain the voluntary restrictions applicable to all
airlines licensed in Libya.
This voluntary restriction excludes Libyan airlines from flying into
the EU until when they will be fully recertified in accordance with
international safety standards.
The on-going implementation of these measures will remain under close
monitoring by the Commission and the EU Air Safety Committee.
The Commission also praised the good progress in Sudan as well as in
Mozambique. The Commission recognised the efforts of the safety oversight
authorities of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Libya,
Mauritania, Mozambique, Philippines, Russia and Sudan to reform their civil
aviation system and to improve safety, in order to eventually become able to
guarantee the effective application of international safety standards.
The Commission continues to actively provide support and assistance for
these reforms in cooperation with ICAO, EU Member States and EASA.
Further updates to the EU air safety list were due to the removal of
some airlines that ceased to exist and the addition of new ones recently created
in a number of banned countries:
the Democratic Republic of Congo, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Mozambique, Sudan and
the Philippines.
Finally, Annex B of the EU air safety list (which contains carriers
allowed to operate in the EU but under strict limitations and conditions) was
amended in order to reflect the renewal of the fleet of Air Madagascar
(permitted to use an additional aircraft) and of Air Astana from Kazakhstan (the
old Fokker aircraft not anymore in use were deleted from the Annex).
Today's Commission decision was based on the unanimous opinion of the
EU Air Safety Committee in which safety experts from each of the 28 Member
States participate, as well as from Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, and EASA.
Background information
The updated EU air safety list includes all airlines certified in 20
States, for a total of 278 airlines fully banned from EU skies:
Afghanistan, Angola, Benin, Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic
of Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Gabon (with the exception of 3
airlines which operate under restrictions and conditions), Indonesia (with the
exception of 5 airlines), Kazakhstan (with the exception of one airline which
operates under restrictions and conditions), Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Mozambique,
Philippines (with the exception of one airline), Sierra Leone, Sao Tome and
Principe, Sudan, Swaziland and Zambia.
The list also includes 2 individual airlines:
Blue Wing Airlines from Surinam and Meridian Airways from Ghana, for a grand
total of 280 airlines.
Additionally, the list includes 10 airlines subject to operational
restrictions and thus allowed to operate into the EU under strict conditions:
Air Astana from Kazakhstan, Afrijet, Gabon Airlines, and SN2AG from Gabon, Air
Koryo from the Democratic People Republic of Korea, Airlift International from
Ghana, Air Service Comores from the Comores, Iran Air from Iran, TAAG Angolan
Airlines from Angola and Air Madagascar from Madagasca.