L'UE e l'industria uniscono le forze per investire 22 miliardi di euro in ricerca e innovazione
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Data documento: 10-07-2013
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EU and industry join forces to invest €22 billion in research and innovation
L'UE e l'industria uniscono le forze per investire 22 miliardi di euro in ricerca e innovazione
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The European Commission, EU Member States and European industry will invest more than €22 billion over the next seven years in innovation for sectors that deliver high quality jobs.
La Commissione europea, gli Stati membri dell'UE e l'industria europea investiranno più di 22 miliardi di euro nei prossimi sette anni per favorire l'innovazione nei settori che creano posti di lavoro di elevata qualità.
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Most of the investment will go to five public-private partnerships in innovative medicines, aeronautics, bio-based industries, fuel cells and hydrogen, and electronics.
La maggior parte degli investimenti sarà destinata a partenariati pubblico-privato nei campi dei medicinali innovativi, dell'aeronautica, delle bioindustrie, delle celle a combustibile e idrogeno e dell’elettronica.
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These research partnerships will boost the competitiveness of EU industry in sectors that already provide more than 4 million jobs.
Questi partenariati di ricerca daranno slancio alla competitività dell’industria dell’UE in settori che già procurano oltre 4 milioni di posti di lavoro.
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They will also find solutions to major challenges for society that are not being solved quickly enough by the market alone, such as reducing carbon emissions or providing the next generation of antibiotics (MEMO/13/669).
E permetteranno di trovare soluzioni alle importanti sfide che deve affrontare la società e alle quali il mercato da solo non offre risposte abbastanza rapide, quali la riduzione delle emissioni di carbonio o lo sviluppo di antibiotici di nuova generazione (MEMO/13/669).
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The package also proposes to extend an initiative to pool research and innovation investments in Air Traffic Management (SESAR), in support of the Single European Sky (IP/13/664).
Il pacchetto propone inoltre di estendere un'iniziativa per mettere assieme investimenti in ricerca e innovazione nella gestione del traffico aereo, a sostegno del Cielo unico europeo (IP/13/664).
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José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, said:
José Manuel Barroso, Presidente della Commissione europea, ha dichiarato:
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"The EU must remain a leader in strategic global technology sectors that provide high quality jobs.
"L'UE deve conservare un ruolo guida nei settori tecnologici strategici a livello globale che creano posti di lavoro di elevata qualità.
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This innovation investment package combines public and private funding to do just that.
Questo pacchetto di investimenti nell'innovazione combina finanziamenti pubblici e privati per raggiungere proprio questo scopo.
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This is a perfect demonstration of the leverage effect of the EU budget for growth and jobs."
Si tratta della perfetta dimostrazione del fatto che il bilancio dell'UE è un bilancio che favorisce la crescita".
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Overall, a proposed €8 billion investment from the next EU research and innovation programme, Horizon 2020, will secure around €10 billion from industry, and close to €4 billion from EU Member States.
Nel complesso, grazie ad investimenti per 8 miliardi di euro proposti sulla base del prossimo programma UE di ricerca e innovazione (Orizzonte 2020), saranno garantiti circa 10 miliardi di euro da parte dell'industria e quasi 4 miliardi di euro da parte degli Stati membri dell'UE.
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European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science Máire Geoghegan-Quinn said:
Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Commissaria europea per la ricerca, l'innovazione e la scienza, ha dichiarato:
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"These initiatives not only strengthen our economy, they are an investment in a better quality of life.
"Queste iniziative non solo rafforzano la nostra economia, ma sono un investimento in una migliore qualità di vita.
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Working together will enable us to tackle issues that no one company or country can deal with alone."
Questa collaborazione ci consentirà di affrontare questioni che nessuna singola impresa o singolo paese potrebbero fronteggiare da soli".
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The five Public-Private Partnerships, called 'Joint Technology Initiatives' (JTIs), are:
I cinque partenariati pubblico-privato, denominati "Iniziative tecnologiche congiunte" (ITC) sono:
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- Innovative Medicines 2 (IMI2): to develop next generation vaccines, medicines and treatments, such as new antibiotics (Link to factsheet)
- Medicinali innovativi 2 (IMI2): finalizzato allo sviluppo di vaccini, medicinali e terapie di nuova generazione, tra cui nuovi antibiotici (link alla scheda informativa)
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- Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 (FCH2): to expand the use of clean and efficient technologies in transport, industry and energy (Link to factsheet)
- Celle a combustibile e idrogeno 2 (FCH2): finalizzato ad estendere l'uso di tecnologie pulite ed efficienti nei settori dei trasporti, dell'industria e dell'energia (link alla scheda informativa)
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- Clean Sky 2 (CS2): to develop cleaner, quieter aircraft with significantly less CO2 emissions (Link to factsheet)
- Clean Sky 2 (CS2): finalizzato alla progettazione di aeromobili meno inquinanti e più silenziosi, con emissioni di CO2 notevolmente ridotte (link alla scheda informativa)
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- Bio-based Industries (BBI): to use renewable natural resources and innovative technologies for greener everyday products (Link to factsheet)
- Bioindustrie (BBI): finalizzato all'uso di risorse naturali rinnovabili e di tecnologie innovative per ottenere prodotti di consumo più ecologici (link alla scheda informativa)
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- Electronic Components and Systems (ECSEL): to boost Europe’s electronics manufacturing capabilities (Link to factsheet and MEMO/13/673)
- Componenti e sistemi elettronici (ECSEL): finalizzato alla promozione delle capacità di produzione dell’Europa in campo elettronico (link alla scheda informativa e MEMO/13/673).
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The JTIs are open to a wide range of industries across Europe, including SMEs, and all types of research organisations can apply for funding.
Le iniziative tecnologiche congiunte sono aperte ad un'ampia gamma di industrie in tutta Europa, comprese le PMI, e tutti i tipi di organismi di ricerca possono fare domanda di finanziamento.
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The Commission has developed the new initiatives in close partnership with industry, who in turn have committed substantial financial resources.
La Commissione ha sviluppato le nuove iniziative in stretta collaborazione con l'industria, che a sua volta si è impegnata a fornire considerevoli risorse finanziarie.
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Major changes have been introduced to address the criticisms that the current initiatives are overly complex and difficult to participate in.
Sono stati introdotti importanti cambiamenti per rispondere alle critiche nei confronti delle iniziative attualmente in corso in quanto eccessivamente complesse e di difficile partecipazione.
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The Innovative Medicines Initiative, Clean Sky and Fuel Cells and Hydrogen JTIs all currently exist, while the Electronics JTI will combine two current partnerships.
L'iniziativa in materia di medicinali innovativi, l'iniziativa tecnologica congiunta Clean Sky e l'ITC in materia di idrogeno e celle a combustibile sono già in corso, mentre in materia di elettronica verranno combinati due partenariati esistenti.
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The Bio-based Industries JTI is a new initiative.
L’ITC per le bioindustrie è invece un’iniziativa nuova.
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New legislative proposals are needed now to establish the initiatives under the next EU research and innovation programme, Horizon 2020, which is subject to approval by the European Parliament and Council.
Sono ora necessarie nuove proposte legislative per istituire le iniziative nel quadro del prossimo programma di ricerca e innovazione dell'UE (Orizzonte 2020), che dovrà essere approvato dal Parlamento europeo e dal Consiglio.
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The package also includes four public-public partnerships between the European Commission and EU Member States:
Del pacchetto fanno parte anche quattro partenariati pubblico-pubblico tra la Commissione europea e gli Stati membri dell'UE:
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new treatments against poverty-related diseases, measurement technologies for industrial competitiveness, support for high tech SMEs, and solutions for the elderly and disabled to live safely in their homes.
nuovi trattamenti contro le malattie legate alla povertà, tecnologie di misurazione per la competitività industriale, sostegno alle PMI ad alta tecnologia e soluzioni per permettere ad anziani e disabili di vivere nelle proprie case in condizioni di sicurezza.
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The Commission Communication accompanying the legislative proposals also sets out how the Commission intends to strengthen industrial engagement in Horizon 2020 through further public-private partnerships, such as in the areas of Green Cars, Energy Efficient Buildings, Factories of the Future, Sustainable Process Industries, Robotics and Photonics.
La comunicazione della Commissione che accompagna le proposte legislative illustra il modo in cui la Commissione intende rafforzare l'impegno dell'industria nel programma Orizzonte 2020 attraverso ulteriori partenariati pubblico-privato, quali quelli relativi ad automobili ecologiche, edifici efficienti dal punto di vista energetico, fabbriche del futuro, industrie di trasformazione sostenibili, robotica e fotonica.
EU and industry join forces to invest €22 billion in research and
The European Commission, EU Member States and European industry will
invest more than €22 billion over the next seven years in innovation for sectors
that deliver high quality jobs.
Most of the investment will go to five public-private partnerships in
innovative medicines, aeronautics, bio-based industries, fuel cells and
hydrogen, and electronics.
These research partnerships will boost the competitiveness of EU
industry in sectors that already provide more than 4 million jobs.
They will also find solutions to major challenges for society that are
not being solved quickly enough by the market alone, such as reducing carbon
emissions or providing the next generation of antibiotics (MEMO/13/669).
The package also proposes to extend an initiative to pool research and
innovation investments in Air Traffic Management (SESAR), in support of the
Single European Sky (IP/13/664).
José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, said:
"The EU must remain a leader in strategic global technology sectors
that provide high quality jobs.
This innovation investment package combines public and private funding to do
just that.
This is a perfect demonstration of the leverage effect of the EU budget for
growth and jobs."
Overall, a proposed €8 billion investment from the next EU research and
innovation programme, Horizon 2020, will secure around €10 billion from
industry, and close to €4 billion from EU Member States.
European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science Máire
Geoghegan-Quinn said:
"These initiatives not only strengthen our economy, they are an
investment in a better quality of life.
Working together will enable us to tackle issues that no one company or country
can deal with alone."
The five Public-Private Partnerships, called 'Joint Technology
Initiatives' (JTIs), are:
- Innovative Medicines 2 (IMI2): to develop next generation vaccines,
medicines and treatments, such as new antibiotics (Link to factsheet)
- Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 (FCH2): to expand the use of clean and
efficient technologies in transport, industry and energy (Link to factsheet)
- Clean Sky 2 (CS2): to develop cleaner, quieter aircraft with
significantly less CO2 emissions (Link to factsheet)
- Bio-based Industries (BBI): to use renewable natural resources and
innovative technologies for greener everyday products (Link to factsheet)
- Electronic Components and Systems (ECSEL): to boost Europe’s
electronics manufacturing capabilities (Link to factsheet and MEMO/13/673)
The JTIs are open to a wide range of industries across Europe,
including SMEs, and all types of research organisations can apply for funding.
The Commission has developed the new initiatives in close partnership
with industry, who in turn have committed substantial financial resources.
Major changes have been introduced to address the criticisms that the
current initiatives are overly complex and difficult to participate in.
The Innovative Medicines Initiative, Clean Sky and Fuel Cells and
Hydrogen JTIs all currently exist, while the Electronics JTI will combine two
current partnerships.
The Bio-based Industries JTI is a new initiative.
New legislative proposals are needed now to establish the initiatives
under the next EU research and innovation programme, Horizon 2020, which is
subject to approval by the European Parliament and Council.
The package also includes four public-public partnerships between the
European Commission and EU Member States:
new treatments against poverty-related diseases, measurement technologies for
industrial competitiveness, support for high tech SMEs, and solutions for the
elderly and disabled to live safely in their homes.
The Commission Communication accompanying the legislative proposals
also sets out how the Commission intends to strengthen industrial engagement in
Horizon 2020 through further public-private partnerships, such as in the areas
of Green Cars, Energy Efficient Buildings, Factories of the Future, Sustainable
Process Industries, Robotics and Photonics.