La Commissione europea stanzia 600 milioni di euro per nuove ricerche finalizzate a sbloccare la congestione dello spazio aereo in Europa
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Data documento: 10-07-2013
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European Commission invests €600 million in new research to unblock congestion in Europe's airspace
La Commissione europea stanzia 600 milioni di euro per nuove ricerche finalizzate a sbloccare la congestione dello spazio aereo in Europa
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The European Commission has today announced €600 million of new funding to unblock congestion in Europe's airspace.
La Commissione europea ha annunciato oggi lo stanziamento di 600 milioni di euro per finanziare nuove ricerche finalizzate a sbloccare la congestione dello spazio aereo in Europa.
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The Commission is looking to head off a capacity crunch as the number of flights is forecast to increase by 50% over the next 10-20 years.
La decisione della Commissione mira a prevenire una crisi di capacità, dal momento che nei prossimi 10-20 anni si prevede un aumento del 50% del numero dei voli.
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The goal is to develop the new technology needed to deliver Europe's Single Sky – the ambitious project to reform Europe's airspace, doubling capacity and halving air traffic management costs.
L'iniziativa mira a sviluppare la nuova tecnologia necessaria alla realizzazione del cielo unico europeo — l'ambizioso progetto di riforma dello spazio aereo europeo per raddoppiare la capacità e dimezzare i costi di gestione del traffico aereo.
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EU Transport Commissioner Siim Kallas said, "Europe's skies and airports risk saturation.
Siim Kallas, commissario UE per i trasporti, ha dichiarato:
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If we leave things as they are, we will be confronted with heavy congestion and chaos in our airspace.
"I cieli e gli aeroporti europei sono a rischio di saturazione.Se non interveniamo, dovremo fare fronte a una situazione di grave congestione e caos nel nostro spazio aereo.
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On the ground, airports will be so crowded that there will be 2 million flights unable to take off or land.
A terra, gli aeroporti saranno così affollati da rendere impossibile il decollo e l'atterraggio di due milioni di voli.
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Increased congestion brings with it increased safety risk- as well as delays and real economic costs.
Un aumento della congestione comporta rischi più elevati per la sicurezza, oltre a ritardi e costi economici reali.
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This vital research funding holds the keys to unlocking the technology needed to deliver a cleaner, more efficient, European airspace fit for the 21st century."
Questo finanziamento essenziale alla ricerca è la chiave per sbloccare la tecnologia necessaria per realizzare uno spazio europeo più pulito ed efficiente, adatto per il XXI secolo.
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Inefficiencies in Europe's fragmented airspace bring extra costs of close to 5 billion Euros each year to airlines and their customers.
Le inefficienze dovute alla frammentarietà dello spazio aereo europeo comportano ogni anno costi straordinari per quasi 5 miliardi di euro a carico delle compagnie aeree e dei loro clienti.
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They add 42 kilometres to the distance of an average flight forcing aircraft to burn more fuel, generate more emissions, pay more in costly user charges and suffer greater delays.
In media un volo percorre 42 chilometri più del necessario, costringendo gli aeromobili a consumare più carburante, generare maggiori emissioni, pagare maggiori diritti di utilizzo, già costosi di per sé, senza parlare dell’aumento dei ritardi.
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The United States controls the same amount of airspace, with more traffic, at almost half the cost.
Gli Stati Uniti controllano uno spazio aereo della stessa estensione, con un traffico superiore e con la metà dei costi.
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This research is critical to delivering the Single European Sky, the flagship project to create a single European airspace – tripling capacity and halving air traffic costs.
La ricerca in questione è essenziale per realizzare il cielo unico europeo, il progetto faro finalizzato a creare uno spazio aereo europeo unico, in grado di triplicare la capacità e dimezzare i costi del traffico aereo.
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It will continue to be managed by the Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research (SESAR) Joint Undertaking (JU) - whose mandate will be prolonged for a further 8 years, until 2024.
La ricerca continuerà ad essere gestita dall'impresa comune per la ricerca sulla gestione del traffico aereo nel cielo unico europeo (SESAR), il cui mandato sarà prorogato di ulteriori 8 anni, fino al 2024.
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The research aims to make flying cleaner, cheaper and safer.
La ricerca mira a rendere il trasporto aereo più pulito, economico e più sicuro.
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The new funding will focus on
I nuovi finanziamenti saranno destinati a:
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- developing means to allow airlines to fly their preferred (and more direct) routes, using new technologies for data exchange between air and ground;
- sviluppare strumenti per consentire alle compagnie aeree di gestire le rotte preferite (e più dirette), utilizzando nuove tecnologie per lo scambio di dati terra-aria;
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- integrating new types of aircraft, such as drones, in the air traffic management system;
- integrare nuovi tipi di aeromobile, quali gli aeromobili senza pilota, nel sistema di gestione del traffico aereo;
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- optimising traffic management, in particular on the ground; for example to make the access to and exit from the runways more efficient and safer in all weather conditions.
- ottimizzare la gestione del traffico aereo, in particolare a terra, rendendo, ad esempio, più efficienti e sicuri l’accesso e l’uscita dalle piste in qualsiasi condizione meteorologica.
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The project involves more than 2500 experts covering the full range of air traffic management (ATM) expertise.
Il progetto vede la partecipazione di più di 2 500 esperti in grado di coprire l’intera gamma delle competenze di gestione del traffico aereo (ATM).
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Their work on coordinated ATM related research will continue, as well as development and validation activities, including large scale demonstrations.
Essi proseguiranno il loro lavoro su un sistema coordinato di gestione del traffico aereo come pure le attività di sviluppo e convalida, compresi i progetti di dimostrazione su larga scala.
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The extension of the SESAR JU shows the Commission's strong commitment to the Single European Sky project (see IP 13/523) and recognises the importance of the results that the SESAR JU has already achieved to date.
La proroga dell’impresa comune SESAR dimostra il fermo impegno della Commissione alla realizzazione del progetto del cielo unico europeo (cfr. IP 13/523) e riconosce l’importanza dei risultati conseguiti fino ad oggi dall'impresa comune SESAR.
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The SESAR JU will continue to be co-financed by Eurocontrol and the aviation industry.
L’impresa comune SESAR continuerà a essere cofinanziata da Eurocontrol e dall’industria aeronautica.
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The EU's share of the funding for the extension, amounting to a maximum of 600 million Euros, will come from the Horizon 2020 programme, as part of the EU's new Multi-Annual Financial Framework.
La quota del finanziamento UE relativo alla proroga dell'impresa comune, per un importo massimo di 600 milioni di euro, sarà prelevata dalla dotazione del programma Orizzonte 2020, parte integrante del nuovo quadro finanziario pluriennale dell'Unione europea.
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This is part of an estimated total budget covering the new work programme of the extended SESAR JU of €1.6 billion.
Si tratta di una quota della dotazione totale indicativa di 1,6 miliardi di euro destinata al nuovo programma di lavoro dell'impresa comune SESAR oggetto della proroga.
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Indicatively, this budget will support ATM exploratory research (6%), applied research (47%), pre-industrial development (28%) and large scale demonstration projects (9%).
A titolo indicativo, il bilancio finanzierà la ricerca esplorativa ATM (6%), la ricerca applicata (47%), lo sviluppo nella fase preindustriale (28%) e i progetti di dimostrazione su vasta scala (9%).
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The SESAR JU is a unique public-private partnership that aims to develop a new generation of air traffic management (ATM) system capable of coping with growing air traffic, under the safest, most cost-efficient and environmentally friendly conditions.
L’impresa comune SESAR è un partenariato pubblico-privato unico nel suo genere finalizzato a sviluppare una nuova generazione di sistemi di gestione del traffico aereo (ATM) in grado di far fronte al crescente traffico aereo in condizioni più sicure, più efficienti sotto il profilo dei costi e più ecologiche.
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It is also the “guardian” of the European ATM Master Plan, the roadmap for all SESAR JU’s activities and their future deployment.
SESAR svolge inoltre il ruolo di "custode" del piano europeo di modernizzazione ATM, della tabella di marcia di tutte le attività dell’impresa comune SESAR e delle loro future applicazioni.
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The SESAR JU was established in 2007 to coordinate all the ATM related research and development activities in the EU under the 2007-2013 financial perspectives, which limited the duration of the Joint Undertaking to 31 December 2016.
L’impresa comune SESAR è stata istituita nel 2007 per coordinare tutte le attività di ricerca e sviluppo sui sistemi ATM nell'Unione europea nell’ambito delle prospettive finanziarie 2007-2013, cosa questa che ha limitato la durata dell’impresa comune al 31 dicembre 2016.
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The 2 founding members of the SESAR JU, (the EU and Eurocontrol) and its other 15 members, which include public and private entities such as aircraft manufacturer Airbus, major national air navigation service providers and airports and equipment manufacturers, such as Thales, Indra, Alenia Aermacchi, Frequentis, Selex SI and Honeywell, have already confirmed their commitment to continue their work in SESAR.
I due membri fondatori dell’impresa comune SESAR (l’UE ed Eurocontrol) e gli altri 15 membri, tra cui enti pubblici e imprese private, come il costruttore aeronautico Airbus, i principali fornitori nazionali di servizi di navigazione aerea, i costruttori di aeroporti e apparecchiature, quali Thales, Indra, Alenia Aermacchi, Frequentis, Selex SI e Honeywell, hanno già confermato il proprio impegno a proseguire le attività nell'ambito di SESAR.
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The SESAR JU has a critical role to play in developing the technology to deliver the Single European Sky, the flagship project to create a single European airspace:
L'impresa comune SESAR svolge un ruolo chiave nello sviluppo delle tecnologie necessarie per la creazione del cielo unico europeo, il progetto faro finalizzato a creare uno spazio aereo europeo unico:
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- Cutting ATM-related expenses for airspace users in half
- riducendo della metà i costi relativi ai sistemi ATM che gravano sugli utenti dello spazio aereo;
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- Reducing by 10% the effects flights have on the environment
- riducendo del 10 % l’impatto ambientale dei voli;
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- Delivering a 3-fold increase in capacity which will also reduce delays both on the ground and in the air
- triplicando la capacità con conseguente riduzione dei ritardi, sia a terra che in volo;
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- Improving safety by a factor of 10.
- migliorando la sicurezza di un fattore 10.
European Commission invests €600 million in new research to unblock
congestion in Europe's airspace
The European Commission has today announced €600 million of new funding
to unblock congestion in Europe's airspace.
The Commission is looking to head off a capacity crunch as the number
of flights is forecast to increase by 50% over the next 10-20 years.
The goal is to develop the new technology needed to deliver Europe's
Single Sky – the ambitious project to reform Europe's airspace, doubling
capacity and halving air traffic management costs.
EU Transport Commissioner Siim Kallas said, "Europe's skies and
airports risk saturation.
If we leave things as they are, we will be confronted with heavy congestion and
chaos in our airspace.
On the ground, airports will be so crowded that there will be 2 million flights
unable to take off or land.
Increased congestion brings with it increased safety risk- as well as delays and
real economic costs.
This vital research funding holds the keys to unlocking the technology needed to
deliver a cleaner, more efficient, European airspace fit for the 21st century."
Inefficiencies in Europe's fragmented airspace bring extra costs of
close to 5 billion Euros each year to airlines and their customers.
They add 42 kilometres to the distance of an average flight forcing
aircraft to burn more fuel, generate more emissions, pay more in costly user
charges and suffer greater delays.
The United States controls the same amount of airspace, with more
traffic, at almost half the cost.
This research is critical to delivering the Single European Sky, the
flagship project to create a single European airspace – tripling capacity and
halving air traffic costs.
It will continue to be managed by the Single European Sky Air Traffic
Management Research (SESAR) Joint Undertaking (JU) - whose mandate will be
prolonged for a further 8 years, until 2024.
The research aims to make flying cleaner, cheaper and safer.
The new funding will focus on
- developing means to allow airlines to fly their preferred (and more direct)
routes, using new technologies for data exchange between air and ground;
- integrating new types of aircraft, such as drones, in the air traffic
management system;
- optimising traffic management, in particular on the ground; for example to
make the access to and exit from the runways more efficient and safer in all
weather conditions.
The project involves more than 2500 experts covering the full range of
air traffic management (ATM) expertise.
Their work on coordinated ATM related research will continue, as well
as development and validation activities, including large scale demonstrations.
The extension of the SESAR JU shows the Commission's strong commitment
to the Single European Sky project (see IP 13/523) and recognises the importance
of the results that the SESAR JU has already achieved to date.
The SESAR JU will continue to be co-financed by Eurocontrol and the
aviation industry.
The EU's share of the funding for the extension, amounting to a maximum
of 600 million Euros, will come from the Horizon 2020 programme, as part of the
EU's new Multi-Annual Financial Framework.
This is part of an estimated total budget covering the new work
programme of the extended SESAR JU of €1.6 billion.
Indicatively, this budget will support ATM exploratory research (6%),
applied research (47%), pre-industrial development (28%) and large scale
demonstration projects (9%).
The SESAR JU is a unique public-private partnership that aims to
develop a new generation of air traffic management (ATM) system capable of
coping with growing air traffic, under the safest, most cost-efficient and
environmentally friendly conditions.
It is also the “guardian” of the European ATM Master Plan, the roadmap
for all SESAR JU’s activities and their future deployment.
The SESAR JU was established in 2007 to coordinate all the ATM related
research and development activities in the EU under the 2007-2013 financial
perspectives, which limited the duration of the Joint Undertaking to 31 December
The 2 founding members of the SESAR JU, (the EU and Eurocontrol) and
its other 15 members, which include public and private entities such as aircraft
manufacturer Airbus, major national air navigation service providers and
airports and equipment manufacturers, such as Thales, Indra, Alenia Aermacchi,
Frequentis, Selex SI and Honeywell, have already confirmed their commitment to
continue their work in SESAR.
The SESAR JU has a critical role to play in developing the technology
to deliver the Single European Sky, the flagship project to create a single
European airspace:
- Cutting ATM-related expenses for airspace users in half
- Reducing by 10% the effects flights have on the environment
- Delivering a 3-fold increase in capacity which will also reduce delays both on
the ground and in the air
- Improving safety by a factor of 10. |