Cintura blu: la Commissione semplifica le formalità doganali delle navi
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Data documento: 08-07-2013
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Blue Belt: Commission eases customs formalities for ships
Cintura blu: la Commissione semplifica le formalità doganali delle navi
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The Commission has today set out plans to ease custom formalities for ships – reducing red tape, cutting delays in ports and making the sector more competitive.
La Commissione ha presentato oggi i piani per semplificare le formalità doganali delle navi, come lo snellimento delle formalità burocratiche, la riduzione dei ritardi nei porti e una maggiore competitività del settore.
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Today, freight forwarders and exporters complain that if they chose to send goods across Europe by short sea shipping, the heavy administrative burden at ports causes additional costs and significant delays - ships can wait for hours and sometimes days in ports for customs clearance.
Attualmente, gli spedizionieri e gli esportatori lamentano costi aggiuntivi e ritardi significativi a causa dei pesanti oneri amministrativi nei porti quando decidono di inviare merci attraverso l'Europa tramite trasporto marittimo a corto raggio: le navi infatti possono attendere ore, e talvolta giorni, nei porti per lo sdoganamento.
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These make the maritime sector less attractive compared to other forms of transport, especially road, unnecessarily bringing more trucks on our already congested roads.
Ciò rende il settore marittimo meno interessante rispetto ad altri modi di trasporto, in particolare al trasporto stradale, aumentando inutilmente il traffico di mezzi pesanti sulle già congestionate strade europee.
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With today's new Commission proposals, shipping transport will face less administrative hurdles and therefore be able to be used to its full potential in the EU internal market and beyond.
Grazie alle nuove proposte odierne della Commissione, il trasporto marittimo dovrà affrontare meno ostacoli amministrativi e sarà quindi possibile sfruttarne al massimo le potenzialità nel mercato interno dell'UE e non solo.
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Vice-President Siim Kallas, responsible for Transport said:
Il Vicepresidente Siim Kallas, responsabile dei Trasporti, ha dichiarato:
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"Europe is faced with major challenges in terms of rising congestion and pollution.
"L'Europa deve affrontare notevoli sfide in termini di aumento del traffico e di inquinamento.
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We need short sea shipping to fulfil its potential and provide a low cost, environmentally-friendly transport solution, taking more goods off lorries and off our congested roads.
Occorre sfruttare al massimo le potenzialità del trasporto marittimo a corto raggio e fornire una soluzione di trasporto rispettosa dell'ambiente e a basso costo, che possa trasportare più merci e ridurre il traffico della congestionata rete stradale europea.
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We are proposing innovative tools to cut red tape and help make the shipping sector a more attractive alternative for customers looking to move goods around the EU."
Proponiamo strumenti innovativi per ridurre la burocrazia e contribuire a rendere il settore navale un'alternativa più attraente per i clienti che desiderano far circolare merci all'interno dell'UE."
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Commissioner Algirdas Semeta, responsible for taxation and customs union:
Algirdas Šemeta, Commissario per la Fiscalità e l'unione doganale ha dichiarato:
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"The Blue Belt will bring the single market to the seas.
"La cintura blu estenderà il mercato unico al mare.
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The proposed measures will greatly benefit shipping as they will reduce costs, simplify administration, facilitate trade and create a level playing field between all types of transport.
Il trasporto marittimo trarrà notevoli vantaggi dalla misure proposte, che ridurranno i costi, semplificheranno l'amministrazione, agevoleranno gli scambi e creeranno pari condizioni di concorrenza tra tutti i modi di trasporto.
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At the same time this will simplify customs' work so they can better target security risks and focus on protecting our citizens and businesses."
Nel contempo semplificheranno il lavoro delle autorità doganali, che potranno affrontare meglio i rischi in materia di sicurezza e concentrarsi sulla protezione dei cittadini e delle imprese."
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Today's Communication "Blue Belt: a Single Transport Area for Shipping" sets out two key proposals to ease formalities for shipping by amending the existing Customs Code (CCIP, Customs Code Implementing Provisions).
La comunicazione odierna "La cintura blu: uno spazio unico del trasporto marittimo" definisce due proposte chiave per semplificare le formalità relative al trasporto marittimo, modificando l'attuale codice doganale (disposizioni di applicazione del codice doganale).
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1. Easing customs formalities for intra-EU shipping
1. Semplificazione delle formalità doganali per il traffico marittimo intraunionale
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Shipping companies, using a regular route within the EU and transporting mainly EU goods, can already benefit from lighter customs procedures (under the Regular Shipping Services procedures).
Le compagnie di navigazione che effettuano servizi di linea nell'UE e che trasportano principalmente merci di provenienza unionale possono già beneficiare di procedure doganali semplificate (nella forma delle procedure per i servizi di linea).
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New proposals, submitted by the Commission in June 2013, will upgrade this Regular Shipping Services to make the procedures, shorter and more flexible.
Le nuove proposte presentate dalla Commissione nel giugno 2013 miglioreranno i servizi di linea per rendere più rapide e più flessibili le procedure.
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The consultation period for Member States will be shortened to 15, from 45 days. And companies will be able to apply in advance for an authorisation for Member States where they may want to do business- to save time if that business opportunity arises.
La fase di consultazione per gli Stati membri sarà ridotta a 15 giorni, rispetto agli attuali 45, mentre le imprese potranno chiedere anticipatamente l'autorizzazione per gli Stati membri in cui potrebbero voler operare, al fine di risparmiare tempo qualora si presentassero opportunità commerciali in tal senso.
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2. Easing customs formalities for ships that call in third country ports
2. Semplificazione delle formalità doganali per le navi che fanno scalo nei porti di paesi terzi
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Almost 90% of ships carry both EU and non EU goods and stop frequently at EU and non-EU ports for example in Norway, Northern Africa and Russia.
Quasi il 90% delle navi trasporta merci sia unionali che extraunionali e spesso fa scalo in porti dell'UE e di paesi terzi, ad esempio Norvegia, paesi dell'Africa settentrionale e Russia.
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For these ships, the Commission is proposing to significantly improve customs procedures by putting in place a system which can distinguish between the Union goods on board (which should be swiftly discharged) and the non-Union goods on board, which must go through the appropriate customs procedures.
Per queste navi la Commissione propone di migliorare in modo significativo le procedure doganali, istituendo un sistema che consenta di distinguere tra le merci unionali a bordo (che devono essere scaricate rapidamente) e le merci extraunionali, che devono essere sottoposte alle opportune procedure doganali.
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For this purpose, the Commission will bring forward before the end of the year a proposal to create a harmonised electronic cargo declaration.
A tal fine, la Commissione presenterà entro la fine dell'anno una proposta per la definizione di una dichiarazione di carico elettronica armonizzata.
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This new "eManifest" allows the shipping company to provide in all manifests (intra-EU and extra-EU) information on the status of goods to customs officials.
Questo nuovo manifesto elettronico consente alle compagnie di navigazione di fornire alle autorità doganali, in tutti i manifesti (intra ed extraunionali), informazioni relative allo status delle merci.
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It is expected that these two measures will make the Blue Belt a reality by 2015.
Si prevede che queste due misure concretizzeranno la cintura blu entro il 2015.
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Shipping matters: 75 % of European external trade by volume and 37% of EU internal trade are carried by shipping.
Il settore del trasporto marittimo è importante: il 75% del commercio estero europeo in termini di volume e il 37% degli scambi all'interno dell'UE si basano sul trasporto marittimo.
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The current situation: Free movement of goods is a basic freedom under EU law, however it is not yet a reality for the maritime sector.
Questa la situazione attuale: la libera circolazione delle merci è una libertà fondamentale nell'ambito del diritto dell'UE, tuttavia non è ancora una realtà per il settore marittimo.
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Today a ship moving between Antwerp and Rotterdam is still treated as though it came from China.
Oggi una nave che si sposta tra Anversa e Rotterdam è ancora trattata come se provenisse dalla Cina.
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Per quale motivo?
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Because, once ships leave the Member States' territorial waters (beyond 12 miles from shore) they are considered to pass the EU's external borders.
Perché quando le navi escono dalle acque territoriali degli Stati membri (oltre 12 miglia dalla costa), si ritiene che oltrepassino le frontiere esterne dell'Unione.
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So ships travelling between ports in two different Member States are deemed to have left the EU Customs Territory and customs formalities are required when the vessel leaves the port of departure and again when the vessel arrives at the port of destination, even if both are EU ports.
Si ritiene quindi che le navi che viaggiano tra porti situati in due Stati membri diversi escano dal territorio doganale dell'UE e che siano necessarie formalità doganali sia quando la nave lascia il porto di partenza sia quando arriva al porto di destinazione, nonostante siano entrambi porti dell'UE.
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According to the European Shipowners Association (ECSA) on the basis of information received by their members (shipping companies), savings from simplifying administrative procedures can go up to around 25€ per container.
Secondo l'Associazione degli armatori europei (ECSA), in base alle informazioni ricevute dai loro membri (compagnie di navigazione), i risparmi ottenuti grazie alla semplificazione delle procedure amministrative possono arrivare a circa 25 EUR per container.
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Apart from saving money, saving time is even more important.
Oltre al risparmio di denaro, il risparmio di tempo è ancora più importante:
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Today, a lot of customers (e.g.exporters) choose road transport over maritime transport because of the time constraints.
attualmente, numerosi clienti (ad esempio gli esportatori) preferiscono il trasporto su strada al trasporto marittimo a causa dei vincoli di tempo.
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Share of freight carried inside the EU by transport mode:45.3% road, 11.0% rail, 3.7% inland waterways, 3.1% pipelines, 36.8% sea (i.e. short sea shipping), 0.1% air (Source: http://ec.europa.eu/transport/facts-fundings/statistics/pocketbook-2013_en.htm, in tonne-kilometers).
Quota di merci trasportate all'interno dell'UE per modo di trasporto: 45,3% su strada, 11% per ferrovia, 3,7% per vie navigabili, 3,1% tramite condotte, 36,8% per mare (ad esempio con trasporto marittimo a corto raggio), 0,1% per via aerea (Fonte:
http://ec.europa.eu/transport/facts-fundings/statistics/pocketbook-2013_en.htm,in tonnellate/km).
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The Blue Belt Communication adopted today not only sets out proposals to create a Blue Belt- an area where ships can operate freely within the EU internal market with the minimum of administrative burden while safety, security environmental protection, as well as customs and tax policies are strengthened but it also proposes the extension of these simplifications to extra-EU voyages by the use of better monitoring and reporting systems.
La comunicazione sulla cintura blu, adottata oggi, non presenta solo lo proposte intese a creare una cintura blu, ovvero uno spazio in cui le navi possono operare liberamente nel mercato interno dell'UE con un minimo di oneri amministrativi e contemporaneamente in cui la sicurezza di persone e cose, la tutela dell'ambiente e le politiche doganali e tributarie sono potenziate, ma propone anche l'estensione di queste semplificazioni ai viaggi extraunionali mediante l'uso di migliori sistemi di monitoraggio e di rapportazione.
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The Blue Belt proposals go hand in hand with the Ports Policy Review adopted on May 23 2013, which aims to promote the competitiveness of Europe's sea ports and unleash their growth potential (see MEMO/13/448).
Le proposte relative alla cintura blu vanno di pari passo con il riesame della politica portuale adottato il 23 maggio 2013, che mira a promuovere la competitività dei porti marittimi europei e a liberarne le potenzialità di crescita (cfr MEMO/13/448).
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The Communication follows the launch of the Single Market Act II in October 2012 (see IP/12/1054) and is an extension of the Blue belt pilot project managed by the European Maritime Safety Agency in 2011.
La comunicazione fa seguito al lancio dell'Atto per il mercato unico II nell'ottobre 2012 (cfr.IP/12/1054) ed è un'estensione del Progetto pilota sulla cintura blu gestito dall'Agenzia europea per la sicurezza marittima nel 2011.
Blue Belt: Commission eases customs formalities for ships
The Commission has today set out plans to ease custom formalities for
ships – reducing red tape, cutting delays in ports and making the sector more
Today, freight forwarders and exporters complain that if they chose to
send goods across Europe by short sea shipping, the heavy administrative burden
at ports causes additional costs and significant delays - ships can wait for
hours and sometimes days in ports for customs clearance.
These make the maritime sector less attractive compared to other forms
of transport, especially road, unnecessarily bringing more trucks on our already
congested roads.
With today's new Commission proposals, shipping transport will face
less administrative hurdles and therefore be able to be used to its full
potential in the EU internal market and beyond.
Vice-President Siim Kallas, responsible for Transport said:
"Europe is faced with major challenges in terms of rising congestion
and pollution.
We need short sea shipping to fulfil its potential and provide a low
cost, environmentally-friendly transport solution, taking more goods off lorries
and off our congested roads.
We are proposing innovative tools to cut red tape and help make the
shipping sector a more attractive alternative for customers looking to move
goods around the EU."
Commissioner Algirdas Semeta, responsible for taxation and customs
"The Blue Belt will bring the single market to the seas.
The proposed measures will greatly benefit shipping as they will reduce costs,
simplify administration, facilitate trade and create a level playing field
between all types of transport.
At the same time this will simplify customs' work so they can better target
security risks and focus on protecting our citizens and businesses."
Today's Communication "Blue Belt: a Single Transport Area for Shipping"
sets out two key proposals to ease formalities for shipping by amending the
existing Customs Code (CCIP, Customs Code Implementing Provisions).
1. Easing customs formalities for intra-EU shipping
Shipping companies, using a regular route within the EU and
transporting mainly EU goods, can already benefit from lighter customs
procedures (under the Regular Shipping Services procedures).
New proposals, submitted by the Commission in June 2013, will upgrade
this Regular Shipping Services to make the procedures, shorter and more
The consultation period for Member States will be shortened to 15, from
45 days. And companies will be able to apply in advance for an authorisation for
Member States where they may want to do business- to save time if that business
opportunity arises.
2. Easing customs formalities for ships that call in third country
Almost 90% of ships carry both EU and non EU goods and stop frequently
at EU and non-EU ports for example in Norway, Northern Africa and Russia.
For these ships, the Commission is proposing to significantly improve
customs procedures by putting in place a system which can distinguish between
the Union goods on board (which should be swiftly discharged) and the non-Union
goods on board, which must go through the appropriate customs procedures.
For this purpose, the Commission will bring forward before the end of
the year a proposal to create a harmonised electronic cargo declaration.
This new "eManifest" allows the shipping company to provide in all
manifests (intra-EU and extra-EU) information on the status of goods to customs
It is expected that these two measures will make the Blue Belt a
reality by 2015.
Shipping matters: 75 % of European external trade by volume and 37% of
EU internal trade are carried by shipping.
The current situation: Free movement of goods is a basic freedom under
EU law, however it is not yet a reality for the maritime sector.
Today a ship moving between Antwerp and Rotterdam is still treated as
though it came from China.
Because, once ships leave the Member States' territorial waters (beyond 12 miles
from shore) they are considered to pass the EU's external borders.
So ships travelling between ports in two different Member States are
deemed to have left the EU Customs Territory and customs formalities are
required when the vessel leaves the port of departure and again when the vessel
arrives at the port of destination, even if both are EU ports.
According to the European Shipowners Association (ECSA) on the basis of
information received by their members (shipping companies), savings from
simplifying administrative procedures can go up to around 25€ per container.
Apart from saving money, saving time is even more important.
Today, a lot of customers (e.g.exporters) choose road transport over
maritime transport because of the time constraints.
Share of freight carried inside the EU by transport mode:45.3% road,
11.0% rail, 3.7% inland waterways, 3.1% pipelines, 36.8% sea (i.e. short sea
shipping), 0.1% air (Source:
in tonne-kilometers).
The Blue Belt Communication adopted today not only sets out proposals
to create a Blue Belt- an area where ships can operate freely within the EU
internal market with the minimum of administrative burden while safety, security
environmental protection, as well as customs and tax policies are strengthened
but it also proposes the extension of these simplifications to extra-EU voyages
by the use of better monitoring and reporting systems.
The Blue Belt proposals go hand in hand with the Ports Policy Review
adopted on May 23 2013, which aims to promote the competitiveness of Europe's
sea ports and unleash their growth potential (see MEMO/13/448).
The Communication follows the launch of the Single Market Act II in
October 2012 (see IP/12/1054) and is an extension of the Blue belt pilot project
managed by the European Maritime Safety Agency in 2011.