INVITO – CONFERENZA STAMPA - I fondi erogati per le strade nell’ambito della politica di coesione dell’UE sono ben utilizzati?
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Data documento: 08-07-2013
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INVITATION - PRESS BRIEFING - Are EU Cohesion Policy funds well spent on roads?
INVITO – CONFERENZA STAMPA - I fondi erogati per le strade nell’ambito della politica di coesione dell’UE sono ben utilizzati?
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The EU’s auditors assessed whether the EU Cohesion Policy funds’ road infrastructure projects have achieved their objectives at a reasonable cost?
Gli auditor della Corte dei conti europea hanno valutato se i progetti di infrastrutture stradali finanziati tramite i fondi UE inerenti alla politica di coesione abbiano raggiunto i propri obiettivi a un costo ragionevole.
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The audit involved co-financed road projects in Germany (DE), Greece (EL), Poland (PL) and Spain (ES).
L’audit ha riguardato progetti stradali cofinanziati in Germania, Grecia, Polonia e Spagna.
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These four Member States have the highest allocations of Cohesion Policy funding for roads in the period 2000 – 2013, representing approximately 62 % of all EU road co-financing.
Questi quattro Stati membri hanno beneficiato dei finanziamenti più cospicui per infrastrutture stradali, a titolo della politica di coesione, nel periodo 2000 - 2013, pari a circa il 62 % del cofinanziamento totale dell’UE per lavori di viabilità.
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The audit covered motorways (10 projects), express roads (10 projects) and ordinary two-lane trunk roads (4 projects).
L’audit ha riguardato autostrade (10 progetti), superstrade (10 progetti) e strade principali ordinarie a due corsie (4 progetti).
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The main conclusions and recommendations of the report will be presented to the press by Mr Harald Wögerbauer (AT), Member of the Court.
Le principali conclusioni e raccomandazioni della relazione saranno presentate alla stampa da Harald Wögerbauer (Austria), Membro della Corte.
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DATE AND TIME Monday, 15 July 2013 at 11:00
DATA E ORA Lunedì, 15 luglio 2013, ore 11:00
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VENUE The RESIDENCE PALACE - International Press Centre
SEDE RESIDENCE PALACE - International Press Centre
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155, rue de la Loi, 1040 Brussels – Belgium
155, rue de la Loi, 1040 Bruxelles – Belgio
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A PRESS KIT, consisting of the Special Report and a press release, will be made available for the press briefing.
Per la conferenza stampa, verrà fornita un’apposita CARTELLA STAMPA contenente la relazione speciale ed il relativo comunicato stampa.
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The Special Report will be published on the Court's website, www.eca.europa.eu, in 22 official languages.
La relazione speciale sarà pubblicata sul sito Internet della Corte, www.eca.europa.eu, in 22 lingue ufficiali.
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INTERPRETATION will be available in German and English.
Sarà disponibile un servizio di INTERPRETAZIONE in tedesco e inglese.
INVITATION - PRESS BRIEFING - Are EU Cohesion Policy funds
well spent on roads?
The EU’s auditors assessed whether the EU Cohesion Policy
funds’ road infrastructure projects have achieved their objectives at a
reasonable cost?
The audit involved co-financed road projects in Germany (DE),
Greece (EL), Poland (PL) and Spain (ES).
These four Member States have the highest allocations of
Cohesion Policy funding for roads in the period 2000 – 2013, representing
approximately 62 % of all EU road co-financing.
The audit covered motorways (10 projects), express roads (10
projects) and ordinary two-lane trunk roads (4 projects).
The main conclusions and recommendations of the report will be
presented to the press by Mr Harald Wögerbauer (AT), Member of the Court.
DATE AND TIME Monday, 15 July 2013 at 11:00
VENUE The RESIDENCE PALACE - International Press Centre
155, rue de la Loi, 1040 Brussels – Belgium
A PRESS KIT, consisting of the Special Report and a press
release, will be made available for the press briefing.
The Special Report will be published on the Court's website,
www.eca.europa.eu, in 22 official languages.
INTERPRETATION will be available in German and English.