Evento di lancio dell'EXPO 2015
Inglese tratto da:
Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 07-07-2013
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Antonio Tajani
Antonio Tajani
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Vice-President of the European Commission, responsible for Industry and Entrepreneurship
Vicepresidente della Commissione europea, responsabile per l’Industria e l’Imprenditoria
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EXPO2015 inaugural event
Evento di lancio dell'EXPO 2015
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Opening speech/Milan
Discorso di apertura / Milano
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7 July 2013
7 Luglio 2013
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Mr President of the Republic,
Signor Presidente della Repubblica,
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Prime Minister,
Signor Presidente del Consiglio,
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Mr President of the Lombardy Region,
Signor Presidente della Regione Lombardia,
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In less than two years' time, Italy and Milan will invite the world to look into the future.
Tra meno di due anni l'Italia e Milano inviteranno il mondo a guardare lontano.
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EXPO 2015 will first and foremost be a forum for ideas and creative solutions capable of tackling global challenges.
L’EXPO sarà, prima di tutto, un forum d’idee e di soluzioni creative per affrontare le sfide globali.
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Here will lie the final frontier of European industrial innovation, which is an essential part of our efforts to provide lasting solutions to matters such as demographic growth, scarcity of resources, energy security and climate change.
Qui si proporrà l'ultima frontiera dell'innovazione industriale europea, parte essenziale dei nostri sforzi per fornire soluzioni durature ai fenomeni della crescita demografica, della scarsità di risorse, della sicurezza energetica o del cambiamento climatico.
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Milan is the ideal venue for a world fair focusing on creativity.
Milano è la sede ideale per un'esposizione universale centrata sulla creatività.
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It has always been a crossroads of cultures, peoples and trade, which over the centuries has made the city particularly receptive to anything new.
Da sempre è stata crocevia di culture, popoli e commerci che ne hanno rafforzato, nei secoli, una speciale propensione al nuovo.
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Milan is also a city of patrons, capable of welcoming the finest talents.
Milano è anche città mecenate, capace di accogliere i migliori talenti.
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I am thinking of Leonardo Da Vinci: a true precursor of modern industrial design, which has flowered in Milan as nowhere else.
Penso a Leonardo Da Vinci, vero precursore del moderno design industriale che, proprio qui, è stato sviluppato ai suoi massimi livelli.
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Milan has not only played a leading role in the unification and modernisation of Italy, it has also acted as a fertile seedbed for great, valiant, far-sighted captains of industry – leading players in the real economy who have been able to achieve their aims thanks to the hard work of many, many Lombard folk and similar numbers of men and women from the South.
Avanguardia dell'unificazione e della modernizzazione dell'Italia, Milano è anche una generosa fucina di grandi capitani d'impresa, dotati di lungimiranza e coraggio. Protagonisti dell’economia reale, che hanno potuto realizzare i loro obiettivi grazie al lavoro, duro, di tanti lombardi e di altrettanti uomini e donne arrivati dalle regioni del Sud.
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In this city the most diverse industries have flourished: chemicals, mechanical engineering, fashion. The same relentless driving ambition lies behind them all: that of achieving growth in order to create jobs.
In questa città sono fiorite industrie diversissime, come la chimica, la meccanica o la moda, spinte da un'incessante, medesima, missione: crescere per creare occupazione.
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Selecting food as the main theme of the event signifies recognition of the fact that current models and resources are incapable of keeping up with demographic growth.
Scegliere l'alimentazione come tema principe della manifestazione, significa riconoscere l'attuale inadeguatezza di modelli e risorse per tenere il passo con la crescita demografica.
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Despite all the progress made, 870 million people still go hungry.
Nonostante i progressi, purtroppo, 870 milioni di persone soffrono ancora la fame.
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In 2050 the world's population will have reached 9 billion.
Nel 2050, nel mondo, saremo 9 miliardi.
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Agriculture – which will come under increasing pressure – will have to boost production by 70% in order to satisfy new demands.
Sottoposta a pressione crescente, l'agricoltura sarà chiamata a compiere un balzo produttivo del 70% per rispondere alle nuove esigenze.
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In addition to technology, sustainable access to food resources will require price stability and action to combat speculation.
Oltre alle tecnologie, per un accesso sostenibile alle risorse alimentari dobbiamo garantire la stabilità dei prezzi e contrastare i fenomeni speculativi.
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The agri-food sector is of strategic importance to Europe: it certainly generates growth and employment but it also – and in particular – constitutes a source of well-being and health.
Il settore agro-alimentare è strategico per l'Europa: da questo comparto industriale dipendono certamente crescita e occupazione ma, soprattutto, benessere e salute.
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This is why the European Commission is working to improve safety, innovation and traceability, whilst more effectively combating counterfeiting and protecting designations of origin.
Ecco perché la Commissione europea è al lavoro per rafforzare la sicurezza, l’innovazione, la tracciabilità, la lotta alla contraffazione e la tutela della denominazione d'origine.
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For this reason I have suggested to the organisers that they should include in the EXPO programme a theme-based meeting of the 28-member European SME Ambassadors network, to be devoted to research and innovation.
Per questo ho proposto agli organizzatori di ospitare, all'interno del programma dell’EXPO, una riunione tematica della rete europea dei 28 Ambasciatori delle Piccole e Medie Imprese, dedicata alla ricerca e all’innovazione.
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The European earth-observation and satellite-navigation systems – Copernicus, Galileo and Egnos – also have important applications in agriculture.
Anche i sistemi europei di osservazione della terra e navigazione satellitare, Copernicus, Galileo e Egnos, offrono importanti applicazioni nell'agricoltura.
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I am thinking of automatic precision sowing, irrigation and stockbreeding management, and the monitoring of climate change.
Penso alla semina automatica e di precisione, alla gestione dell'irrigazione e degli allevamenti o al monitoraggio dei cambiamenti climatici.
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Just before EXPO opens its doors, some of the services to be provided by Galileo and Copernicus (the first entirely European systems of their kind) will come into operation.
Proprio alla vigilia dell'EXPO, entreranno nella fase operativa alcuni servizi di Galileo e Copernicus, prime infrastrutture interamente europee.
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In addition to agriculture, the spin-offs from those systems will benefit other sectors of key importance to competitiveness, such as logistics, mobility, energy, financial services and security – the estimated impact being 90 billion over the next 20 years.
Oltre all'agricoltura, le ricadute interesseranno altri settori chiave per la competitività, quali la logistica, la mobilità, l’energia, i servizi finanziari o la sicurezza, con un impatto stimato in 90 miliardi per i prossimi 20 anni.
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For this reason we have decided to set up within EXPO an interactive exhibition which will introduce visitors to a wide range of practical, everyday space-technology applications.
Per questo abbiamo deciso di allestire, all’interno dell’EXPO, un’esposizione interattiva che illustrerà ai visitatori un'ampia gamma di applicazioni pratiche, quotidiane, delle tecnologie legate allo spazio.
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EXPO 2015 will provide an extraordinary opportunity to increase the numbers of tourists visiting Milan, Italy and Europe.
EXPO 2015 dovrà rappresentare una straordinaria occasione per incrementare le presenze turistiche a Milano, in Italia e in Europa.
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In the European Commission's Tourism Action Plan, EXPO is one of the events designed to attract more visitors.
Nel piano d’azione della Commissione europea per il Turismo, l'EXPO figura tra gli eventi catalizzatori di nuovi flussi.
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We shall do all we can to ensure that it constitutes a golden opportunity to respond to the demand from the new emerging middle classes – Russians, Chinese, Brazilians, Indians – who are increasingly keen to travel.
Noi faremo di tutto perché questa esposizione rappresenti un'occasione imperdibile per intercettare la domanda dei nuovi ceti medi emergenti - russi, cinesi, brasiliani, indiani - sempre più interessati a viaggiare.
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In order to achieve this objective, we are working with a variety of EU countries on the task of devising initiatives that will encourage longer stays (including in the low season) and promote a high-quality product.
Per conseguire questo obiettivo stiamo lavorando, con diversi Paesi dell’UE, alla definizione di iniziative che favoriscano soggiorni più lunghi, anche nella bassa stagione e con un'offerta di qualità.
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However, simplifying the procedure for issuing visas is the real key to significantly increasing tourist numbers in 2015.
Ma è la semplificazione del rilascio dei visti, la vera chiave di volta per un forte incremento delle presenze nel 2015.
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Together with my colleague Cecilia Malmström, we are looking at various ways of responding to the requests which have been expressed – including at the recent G20 summit held in Mexico.
Con la mia collega, Cecilia Malmström, stiamo esaminando le diverse soluzioni per rispondere alle sollecitazioni venute anche dall’ultimo vertice del G20 svoltosi in Messico.
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So by the end of the year we shall review the European Visa Code in order to draw up a framework of rules more favourable to tourism.
Così, entro fine anno, rivedremo il Codice europeo dei visti, per definire un quadro di regole più favorevoli al turismo.
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This means strengthening and modernising an industrial sector which is capable of boosting the agri-food, culture, clothing and construction sectors.
Questo significa rafforzare e modernizzare un settore industriale capace di fare da volano all’agroalimentare, alla cultura, al tessile o alle costruzioni.
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Mr President of the Republic,
Signor Presidente della Repubblica,
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Prime Minister,
Signor Presidente del Consiglio,
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Mr President of the Lombardy Region,
Signor Presidente della Regione Lombardia,
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Europe intends to invest resources and ideas in EXPO, which is a major opportunity for promoting Europe's industrial rebirth and its technological leadership.
L'Europa intende investire risorse e idee nell'EXPO, importante occasione per valorizzare la propria rinascita industriale e la propria leadership tecnologica.
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EXPO will be a moment for taking pride in European excellence and quality.
Sarà un momento di orgoglio per l'eccellenza e la qualità europea.
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Milan will project the image of a continent which has been able to overcome difficulties whilst remaining united and refocusing on its speciality:
Milano offrirà l'immagine di un Continente che ha saputo reagire alle difficoltà, rimanendo unito e rimettendo al centro il suo tratto distintivo:
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manufacturing, which truly brings together European people's abilities to create, innovate and reinvent themselves –
la manifattura, vera sintesi della capacità dell'uomo di creare, innovare e reinventarsi.
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and also to display solidarity with other parts of the world, where millions suffer still.
Un uomo anche capace di essere solidale con altre aree del mondo, dove sono ancora milioni e milioni coloro che soffrono.
Antonio Tajani
Vice-President of the European Commission, responsible for Industry and
EXPO2015 inaugural event
Opening speech/Milan
7 July 2013
Mr President of the Republic,
Prime Minister,
Mr President of the Lombardy Region,
In less than two years' time, Italy and Milan will invite the
world to look into the future.
EXPO 2015 will first and foremost be a forum for ideas and
creative solutions capable of tackling global challenges.
Here will lie the final frontier of European industrial
innovation, which is an essential part of our efforts to provide lasting
solutions to matters such as demographic growth, scarcity of resources, energy
security and climate change.
Milan is the ideal venue for a world fair focusing on
It has always been a crossroads of cultures, peoples and
trade, which over the centuries has made the city particularly receptive to
anything new.
Milan is also a city of patrons, capable of welcoming the
finest talents.
I am thinking of Leonardo Da Vinci: a true precursor of modern
industrial design, which has flowered in Milan as nowhere else.
Milan has not only played a leading role in the unification
and modernisation of Italy, it has also acted as a fertile seedbed for great,
valiant, far-sighted captains of industry – leading players in the real economy
who have been able to achieve their aims thanks to the hard work of many, many
Lombard folk and similar numbers of men and women from the South.
In this city the most diverse industries have flourished:
chemicals, mechanical engineering, fashion. The same relentless driving ambition
lies behind them all: that of achieving growth in order to create jobs.
Selecting food as the main theme of the event signifies
recognition of the fact that current models and resources are incapable of
keeping up with demographic growth.
Despite all the progress made, 870 million people still go
In 2050 the world's population will have reached 9 billion.
Agriculture – which will come under increasing pressure – will
have to boost production by 70% in order to satisfy new demands.
In addition to technology, sustainable access to food
resources will require price stability and action to combat speculation.
The agri-food sector is of strategic importance to Europe: it
certainly generates growth and employment but it also – and in particular –
constitutes a source of well-being and health.
This is why the European Commission is working to improve
safety, innovation and traceability, whilst more effectively combating
counterfeiting and protecting designations of origin.
For this reason I have suggested to the organisers that they
should include in the EXPO programme a theme-based meeting of the 28-member
European SME Ambassadors network, to be devoted to research and innovation.
The European earth-observation and satellite-navigation
systems – Copernicus, Galileo and Egnos – also have important applications in
I am thinking of automatic precision sowing, irrigation and
stockbreeding management, and the monitoring of climate change.
Just before EXPO opens its doors, some of the services to be
provided by Galileo and Copernicus (the first entirely European systems of their
kind) will come into operation.
In addition to agriculture, the spin-offs from those systems
will benefit other sectors of key importance to competitiveness, such as
logistics, mobility, energy, financial services and security – the estimated
impact being 90 billion over the next 20 years.
For this reason we have decided to set up within EXPO an
interactive exhibition which will introduce visitors to a wide range of
practical, everyday space-technology applications.
EXPO 2015 will provide an extraordinary opportunity to
increase the numbers of tourists visiting Milan, Italy and Europe.
In the European Commission's Tourism Action Plan, EXPO is one
of the events designed to attract more visitors.
We shall do all we can to ensure that it constitutes a golden
opportunity to respond to the demand from the new emerging middle classes –
Russians, Chinese, Brazilians, Indians – who are increasingly keen to travel.
In order to achieve this objective, we are working with a
variety of EU countries on the task of devising initiatives that will encourage
longer stays (including in the low season) and promote a high-quality product.
However, simplifying the procedure for issuing visas is the
real key to significantly increasing tourist numbers in 2015.
Together with my colleague Cecilia Malmström, we are looking
at various ways of responding to the requests which have been expressed –
including at the recent G20 summit held in Mexico.
So by the end of the year we shall review the European Visa
Code in order to draw up a framework of rules more favourable to tourism.
This means strengthening and modernising an industrial sector
which is capable of boosting the agri-food, culture, clothing and construction
Mr President of the Republic,
Prime Minister,
Mr President of the Lombardy Region,
Europe intends to invest resources and ideas in EXPO, which is
a major opportunity for promoting Europe's industrial rebirth and its
technological leadership.
EXPO will be a moment for taking pride in European excellence
and quality.
Milan will project the image of a continent which has been
able to overcome difficulties whilst remaining united and refocusing on its
manufacturing, which truly brings together European people's abilities to
create, innovate and reinvent themselves –
and also to display solidarity with other parts of the world, where millions
suffer still.