Ambiente: come utilizzare il fosforo in modo più efficiente e creare opportunità di riciclaggio?
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Data documento: 08-07-2013
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Environment: How can we use phosphorus more efficiently and create opportunities for recycling?
Ambiente: come utilizzare il fosforo in modo più efficiente e creare opportunità di riciclaggio?
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The Commission is launching a consultation on how to use phosphorus in a more sustainable way.
La Commissione annuncia l'avvio di una consultazione pubblica su come utilizzare il fosforo in maniera più sostenibile.
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Phosphorus is widely used in agriculture and is an essential component in fertiliser and animal feed, but it is a resource which has no substitute.
Il fosforo è ampiamente utilizzato in agricoltura poiché è un componente essenziale dei concimi e dei mangimi animali, ma è una risorsa che non può essere sostituita.
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Supplies are limited, prices have been volatile and much phosphorus is currently wasted, creating concerns about the cost and availability of future supplies in the EU and worldwide.
Le riserve limitate, la volatilità dei prezzi e gli alti livelli di spreco destano serie preoccupazioni per il costo e la disponibilità degli approvvigionamenti futuri di fosforo nell’Unione europea e nel mondo.
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The consultation asks how to ensure that reserves are available for future generations, and about ways to minimise the undesirable side effects phosphorus use can have on the environment.
Nella consultazione la Commissione chiede pareri su come garantire che le future generazioni possano usufruire delle riserve di fosforo e su come ridurre al minimo gli effetti secondari indesiderati di questo elemento chimico sull'ambiente.
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Phosphorus run-off from farm fields to watercourses, for example, can lead to increased growth of aquatic plants and algae, a phenomenon known as eutrophication.
Il deflusso del fosforo dai terreni agricoli ai corsi d'acqua, per esempio, può provocare un aumento della crescita delle piante acquatiche e delle alghe, un fenomeno noto come "eutrofizzazione".
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Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik said:
Janez Potočnik, Commissario per l’Ambiente, ha dichiarato:
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"We are currently wasting this precious resource and creating a pollutant.
"Stiamo sprecando questa preziosa risorsa e ne stiamo facendo un agente inquinante.
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Using phosphorus more efficiently will reduce its impact on the environment and improve security of supply.
Un uso più efficiente del fosforo permetterà di ridurre l'impatto sull’ambiente e di migliorare la sicurezza di approvvigionamento.
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We can also create new business opportunities in the recycling sector."
È inoltre possibile creare nuove opportunità economiche nel settore del riciclaggio."
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The consultation aims to launch a debate on phosphorus use and ways to make it more resource-efficient.
Scopo della consultazione è di aprire un dibattito sull'uso del fosforo e sulle modalità per renderne più efficiente l'impiego.
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The Communication is not designed with specific legislation on phosphorus in mind, but invites the European Institutions and all interested stakeholders to comment on the issue.
La comunicazione non è stata elaborata in vista di una specifica normativa sul fosforo, ma invita le istituzioni europee e tutte le parti interessate a presentare le loro osservazioni in merito.
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A number of options that could improve the current situation are suggested, such as using fertiliser and feed in a more targeted way, reducing soil erosion, and encouraging recycling of phosphorus from manure, waste water and compost.
La comunicazione suggerisce una serie di opzioni tese a migliorare l’attuale situazione, ad esempio utilizzare i fertilizzanti e i mangimi in modo più mirato, ridurre l’erosione del suolo e favorire il riciclaggio del fosforo ricavato dal letame, dalle acque reflue e dal concime organico.
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Contributors are invited to reflect on what could be done to encourage recovery from other sources, such as food and biodegradable waste.
Gli interessati sono invitati a riflettere sulle possibili iniziative da intraprendere per promuovere il recupero del fosforo da altre fonti, quali i generi alimentari e i rifiuti biodegradabili.
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The consultation also asks for views on how to tackle the issues of demand and supply, how to handle the risk of soil contamination, and which technologies or innovations should be promoted to improve the sustainable use of phosphorus.
La consultazione sollecita inoltre pareri su come affrontare il problema della domanda e dell'offerta, come gestire il rischio di contaminazione del suolo e quali tecnologie o innovazioni promuovere per migliorare l’uso sostenibile del fosforo.
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Next Steps
Prossime tappe
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The European Parliament, the Council and other European institutions, citizens, public authorities, NGOs and businesses are welcome to contribute their views until 1 December 2013.
Il Parlamento europeo, il Consiglio e le altre istituzioni europee, i cittadini, le autorità pubbliche, le ONG e le imprese possono contribuire con le loro osservazioni fino al 1º dicembre 2013.
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The Commission will analyse the contributions in the course of 2014. It will integrate the results of this work into pertinent policy areas, from agricultural policy through water and waste to work on raw materials.
La Commissione analizzerà i contributi nel corso del 2014 e integrerà i risultati della consultazione nei settori pertinenti, dalla politica agricola alle attività relative alle materie prime passando per le risorse idriche e i rifiuti.
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The productivity of modern agricultural systems depends largely on the addition of phosphorus to soils as fertiliser and to animal diets in feed.
La produttività dei moderni sistemi agricoli dipende in larga misura dall’aggiunta di fosforo nel suolo (concimi) e nelle diete degli animali (mangimi).
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Most phosphorus comes from phosphate rock mines, but there is only one such mine in the EU, and most phosphate rock used in the EU comes from North Africa and Russia.
Il fosforo è estratto soprattutto in miniere di rocce fosfatiche, ma esiste solo una miniera di questo tipo nell’UE e la maggior parte delle rocce fosfatiche utilizzate nell’UE proviene dal Nord Africa e dalla Russia.
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A good overview of the situation can be found here.
Per una panoramica della situazione cliccare qui.
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At present much phosphorus is wasted all along the food production cycle, often causing environmental problems such as water pollution.
Grandi quantità di fosforo sono attualmente sprecate durante tutto il ciclo di produzione alimentare, causando spesso problemi ambientali, come l’inquinamento idrico.
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EU law regulates phosphate water pollution through legislation such as the Nitrates Directive or the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive but does not currently encourage more efficient use of this nutrient.
Il diritto dell'UE regolamenta l'inquinamento idrico da fosforo ad esempio attraverso la direttiva sui nitrati o la direttiva concernente il trattamento delle acque reflue urbane ma non promuove un uso più efficiente di questa risorsa.
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Several Member States have taken steps to encourage more recycling and efficient use of phosphorus, and some forms of reuse, such as manure and sewage sludge spreading, are common throughout the EU.
Numerosi Stati membri hanno preso misure per incentivare maggiormente il riciclaggio e un uso efficiente del fosforo, mentre alcune forme di riutilizzo, come lo spargimento del letame e dei fanghi di depurazione, sono diffuse in tutta l’Unione.
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However, these sources are not always used in the right places or in the right way to ensure that they are taken up by the crops.
Questi metodi non sono tuttavia sempre utilizzati nei luoghi adatti o nel modo corretto per garantirne l’assimilazione da parte delle colture.
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The EU is working on improving market access for some of these sources of recycled phosphorus, notably through a revision of the Fertilizer Regulation.
L’UE sta lavorando per migliorare l’accesso al mercato di alcune di queste fonti di fosforo riciclato, in particolare attraverso la revisione del regolamento relativo ai concimi.
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Further research is needed into promising techniques and technologies, and the European Innovation Platform on sustainable agriculture along with other work under Horizon 2020, will help stimulate these developments from European businesses and research bodies.
Sono necessarie ulteriori ricerche in tecniche e tecnologie promettenti, e la piattaforma europea per l’innovazione dell’agricoltura sostenibile e altre attività nell’ambito di Orizzonte 2020 contribuiranno a stimolare questi sviluppi presso le imprese europee e gli istituti di ricerca.
Environment: How can we use phosphorus more efficiently and create
opportunities for recycling?
The Commission is launching a consultation on how to use phosphorus in
a more sustainable way.
Phosphorus is widely used in agriculture and is an essential component
in fertiliser and animal feed, but it is a resource which has no substitute.
Supplies are limited, prices have been volatile and much phosphorus is
currently wasted, creating concerns about the cost and availability of future
supplies in the EU and worldwide.
The consultation asks how to ensure that reserves are available for
future generations, and about ways to minimise the undesirable side effects
phosphorus use can have on the environment.
Phosphorus run-off from farm fields to watercourses, for example, can
lead to increased growth of aquatic plants and algae, a phenomenon known as
Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik said:
"We are currently wasting this precious resource and creating a pollutant.
Using phosphorus more efficiently will reduce its impact on the environment and
improve security of supply.
We can also create new business opportunities in the recycling sector."
The consultation aims to launch a debate on phosphorus use and ways to
make it more resource-efficient.
The Communication is not designed with specific legislation on
phosphorus in mind, but invites the European Institutions and all interested
stakeholders to comment on the issue.
A number of options that could improve the current situation are
suggested, such as using fertiliser and feed in a more targeted way, reducing
soil erosion, and encouraging recycling of phosphorus from manure, waste water
and compost.
Contributors are invited to reflect on what could be done to encourage
recovery from other sources, such as food and biodegradable waste.
The consultation also asks for views on how to tackle the issues of
demand and supply, how to handle the risk of soil contamination, and which
technologies or innovations should be promoted to improve the sustainable use of
Next Steps
The European Parliament, the Council and other European institutions,
citizens, public authorities, NGOs and businesses are welcome to contribute
their views until 1 December 2013.
The Commission will analyse the contributions in the course of 2014. It
will integrate the results of this work into pertinent policy areas, from
agricultural policy through water and waste to work on raw materials.
The productivity of modern agricultural systems depends largely on the
addition of phosphorus to soils as fertiliser and to animal diets in feed.
Most phosphorus comes from phosphate rock mines, but there is only one
such mine in the EU, and most phosphate rock used in the EU comes from North
Africa and Russia.
A good overview of the situation can be found here.
At present much phosphorus is wasted all along the food production
cycle, often causing environmental problems such as water pollution.
EU law regulates phosphate water pollution through legislation such as
the Nitrates Directive or the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive but does not
currently encourage more efficient use of this nutrient.
Several Member States have taken steps to encourage more recycling and
efficient use of phosphorus, and some forms of reuse, such as manure and sewage
sludge spreading, are common throughout the EU.
However, these sources are not always used in the right places or in
the right way to ensure that they are taken up by the crops.
The EU is working on improving market access for some of these sources
of recycled phosphorus, notably through a revision of the Fertilizer Regulation.
Further research is needed into promising techniques and technologies,
and the European Innovation Platform on sustainable agriculture along with other
work under Horizon 2020, will help stimulate these developments from European
businesses and research bodies.