Nuovi giudici alla Corte di giustizia e al Tribunale
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Data documento: 04-07-2013
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New Judges at the Court of Justice and the General Court
Nuovi giudici alla Corte di giustizia e al Tribunale
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Formal sitting of 4 July 2013
Udienza solenne del 4 luglio 2013
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Following the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the
European Union on 1 July 2013, the representatives of the Governments of the
Member States of the European Union, by decision of 1 July 2013, have appointed,
for the period from 1 July 2013 to 6 October 2015, Mr Siniša Rodin as Judge at
the Court of Justice and, for the period from 1 July 2013 to 31 August 2013, Ms
Vesna Tomljenović as Judge at the General Court.
A seguito dell’adesione della Repubblica di Croazia all’Unione
europea, il 1° luglio 2013, i rappresentanti dei governi degli Stati membri
dell’Unione europea, con decisione del 1° luglio 2013, hanno nominato giudici,
per il periodo compreso tra il 1° luglio 2013 ed il 6 ottobre 2015, il sig.
Siniša Rodin alla Corte di giustizia e, per il periodo compreso tra il 1° luglio
2013 ed il 31 agosto 2013, la sig.ra Vesna Tomljenović al Tribunale.
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On the occasion of the taking of the oath and the entry into office of the two new Members, a formal sitting has been held today at the seat of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
Un’udienza solenne si è tenuta oggi presso la sede della Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea in occasione della prestazione di giuramento e dell’assunzione delle funzioni da parte dei due nuovi Membri.
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Curricula vitae of the new Judge Siniša Rodin
Curriculum vitae del Sig. Siniša Rodin
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Born 1963;
nato nel 1963;
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University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law, Ph.D. 1995; University of Michigan Law School, L.L.M. 1992;
laurea in giurisprudenza (Università di Zagabria, 1995); L.L.M. (University of Michigan Law School, 1992);
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Harvard Law School, Fulbright Fellow and Visiting Scholar (2001-2002);
Fulbright Fellow e Visiting Scholar alla Harvard Law School (2001-2002);
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tenure track and tenured professor at University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law since 1987, Jean Monnet Chair since 2006 and Jean Monnet Chair ad personam since 2011;
professore aggiunto, poi professore alla facoltà di giurisprudenza dell’Università di Zagabria dal 1987; titolare della cattedra Jean Monnet dal 2006 e titolare della cattedra Jean Monnet ad personam dal 2011;
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Cornell Law School Visiting professor 2012;
professore ospite alla Cornell Law School (2012);
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Member of the Croatian Constitutional Amendment Committee, President of the working group on EU membership (2009-2010);
membro della commissione croata per la riforma costituzionale, presidente del gruppo di lavoro sull’adesione all’Unione (2009-2010);
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Member of the Croatian EU membership negotiating team (2006-2011);
membro della delegazione croata che ha negoziato l’adesione della Croazia all’Unione (2006-2011);
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Author of numerous publications;
autore di numerose pubblicazioni;
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Judge at the Court of Justice since 4 July 2013.
giudice alla Corte di giustizia dal 4 luglio 2013.
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Curricula vitae of the new Judge Ms Vesna Tomljenović |
Curriculum vitae della Sig.ra Vesna Tomljenović |
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Born 1956;
nata nel 1956;
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University of Rijeka, B.A. 1979; University of Zagreb, L.L.M.1984, S.J.D. 1996;
laurea all’Università di Rijeka (master, 1979) e all’Università di Zagabria (LL.M., 1984; dottorato in giurisprudenza, 1996);
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University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law, Assistant professor (1980-1998), Associate professor (2003-2009), Professor (2009-2013); University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics Assistant professor (1990-2013);
professore assistente (1980-1998), professore associato (2003-2009) e professore (2009-2013) alla facoltà di giurisprudenza dell’Università di Rijeka; professore assistente all’Università di Rijeka (1990-2013);
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President of the Croatian Comparative Law Association (2006-2013)
presidente dell’Associazione croata di diritto comparato (2006-2013);
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Judge at the General Court since 4 July 2013.
giudice al Tribunale dal 4 luglio 2013.
New Judges at the Court of Justice and the General Court
Formal sitting of 4 July 2013
Following the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European
Union on 1 July 2013, the representatives of the Governments of the Member
States of the European Union, by decision of 1 July 2013, have appointed, for
the period from 1 July 2013 to 6 October 2015, Mr Siniša Rodin as Judge at the
Court of Justice and, for the period from 1 July 2013 to 31 August 2013, Ms
Tomljenović as Judge at the General Court.
On the occasion of the taking of the oath and the entry into office of
the two new Members, a formal sitting has been held today at the seat of the
Court of Justice of the European Union.
Curricula vitae of the new Judge Siniša Rodin
Born 1963;
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law, Ph.D. 1995; University of
Michigan Law School, L.L.M. 1992;
Harvard Law School, Fulbright Fellow and Visiting Scholar (2001-2002);
tenure track and tenured professor at University of Zagreb, Faculty of
Law since 1987, Jean Monnet Chair since 2006 and Jean Monnet Chair ad personam
since 2011;
Cornell Law School Visiting professor 2012;
Member of the Croatian Constitutional Amendment Committee, President of
the working group on EU membership (2009-2010);
Member of the Croatian EU membership negotiating team (2006-2011);
Author of numerous publications;
Judge at the Court of Justice since 4 July 2013.
Curricula vitae of the new Judge Mrs. Vesna
Born 1956;
University of Rijeka, B.A. 1979; University of Zagreb, L.L.M.1984,
S.J.D. 1996;
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law, Assistant professor (1980-1998),
Associate professor (2003-2009), Professor (2009-2013); University of Rijeka,
Faculty of Economics Assistant professor (1990-2013);
President of the Croatian Comparative Law Association (2006-2013)
Judge at the General Court since 4 July 2013. |