Al via il sito del quadro di valutazione del mercato unico – i nuovi dati disponibili online
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Data documento: 04-07-2013
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Single Market Scoreboard website launched – new figures are now available online
Al via il sito del quadro di valutazione del mercato unico – i nuovi dati disponibili online
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With today's launch of the online only Single Market Scoreboard, a more comprehensive and user-friendly reporting system has been put in place.
Con il lancio in data odierna di un quadro di valutazione del mercato unico disponibile esclusivamente online, viene istituito un sistema di informazione più completo e di più facile impiego.
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The Single Market Scoreboard incorporates comprehensive reports on 13 governance tools including monitoring the correct transposition of EU directives, analysis of infringement proceedings, administrative cooperation networks and various information and problem-solving services.
Il quadro di valutazione del mercato unico comprende relazioni esaurienti su 13 strumenti di governance, tra cui il monitoraggio del corretto recepimento delle direttive UE, l’analisi delle procedure di infrazione, le reti di cooperazione amministrativa e una serie di servizi di informazione e risoluzione di problemi.
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The Single Market Scoreboard 2012/2013 aims at giving an overview of the actual situation on the ground.
L’edizione 2012/2013 del quadro di valutazione del mercato unico intende fornire una panoramica generale della situazione effettiva sul terreno.
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It covers the results that have been achieved by the Member States, but also provides examples of the difficulties citizens and businesses still face in exercising their EU rights.
Presenta i risultati ottenuti dagli Stati membri, ma fornisce anche esempi delle difficoltà che cittadini e imprese continuano ad incontrare quando esercitano i diritti conferiti loro dall’UE.
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Many barriers remain in the areas of social security, rights of residence, recognition of professional qualifications and registration of motor vehicles.
Numerosi ostacoli permangono nei campi della sicurezza sociale, del diritto di residenza, del riconoscimento delle qualifiche professionali e dell’immatricolazione degli autoveicoli.
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The Single Market Scoreboard reflects on the strengths and weaknesses and shows where further action is needed in each of the Member States.
Il quadro di valutazione del mercato unico si sofferma sui punti di forza e sulle debolezze e segnala i campi che richiedono ulteriori interventi in ciascuno Stato membro.
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Main conclusions
Principali conclusioni
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The following "traffic light chart" shows at glance how the individual Member States performed for the governance tools where monitoring was implemented.
La seguente “tabella con i colori del semaforo“ consente di visualizzare immediatamente i risultati dei singoli Stati membri per gli strumenti di governance oggetto di monitoraggio.
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According to this chart, the best overall performers are: Estonia, Sweden, Austria, the United Kingdom, Germany, Cyprus, Lithuania, Hungary, Denmark, Malta and Finland with no "red lights".
Dal grafico risulta che ad ottenere in assoluto i migliori risultati sono: Estonia, Svezia, Austria, Regno Unito, Germania, Cipro, Lituania, Ungheria, Danimarca, Malta e Finlandia che non hanno nessun “semaforo rosso”.
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Two further Member States, Luxembourg and The Netherlands have only one "red light", but this is balanced by respectively 7 and 5 green scores.
Altri due Stati membri, Lussemburgo e Paesi Bassi, hanno solo un “semaforo rosso”, ma vantano, rispettivamente, sette e cinque “semafori verdi”.
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During the last six months, Member States have succeeded in maintaining the average transposition deficit - the percentage of Internal Market Directives that have not been transposed into national law in time - at a low level of 0.6 %.
Negli ultimi sei mesi, gli Stati membri sono riusciti a mantenere il deficit medio di recepimento – la percentuale di direttive sul mercato interno che non sono state recepite nella legislazione nazionale nei tempi previsti – ad un livello piuttosto basso, pari allo 0,6%.
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Some of them have made huge efforts and managed to improve their performances remarkably - a good result, especially given the present economic crisis.
Alcuni di essi hanno compiuto sforzi enormi, riuscendo a migliorare considerevolmente le loro prestazioni, un buon risultato, specialmente alla luce dell’attuale crisi economica.
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On Single Market related infringement proceedings, the EU average number of open cases has decreased slightly from 31 cases to 30 cases per Member State, which reflects a slow but steady downward trend.
Per quanto riguarda le procedure di infrazione relative al mercato unico, la media UE dei casi aperti è leggermente diminuita, passando da 31 a 30 casi per Stato membro, segnale di una lieve, ma costante, tendenza al ribasso.
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SOLVIT is an on-line problem-solving network dealing with misapplication of internal market rules.
SOLVIT è una rete online per la risoluzione di problemi relativi alla non corretta applicazione delle norme del mercato interno.
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It managed to keep a good resolution rate of 89% while reducing the time necessary to deal with cases.
È riuscita a mantenere un buon tasso di risoluzione dei problemi, pari all’89%, riducendo al tempo stesso i tempi necessari per il trattamento di un caso.
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Portugal and the United Kingdom managed quick response times along with good resolution rates.
Portogallo e Regno Unito fanno registrare tempi di reazione rapidi e tassi di risoluzione molto soddisfacenti.
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The Czech SOLVIT centre could still improve.
Il centro SOLVIT della Repubblica ceca potrebbe ancora migliorare.
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Your Europe
La tua Europa
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The Your Europe website is a multilingual public information service that provides comprehensive information and access to assistance for citizens and enterprises intending to carry out cross-border activities within the European Union.
Il sito La tua Europa è un servizio multilingue di informazioni al pubblico, che fornisce tutta una serie di informazioni, ma anche assistenza, a cittadini e imprese che intendono svolgere attività transfrontaliere nell’Unione europea.
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The interest in and use of Your Europe is growing fast: in one year visits to the website have almost doubled to more than 4 million visits.
L’interesse per il sito e il suo utilizzo stanno registrando una rapida crescita: in un anno le visite sono quasi raddoppiate, arrivando a più di 4 milioni.
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The most visited sections are "work" (for the citizen part) and "managing" (for the business part).
Le rubriche più consultate sono “Lavoro” (nella sezione Cittadini) e “Gestire” (nella sezione Imprese).
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Greece and The Netherlands could invest more in the promotion of Your Europe and contribute more to its content.
Grecia e Paesi Bassi potrebbero investire di più nella promozione del sito La tua Europa e contribuire maggiormente a svilupparne i contenuti.
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Points of Single Contact
Sportelli unici
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The Services Directive provides for Points of Single Contact (PSC) to be set up in all Member States.
La direttiva sui servizi prevede l’istituzione di sportelli unici in tutti gli Stati membri.
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PSCs are online e-government portals providing information about the rules, regulations and formalities that apply to service activities and the possibility to complete the relevant administrative procedures online.
Gli sportelli unici sono dei portali di e-government online che forniscono informazioni sulle norme, i regolamenti e le formalità applicabili alla prestazione di servizi e che offrono la possibilità di espletare online le procedure amministrative.
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All Member States have now set up at least a "first generation PSC".
Tutti gli Stati membri hanno ora istituito almeno uno sportello unico “di prima generazione”.
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However many need to step up their efforts to ensure that their PSCs respond to users' needs, especially Bulgaria.
Molti paesi, in particolare la Bulgaria, devono tuttavia intensificare i loro sforzi per garantire che i loro sportelli unici rispondano alle esigenze degli utenti.
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On the other hand, the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Denmark belong to the group of best performers.
D’altro canto, Regno Unito, Paesi Bassi e Danimarca sono tra i paesi con le migliori prestazioni.
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Internal Market Information
Sistema d’informazione del mercato interno
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The Internal Market Information (IMI) system enables the exchange of information between national administrations in the area of "professional qualifications", "services" and "posting of workers".
Il sistema d’informazione del mercato interno (IMI) permette lo scambio di informazioni tra le amministrazioni nazionali nei settori delle “qualifiche professionali”, dei “servizi” e del “distacco dei lavoratori”.
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Its usage has grown by 24% over the last year, but authorities need to pay more attention to meeting mutually agreed deadlines and follow the lead of Estonia, Malta and Spain with excellent response times.
Il suo impiego è aumentato del 24% nell’ultimo anno, ma le autorità devono essere più attente al rispetto delle scadenze concordate mutualmente e seguire l’esempio di Estonia, Malta e Spagna, che hanno tempi di risposta eccellenti.
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EU Pilot
EU Pilot
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EU Pilot promotes early problem-solving between the Commission and Member States on issues concerning EU law.
EU Pilot promuove la risoluzione in una fase precoce dei problemi che possono insorgere tra la Commissione e gli Stati membri su questioni riguardanti il diritto dell’UE.
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The benchmark for the average response time by Member States is 70 days.
Il parametro di riferimento per i tempi medi di risposta da parte degli Stati membri è di 70 giorni.
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Three countries, Belgium, France and Spain did not respect this benchmark.
Tre paesi, Belgio, Francia e Spagna, non rispettano questo parametro.
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The EURES platform and network which provide information, advice and recruitment/placement services have, in the light of the current economic situation, been used increasingly in 2012 (more than two million visits per month), actively contributing to alleviating labour market imbalances.
La piattaforma e la rete EURES, che forniscono informazioni, consulenza e servizi di assunzione/collocamento, hanno registrato un aumento del loro utilizzo nel 2012 (più di due milioni di visite al mese), da mettere in relazione con l’attuale situazione economica, e hanno contribuito attivamente ad attenuare gli squilibri del mercato del lavoro.
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Since 1998, the Commission has published an Internal Market Scoreboard twice a year to report on transposition and infringement figures concerning Single Market law.
Dal 1998, la Commissione pubblica due volte l’anno un quadro di valutazione del mercato interno che riprende i dati sul recepimento e sulle infrazioni riguardanti la normativa del mercato unico.
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In addition, there were reports on Single Market governance tools such as SOLVIT and IMI.
Erano inoltre pubblicate due relazioni sugli strumenti di governance del mercato unico, come SOLVIT e l’IMI.
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To give a better overview of the functioning of the Single Market as a whole, these reports have now been merged into an online only Single Market Scoreboard covering 13 different tools, which will be updated on a yearly basis (except for the statistics on transposition and infringement proceedings, which will be updated twice a year).
Per offrire una panoramica migliore del funzionamento del mercato unico nel suo complesso, queste relazioni sono ora state riunite in un quadro di valutazione del mercato unico disponibile solo online, riguardante 13 diversi strumenti, che sarà aggiornato su base annua (ad eccezione delle statistiche sul recepimento e sulle procedure di infrazione, che verranno aggiornate due volte l’anno.)
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Croatia will be added as of next year’s edition.
La Croazia sarà aggiunta a partire dall’edizione del prossimo anno.
Single Market Scoreboard website launched – new figures are now available
With today's launch of the online only Single Market Scoreboard, a more
comprehensive and user-friendly reporting system has been put in place.
The Single Market Scoreboard incorporates comprehensive reports on 13
governance tools including monitoring the correct transposition of EU
directives, analysis of infringement proceedings, administrative cooperation
networks and various information and problem-solving services.
The Single Market Scoreboard 2012/2013 aims at giving an overview of
the actual situation on the ground.
It covers the results that have been achieved by the Member States, but
also provides examples of the difficulties citizens and businesses still face in
exercising their EU rights.
Many barriers remain in the areas of social security, rights of
residence, recognition of professional qualifications and registration of motor
The Single Market Scoreboard reflects on the strengths and weaknesses
and shows where further action is needed in each of the Member States.
Main conclusions
The following "traffic light chart" shows at glance how the individual Member
States performed for the governance tools where monitoring was implemented.
According to this chart, the best overall performers are: Estonia,
Sweden, Austria, the United Kingdom, Germany, Cyprus, Lithuania, Hungary,
Denmark, Malta and Finland with no "red lights".
Two further Member States, Luxembourg and The Netherlands have only one
"red light", but this is balanced by respectively 7 and 5 green scores.
During the last six months, Member States have succeeded in maintaining the
average transposition deficit - the percentage of Internal Market Directives
that have not been transposed into national law in time - at a low level of 0.6
Some of them have made huge efforts and managed to improve their
performances remarkably - a good result, especially given the present economic
On Single Market related infringement proceedings, the EU average number of open
cases has decreased slightly from 31 cases to 30 cases per Member State, which
reflects a slow but steady downward trend.
SOLVIT is an on-line problem-solving network dealing with
misapplication of internal market rules.
It managed to keep a good resolution rate of 89% while reducing the
time necessary to deal with cases.
Portugal and the United Kingdom managed quick response times along with
good resolution rates.
The Czech SOLVIT centre could still improve.
Your Europe
The Your Europe website is a multilingual public information service
that provides comprehensive information and access to assistance for citizens
and enterprises intending to carry out cross-border activities within the
European Union.
The interest in and use of Your Europe is growing fast: in one year
visits to the website have almost doubled to more than 4 million visits.
The most visited sections are "work" (for the citizen part) and
"managing" (for the business part).
Greece and The Netherlands could invest more in the promotion of Your
Europe and contribute more to its content.
Points of Single Contact
The Services Directive provides for Points of Single Contact (PSC) to
be set up in all Member States.
PSCs are online e-government portals providing information about the
rules, regulations and formalities that apply to service activities and the
possibility to complete the relevant administrative procedures online.
All Member States have now set up at least a "first generation PSC".
However many need to step up their efforts to ensure that their PSCs
respond to users' needs, especially Bulgaria.
On the other hand, the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Denmark
belong to the group of best performers.
Internal Market Information
The Internal Market Information (IMI) system enables the exchange of
information between national administrations in the area of "professional
qualifications", "services" and "posting of workers".
Its usage has grown by 24% over the last year, but authorities need to
pay more attention to meeting mutually agreed deadlines and follow the lead of
Estonia, Malta and Spain with excellent response times.
EU Pilot
EU Pilot promotes early problem-solving between the Commission and
Member States on issues concerning EU law.
The benchmark for the average response time by Member States is 70
Three countries, Belgium, France and Spain did not respect this
The EURES platform and network which provide information, advice and
recruitment/placement services have, in the light of the current economic
situation, been used increasingly in 2012 (more than two million visits per
month), actively contributing to alleviating labour market imbalances.
Since 1998, the Commission has published an Internal Market Scoreboard
twice a year to report on transposition and infringement figures concerning
Single Market law.
In addition, there were reports on Single Market governance tools such
as SOLVIT and IMI.
To give a better overview of the functioning of the Single Market as a
whole, these reports have now been merged into an online only Single Market
Scoreboard covering 13 different tools, which will be updated on a yearly basis
(except for the statistics on transposition and infringement proceedings, which
will be updated twice a year).
Croatia will be added as of next year’s edition.