Gli Stati membri devono imporre a tutti i datori di lavoro l’adozione di provvedimenti pratici ed efficaci a favore di tutti i disabili
Inglese tratto da:
Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 04-07-2013
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Member States must require all employers to adopt practical and effective measures for all persons with disabilities
Gli Stati membri devono imporre a tutti i datori di lavoro l’adozione di provvedimenti pratici ed efficaci a favore di tutti i disabili
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By not introducing such a requirement, Italy has failed to fulfil its obligations under EU law
Non avendo stabilito questo obbligo, l’Italia è venuta meno ai propri obblighi derivanti dal diritto dell’Unione
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The purpose of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – approved on behalf of the EU by a decision of the Council of the European Union – is to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity.
La convenzione delle Nazioni Unite sui diritti delle persone con disabilità - approvata a nome dell’Unione europea con una decisione del Consiglio UE - ha lo scopo di promuovere, proteggere e garantire il pieno ed uguale godimento di tutti i diritti umani e di tutte le libertà fondamentali da parte delle persone disabili e di promuovere il rispetto per la loro intrinseca dignità.
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The European Directive on equal treatment in employment is based on the belief that discrimination based on disability may undermine the achievement of the objectives of the Treaty, in particular the attainment of a high level of employment and social protection, raising the quality of life, economic and social cohesion and solidarity, and the free movement of persons.
La direttiva europea sulla parità di trattamento in materia di impiego si fonda sulla considerazione che la discriminazione basata su una disabilità può pregiudicare il conseguimento degli obiettivi del Trattato, in particolare il raggiungimento di un elevato livello di occupazione e di protezione sociale, il miglioramento della qualità della vita, la coesione economica e sociale, la solidarietà e la libera circolazione delle persone.
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Therefore, that directive lays down a general framework for combating that kind of discrimination as regards employment and occupation, with a view to putting into effect in the Member States the principle of equal treatment.
Tale direttiva stabilisce pertanto un quadro generale per la lotta a discriminazioni di questo tipo riguardo all’occupazione e alle condizioni di lavoro, al fine di rendere effettivo negli Stati membri il principio della parità di trattamento.
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In order to guarantee equal treatment of persons with disabilities, that directive requires, inter alia, employers to take appropriate measures, where needed in a particular case, to enable such persons to have access to, participate in, or advance in employment, and to undergo training, unless such measures would impose a disproportionate burden on the employer.
Per garantire ai disabili la parità di trattamento, la direttiva impone in particolare al datore di lavoro di adottare i provvedimenti appropriati, in funzione delle esigenze delle situazioni concrete, per consentire a tali persone di accedere ad un lavoro, di svolgerlo, di avere una promozione o di ricevere una formazione, a meno che tali provvedimenti comportino un onere finanziario sproporzionato.
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That burden will not be disproportionate when it is sufficiently remedied by State policy on persons with disabilities.
Tale onere non è sproporzionato quando è compensato in modo sufficiente da misure statali a favore dei disabili.
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Italian law includes a number of legislative measures on the subject of assistance for, social integration of and the rights of persons with disabilities and their right to work.
Il diritto italiano include vari provvedimenti legislativi in materia di assistenza, integrazione sociale e diritti delle persone disabili, nonché di diritto al lavoro.
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The Commission has brought an action for failure to fulfil obligations before the Court of Justice, claiming that Italy has transposed the directive into its national law without ensuring that the guarantees and adjustments provided for regarding the treatment of persons with disabilities in the workplace are to apply to all persons with disabilities, all employers, and all aspects of the employment relationship.
La Commissione ha proposto dinanzi alla Corte di giustizia un ricorso per inadempimento, affermando che le garanzie e le agevolazioni previste a favore dei disabili in materia di occupazione dalla normativa italiana di trasposizione della direttiva non riguardano tutti i disabili, tutti i datori di lavoro e tutti i diversi aspetti del rapporto di lavoro.
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Furthermore, application of the Italian legislation on that subject is dependent on the adoption of further measures by the local authorities or the conclusion of special agreements between those authorities and employers and thus does not confer upon persons with disabilities rights which could be directly relied on before a court.
Peraltro, l’attuazione dei provvedimenti legislativi italiani sarebbe affidata all’adozione di misure ulteriori da parte delle autorità locali o alla conclusione di apposite convenzioni tra queste e i datori di lavoro e pertanto non conferirebbe ai disabili diritti azionabili direttamente in giudizio.
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In its judgment delivered today, the Court indicates that, while it is true that the concept of a ‘disability’ is not directly defined in the directive, it should be understood, on the basis of the UN Convention, as referring to a limitation, resulting inter alia from a long-term physical, mental, or psychological impairment, which in interaction with various barriers may hinder a person’s full and effective participation in the labour force on an equal basis with other workers.
Nell’odierna sentenza, la Corte dichiara che, se è vero che la nozione di «handicap» non è espressamente definita nella direttiva, essa deve essere intesa alla luce della convenzione dell’ONU, nel senso che si riferisce ad una limitazione risultante in particolare da menomazioni fisiche, mentali o psichiche durature, le quali, in interazione con barriere di diversa natura, possono ostacolare la piena ed effettiva partecipazione della persona alla vita professionale su base di uguaglianza con gli altri lavoratori.
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The UN Convention then advocates a broad interpretation of the concept of ‘reasonable accommodation’, by which it means the adjustments to be made, where needed in a particular case, to ensure to a person with disabilities the enjoyment or exercise of all human rights and fundamental freedoms on an equal basis with other workers.
La convenzione dell’ONU contempla poi un’ampia definizione degli «accomodamenti ragionevoli», con i quali intende gli adattamenti da prevedere in una determinata situazione per garantire alla persona disabile il godimento e l’esercizio di tutti i diritti umani e di tutte le libertà fondamentali su base di uguaglianza con gli altri.
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Moreover, the Court has already held that that concept refers to the elimination of the barriers that hinder the full and effective participation of persons with disabilities in professional life on an equal basis with other workers.
Inoltre, la Corte ha già statuito che tale concetto si riferisce all’eliminazione delle barriere che ostacolano la piena ed effettiva partecipazione delle persone disabili alla vita professionale su base di uguaglianza con gli altri lavoratori.
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Therefore, Member States must create an obligation for employers to adopt effective and practical measures (adapting premises, equipment, patterns of working time, the distribution of tasks), taking into account each individual situation, which will enable any person with a disability to have access to, participate in, or advance in employment, and to undergo training, without imposing a disproportionate burden on the employer.
Pertanto, gli Stati membri devono stabilire un obbligo per i datori di lavoro di adottare provvedimenti efficaci e pratici (sistemando i locali, adattando le attrezzature, i ritmi di lavoro o la ripartizione dei compiti) in funzione delle esigenze delle situazioni concrete, per consentire ai disabili di accedere a un lavoro, di svolgerlo, di avere una promozione o di ricevere una formazione, senza tuttavia imporre al datore di lavoro un onere sproporzionato.
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The Court emphasises that that obligation covers all employers.
La Corte sottolinea che siffatto obbligo riguarda tutti i datori di lavoro.
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It is not sufficient for Member States to provide support and incentives: they must require all employers to adopt effective and practical measures, where needed in particular cases.
Non è sufficiente che gli Stati membri prevedano misure di incentivo e di sostegno, ma è loro compito imporre a tutti i datori di lavoro l’obbligo di adottare provvedimenti efficaci e pratici, in funzione delle esigenze delle situazioni concrete.
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Upon examining the various measures adopted by Italy for the integration of persons with disabilities into the labour force, the Court finds that those measures, even when assessed as a whole, do not require all employers to adopt effective and practical measures, where needed in particular cases, for all persons with disabilities, covering different aspects of work and enabling them to have access to, participate in, or advance in employment, and to undergo training.
La Corte esamina le varie misure adottate dall’Italia per l’inserimento professionale dei disabili e conclude che tali misure, anche ove valutate nel loro complesso, non impongono a tutti i datori di lavoro l’adozione di provvedimenti efficaci e pratici, in funzione delle esigenze delle situazioni concrete, a favore di tutti i disabili, che riguardino i diversi aspetti delle condizioni di lavoro e consentano loro di accedere ad un lavoro, di svolgerlo, di avere una promozione o di ricevere una formazione.
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Accordingly, Italy has failed to fulfil its obligations.
Di conseguenza, l’Italia è venuta meno ai propri obblighi.
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An action for failure to fulfil obligations directed against a Member State which has failed to comply with its obligations under European Union law may be brought by the Commission or by another Member State.
La Commissione o un altro Stato membro possono proporre un ricorso per inadempimento diretto contro uno Stato membro che è venuto meno ai propri obblighi derivanti dal diritto dell’Unione.
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If the Court of Justice finds that there has been a failure to fulfil obligations, the Member State concerned must comply with the Court’s judgment without delay.
Qualora la Corte di giustizia accerti l’inadempimento, lo Stato membro interessato deve conformarsi alla sentenza senza indugio.
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Where the Commission considers that the Member State has not complied with the judgment, it may bring a further action seeking financial penalties.
La Commissione, qualora ritenga che lo Stato membro non si sia conformato alla sentenza, può proporre un altro ricorso chiedendo sanzioni pecuniarie.
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However, if measures transposing a directive have not been notified to the Commission, the Court of Justice can, on a proposal from the Commission, impose penalties at the stage of the initial judgment.
Tuttavia, in caso di mancata comunicazione delle misure di attuazione di una direttiva alla Commissione, su domanda di quest’ultima, la Corte di giustizia può infliggere sanzioni pecuniarie, al momento della prima sentenza.
Member States must require all employers to adopt practical
and effective measures for all persons with disabilities
By not introducing such a requirement, Italy has failed
to fulfil its obligations under EU law
The purpose of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities – approved on behalf of the EU by a decision of the
Council of the European Union – is to promote, protect and ensure the full and
equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with
disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity.
The European Directive on equal treatment in employment is
based on the belief that discrimination based on disability may undermine the
achievement of the objectives of the Treaty, in particular the attainment of a
high level of employment and social protection, raising the quality of life,
economic and social cohesion and solidarity, and the free movement of persons.
Therefore, that directive lays down a general framework for
combating that kind of discrimination as regards employment and occupation, with
a view to putting into effect in the Member States the principle of equal
In order to guarantee equal treatment of persons with
disabilities, that directive requires, inter alia, employers to take appropriate
measures, where needed in a particular case, to enable such persons to have
access to, participate in, or advance in employment, and to undergo training,
unless such measures would impose a disproportionate burden on the employer.
That burden will not be disproportionate when it is
sufficiently remedied by State policy on persons with disabilities.
Italian law includes a number of legislative measures on the
subject of assistance for, social integration of and the rights of persons with
disabilities and their right to work.
The Commission has brought an action for failure to fulfil
obligations before the Court of Justice, claiming that Italy has transposed the
directive into its national law without ensuring that the guarantees and
adjustments provided for regarding the treatment of persons with disabilities in
the workplace are to apply to all persons with disabilities, all employers, and
all aspects of the employment relationship.
Furthermore, application of the Italian legislation on that
subject is dependent on the adoption of further measures by the local
authorities or the conclusion of special agreements between those authorities
and employers and thus does not confer upon persons with disabilities rights
which could be directly relied on before a court.
In its judgment delivered today, the Court indicates that,
while it is true that the concept of a ‘disability’ is not directly defined in
the directive, it should be understood, on the basis of the UN Convention, as
referring to a limitation, resulting inter alia from a long-term physical,
mental, or psychological impairment, which in interaction with various barriers
may hinder a person’s full and effective participation in the labour force on an
equal basis with other workers.
The UN Convention then advocates a broad interpretation of the
concept of ‘reasonable accommodation’, by which it means the adjustments to be
made, where needed in a particular case, to ensure to a person with disabilities
the enjoyment or exercise of all human rights and fundamental freedoms on an
equal basis with other workers.
Moreover, the Court has already held that that concept refers
to the elimination of the barriers that hinder the full and effective
participation of persons with disabilities in professional life on an equal
basis with other workers.
Therefore, Member States must create an obligation for
employers to adopt effective and practical measures (adapting premises,
equipment, patterns of working time, the distribution of tasks), taking into
account each individual situation, which will enable any person with a
disability to have access to, participate in, or advance in employment, and to
undergo training, without imposing a disproportionate burden on the employer.
The Court emphasises that that obligation covers all
It is not sufficient for Member States to provide support and
incentives: they must require all employers to adopt effective and practical
measures, where needed in particular cases.
Upon examining the various measures adopted by Italy for the
integration of persons with disabilities into the labour force, the Court finds
that those measures, even when assessed as a whole, do not require all employers
to adopt effective and practical measures, where needed in particular cases, for
all persons with disabilities, covering different aspects of work and enabling
them to have access to, participate in, or advance in employment, and to undergo
Accordingly, Italy has failed to fulfil its obligations.
An action for failure to fulfil obligations directed against a
Member State which has failed to comply with its obligations under European
Union law may be brought by the Commission or by another Member State.
If the Court of Justice finds that there has been a failure to
fulfil obligations, the Member State concerned must comply with the Court’s
judgment without delay.
Where the Commission considers that the Member State has not
complied with the judgment, it may bring a further action seeking financial
However, if measures transposing a directive have not been
notified to the Commission, the Court of Justice can, on a proposal from the
Commission, impose penalties at the stage of the initial judgment.