Ambiente e clima: la Commissione investe 281,4 milioni di euro in nuovi progetti ambientali e climatici
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Data documento: 03-07-2013
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Environment and Climate: Commission invests EUR 281.4 million in new environment and climate projects
Ambiente e clima: la Commissione investe 281,4 milioni di euro in nuovi progetti ambientali e climatici
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The European Commission has approved funding for 248 new projects under the LIFE+ programme, the European Union's environment fund.
La Commissione europea ha approvato il finanziamento di 248 nuovi progetti a titolo del programma LIFE+, il fondo per l’ambiente dell’Unione europea.
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The projects cover actions in the fields of nature conservation, climate change, environmental policy and information and communication on environmental issues across all Member States.
I progetti consistono in interventi sul fronte della conservazione della natura, dei cambiamenti climatici, delle politiche ambientali, nonché dell’informazione e della comunicazione in materia di tematiche ambientali in tutti gli Stati membri.
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Overall, they represent a total investment of some EUR 556.4 million, of which the EU will provide EUR 281.4 million.
Complessivamente rappresentano un investimento di circa 556,4 milioni di EUR e la somma di cui si farà carico l’Unione europea ammonta a 281,4 milioni.
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Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik said: “The LIFE+ programme continues to provide vital funding for innovative projects.
Janez Potočnik, Commissario per l’Ambiente, ha dichiarato:”Il programma LIFE+ continua ad essere una fonte vitale di finanziamento di progetti innovativi.
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These new projects will make a big contribution to protecting, conserving and enhancing Europe’s natural capital. They will support the goal of turning the EU into a resource efficient, greener and more competitive low-carbon economy.”
Questi nuovi progetti incideranno in misura tutt’altro che trascurabile sul capitale naturale dell’Europa contribuendo a proteggerlo, conservarlo e rafforzarlo, e concorreranno a fare dell’UE un’economia più efficiente dal punto di vista delle risorse, più verde, competitiva e a basse emissioni di carbonio.”
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Commissioner for Climate Action Connie Hedegaard said:
Connie Hedegaard, Commissaria per l’Azione per il clima, si è così espressa:
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"I am happy to see confirmed this year that an ever rising share of LIFE projects is going to contribute to climate action.
“Mi rallegra vedere anche quest’anno che una parte sempre più cospicua di progetti LIFE è dedicata a interventi nel campo climatico.
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And we want to improve this even more:
Ma non intendiamo fermarci qui:
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The new LIFE programme from 2014 to 2020 will foresee over 850 million Euros dedicated to climate action.This will roughly triple the amount which is spent on climate action."
il nuovo programma LIFE (2014-2020) riserverà all’azione per il clima stanziamenti di oltre 850 milioni di euro, cifra che costituisce pressoché il triplo della somma spesa attualmente.
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The Commission received 1 159 applications in response to its latest call for proposals, which closed in September 2012.
La Commissione ha ricevuto 1 159 domande di finanziamento in risposta all’ultimo invito a presentare proposte, scaduto nel settembre 2012.
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LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity projects improve the conservation status of endangered species and habitats.
I progetti LIFE + Natura e biodiversità migliorano lo stato di conservazione delle specie e degli habitat in pericolo.
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Of the 258 proposals received, the Commission selected 92 projects for funding from partnerships of conservation bodies, government authorities and other parties. Led by project beneficiaries in 24 Member States, they represent a total investment of EUR 247.4 million, of which the EU will provide some EUR 139.3 million.
La Commissione, tra le 258 proposte pervenute, ha scelto di finanziarne 92, presentate da partenariati di organismi preposti alla conservazione, enti governativi e altri soggetti situati in 24 Stati membri. L’investimento complessivo rappresentato da questi progetti è dell’ordine di 247,4 milioni di EUR cui l’UE contribuirà con circa 139,3 milioni.
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The majority (82) are Nature projects, contributing to the implementation of the Birds and/or Habitats Directives and the Natura 2000 network.
La maggior parte di essi (82) rientra nella categoria “Natura” e concorre ad attuare le direttive Uccelli e/o Habitat e la rete Natura 2000.
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The other 10 are pilot schemes that tackle wider biodiversity issues (the LIFE+ "biodiversity projects").
Gli altri 10 sono progetti pilota che vertono su aspetti più ampi legati alla biodiversità (categoria di progetti LIFE+ “Biodiversità”).
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LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governance projects are pilot projects that contribute to the development of innovative policy ideas, technologies, methods and instruments.
I progetti LIFE+ Politica e governance ambientali sono progetti pilota che contribuiscono a migliorare le politiche apportando idee, tecnologie, metodi e strumenti innovativi.
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Of the 743 proposals received, the Commission selected 146 projects for funding from a wide range of public and private sector organisations.The successful projects, led by project beneficiaries in 18 Member States, represent a total investment of EUR 298.5 million, of which the EU will provide some EUR 136.8 million.
A beneficiare del finanziamento della Commissione saranno 146 progetti che, selezionati tra i 743 inizialmente proposti, sono stati presentati da svariate organizzazioni pubbliche e private di 18 Stati membri e rappresentano un investimento totale di 298,5 milioni di EUR. L’apporto dell’UE ammonterà a 136,8 milioni.
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Under this component, the Commission will contribute more than EUR 34.6 million to 29 projects directly tackling climate change, with a total budget of EUR 81.1 million.
Nell’ambito di questa categoria, i finanziamenti che la Commissione destinerà ai cambiamenti climatici sono oltre 34,6 milioni di EUR, assegnati a 29 progetti che, con un bilancio complessivo di 81,1 milioni di EUR, affrontano direttamente questo problema.
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In addition, many other projects focusing on other issues will also have an indirect impact on greenhouse gas emissions.
Molti altri progetti, sebbene imperniati su tematiche diverse, avranno comunque un impatto indiretto sulle emissioni di gas serra.
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Other important areas of focus include water, waste and natural resources, chemicals, the urban environment, soil and air quality.
Tra gli altri settori importanti coperti dai finanziamenti figurano l’acqua, i rifiuti, le risorse naturali, le sostanze chimiche, l’ambiente urbano, il suolo e la qualità dell’aria.
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LIFE+ Information and Communication projects disseminate information and raise the profile of environmental issues.
I progetti LIFE+ Informazione e comunicazione puntano a dare maggiore visibilità alle tematiche ambientali e a divulgare informazioni in materia.
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Of the 158 proposals received, the Commission selected 10 projects from a range of public and private sector nature and/or environment organisations.
Delle 158 proposte ricevute, la Commissione ne ha scelte 10, presentate da varie organizzazioni pubbliche e private operanti sul fronte della natura e/o dell’ambiente.
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The projects are based in nine Member States and represent a total investment of EUR 10.5 million, of which the EU will provide some EUR 5.2 million.
Si tratta di progetti che fanno capo a nove Stati membri e si traducono in un investimento totale di 10,5 milioni di EUR, metà del quale (5,2 milioni circa) coperto dall’UE.
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Four of the 10 projects are concerned with raising awareness about nature and biodiversity matters, whereas six are focused on other environmental matters such as climate change, resource efficiency and coastal pollution prevention.
Quattro dei 10 progetti consistono in azioni di sensibilizzazione su questioni inerenti la natura e la biodiversità, mentre gli altri sei vertono su tematiche ambientali quali i cambiamenti climatici, l’efficienza delle risorse e la prevenzione dell’inquinamento nelle zone costiere.
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An informal agreement was reached in Brussels on 27 June 2013 on the next funding period for the LIFE programme (2014-2020).
Il 27 giugno a Bruxelles è stato raggiunto un accordo informale sul prossimo periodo di finanziamento del programma LIFE (2014-2020).
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Changes include a specific section devoted to climate mitigation and adaptation, and a new funding category for "Integrated Projects".
Tra le novità vi è una sezione appositamente dedicata all’adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici e alla mitigazione dei loro effetti, e la nuova categoria di finanziamento “Progetti integrati”.
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This should boost the implementation of environmental legislation, making it possible to scale up projects by mobilising additional financing from EU, national and private funds.
Si vuole in tal modo dare impulso all’applicazione della legislazione ambientale puntando a mobilitare ulteriori finanziamenti, sia dell’UE sia nazionali e privati, che moltiplichino i progetti in questo campo.
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Formal consent from Parliament and Council are now needed for the agreement to pass into law.
È ora necessario il consenso formale del Parlamento e del Consiglio per convertire in legge questo accordo.
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LIFE+ is the European Union’s financial instrument for the environment and has a total budget of EUR 2 143 billion for the period 2007-2013.
LIFE+ è lo strumento finanziario per l’ambiente dell’Unione europea, con una dotazione complessiva di 2,14 miliardi di EUR per il periodo 2007-2013.
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The Commission launches one call for LIFE+ project proposals per year.
Una volta all’anno la Commissione pubblica un invito a presentare proposte di progetti LIFE+.
Environment and Climate: Commission invests EUR 281.4 million in new
environment and climate projects
The European Commission has approved funding for 248 new projects under
the LIFE+ programme, the European Union's environment fund.
The projects cover actions in the fields of nature conservation,
climate change, environmental policy and information and communication on
environmental issues across all Member States.
Overall, they represent a total investment of some EUR 556.4 million,
of which the EU will provide EUR 281.4 million.
Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik said: “The LIFE+ programme
continues to provide vital funding for innovative projects.
These new projects will make a big contribution to protecting,
conserving and enhancing Europe’s natural capital. They will support the goal of
turning the EU into a resource efficient, greener and more competitive
low-carbon economy.”
Commissioner for Climate Action Connie Hedegaard said:
"I am happy to see confirmed this year that an ever rising share of
LIFE projects is going to contribute to climate action.
And we want to improve this even more:
The new LIFE programme from 2014 to 2020 will foresee over 850 million Euros
dedicated to climate action.This will roughly triple the amount which is spent
on climate action."
The Commission received 1 159 applications in response to its latest
call for proposals, which closed in September 2012.
LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity projects improve the conservation status of
endangered species and habitats.
Of the 258 proposals received, the Commission selected 92 projects for
funding from partnerships of conservation bodies, government authorities and
other parties.Led by project beneficiaries in 24 Member States, they represent a
total investment of EUR 247.4 million, of which the EU will provide some EUR
139.3 million.
The majority (82) are Nature projects, contributing to the
implementation of the Birds and/or Habitats Directives and the Natura 2000
The other 10 are pilot schemes that tackle wider biodiversity issues
(the LIFE+ "biodiversity projects").
LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governance projects are pilot projects that
contribute to the development of innovative policy ideas, technologies, methods
and instruments.
Of the 743 proposals received, the Commission selected 146 projects for
funding from a wide range of public and private sector organisations.The
successful projects, led by project beneficiaries in 18 Member States, represent
a total investment of EUR 298.5 million, of which the EU will provide some EUR
136.8 million.
Under this component, the Commission will contribute more than EUR 34.6
million to 29 projects directly tackling climate change, with a total budget of
EUR 81.1 million.
In addition, many other projects focusing on other issues will also
have an indirect impact on greenhouse gas emissions.
Other important areas of focus include water, waste and natural
resources, chemicals, the urban environment, soil and air quality.
LIFE+ Information and Communication projects disseminate information
and raise the profile of environmental issues.
Of the 158 proposals received, the Commission selected 10 projects from
a range of public and private sector nature and/or environment organisations.
The projects are based in nine Member States and represent a total
investment of EUR 10.5 million, of which the EU will provide some EUR 5.2
Four of the 10 projects are concerned with raising awareness about
nature and biodiversity matters, whereas six are focused on other environmental
matters such as climate change, resource efficiency and coastal pollution
An informal agreement was reached in Brussels on 27 June 2013 on the
next funding period for the LIFE programme (2014-2020).
Changes include a specific section devoted to climate mitigation and
adaptation, and a new funding category for "Integrated Projects".
This should boost the implementation of environmental legislation,
making it possible to scale up projects by mobilising additional financing from
EU, national and private funds.
Formal consent from Parliament and Council are now needed for the
agreement to pass into law.
LIFE+ is the European Union’s financial instrument for the environment
and has a total budget of EUR 2 143 billion for the period 2007-2013.
The Commission launches one call for LIFE+ project proposals per year. |