Restare attivi e in buona salute anche quando gli anni passano: un riconoscimento alle città e regioni dell’UE per i loro eccellenti progetti
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Data documento: 02-07-2013
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Active & Healthy Ageing: EU cities and regions get star ratings to recognise excellent projects
Restare attivi e in buona salute anche quando gli anni passano: un riconoscimento alle città e regioni dell’UE per i loro eccellenti progetti
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32 cities and regions across Europe have been rewarded for new ways of helping older people.
32 città e regioni in tutta l’Europa sono state premiate per le loro nuove iniziative a favore della terza età.
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These award-winners have been implementing innovative technological, social or organisational solutions to enhance the efficiency of health and social care systems, and have been presented with awards from European Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes, responsible for the Digital Agenda.
I vincitori, che si sono distinti per le soluzioni innovative attuate, in ambito tecnologico, sociale e organizzativo, per incrementare l’efficienza del sistema sanitario e dell’assistenza sociale, hanno ricevuto il premio da Neelie Kroes, Vicepresidente della Commissione europea, responsabile dell’Agenda digitale.
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Star winners came from the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands and the UK.
I progetti vincenti provengono da Repubblica ceca, Danimarca, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Irlanda, Italia, Paesi Bassi, Portogallo, Regno Unito, Spagna e Svezia.
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13 Reference Sites have received three stars, 12 two stars and 7 one star (see Annex and catalogue for full details).
13 strutture di riferimento hanno ottenuto tre stelle, 12 due stelle e 7 una stella (consultare l’allegato e il catalogo per le informazioni complete).
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Neelie Kroes said:
Neelie Kroes ha dichiarato:
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“Everyone wants to be independent as they age, and everyone in Europe should have an equal chance at that.
“Tutti desiderano restare indipendenti in vecchiaia e a tutti in Europa deve essere data questa opportunità alle stesse condizioni.
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By rewarding the most successful ideas we can spread them and give ever older person that opportunity.”
Premiando le migliori idee contribuiamo a diffonderle e a far sì che gli anziani abbiano questa possibilità.”
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European Commissioner for Health, Tonio Borg, said:
Il commissario europeo per la Sanità, Tonio Borg, ha dichiarato:
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"I am delighted that the people who made these 32 sites a success have come to Brussels to share their ideas and insights.
“Sono lieto che coloro che sono riusciti a dare vita a queste 32 strutture siano venuti a Bruxelles per condividere le loro idee e punti di vista.
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It is important that such cases of how innovation is already being used to help our older citizens live healthy and active lives serves as an inspiration to us all.
E’ importante che tali esempi di come l’innovazione venga già utilizzata per aiutare i nostri cittadini della terza età a vivere in maniera sana e attiva servano da fonte di ispirazione per tutti noi.
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Large scale deployment of such solutions is the next step."
La diffusione su ampia scala di tali soluzioni è il prossimo passo”.
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There are six categories of innovation in the Commission’s Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing:
Il Partenariato europeo per l’innovazione nell’ambito dell’invecchiamento attivo e in buona salute prevede sei categorie di iniziative innovative:
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medication adherence, fall prevention, frailty and malnutrition, integrated care, independent living and age-friendly environments.
cure mediche ad hoc, prevenzione di cadute, fragilità e denutrizione, assistenza integrata, vita indipendente e ambienti adatti alle esigenze dell’età.
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Some examples of the good practices are:
Tra gli esempi di buone pratiche vi sono:
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- Andalusia, Spain has electronically integrated the health information of all its 8,5 million inhabitants, optimised the coordination of their health and social carers and improved social welfare for their nearly 1.3 million citizens aged 65+.
- l’Andalusia, in Spagna, che ha integrato nel proprio sistema elettronico informazioni sanitarie su tutti i suoi 8,5 milioni di abitanti, ha ottimizzato il coordinamento degli operatori sanitari e sociali e migliorato l’assistenza sociale per i circa 1,3 milioni di cittadini di età superiore ai 65 anni;
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- Scotland has rolled out a risk prediction tool for anticipatory care to help achieve its goal of everyone living longer, healthier lives at home, or in a homely setting by 2020.
- la Scozia che ha elaborato un sistema di previsione dei rischi per cure preventive al fine di far sì che entro il 2020 tutti possano vivere più a lungo, in buona salute, nella propria casa o in una struttura residenziale.
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The result has been fewer hospital admissions, shorter hospital stays, and a net saving of £190 per patient.
Il progetto ha ridotto i ricoveri ospedalieri o ne ha diminuito la durata e ha comportato un risparmio di 190 sterline per paziente;
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- The Basque region in Spain is using 14 ICT projects to implement its strategy for chronic conditions.
- la regione Paesi Baschi, in Spagna, che sta utilizzando 14 progetti TIC per attuare la propria strategia per le malattie croniche.
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So far this has seen a 38% reduction in hospitalisation for highly complex cases and a 26% fall in emergency room visits.
Finora, vi è stata una riduzione del 38% dei ricoveri ospedalieri per casi molto gravi e un calo del 26% delle visite al pronto soccorso;
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- The University of Coimbra, Portugal, supports a holistic ecosystem of stakeholders to implement innovative practices.
- l’Università di Coimbra, in Portogallo, che sovvenziona un ecosistema olistico di operatori del settore per l’attuazione di buone pratiche.
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The area of cognitive ageing, dementia and vision impairment has shown positive results with 1350 patients per year being evaluated by specialists, and the creation of over 100 jobs.
Gli specialisti hanno riscontrato risultati positivi, per quanto riguarda l’invecchiamento cognitivo, la demenza e il deterioramento della vista, in 1350 pazienti all’anno e sono stati creati oltre 100 posti di lavoro.
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In December 2011 the European Commission launched its first Innovation Partnership, on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP AHA) with the headline target of increasing the number of healthy life years in Europe by two by 2020.
Nel dicembre 2011 la Commissione ha promosso il primo Partenariato europeo per l’innovazione nell’ambito dell’invecchiamento attivo e in buona salute con l’obiettivo principale di aumentare il numero di anni di vita in buona salute entro il 2020.
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The Partnership's Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP), sets out three lines of work:
Il Partenariato opera attraverso tre strategie:
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Action Groups , Reference Sites and a digital Market Place for Innovative Ideas.
Gruppi di azione , strutture di riferimento e un mercato digitale per le idee innovative.
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Reference Sites are coalitions of regions, cities, integrated hospitals or care organisations that aim to provide concrete examples of innovative services with proven added value to citizens and care systems in EU regions.
Le strutture di riferimento sono coalizioni di regioni, città, ospedali integrati o organizzazioni sanitarie che si pongono l’obiettivo di fornire esempi concreti di servizi innovativi dal provato valore aggiunto per i cittadini e i sistemi sanitari nelle regioni dell’UE.
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Some of them have contributed to growth and job creation in their areas, many have extended elements of their best practice from local to regional or national level.
Alcune di esse hanno contribuito alla crescita e alla creazione di posti di lavoro nei loro settori, molte hanno esteso le loro migliori pratiche dal livello locale a quello regionale o nazionale.
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A Digital Market Place for Innovative Ideas has been launched to engage wider stakeholders in the EIP-AHA innovation process, to help disseminate and share results, ideas and initiatives and to facilitate cooperation within and between the Action Groups.
Il mercato digitale per le idee innovative è stato creato per far partecipare un numero più ampio di operatori del settore al processo di innovazione del Partenariato europeo per l’innovazione nell’ambito dell’invecchiamento attivo e in buona salute, per aiutare a diffondere e condividere risultati, idee e iniziative e agevolare la cooperazione all’interno e tra i Gruppi di azione.
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International connections have been created with the OECD Silver Economy initiative and with WHO (cooperation in several ageing-related areas and specifically in the Action Group on Age Friendly Environments and Cities).
Sono state create connessioni internazionali con l’iniziativa "Silver economy" dell’OCSE e con l’OMS (cooperazione in diversi settori connessi con l’invecchiamento e, specificamente, nell’ambito del gruppo d’azione per ambienti e città adatti agli anziani).
Active & Healthy Ageing: EU cities and regions get star ratings to
recognise excellent projects
32 cities and regions across Europe have been rewarded for new ways of
helping older people.
These award-winners have been implementing innovative technological,
social or organisational solutions to enhance the efficiency of health and
social care systems, and have been presented with awards from European
Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes, responsible for the Digital Agenda.
Star winners came from the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands and the UK.
13 Reference Sites have received three stars, 12 two stars and 7 one
star (see Annex and catalogue for full details).
Neelie Kroes said:
“Everyone wants to be independent as they age, and everyone in Europe
should have an equal chance at that.
By rewarding the most successful ideas we can spread them and give ever
older person that opportunity.”
European Commissioner for Health, Tonio Borg, said:
"I am delighted that the people who made these 32 sites a success have
come to Brussels to share their ideas and insights.
It is important that such cases of how innovation is already being used
to help our older citizens live healthy and active lives serves as an
inspiration to us all.
Large scale deployment of such solutions is the next step."
There are six categories of innovation in the Commission’s Innovation
Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing:
medication adherence, fall prevention, frailty and malnutrition, integrated
care, independent living and age-friendly environments.
Some examples of the good practices are:
- Andalusia, Spain has electronically integrated the health information
of all its 8,5 million inhabitants, optimised the coordination of their health
and social carers and improved social welfare for their nearly 1.3 million
citizens aged 65+.
- Scotland has rolled out a risk prediction tool for anticipatory care
to help achieve its goal of everyone living longer, healthier lives at home, or
in a homely setting by 2020.
The result has been fewer hospital admissions, shorter hospital stays, and a net
saving of £190 per patient.
- The Basque region in Spain is using 14 ICT projects to implement its
strategy for chronic conditions.
So far this has seen a 38% reduction in hospitalisation for highly complex cases
and a 26% fall in emergency room visits.
- The University of Coimbra, Portugal, supports a holistic ecosystem of
stakeholders to implement innovative practices.
The area of cognitive ageing, dementia and vision impairment has shown positive
results with 1350 patients per year being evaluated by specialists, and the
creation of over 100 jobs.
In December 2011 the European Commission launched its first Innovation
Partnership, on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP AHA) with the headline target of
increasing the number of healthy life years in Europe by two by 2020.
The Partnership's Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP), sets out three
lines of work:
Action Groups
<https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/eipaha/actiongroup/index/what>, Reference Sites
<https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/eipaha/index/site> and a digital Market Place
<https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/eipaha/> for Innovative Ideas.
Reference Sites are coalitions of regions, cities, integrated hospitals
or care organisations that aim to provide concrete examples of innovative
services with proven added value to citizens and care systems in EU regions.
Some of them have contributed to growth and job creation in their areas, many
have extended elements of their best practice from local to regional or national
A Digital Market Place <https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/eipaha/> for
Innovative Ideas has been launched to engage wider stakeholders in the EIP-AHA
innovation process, to help disseminate and share results, ideas and initiatives
and to facilitate cooperation within and between the Action Groups.
International connections have been created with the OECD Silver
Economy initiative and with WHO (cooperation in several ageing-related areas and
specifically in the Action Group on Age Friendly Environments and Cities). |