La prima valutazione dell'esperimento macroregionale in Europa
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Data documento: 01-07-2013
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Europe's Macroregional Experiment: the first Evaluation
La prima valutazione dell'esperimento macroregionale in Europa
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Today the European Commission has published the first study to weigh up the success of the EU's two macro-regional strategies and to provide recommendations for the future.
Oggi la Commissione europea ha pubblicato la prima relazione volta a valutare il successo delle due strategie macroregionali dell’UE e a fornire raccomandazioni per il futuro.
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The EU's Danube and Baltic Strategies, involving over 20 EU and non EU countries, have pioneered a unique kind of cooperation, based on the idea that common challenges faced by specific regions –whether environmental, economic or security related – are best tackled collectively, and that it makes sense to plan together for the most effective deployment of the funds available.
Le strategie dell'Unione per le regioni del Danubio e del Baltico, che coinvolgono oltre 20 paesi UE e non UE, hanno permesso di sperimentare un tipo di cooperazione unico, fondato sull'idea che le sfide comuni a più regioni specifiche, siano esse di natura ambientale, economica o di sicurezza, possono essere affrontate con successo solo mediante uno sforzo collettivo, e che una pianificazione congiunta consente di impiegare i fondi disponibili nel modo più efficace.
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Commenting on the report, EU Commissioner for Regional Policy, Johannes Hahn, said:
Commentando la relazione, il Commissario europeo per la Politica regionale, Johannes Hahn, ha dichiarato:
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“Today's study shows the clear value of our macro regional strategies.Their intensified cooperation has resulted in literally hundreds of new projects and new networks in the Danube and the Baltic regions.
“Lo studio pubblicato oggi dimostra con chiarezza il valore delle nostre strategie macroregionali, che hanno promosso una più intensa collaborazione da cui sono derivate letteralmente centinaia di nuove reti di cooperazione e di nuovi progetti nelle regioni del Danubio e del Baltico.
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Above all, participants tell us that cooperation – including with non EU member states has been significantly strengthened."
Ancor più significativo, secondo quanto ci hanno riferito i partecipanti, è stato il rafforzamento della cooperazione anche con paesi non appartenenti all'UE."
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"But, if we want to ensure lasting success the approach must be placed at the heart of government and regional policy plans – particularly in the design of new programmes and projects for the next financial period – and backed up by enough resources.
"Tuttavia, se vogliamo garantire il successo duraturo dell'iniziativa, questa impostazione deve essere posta al centro dei piani di governo e di politica regionale — in particolare per l'elaborazione di nuovi programmi e progetti per il prossimo periodo finanziario — e dotata delle risorse sufficienti.
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We need even stronger ownership by the regions themselves, delivering clearer decision making and greater visibility."
Dobbiamo anche promuovere una maggiore responsabilità delle regioni stesse, mediante un processo decisionale più chiaro e una maggiore visibilità."
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As far as new strategies are concerned Commissioner Hahn added, "Existing strategies provide useful lessons for potential new macro regions.
Per quanto riguarda le nuove strategie il Commissario Hahn ha aggiunto che "dalle strategie in atto possiamo ricavare insegnamenti utili per nuove possibili macroregioni.
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Before launching any new strategy, we should consider carefully what its objectives are, what added value it can bring, and how it would be resourced.
Prima dell’avvio di qualsiasi nuova strategia, occorre valutarne attentamente gli obiettivi, il valore aggiunto e le risorse necessarie per l'attuazione.
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Experience shows it is helpful to concentrate on a limited number of priorities at the start.
L’esperienza ci ha dimostrato che all'inizio è utile concentrarsi su un numero limitato di priorità.
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Of course every region is unique, and new macro regions may try new approaches to deepening cooperation"
Poiché, come è ovvio, ogni regione presenta caratteristiche uniche, eventuali nuove macroregioni potranno sperimentare nuovi modi per approfondire la cooperazione".
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The report delivers a broadly positive verdict on the existing strategies so far.
La relazione valuta in modo ampiamente positivo le strategie finora attuate.
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It highlights how they have created hundreds of new projects and helped to formulate joint policy objectives in areas of vital importance for the regions involved.
Essa sottolinea come tali strategie abbiano dato vita a centinaia di nuovi progetti e abbiano contribuito alla formulazione di obiettivi politici comuni in settori di vitale importanza per le regioni interessate.
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The macroregional approach has also led to numerous joint initiatives and networks, as well as political decisions at collective level.
L'impostazione macroregionale ha inoltre permesso la creazione di reti di cooperazione, il lancio di numerose iniziative congiunte e l'adozione di decisioni politiche a livello collettivo.
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The report says cooperation between the participating EU countries and neighbouring non-EU countries has been significantly strengthened and that has resulted in more efficient use of the resources available.
La relazione spiega come la cooperazione tra gli Stati membri dell’UE e i paesi terzi limitrofi sia stata significativamente rafforzata, permettendo così un uso più efficiente delle risorse disponibili.
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But the report reminds governments of the need for political commitment and for making the strategies a priority across all relevant policy areas, ensuring they are embedded in future European Structural and Investment Funds programmes, as well as other relevant EU, regional and national policy frameworks.
La relazione ricorda tuttavia ai governi l’esigenza di un impegno politico e la necessità di rendere tali strategie prioritarie in tutti i settori di attività pertinenti, garantendone l'integrazione nei futuri programmi dei Fondi strutturali e di investimento europei come pure nelle altre politiche pertinenti a livello UE, nazionale e regionale.
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It also underlines the importance of administrative resources to deliver the objectives.
Essa evidenzia altresì l’importanza delle risorse amministrative per conseguire gli obiettivi fissati.
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Concerning future macro-regional strategies, the report stresses that new initiatives should only be launched to address particular needs for improved and high-level cooperation.
Per quanto riguarda le future strategie macroregionali, la relazione sottolinea che dovranno essere avviate nuove iniziative solamente per rispondere a specifiche esigenze di cooperazione rafforzata e ad alto livello.
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There must be readiness to translate political commitment into administrative support, and new strategies should clearly demonstrate the particular added-value at EU level.
Deve esserci la disponibilità a tradurre l’impegno politico in supporto amministrativo; le nuove strategie devono dimostrare con chiarezza lo specifico valore aggiunto che sono in grado di creare a livello dell’UE.
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The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) - was adopted in 2009.
La strategia dell’UE per la regione del Mar Baltico (EUSBSR) è stata adottata nel 2009.
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The EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) was adopted in June 2011.
La strategia dell’UE per la regione del Danubio (EUSDR) è stata adottata nel giugno 2011.
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A Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region has been requested.
È stata richiesta una strategia dell'UE per la regione adriatica e ionica.
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The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR)
Strategia dell'UE per la regione del Mar Baltico
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The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) brings together 8 Member States (Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland) who have joined forces to tackle specific challenges in the area, in particular the state of the Baltic Sea environment.
La strategia dell’UE per la regione del Mar Baltico (EUSBSR) raggruppa 8 Stati membri (Svezia, Danimarca, Estonia, Finlandia, Germania, Lettonia, Lituania e Polonia) che hanno unito le loro forze per affrontare sfide specifiche attinenti alla regione, in particolare la situazione ambientale del Mar Baltico.
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The Strategy lso welcomes cooperation with neighbouring countries including Russia and Norway.
La strategia inoltre è aperta alla cooperazione con i paesi limitrofi, tra cui la Russia e la Norvegia.
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Some flagship projects:
Alcuni progetti faro:
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Baltic Deal working with farmers to help reduce nutrient losses from farms, and maintain production and competiveness.
Il progetto Baltic Deal riguarda la cooperazione con gli agricoltori per contribuire a ridurre le perdite di nutrienti dagli allevamenti e mantenere la produzione e la competitività.
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Efficient, Safe and Sustainable Traffic at Sea (EfficienSea)
making the Baltic Sea Region a pilot region for e-Navigation, by developing and testing infrastructure and services for e-Navigation, and sharing good practice widely.
Il progetto Efficient, Safe and Sustainable Traffic at Sea
(Traffico marittimo efficiente, sicuro e sostenibile) (EfficienSea) rende la regione del Mar Baltico una regione pilota per l'"e-navigation" (navigazione elettronica), mediante lo sviluppo e la sperimentazione di infrastrutture e servizi per la navigazione elettronica, nonché la più ampia condivisione delle migliori pratiche.
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Baltic Manure turning manure from an environmental problem into a opportunity for business innovation.
Il progetto Baltic Manure mira a impiegare il letame per trasformare un problema ambientale in un’opportunità di innovazione industriale.
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The project is producing renewable energy and organic fertilisers.
Il progetto attualmente permette di produrre energia rinnovabile e fertilizzanti organici.
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BSR Stars aims to boost regional competitiveness and growth with transnational research and innovation links: tackling common challenges in areas like health, energy and sustainable transport.
Il progetto BSR Stars mira a rafforzare la competitività regionale e la crescita creando vincoli transnazionali per la ricerca e l’innovazione con l'obiettivo di affrontare sfide comuni in settori quali la sanità, l'energia e i trasporti sostenibili.
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The EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR)
Strategia dell'UE per la regione del Danubio (EUSDR)
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The EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) covers 9 EU countries (Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia) and 5 non-EU countries (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Ukraine and Moldova).
La strategia dell’UE per la regione del Danubio (EUSDR) coinvolge nove Stati membri dell’UE (Germania, Austria, Ungheria, Repubblica ceca, Repubblica slovacca, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania e Croazia) e cinque paesi non UE (Serbia, Bosnia-Erzegovina, Montenegro, Ucraina e Moldavia).
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Projects include:
Alcuni progetti che rientrano nella strategia:
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The co-operative approach has helped to complete the Vidin-Calafat Bridge between Bulgaria and Romania - a vital link on a key priority route of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).
L'impostazione collaborativa ha permesso di ultimare il ponte Vidin-Calafat tra Bulgaria e Romania, un collegamento fondamentale su uno degli itinerari prioritari della rete transeuropea di trasporto (TEN-T).
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The bridge is only the second one along the 630 km river section of the border.
Si tratta soltanto del secondo ponte lungo i 630 km di frontiera segnata dal fiume.
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The Danube Shipwreck Removal project aims to remove shipwrecks from the Danube, Sava and Tisa in Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria - improving navigation and ecological conditions.
Il progetto Danube Shipwreck Removal (rimozione dei relitti navali nel Danubio) è volto a eliminare i relitti navali dal Danubio e dai fiumi Sava e Tisa in Serbia, Romania e Bulgaria al fine di migliorare la navigazione e le condizioni ecologiche.
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The Danube Region Business Forum, provides an important networking platform for over 300 SMEs.
Il Business Forum della regione del Danubio rappresenta per oltre 300 PMI un'occasione importante per stabilire contatti commerciali.
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It encourages business-to-business meetings, and supports links with knowledge providers such as research institutes and universities.
Esso incoraggia incontri tra imprese e promuove contatti con i fornitori di conoscenze, quali gli istituti di ricerca e le università.
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Work has started to create a Danube Research and Innovation Fund, pooling national and regional funds, building on the experiences of the BONUS programme in the Baltic Sea Region.
Sono stati avviati i lavori per l'istituzione di un fondo di ricerca e di innovazione nella regione del Danubio, con l'obiettivo di riunire fondi nazionali e regionali, sulla base delle esperienze del programma BONUS nella regione del Mar Baltico.
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The Danube Floodrisk project promotes cooperation methods with 19 institutions in 8 Danube countries, sharing databases and flood mapping.
Il progetto Danube floodrisk (progetto contro i rischi d'inondazione del Danubio) promuove metodi di cooperazione tra 19 istituzioni in 8 paesi della regione danubiana, come la condivisione delle banche dati e della mappatura delle inondazioni.
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The European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) is carrying out complementary work.
Il sistema europeo di sensibilizzazione sulle alluvioni (European Flood Awareness System, EFAS) sta svolgendo attività complementari.
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New Strategies
Nuove strategie
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At the request of the European Council the Commission will present a a new EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) by the end of 2014.
Su richiesta del Consiglio europeo, la Commissione presenterà una nuova strategia dell’UE per la regione adriatica e ionica (EUSAIR) entro la fine del 2014.
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8 countries are involved:
Otto paesi sono interessati:
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4 EU Member States (Greece, Italy, Slovenia and Croatia) and 4 non-EU countries (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia).
quattro Stati membri dell’UE (Grecia, Italia, Slovenia e Croazia) e quattro paesi non UE (Albania, Bosnia-Erzegovina, Montenegro e Serbia).
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In the last two years, there have been various discussions, including a recent resolution from the European Parliament, of the feasibility of a macro-regional strategy in the Alps.
Negli ultimi due anni hanno avuto luogo diverse discussioni e vi è stata una recente risoluzione del Parlamento europeo in merito alla possibilità di avviare una strategia macroregionale nella regione delle Alpi.
Europe's Macroregional Experiment: the first Evaluation
Today the European Commission has published the first study to weigh up
the success of the EU's two macro-regional strategies and to provide
recommendations for the future.
The EU's Danube and Baltic Strategies, involving over 20 EU and non EU
countries, have pioneered a unique kind of cooperation, based on the idea that
common challenges faced by specific regions –whether environmental, economic or
security related – are best tackled collectively, and that it makes sense to
plan together for the most effective deployment of the funds available.
Commenting on the report, EU Commissioner for Regional Policy, Johannes
Hahn, said:
“Today's study shows the clear value of our macro regional
strategies.Their intensified cooperation has resulted in literally hundreds of
new projects and new networks in the Danube and the Baltic regions.
Above all, participants tell us that cooperation – including with non
EU member states has been significantly strengthened."
"But, if we want to ensure lasting success the approach must be placed
at the heart of government and regional policy plans – particularly in the
design of new programmes and projects for the next financial period – and backed
up by enough resources.
We need even stronger ownership by the regions themselves, delivering
clearer decision making and greater visibility."
As far as new strategies are concerned Commissioner Hahn added,
"Existing strategies provide useful lessons for potential new macro regions.
Before launching any new strategy, we should consider carefully what
its objectives are, what added value it can bring, and how it would be
Experience shows it is helpful to concentrate on a limited number of
priorities at the start.
Of course every region is unique, and new macro regions may try new
approaches to deepening cooperation"
The report delivers a broadly positive verdict on the existing
strategies so far.
It highlights how they have created hundreds of new projects and helped
to formulate joint policy objectives in areas of vital importance for the
regions involved.
The macroregional approach has also led to numerous joint initiatives
and networks, as well as political decisions at collective level.
The report says cooperation between the participating EU countries and
neighbouring non-EU countries has been significantly strengthened and that has
resulted in more efficient use of the resources available.
But the report reminds governments of the need for political commitment
and for making the strategies a priority across all relevant policy areas,
ensuring they are embedded in future European Structural and Investment Funds
programmes, as well as other relevant EU, regional and national policy
It also underlines the importance of administrative resources to
deliver the objectives.
Concerning future macro-regional strategies, the report stresses that
new initiatives should only be launched to address particular needs for improved
and high-level cooperation.
There must be readiness to translate political commitment into
administrative support, and new strategies should clearly demonstrate the
particular added-value at EU level.
The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) - was adopted in
The EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) was adopted in June 2011.
A Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region has been requested.
The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR)
The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) brings together 8
Member States (Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania,
and Poland) who have joined forces to tackle specific challenges in the area, in
particular the state of the Baltic Sea environment.
The Strategy lso welcomes cooperation with neighbouring countries
including Russia and Norway.
Some flagship projects:
Baltic Deal working with farmers to help reduce nutrient losses
from farms, and maintain production and competiveness.
Efficient, Safe and Sustainable Traffic at Sea (EfficienSea)
making the Baltic Sea Region a pilot region for e-Navigation, by developing and
testing infrastructure and services for e-Navigation, and sharing good practice
Baltic Manure turning manure from an environmental
problem into a opportunity for business innovation.
The project is producing renewable energy and organic fertilisers.
BSR Stars aims to boost regional competitiveness and
growth with transnational research and innovation links: tackling common
challenges in areas like health, energy and sustainable transport.
The EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR)
The EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) covers 9 EU countries (Germany,
Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania
and Croatia) and 5 non-EU countries (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro,
Ukraine and Moldova).
Projects include:
The co-operative approach has helped to complete the Vidin-Calafat
Bridge between Bulgaria and Romania - a vital link on a key priority
route of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).
The bridge is only the second one along the 630 km river section of the border.
The Danube Shipwreck Removal project aims to remove
shipwrecks from the Danube, Sava and Tisa in Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria -
improving navigation and ecological conditions.
The Danube Region Business Forum, provides an important
networking platform for over 300 SMEs.
It encourages business-to-business meetings, and supports links with knowledge
providers such as research institutes and universities.
Work has started to create a Danube Research and Innovation Fund, pooling
national and regional funds, building on the experiences of the BONUS programme
in the Baltic Sea Region.
The Danube Floodrisk project promotes cooperation methods
with 19 institutions in 8 Danube countries, sharing databases and flood mapping.
The European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) is carrying out
complementary work.
New Strategies
At the request of the European Council the Commission will present a a
new EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) by the end of 2014.
8 countries are involved:
4 EU Member States (Greece, Italy, Slovenia and Croatia) and 4 non-EU countries
(Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia).
In the last two years, there have been various discussions , including
a recent resolution from the European Parliament, of the feasibility of a
macro-regional strategy in the Alps.