Occupazione: la Commissione propone di destinare 1,1 milioni di euro del Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione a favore di ex lavoratori del settore delle TIC in Italia
Inglese tratto da:
Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 28-06-2013
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Employment: Commission proposes €1.1 million from Globalisation Fund to help former workers of the ICT sector in Italy
Occupazione: la Commissione propone di destinare 1,1 milioni di euro del Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione a favore di ex lavoratori del settore delle TIC in Italia
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The European Commission has today proposed to provide Italy with €1.1 million from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) to help 480 workers made redundant by Jabil CM S.r.l and Anovo Italia S.p.A.- two manufacturers of electronic products for the ICT sector - with their re-integration into employment.
In data odierna la Commissione europea ha proposto di destinare all'Italia 1,1 milioni di EUR del Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione (FEG) per favorire il reinserimento nel mercato del lavoro di 480 lavoratori in esubero di due imprese:la Jabil CM S.r.l. e la Anovo Italia S.p.A, operanti nella fabbricazione di prodotti di elettronica nel campo delle TIC.
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The proposal now goes to the European Parliament and the EU's Council of Ministers for their approval.
La proposta sarà ora trasmessa, per approvazione, al Parlamento europeo e al Consiglio dei ministri dell'UE.
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EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion László Andor said:
László Andor, commissario UE responsabile per l'Occupazione, gli affari sociali e l'inclusione, ha dichiarato:
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"Our proposal to provide the 1.1 million euros would help the former Anovo and Jabil workers find new jobs through training and support.
"La nostra proposta per mobilitare 1,1 milioni di EUR dovrebbe aiutare gli ex lavoratori delle imprese Anobo e Jabil a trovare un nuovo posto di lavoro attraverso gli strumenti della formazione e del sostegno.
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By giving them new skills, the European Globalisation Fund would open up new opportunities for those workers."
Per questi lavoratori si aprirebbero, grazie al Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione, nuove opportunità grazie all'acquisizione di nuove competenze."
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Italy applied for support from the EGF for 529 former workers of Jabil CM S.r.l and Anovo Italia S.p.A., two Italian manufacturers of electronic products for the ICT sector.
L'Italia ha chiesto l'intervento del FEG a favore di 529 ex lavoratori delle imprese JABIL CM S.r.l. e Anovo Italia S.p.A., operanti entrambe nella fabbricazione di prodotti di elettronica nel campo delle TIC.
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Among the redundant workers, 480 are expected to participate in the EGF co-financed measures.
Di questi, 480 dovrebbero beneficiare delle misure cofinanziate dal FEG.
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The package is designed to help the workers by offering them tutoring and career counselling, skills assessment, matching of skills and jobs, entrepreneurship promotion, and mentoring after reintegration in a new job.
Il pacchetto punta ad aiutare i lavoratori attraverso le seguenti misure: tutoring e counselling orientativo, bilancio di competenze, preselezione e incontro domanda-offerta, promozione dell'imprenditorialità e accompagnamento dopo il reinserimento in un nuovo posto di lavoro.
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The total estimated cost of the package is approximately €1.7 million, of which the EGF would provide €1.1 million.
Il costo complessivo stimato del pacchetto è di circa 1,7 milioni di EUR, 1,1 dei quali sarebbero erogati dal FEG.
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The consequences of the global economic and financial crisis hit the information and communications technology (ICT) market in the EU particularly hard.
La crisi economica e finanziaria mondiale ha inciso sul mercato delle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione (TIC), producendo conseguenze particolarmente gravi nell'UE.
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Decreasing ICT demand and investment by both consumers and enterprises contributed significantly to the slow-down in the Italian ICT and electronic components sector from 2009 onwards, leading to the downsizing of ICT personnel in Italian enterprises.
Per quanto riguarda le TIC, a partire dal 2009 il calo della domanda e degli investimenti, sia da parte dei consumatori che delle imprese, ha contribuito al sensibile rallentamento del settore italiano delle TIC e dei componenti elettronici, determinando una contrazione degli addetti nelle imprese italiane.
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The strong decline of the ICT sector in Italy has led Anovo Italia S.p.A. and Jabil CM S.r.l. to close their operations and dismiss their workers despite recent conversion and re-organisation efforts.
La forte flessione del settore delle TIC in Italia ha portato alla chiusura delle imprese Anovo Italia S.p.A.e JABIL CM S.r.l. e al licenziamento dei lavoratori, nonostante i recenti tentativi di riconversione e riorganizzazione.
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The territory concerned by these redundancies is the region of Lombardy and in particular the provinces of Milano and Varese where Jabil CM and Anovo Italia respectively were based.
La regione interessata dagli esuberi è la Lombardia, in particolare le province di Milano e Varese, dove hanno sede rispettivamente la JABIL CM e la Anovo Italia.
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As the manufacturing sectors are in decline, the Lombardy region needs to tackle major structural challenges, and, as elsewhere, the global financial and economic crisis aggravated the economic and labour market situation.
Di fronte al declino dei settori manifatturieri, la Lombardia deve affrontare gravi problemi strutturali e, come altrove, la crisi economica e finanziaria mondiale ha aggravato la situazione economica e del mercato del lavoro.
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Lombardy's industrial production contracted in 2009 by 9,4%, and the effects on the labour market were felt as a direct consequence:
La produzione industriale della Lombardia si è contratta nel 2009 del 9,4%, con ripercussioni dirette sul mercato del lavoro.
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the unemployment rate in Lombardy has been increasing since 2008:
Il tasso di disoccupazione in Lombardia è in costante aumento dal 2008:
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it was 3,7 % in 2008, 5,4 % in 2009, 5,6 % in 2010, 5,8 % in 2011 and 7,5 % in 2012.
3,7% nel 2008, 5,4% nel 2009, 5,6% nel 2010, 5,8% nel 2011 e 7,5% nel 2012.
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There have been 108 applications to the EGF since the start of its operations in 2007.
Dal 2007, anno in cui è divenuto operativo, il FEG ha ricevuto 108 domande di contributo finanziario.
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Some €467 million has been requested to help about 98,000 workers.
Sono stati richiesti interventi per circa 467 milioni di EUR per sostenere circa 98 000 lavoratori.
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EGF applications are being presented to help redundant workers in a growing number of sectors, and by an increasing number of Member States.
Sta crescendo il numero di settori e di Stati membri dai quali provengono le domande di intervento del FEG a sostegno di lavoratori in esubero.
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More open trade with the rest of the world leads to overall benefits for growth and employment, but it can also cost some jobs, particularly in vulnerable sectors and affecting lower-skilled workers.
La maggiore apertura degli scambi commerciali con il resto del mondo si traduce complessivamente in vantaggi per la crescita e l'occupazione, ma talvolta può determinare anche la perdita di posti di lavoro, in particolare nei settori vulnerabili e a scapito dei lavoratori meno qualificati.
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This is why Commission President Barroso first proposed setting up a fund to help those adjusting to the consequences of globalisation.
È per questo che il Presidente della Commissione Barroso ha originariamente proposto l'istituzione di un fondo per aiutare coloro che subiscono le conseguenze della globalizzazione.
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The EGF was established at the end of 2006 and was designed to demonstrate solidarity from the many who benefit from open markets with the few who face the sudden shock of losing their jobs.
Il FEG, istituito alla fine del 2006, è stato creato per dimostrare la solidarietà dei molti che beneficiano dell'apertura dei mercati verso i pochi che si trovano ad affrontare lo shock improvviso della perdita del lavoro.
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In June 2009, the EGF rules were revised to strengthen the role of the EGF as an early intervention instrument forming part of Europe's response to the financial and economic crisis.
Nel giugno del 2009, le norme del FEG sono state riviste per rafforzarne il ruolo come strumento di intervento rapido integrato nella risposta dell'UE alla crisi economica e finanziaria.
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The revised EGF Regulation entered into force on 2 July 2009 and applied to all applications received from 1 May 2009 to 30 December 2011.
Il regolamento FEG rivisto è entrato in vigore il 2 luglio 2009 e le sue norme sono state applicate a tutte le domande ricevute tra il 1° maggio 2009 e il 30 dicembre 2011.
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Building on the experience acquired with the EGF since 2007 and its value added for the assisted workers and affected regions, the Commission has proposed to maintain the Fund also during the 2014-2020 multiannual financial framework, while further improving its functioning.
La Commissione, sulla base dell'esperienza acquisita con il FEG a partire dal 2007 e del valore aggiunto che il Fondo rappresenta per i lavoratori assistiti e le regioni interessate, ha proposto di mantenerlo nell'ambito del quadro finanziario pluriennale 2014-2020, migliorandone nel contempo il funzionamento.
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On 20 June 2013, the EU's Council of Employment and Social Policy Ministers agreed a general approach to continue the EGF in the 2014-20 period and to reinstate the 'crisis clause', under which the EGF can also be used to help workers who lost their jobs as a consequence of the global financial and economic crisis.
Il 20 giugno 2013 il Consiglio dei ministri dell'Occupazione e della politica sociale dell'UE ha concordato un orientamento generale per il mantenimento del FEG nel periodo 2014-2020 e per la reintroduzione della "clausola di crisi", in base alla quale può essere fatto ricorso al FEG anche per sostenere i lavoratori che hanno perso il lavoro a causa della crisi economica e finanziaria mondiale.
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This will now allow to start discussions with the European Parliament in view of a possible first reading agreement on the legal proposal.
Tale orientamento consentirà ora di avviare discussioni con il Parlamento europeo in vista di un possibile accordo in prima lettura in merito alla proposta legislativa.
Employment: Commission proposes €1.1 million from Globalisation Fund to
help former workers of the ICT sector in Italy
The European Commission has today proposed to provide Italy with €1.1
million from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) to help 480
workers made redundant by Jabil CM S.r.l and Anovo Italia S.p.A.- two
manufacturers of electronic products for the ICT sector - with their
re-integration into employment.
The proposal now goes to the European Parliament and the EU's Council
of Ministers for their approval.
EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion László
Andor said:
"Our proposal to provide the 1.1 million euros would help the former Anovo and
Jabil workers find new jobs through training and support.
By giving them new skills, the European Globalisation Fund would open up new
opportunities for those workers."
Italy applied for support from the EGF for 529 former workers of Jabil
CM S.r.l and Anovo Italia S.p.A., two Italian manufacturers of electronic
products for the ICT sector.
Among the redundant workers, 480 are expected to participate in the EGF
co-financed measures.
The package is designed to help the workers by offering them tutoring
and career counselling, skills assessment, matching of skills and jobs,
entrepreneurship promotion, and mentoring after reintegration in a new job.
The total estimated cost of the package is approximately €1.7 million,
of which the EGF would provide €1.1 million.
The consequences of the global economic and financial crisis hit the
information and communications technology (ICT) market in the EU particularly
Decreasing ICT demand and investment by both consumers and enterprises
contributed significantly to the slow-down in the Italian ICT and electronic
components sector from 2009 onwards, leading to the downsizing of ICT personnel
in Italian enterprises.
The strong decline of the ICT sector in Italy has led Anovo Italia
S.p.A. and Jabil CM S.r.l. to close their operations and dismiss their workers
despite recent conversion and re-organisation efforts.
The territory concerned by these redundancies is the region of Lombardy
and in particular the provinces of Milano and Varese where Jabil CM and Anovo
Italia respectively were based.
As the manufacturing sectors are in decline, the Lombardy region needs
to tackle major structural challenges, and, as elsewhere, the global financial
and economic crisis aggravated the economic and labour market situation.
Lombardy's industrial production contracted in 2009 by 9,4%, and the
effects on the labour market were felt as a direct consequence:
the unemployment rate in Lombardy has been increasing since 2008:
it was 3,7 % in 2008, 5,4 % in 2009, 5,6 % in 2010, 5,8 % in 2011 and 7,5 % in
There have been 108 applications to the EGF since the start of its
operations in 2007.
Some €467 million has been requested to help about 98,000 workers.
EGF applications are being presented to help redundant workers in a
growing number of sectors, and by an increasing number of Member States.
More open trade with the rest of the world leads to overall benefits
for growth and employment, but it can also cost some jobs, particularly in
vulnerable sectors and affecting lower-skilled workers.
This is why Commission President Barroso first proposed setting up a
fund to help those adjusting to the consequences of globalisation.
The EGF was established at the end of 2006 and was designed to
demonstrate solidarity from the many who benefit from open markets with the few
who face the sudden shock of losing their jobs.
In June 2009, the EGF rules were revised to strengthen the role of the
EGF as an early intervention instrument forming part of Europe's response to the
financial and economic crisis.
The revised EGF Regulation entered into force on 2 July 2009 and
applied to all applications received from 1 May 2009 to 30 December 2011.
Building on the experience acquired with the EGF since 2007 and its
value added for the assisted workers and affected regions, the Commission has
proposed to maintain the Fund also during the 2014-2020 multiannual financial
framework, while further improving its functioning.
On 20 June 2013, the EU's Council of Employment and Social Policy
Ministers agreed a general approach to continue the EGF in the 2014-20 period
and to reinstate the 'crisis clause', under which the EGF can also be used to
help workers who lost their jobs as a consequence of the global financial and
economic crisis.
This will now allow to start discussions with the European Parliament
in view of a possible first reading agreement on the legal proposal. |