La Repubblica ceca è condannata a pagare una somma forfettaria per l’importo di EUR 250 000 per la mancata esecuzione di una sentenza della Corte riguardante la pensione aziendale o professionale
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Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 25-06-2013
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The Czech Republic is ordered to pay a lump sum of €250 000 for failure to comply with a judgment of the Court concerning occupational retirement provision
La Repubblica ceca è condannata a pagare una somma forfettaria per l’importo di EUR 250 000 per la mancata esecuzione di una sentenza della Corte riguardante la pensione aziendale o professionale
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In the absence of a second pillar (supplementary pension offered by certain employers for their staff) in the Czech pension system, the Court considers that that infringement had a limited effect on the internal market
Poiché nel regime pensionistico ceco è assente il secondo pilastro (pensione complementare sottoscritta da taluni datori di lavoro per il loro personale), la Corte considera che tale infrazione ha avuto un impatto limitato sul mercato interno
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The Member States are free to organise their pension systems and to decide on the role played by each of the three ‘classic pillars’ of pension systems in their territory.
Gli Stati membri sono liberi di organizzare i loro regimi pensionistici e di decidere riguardo al ruolo svolto da ciascuno dei tre «pilastri classici» dei sistemi pensionistici nel loro territorio.
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The first pillar includes statutory pensions paid by the State and financed by contributions from employers and workers, the second concerns the provision of occupational retirement benefits financed by employers’ contributions and the third represents individual supplementary pensions.
Il primo pilastro comprende le pensioni previste dalla legge versate dallo Stato e finanziate dai contributi riscossi presso datori di lavoro e lavoratori, il secondo organizza le prestazioni pensionistiche aziendali o professionali finanziate con i contributi dei datori di lavoro e il terzo rappresenta le pensioni complementari individuali.
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Although the Member States have freedom in regulating this field, the EU adopted a directive relating to institutions for occupational retirement provision, in particular in order to enable them to operate across borders.
Gli Stati membri dispongono della libertà di disciplinare tale settore. L’Unione ha peraltro adottato una direttiva sugli enti pensionistici aziendali o professionali, in particolare per consentire loro di operare in modo transfrontaliero.
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The Czech Republic – whose pension system does not include a second pillar and which prohibits the establishment in its territory of institutions for occupational retirement provision – had initially failed to transpose certain provisions of the directive, to the extent that they imposed obligations on the Member States in the territory of which such institutions are established.
La Repubblica ceca – il cui sistema pensionistico non comprende un secondo pilastro e che vieta agli enti pensionistici aziendali o professionali di stabilirsi nel suo territorio – inizialmente non aveva trasposto talune disposizioni della direttiva, in quanto queste ultime imponevano obblighi agli Stati membri nel cui territorio sono stabiliti enti siffatti.
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The Court of Justice, hearing an infringement action brought by the Commission against the Czech Republic, held, in its judgment that the Czech Republic had failed to fulfil its obligations under the directive.
La Corte di giustizia, adita dalla Commissione con un ricorso per inadempimento contro tale Stato membro, nella sentenza pronunciata il 14 gennaio 2010 , ha dichiarato che la Repubblica ceca era venuta meno agli obblighi ad essa incombenti a norma della direttiva.
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According to the Court, even though the Czech pension system does not include a second pillar, that Member State was required to reproduce all the rules of that directive within a precise and transparent legal framework so that, in particular, all persons in that Member State and in the EU are aware of their rights and obligations in the event that the Czech Republic decides to supplement its pension system by a second pillar.
Secondo la Corte, ancorché il regime pensionistico ceco non preveda il secondo pilastro, tale Stato membro era tenuto a riprodurre tutte le disposizioni della direttiva in un quadro legale preciso e trasparente affinché tutti i soggetti giuridici in tale Stato membro e nell’Unione europea sappiano quali sono i loro diritti e i loro obblighi nell’ipotesi in cui la Repubblica ceca decidesse di completare il proprio regime pensionistico con un secondo pilastro.
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Subsequently, the Commission found that the Czech Republic had failed to comply with that judgment and requested it to comply with it by 28 January 2011 at the latest.
Successivamente, la Commissione ha constatato che la Repubblica ceca non aveva dato esecuzione alla sentenza della Corte e l’ha invitata a conformarvisi entro il 28 gennaio 2011.
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As the Czech Republic failed to adopt the necessary provisions by that date, the Commission again referred the matter to the Court.
Non avendo la Repubblica ceca adottato le disposizioni necessarie entro tale data, la Commissione ha adito nuovamente la Corte.
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During the proceedings before the Court, the Czech Republic finally complied with the judgment in question following the publication and entry into force, on 31 August 2011, of a law which fully transposes the directive into national law.
Nel corso del procedimento dinanzi a quest’ultima la Repubblica ceca ha infine dato esecuzione alla sentenza, con la pubblicazione e l’entrata in vigore, il 31 agosto 2011, di una legge che recepisce integralmente la direttiva nel diritto nazionale.
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The Commission, nevertheless, retained its claim for an order requiring that Member State to pay a lump sum of just over €3.3 million for the period of non-compliance between the delivery of the 2010 judgment and the entry into force of that law.
Nondimeno, la Commissione ha mantenuto la sua domanda di condannare tale Stato membro al pagamento di una somma forfettaria per un importo leggermente superiore a 3,3 milioni di euro per il periodo di mancata esecuzione compreso tra la data di pronuncia della sentenza del 2010 e l’entrata in vigore di tale legge.
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The Court points out that the Member States are obliged to set in motion immediately the action required to give effect to a judgment establishing a failure to fulfil obligations and that that action must be completed as soon as possible.
La Corte ricorda che gli Stati membri hanno l’obbligo di mettere immediatamente in atto l’esecuzione di una sentenza che constata un inadempimento e che tale esecuzione deve concludersi nel termine più breve possibile.
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That is all the more the case, according to the Court, since the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, which abolished one of the stages of the procedure which the Commission may initiate in the event of non-compliance with such a judgment.
Ciò vale, a maggior ragione, dall’entrata in vigore del Trattato di Lisbona, che ha eliminato una delle tappe del procedimento che la Commissione può avviare in caso di mancata esecuzione di una sentenza siffatta (il parere motivato).
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In the present case, 19 months elapsed between the date of delivery of the first judgment (14 January 2010) and that of the publication and entry into force of the Czech law (31 August 2011) which brought the national legislation into conformity with EU law.
Nella fattispecie, tra la data di pronuncia della prima sentenza (il 14 gennaio 2010) e la data di pubblicazione e entrata in vigore della legge ceca (il 31 agosto 2011), che ha reso la normativa nazionale conforme al diritto dell’Unione europea, sono trascorsi 19 mesi.
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Consequently, the Court considers that it is justified in ordering the Czech Republic to pay a lump sum.
Di conseguenza, la Corte considera giustificato condannare la Repubblica ceca al pagamento di una somma forfettaria.
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Concerning the amount of that sum, the Court notes that, in the absence of a second pillar in the Czech pension system, the infringement had a limited effect on the internal market for occupational retirement provision.
Per quanto riguarda l’importo, la Corte rileva che, in assenza del secondo pilastro nel regime pensionistico ceco, l’infrazione ha avuto un impatto limitato sul mercato interno dei regimi pensionistici aziendali o professionali.
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In those circumstances, since the Czech Republic cooperated in good faith with the Commission and transposed the directive, the Court set the amount of the lump sum to be paid by that Member State at €250 000.
Pertanto, giacché la Repubblica ceca ha dato prova di leale cooperazione con la Commissione e ha trasposto la direttiva, la Corte fissa a EUR 250 000 l’importo che tale Stato membro deve essere condannato a pagare.
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An action for failure to fulfil obligations directed against a Member State which has failed to comply with its obligations under European Union law may be brought by the Commission or by another Member State.
La Commissione o un altro Stato membro possono proporre un ricorso per inadempimento diretto contro uno Stato membro che è venuto meno ai propri obblighi derivanti dal diritto dell’Unione.
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If the Court of Justice finds that there has been a failure to fulfil obligations, the Member State concerned must comply with the Court’s judgment without delay.
Qualora la Corte di giustizia accerti l’inadempimento, lo Stato membro interessato deve conformarsi alla sentenza senza indugio.
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Where the Commission considers that the Member State has not complied with the judgment, it may bring a further action seeking financial penalties.
La Commissione, qualora ritenga che lo Stato membro non si sia conformato alla sentenza, può proporre un altro ricorso chiedendo sanzioni pecuniarie.
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However, if measures transposing a directive have not been notified to the Commission, the Court of Justice can, on a proposal from the Commission, impose penalties at the stage of the initial judgment.
Tuttavia, in caso di mancata comunicazione delle misure di attuazione di una direttiva alla Commissione, su domanda di quest’ultima, la Corte di giustizia può infliggere sanzioni pecuniarie, al momento della prima sentenza.
The Czech Republic is ordered to pay a lump sum of €250 000 for failure to
comply with a judgment of the Court concerning occupational retirement provision
In the absence of a second pillar (supplementary pension offered
by certain employers for their staff) in the Czech pension system, the Court
considers that that infringement had a limited effect on the internal market
The Member States are free to organise their pension systems and to
decide on the role played by each of the three ‘classic pillars’ of pension
systems in their territory.
The first pillar includes statutory pensions paid by the State and
financed by contributions from employers and workers, the second concerns the
provision of occupational retirement benefits financed by employers’
contributions and the third represents individual supplementary pensions.
Although the Member States have freedom in regulating this field, the
EU adopted a directive relating to institutions for occupational retirement
provision, in particular in order to enable them to operate across borders.
The Czech Republic – whose pension system does not include a second
pillar and which prohibits the establishment in its territory of institutions
for occupational retirement provision – had initially failed to transpose
certain provisions of the directive, to the extent that they imposed obligations
on the Member States in the territory of which such institutions are
The Court of Justice, hearing an infringement action brought by the
Commission against the Czech Republic, held, in its judgment that the Czech
Republic had failed to fulfil its obligations under the directive.
According to the Court, even though the Czech pension system does not
include a second pillar, that Member State was required to reproduce all the
rules of that directive within a precise and transparent legal framework so
that, in particular, all persons in that Member State and in the EU are aware of
their rights and obligations in the event that the Czech Republic decides to
supplement its pension system by a second pillar.
Subsequently, the Commission found that the Czech Republic had failed
to comply with that judgment and requested it to comply with it by 28 January
2011 at the latest.
As the Czech Republic failed to adopt the necessary provisions by that
date, the Commission again referred the matter to the Court.
During the proceedings before the Court, the Czech Republic finally
complied with the judgment in question following the publication and entry into
force, on 31 August 2011, of a law which fully transposes the directive into
national law.
The Commission, nevertheless, retained its claim for an order requiring
that Member State to pay a lump sum of just over €3.3 million for the period of
non-compliance between the delivery of the 2010 judgment and the entry into
force of that law.
The Court points out that the Member States are obliged to set in
motion immediately the action required to give effect to a judgment establishing
a failure to fulfil obligations and that that action must be completed as soon
as possible.
That is all the more the case, according to the Court, since the entry
into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, which abolished one of the stages of the
procedure which the Commission may initiate in the event of non-compliance with
such a judgment.
In the present case, 19 months elapsed between the date of delivery of
the first judgment (14 January 2010) and that of the publication and entry into
force of the Czech law (31 August 2011) which brought the national legislation
into conformity with EU law.
Consequently, the Court considers that it is justified in ordering the
Czech Republic to pay a lump sum.
Concerning the amount of that sum, the Court notes that, in the absence
of a second pillar in the Czech pension system, the infringement had a limited
effect on the internal market for occupational retirement provision.
In those circumstances, since the Czech Republic cooperated in good
faith with the Commission and transposed the directive, the Court set the amount
of the lump sum to be paid by that Member State at €250 000.
An action for failure to fulfil obligations directed against a Member
State which has failed to comply with its obligations under European Union law
may be brought by the Commission or by another Member State.
If the Court of Justice finds that there has been a failure to fulfil
obligations, the Member State concerned must comply with the Court’s judgment
without delay.
Where the Commission considers that the Member State has not complied
with the judgment, it may bring a further action seeking financial penalties.
However, if measures transposing a directive have not been notified to
the Commission, the Court of Justice can, on a proposal from the Commission,
impose penalties at the stage of the initial judgment. |