Banda larga in Europa: gli utenti non dispongono della velocità di connessione per cui pagano
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Data documento: 26-06-2013
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Broadband in Europe: Consumers are not getting the internet speeds they are paying for
Banda larga in Europa: gli utenti non dispongono della velocità di connessione per cui pagano
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Europeans consumers are not getting the broadband download speeds they pay for.
I consumatori europei non dispongono della velocità di connessione a banda larga per cui pagano.
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On average, they receive only 74% of the advertised headline speed they have paid for, according to a new European Commission study on fixed broadband performance.
Da un nuovo studio della Commissione europea sulle prestazioni della banda larga fissa risulta che gli utenti ricevono, in media, soltanto il 74% della velocità pubblicizzata dal servizio per cui hanno pagato.
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Commission Vice President Neelie Kroes says: "This is the first time the difference between advertised and actual broadband speeds is confirmed by comparable and reliable data from all EU Member States.”
La Vicepresidente della Commissione europea Neelie Kroes ha dichiarato che "si tratta del primo caso in cui la differenza fra la velocità pubblicizzata e quella reale della banda larga viene confermata attraverso dati affidabili e comparabili derivanti da tutti gli Stati membri dell'UE".
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There are significant differences in the European national markets, most likely due to advertising practices.
Esistono delle differenze significative fra i mercati nazionali europei dovute, principalmente, alle diverse pratiche pubblicitarie.
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Kroes says “Consumers need more of this sort of data to help make informed choices, so we will repeat the exercise.
"Questa tipologia di dati serve ai consumatori perché possano fare delle scelte consapevoli ed è per questo che l'esercizio verrà ripetuto.
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And we take these first results as further proof of the need for a real connected single market."
Consideriamo questi primi dati come un'ulteriore prova della necessità di creare un mercato unico realmente connesso", ha aggiunto la Vicepresidente.
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Key findings in the study include:
I risultati principali dello studio mostrano che:
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- Cable has the most reliable download speeds:
- la velocità di trasmissione dati via cavo è la più affidabile.
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The European average of 74% hides significant variation in the performance of different technologies.
La media europea del 74% cela variazioni significative a seconda delle tecnologie utilizzate.
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xDSL based services achieved only 63.3% of the advertised headline download speed, compared to 91.4% for cable and 84.4% for FTTx. (see annex).
I servizi xDSL forniscono solo il 63,3% della velocità di trasmissione pubblicizzata, in confronto al 91,4% della connessione via cavo e all'84,4% delle reti FTTx.(cfr. allegato).
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- In absolute terms, the average download speed across all countries and all technologies was 19.47 Mbps during peak hours.
- in termini assoluti, la velocità media di trasmissione dati attraverso tutte le tecnologie in tutti i paesi è di 19,47 Mbps durante le ore di punta.
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FTTx services achieved the fastest speeds at 41.02Mbps. Cable services achieved 33.10Mbps, whilst xDSL services lagged far behind at 7.2Mbps on average.
I servizi FTTx hanno raggiunto la velocità maggiore con 41,02 Mbps, mentre quelli via cavo sono arrivati a 33,10 Mbps, superando di gran lunga la media di 7,2 Mbps raggiunta dai servizi xDSL.
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- The upload speeds are closer to their advertised speeds.
- le velocità di upload sono più simili a quelle pubblicizzate.
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Across Europe, the average upload speed was 6.20 Mbps, representing 88% of advertised upload speeds
In tutta Europa, la media della velocità di upload è di circa 6,20 Mbps, ovvero l'88% di quella pubblicizzata.
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FTTx services achieved the highest speeds by far, at 19.8Mbps.This is because many FTTx services provide an upload speed far closer to the download speed. Cable and xDSL services achieved a modest 3.68Mbps and 0.69Mbps respectively.
La velocità di upload fornita dai servizi FTTx è molto simile a quella di download, ecco perché la massima velocità raggiunta è stata di 19,8 Mbps, comparata con i valori modesti raggiunti dai servizi via cavo e xDSL, rispettivamente 3,68 Mbps e 0,69 Mbps.
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Results are based on peak time performance, which is defined as weekdays 7:00pm to 11:00pm (inclusive).These are the overall results of the study sample and do not refer to the actual composition of the broadband market across each country.
I risultati sono basati sulle prestazioni nelle ore di punta, identificate nella fascia oraria dalle 19.00 alle 23.00 dei giorni infrasettimanali, e fanno riferimento ad un campione di studio e non alla composizione effettiva del mercato a banda larga di ogni paese.
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Volunteers needed:
Volontari cercasi
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This study will run until end 2014 and two more annual measurements are planned.
Il termine dello studio è previsto per la fine del 2014, ma sono previsti altri due anni di raccolta dati.
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European consumers can measure their own ISPs performance by joining a community of volunteers across all EU27 countries plus Croatia, Iceland and Norway.
I consumatori europei possono misurare le prestazioni dei propri provider entrando a far parte di una comunità di volontari che coinvolge i 27 Stati membri dell'UE, la Croazia, l'Islanda e la Norvegia.
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Selected consumers will be sent a small device to plug into their home internet connection.
Verranno selezionati alcuni utenti che riceveranno un piccolo dispositivo da collegare alla connessione Internet di casa.
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This device will run a series of automated tests when the line is not in use. It will establish the speed and performance of their broadband connection.
Per stabilire la velocità e le prestazioni della connessione a banda larga, tale dispositivo avvierà una serie di test quando la linea non sarà in uso.
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Go here for further information.
<https://www.samknows.eu/>. |
Cliccare qui per ulteriori informazioni.
<https://www.samknows.eu/>. |
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Speeds of broadband products are advertised as "up to XX Mbit/s".
La velocità dei prodotti a banda larga viene pubblicizzata con lo slogan: "fino a XX Mbit/s".
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This speed is called "advertised", "nominal" or "headline" speed and it is what we see in the adverts. But there may be significant differences between the advertised speed and the actual speed consumers receive.
Questa viene conosciuta come velocità "pubblicizzata", "nominale" o "da slogan" ed è quella che viene proposta nelle pubblicità, ma ci sono differenze enormi fra la velocità pubblicizzata e quella reale a disposizione dei consumatori.
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Variations in download performance between Member States are primarily driven by the technologies that have historically been deployed in those countries.
Le prestazioni di trasmissione di dati negli Stati membri dipendono principalmente dalle tecnologie che sono state utilizzate sin dai primi tempi in ciascun paese.
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Research shows that between 27% and 41% of European Internet subscribers claim that their download speed does not match that in the terms of their contracts.
Le ricerche mostrano che in Europa tra il 27% e il 41% degli abbonati ad Internet sostiene di non usufruire della velocità di downolad dichiarata nei termini di contratto.
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And almost half of EU subscribers claim that they sometimes experience difficulties accessing online content and applications due to insufficient speed or capacity.
E quasi la metà degli abbonati europei afferma di incontrare, alcune volte, difficoltà di accesso ai contenuti o alle applicazioni online a causa di una velocità o capacità di connessione insufficiente.
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This is the first study on broadband performance that covers all EU Member States, including, Croatia which will join the EU very soon, as well as Norway & Iceland, using the same approach.
Questo è il primo studio sulle prestazioni della banda larga condotto, con lo stesso approccio, in tutti gli Stati membri dell'UE, in Croazia, che entrerà presto a far parte dell'Unione Europea, in Norvegia e in Islanda.
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The project is being run by broadband performance testing specialist, SamKnows, which has already conducted similar projects in the UK and the US.
Il progetto si avvale del supporto di SamKnows, un'unità creata appositamente per la misurazione della banda larga, che è stata utilizzata già in progetti simili svolti nel Regno Unito e negli Stati Uniti.
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It is based on a methodology that uses hardware devices and provides the most accurate and independent results of internet performance regardless of access technology and home installation.
Lo studio è basato su una metodologia che adopera dispositivi hardware e fornisce i risultati più accurati e indipendenti sulle prestazioni di Internet, a prescindere dalla tecnologia di accesso e dall'installazione sul posto.
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This methodology has also been used by national regulators in the US, the UK, Brazil and Singapore.
Tale metodologia è stata inoltre utilizzata dalle autorità nazionali di regolamentazione negli Stati Uniti, nel Regno Unito, in Brasile e Singapore.
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The Phase 1 report was completed independently of Internet Service Providers (ISPs), however ISPs are invited to participate in Phase 2 and should contact ec@samknows.com for more information.
La relazione sulla fase 1 è stata realizzata senza il supporto dei fornitori di servizi Internet (ISP) che sono invitati, però, a partecipare alla fase 2 contattando l'indirizzo ec@samknows.com per ulteriori informazioni.
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Results were taken in March 2012 from a panel of 9,104 participants.A total of 3,065,341,850 measurements were taken across 75,978,173 unique tests.
I risultati, con un totale di 3 065 341 850 valutazioni e 75 978 173 singoli test risalgono a marzo del 2012 e sono stati condotti su 9 104 partecipanti.
Broadband in Europe: Consumers are not getting the internet speeds they
are paying for
Europeans consumers are not getting the broadband download speeds they
pay for.
On average, they receive only 74% of the advertised headline speed they
have paid for, according to a new European Commission study on fixed broadband
Commission Vice President Neelie Kroes says: "This is the first time
the difference between advertised and actual broadband speeds is confirmed by
comparable and reliable data from all EU Member States.”
There are significant differences in the European national markets,
most likely due to advertising practices.
Kroes says “Consumers need more of this sort of data to help make
informed choices, so we will repeat the exercise.
And we take these first results as further proof of the need for a real
connected single market."
Key findings in the study include:
- Cable has the most reliable download speeds:
The European average of 74% hides significant variation in the performance of
different technologies.
xDSL based services achieved only 63.3% of the advertised headline download
speed, compared to 91.4% for cable and 84.4% for FTTx. (see annex).
- In absolute terms, the average download speed across all countries
and all technologies was 19.47 Mbps during peak hours.
FTTx services achieved the fastest speeds at 41.02Mbps. Cable services achieved
33.10Mbps, whilst xDSL services lagged far behind at 7.2Mbps on average.
- The upload speeds are closer to their advertised speeds.
Across Europe, the average upload speed was 6.20 Mbps, representing 88% of
advertised upload speeds
FTTx services achieved the highest speeds by far, at 19.8Mbps.This is because
many FTTx services provide an upload speed far closer to the download speed.
Cable and xDSL services achieved a modest 3.68Mbps and 0.69Mbps respectively.
Results are based on peak time performance, which is defined as
weekdays 7:00pm to 11:00pm (inclusive).These are the overall results of the
study sample and do not refer to the actual composition of the broadband market
across each country.
Volunteers needed:
This study will run until end 2014 and two more annual measurements are
European consumers can measure their own ISPs performance by joining a
community of volunteers across all EU27 countries plus Croatia, Iceland and
Selected consumers will be sent a small device to plug into their home
internet connection.
This device will run a series of automated tests when the line is not
in use. It will establish the speed and performance of their broadband
Go here for further information <https://www.samknows.eu/>.
Speeds of broadband products are advertised as
"up to XX Mbit/s".
This speed is called "advertised", "nominal" or "headline" speed and it is what
we see in the adverts. But there may be significant differences between the
advertised speed and the actual speed consumers receive.
Variations in download performance between Member States are primarily
driven by the technologies that have historically been deployed in those
Research shows that between 27% and 41% of European Internet
subscribers claim that their download speed does not match that in the terms of
their contracts.
And almost half of EU subscribers claim that they sometimes experience
difficulties accessing online content and applications due to insufficient speed
or capacity.
This is the first study on broadband performance that covers all EU
Member States, including, Croatia which will join the EU very soon, as well as
Norway & Iceland, using the same approach.
The project is being run by broadband performance testing specialist,
SamKnows, which has already conducted similar projects in the UK and the US.
It is based on a methodology that uses hardware devices and provides
the most accurate and independent results of internet performance regardless of
access technology and home installation.
This methodology has also been used by national regulators in the US,
the UK, Brazil and Singapore.
The Phase 1 report was completed independently of Internet Service
Providers (ISPs), however ISPs are invited to participate in Phase 2 and should
contact ec@samknows.com for more information.
Results were taken in March 2012 from a panel of 9,104 participants. A
total of 3,065,341,850 measurements were taken across 75,978,173 unique tests.